This MonthòÀÙs Sky òÀÓ January 2016

What’s Up in the Sky
AAA ObserversòÀÙ January Guide
By Tony Faddoul


JanuaryòÀÙs Evening Planets:

Neptune is in Aquarius the Water Bearer untilˆà9 PM, setting earlier every night untilˆà7PMˆàby the end of January. Uranus is in Pisces the Fish untilˆà1 AMˆàand setting earlier towardˆà11 PMˆàthrough the month. Jupiter will be in Virgo the Virgin as ofˆà10 PM, rising earlier every night untilˆà8PMˆàat the end of the month. Mercury is in Capricornus the Sea-goat for about one hour after sunset in the first half of January.


JanuaryòÀÙs Evening Stars:

The Winter Triangle will dominate the night in January: Sirius, the brightest star viewed from Earth, is in Canis Major the Great Dog, Betelgeuse is in Orion the Hunter, and Procyon is in Canis Minor the Small Dog. Spot Rigel in Orion, Capella in Auriga the Charioteer, Aldeberan in Taurus the Bull, and bright Castor and Pollux in Gemini the Twins. Also find the stars of con-stellations Andromeda, Cassiopeia, Perseus, Cepheus, Draco, Aquarius, Taurus, Pisces, and Ursa Major and Ursa Minorˆà(the Big and Little Dippers).


JanuaryòÀÙs Morning Planets:

Venus will be up between Scorpio the Scorpion and Sagittarius the Archer as ofˆà4 AMˆàand later untilˆà5 AMˆàby the end of the month. Mars will be moving between Virgo and Libra as ofˆà1 AM, lingering until sunrise. Jupiter can be seen in Virgo until sunrise. Mercury is in Sagittarius the Archer aroundˆà5 AMˆàfor about one hour during the second half of January. Saturn will be in Scorpio the Scorpion as ofˆà4 AMˆàuntil sunrise.


JanuaryòÀÙs Morning Stars:

The Winter Triangle of Sirius, Betelgeuse, and Procyon will be up until aroundˆà3 AMˆàduring January. Spot Capella in Auriga the Charioteer, Arcturus inˆàBo†´tesˆàthe Herdsman, and Spica in Virgo, along with the stars of constellations Leo, Gemini, Hercules, Libra, Cancer, Orion, Corona Borealis, Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Draco, Perseus,ˆàUrsa Major, and Ursa Minor.


January Skylights

Jan 2ˆàˆàˆàLast Quarter Moon atˆà12:30 AM

Jan 2ˆàˆàˆàMoon at apogee (251,250 miles away)

Jan 4ˆàˆàˆàQuadrantid meteor shower peaks, pre-dawn

Jan 9ˆàˆàˆàNew Moon atˆà8:30 PM

Jan 14ˆàMoon at perigee (229,670 miles away)

Jan 16ˆàFirst Quarter Moon atˆà6:25 PM

Jan 21ˆàCapella, Moon, Betelgeuse, and Sirius line up (1:00 AM)

Jan 23ˆàFull Moon atˆà8:45 PMˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆàˆà

Jan 30ˆàMoon at apogee (251,377 miles away)

Jan 31ˆàLast Quarter Moon atˆà10:28 PM


ˆàTimes given in EDT.


First Meteor Shower of 2016, QuadrantidsˆàPeaks the Night of January 3-4


The New Year brings a nighttime display of shooting stars with the Quadrantids Meteor Shower fromˆàJan 1-6. At its peak, typically 60 Quadrantids per hour can be seen, under perfect conditions and moonless, dark skies. However, the Moon will wash out some of the meteors this year, so only the brightest ones will be visible.

There is a very narrow window for watching the Quadrantids. The best viewing this year will be at their peak from midnight on Jan 3-4 until dawn.

Depending on your location and weather conditions, the number of shooting stars will vary between 25 and 40 per hour at the peak. The nights before and after the peak may also see a similar number of meteors.

Where does it get its name?

First seen in 1825, the Quadrantids Meteor Shower appeared to radiate from the constellation Quadrans Muralis. However, when the International Astronomical Union set the list of 88 modern constellations in 1922, Quadrans Muralis was excluded. For this reason, they are sometimes referred to as theˆàBo†´tids,ˆàafter the nearby modern constellation Bo†´tes. The Quadrantids meteors are debris from asteroid 2003 EH1, burning up as they enter the EarthòÀÙs atmosphere. It takes about 5.5 years to orbit the Sun.

How can I view the meteor shower?

The Quadrantids are fast meteors with blue trails. If you trace their paths backward, they seem to originate from the northern part of the sky below the Big Dipper. But, you donòÀÙt need to know the constellations or to use a telescope or other visual aid to enjoy the meteor shower. These falling stars will streak everywhere across the sky, so it doesnòÀÙt matter where you look.ˆàTry to find a dark spot as far away from light pollution as possible, and hope for clear skies. Just look up, and enjoy.

Have a meteoric New Year!
International Astronomical Union