International Student Olympiad in Iran

Moscow University teams once again showed excellent results at the International Student Olympiad which was held in Iran.

Closing ceremony of the Olympics was held August 20, there were announced the official results, according to which all students of Moscow State University participated in the 15th International Mathematical Olympiad, the 7th International Chemistry Olympiad and the 1st International Olympiad in statistics were awarded medals.

Awards were as follows:
Chemistry team supervised by Vadim Vladimirovich Eremin: one gold medal (Kiril Petryukov – absolute 1st place), two silver medals (Maxim Kozlov, Andrey Utkin) and the bronze one (Igor Plokhikh), 1st place team;
Mathematics team supervised by Nikolay Andreevich Tolmachev: three gold medals (Vasily Mokin, Fedor Ivlev, Roman Pocherevin) and the bronze one (Oleg Zaslavsky), 2nd place team (1st to Iran);
Economics team (statistics) supervised by Yanina Alexandrovna Roshchina: one gold medal (George Kalashny absolute 1st place), one silver medal (Beslan Sautiev), two bronze medals (Valeria Kobyak Alice Shvedova), the 3rd place team (after Iran and India).

Students from Moscow University won 5 gold medals out of 10 possible, two absolute first places and the first place team in chemistry (one year ago a team of chemists was also the best one). Teams are grateful to the forum organizers for their hospitality and interesting program of excursions, all students express their gratitude to the Iranian Embassy in Moscow.
All students are welcome for next year – the organizers of the competition wish for including a team of 5 students of Moscow State University.

Congratulations to our students with excellent performance and wish them new scientific achievements!
A trip to the Olympics was held with the financial support of the National Intellectual Development Fund.

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