Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://oit.cmc.msu.ru/mysql/Makefile.am
Дата изменения: Sun Aug 29 23:42:31 1999
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 19:57:03 2012
# -*- Makefile -*-

# Normally you do not need to remake the files here. But if you want
# to you will need the GNU texinfo utilities. To make a PostScript
# files you also need TeX and dvips. We use the teTeX distribution for
# both.
# We avoid default automake rules because of problems with .dvi file
# and BSD makes

TEXI2HTML_FLAGS = -iso -number
DVIPS = dvips

noinst_SCRIPTS = texi2html
info_TEXINFOS = manual.texi

targets = manual.txt manual.html
BUILT_SOURCES = $(targets) manual_toc.html include.texi INSTALL-BINARY
EXTRA_DIST = $(noinst_SCRIPTS) $(BUILT_SOURCES) mysql-for-dummies

all-local: $(targets)

# The PostScript version is so big that is not included in the
# standard distribution. It is available for download from the home page.
paper: manual_a4.ps manual_letter.ps

# The Makefile contains the previous version so we can not use that
include.texi: ../configure.in
echo -n "@set mysql_version " > $@
grep "AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(mysql, " ../configure.in | \
sed -e 's;AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(mysql, ;;' -e 's;);;' >> $@

mysql.info: manual.texi include.texi
cd $(srcdir) && $(MAKEINFO) --no-split -I $(srcdir) $<

manual.txt: manual.texi include.texi
cd $(srcdir) && \
$(MAKEINFO) -I $(srcdir) --no-headers --no-split --output $@ $<

manual.html: manual.texi include.texi $(srcdir)/texi2html
cd $(srcdir) && @PERL@ texi2html $(TEXI2HTML_FLAGS) $<

# The texi2dvi gives a lot of harmless errors. Just ignore them unless
# you want to help with the typesetting part.
# This is the European papersize version
manual_a4.ps: manual.texi include.texi
MAKEINFO='$(MAKEINFO) -I $(srcdir)' \
$(TEXI2DVI) --batch --texinfo '@afourpaper' $<
$(DVIPS) -t a4 manual.dvi -o $@

# This is the American papersize version
manual_letter.ps: manual.texi include.texi
MAKEINFO='$(MAKEINFO) -I $(srcdir)' \
$(TEXI2DVI) --batch $<
$(DVIPS) -t letter manual.dvi -o $@

# Include images for the manual in the distribution
BD=`cd $(top_srcdir); pwd`; \
if test ! -d $(distdir)/Img; then mkdir -p $(distdir)/Img; fi; \
cp -p $(srcdir)/Img/*.gif $(srcdir)/Img/*.eps $(srcdir)/Img/*.txt \
echo "PostScript and PDF versions suitable for printing" \
> $(distdir)/manual.ps
echo "are available from http://www.tcx.se/Manual/" \
>> $(distdir)/manual.ps
echo "or any mirror site" \
>> $(distdir)/manual.ps

# From here everything is local to tcx.

local: toweb text_files

toweb: man_to_web wpages text_files

man_to_web: $(web_images) $(W)/Manual/manual.html

wpages: $(texi_wpages) $(texi_readmes) $(man_wpages) $(raw_wpages) \
$(htmy_wpages) $(htmy_inc) $(web_images) \

perl -w generate-file-index.pl

text_files: $(txt_files)

BASE := /my/data/tcxwww
W := $(BASE)/html
HTMY := $(W)/htmy
IMG := $(W)/Img
WL := $(BASE)/html_login
GW := perl -w generate-web-page.pl
GT := perl -w generate-text-files.pl
WD := SitePages/template1.html SitePages/template2.html generate-web-page.pl


texi_readmes := $(W)/Contrib/00-README

texi_wpages := $(W)/links.html \
$(W)/mirrors.html \
$(W)/users.html \
$(W)/Contrib/index.html \
$(W)/what-is-mysql.html \

man_wpages := $(W)/doc.html \
$(W)/download.html \
$(W)/index.html \
$(W)/info.html \
$(W)/mail.html \
$(W)/news.html \
$(W)/Icons/index.html \

raw_wpages := $(W)/index.html

htmy_wpages := $(HTMY)/brows_feedback.htmy \
$(HTMY)/browse.htmy \
$(HTMY)/consults.htmy \
$(HTMY)/feedback.htmy \
$(HTMY)/get_consults.htmy \
$(HTMY)/get_feedback.htmy \
$(HTMY)/get_license.htmy \

htmy_inc := $(HTMY)/new-header.htmy \

rweb_images := australia.gif austria.gif bulgaria.gif canada.gif \
croatia.gif chile.gif czech-republic.gif \
denmark.gif estonia.gif finland.gif france.gif \
germany.gif great-britain.gif hungary.gif israel.gif \
italy.gif japan.gif netherlands.gif poland.gif \
portugal.gif romania.gif russia.gif singapore.gif \
south-africa.gif south-africa1.gif south-korea.gif \
sweden.gif taiwan.gif usa.gif ukraine.gif \
mysql5.gif tcxlogo3.gif

web_images := $(addprefix $(IMG)/, $(rweb_images))

$(web_images) : $(IMG)/%.gif : Img/%.gif
cp $? $@

$(W)/Manual/manual.html: manual.texi manual.html \
manual_a4.ps manual_letter.ps \
manual_a4.pdf manual_letter.pdf
cp manual.texi texi2html $(W)/Manual
cp manual.html manual_toc.html $(W)/Manual
cp manual_a4.ps manual_letter.ps $(W)/Manual
cp manual_a4.pdf manual_letter.pdf $(W)/Manual
gzip --best --force $(W)/Manual/*.ps
WD=`pwd`; cd $(W)/Manual_chapter; \
perl $$WD/texi2html $(TEXI2HTML_FLAGS) \
-split_chapter $$WD/manual.texi

../INSTALL-SOURCE: mysql.info generate-text-files.pl
$(GT) $< "Installing" "Compatibility" > $@

INSTALL-BINARY: mysql.info generate-text-files.pl
$(GT) $< "Installing binary" "Installing source" > $@

../PUBLIC: mysql.info generate-text-files.pl
$(GT) $< "Public license" "Win license" > $@

../WIN-LICENSE: mysql.info generate-text-files.pl
$(GT) $< "Win license" "Function Index" > $@

../MIRRORS: mysql.info generate-text-files.pl generate-mirror-listing.pl
$(GT) $< "Getting MySQL" "Which version" | \
perl -w generate-mirror-listing.pl > $@

$(W)/Contrib/00-README: mysql.info generate-text-files.pl
$(GT) $< "Contrib" "Credits" > $@

$(W)/mirrors.html: RawNode/manual_Getting_MySQL.html $(WD)
$(GW) $< $@ Mirrors mirrors.gif "" mirrors1

$(W)/links.html: RawNode/manual_Useful_Links.html $(WD)
$(GW) $< $@ "Links" links.gif "" links1

$(W)/users.html: RawNode/manual_Users.html $(WD)
$(GW) $< $@ "MySQL Users" none.gif ""

$(W)/what-is-mysql.html: RawNode/manual_What-is.html $(WD)
$(GW) $< $@ "What is MySQL" info.gif ""

$(W)/mysql-intro.html: RawNode/manual_Introduction.html $(WD)
$(GW) $< $@ "MySQL Introduction" none.gif ""

$(W)/Contrib/index.html: RawNode/manual_Contrib.html $(WD)
$(GW) $< $@ "MySQL Contributed source" none.gif "../"

$(W)/doc.html: SitePages/doc.html $(WD)
$(GW) $< $@ "MySQL Documentation" doc.gif "" doc1

$(W)/download.html: SitePages/download.html $(WD)
$(GW) $< $@ "MySQL Downloads" download.gif "" download1

$(W)/info.html: SitePages/info.html $(WD)
$(GW) $< $@ "MySQL Information" info.gif "" info1

$(W)/mail.html: SitePages/mail.html $(WD)
$(GW) $< $@ "Contacting us" none.gif ""

$(W)/news.html: SitePages/news.html $(WD)
$(GW) $< $@ "MySQL News" news.gif "" news1

$(W)/Icons/index.html: SitePages/icon-index.html $(WD)
$(GW) $< $@ "MySQL Icons" none.gif "../"

$(WL)/index.html: SitePages/login-index.html $(WD)
$(GW) $< $@ "MySQL for license/support customers" none.gif \

# This is also generated by the A-run-by-cron script
$(W)/index.html: SitePages/main-index.html generate-web-page.pl
$(GW) $< $@ "" "" "" "" "no_template"

$(HTMY)/new-header.htmy: SitePages/template1.html generate-htmy-includes.pl
perl -w generate-htmy-includes.pl $< $@

$(HTMY)/new-trailer.htmy: SitePages/template2.html generate-htmy-includes.pl
perl -w generate-htmy-includes.pl $< $@

$(htmy_wpages) : $(HTMY)/%.htmy : SitePages/%.htmy
cp $< $@

manual_a4.pdf manual_letter.pdf : %.pdf : %.ps
ps2pdf $< $@

RawNode/%.html: manual.texi texi2html
if test ! -d RawNode; then mkdir RawNode; fi; \
cd RawNode; rm -f *.html; \
perl ../texi2html -Dweb -iso -split_node -empty_headers \
-special_links "Manual_chapter/" ../manual.texi
