Документ взят из кэша поисковой машины. Адрес оригинального документа : http://www.arcetri.astro.it/irlab/doc/library/javascript/clientreference/bklast.htm
Дата изменения: Thu Oct 7 13:13:38 1999
Дата индексирования: Sat Dec 22 14:23:50 2007
Table of Contents | Previous



- (bitwise NOT) operator 640
- (unary negation) operator 639
-- (decrement) operator 639
! (logical NOT) operator 643
!= (not equal) operator 636, 637
!== (strict not equal) operator 636, 637
# (hash mark in URL) 244
$& property 367
$* property 367
$+ property 367
$_ property 367
$` property 367
$' property 367
$1, ..., $9 properties 366
% (modulus) operator 638
%= operator 634
&& (logical AND) operator 643
& (bitwise AND) operator 640
&= operator 635
) 659
*/ comment 616
*= operator 634
+ (string concatenation) operator 645
++ (increment) operator 639
+= (string concatenation) operator 645
+= operator 634
/* comment 616
// comment 616
/= operator 634
< (less than) operator 636
<< (left shift) operator 640, 642
<<= operator 635
<= (less than or equal) operator 636
== (equal) operator 636, 637
=== (strict equal) operator 636, 637
-= operator 634
> (greater than) operator 636
>= (greater than or equal) operator 636
>> (sign-propagating right shift) operator 640, 642
>>= operator 635
>>> (zero-fill right shift) operator 640, 642
>>>= operator 635
?: (conditional) operator 645
^ (bitwise XOR) operator 640
^= operator 635
| (bitwise OR) operator 640
|= operator 635
|| (logical OR) operator 643
(comma) operator 646


abort event 575
about: (URL syntax) 253, 254
above property 225
abs method 271
acos method 271
action property 161
alert method 505
align property 444
alinkColor property 112
anchor method 408
Anchor object 20
Anchor object 20
creating 408
anchors array 113
AND (&&) logical operator 643
AND (&) bitwise operator 640
animation 202
appCodeName property 293
Applet object 25
including in a web page 25
applets array 114
apply method 175
appName property 294
appVersion property 294
Area object 27, 238
arguments array 177
arithmetic operators 638
% (modulus) 638
-- (decrement) 639
- (unary negation) 639
++ (increment) 639
arity property 182
Array object 28
Array object 28
creating from strings 430
deleting elements 646
dense 29
increasing length of 30
indexing 29
initial length of 29, 31
Java 215
joining 36
length of, determining 37, 163, 199, 422
referring to elements 29
sorting 43
asin method 272
assignment operators 634
%= 634
&= 635
*= 634
+= 634
/= 634
<<= 635
-= 634
>>= 635
>>>= 635
^= 635
|= 635
conditional statements and 623
atan2 method 274
atan method 273
atob method 506
availHeight property 390
availLeft property 390, 539
availTop property 390
availWidth property 391


background color 226
backgroundColor property 445
backgroundImage property 445
background property 225
back method 196, 507
below property 225
bgColor property 114, 226
BIG HTML tag 409
big method 409
bitwise operators 640
& (AND) 640
- (NOT) 640
<< (left shift) 640, 642
>> (sign-propagating right shift) 640, 642
>>> (zero-fill right shift) 640, 642
^ (XOR) 640
| (OR) 640
logical 641
shift 641
BLINK HTML tag 409
blink method 409
blur event 576
blur method
Button object 57
Checkbox object 67
FileUpload object 153
Password object 339
Radio object 353
Reset object 384
Select object 398
Submit object 470
Textarea object 488
Text object 478
window object 508
BOLD HTML tag 410
bold method 410
Boolean object 51
conditional tests and 51
borderBottomWidth property 446
borderColor property 446
borderLeftWidth property 447
border property 207
borderRightWidth property 447
borderStyle property 448
borderTopWidth property 448
borderWidths method
Style object 449
bottom property 227
break statement 615
about: (URL syntax) 254
code name of 293
name of 294
btoa method 508
Button object 56
Button object 56
clicking programmatically 354, 384, 470
submit 468


caching graphics 202
callee property 180
caller property 180
call method 183
call method (LiveConnect) 659
captureEvents method
document object 115
Layer object 226
window object 509
ceil method 275
change event 578
charAt method 411
charCodeAt method 412
Checkbox object 64
clicking programmatically 354, 384, 470
default selection state 354
defining 64
Checkbox object 64
checked property
Checkbox object 67
Radio object 353
classes, accessing Java 218, 333
classes property 116
className property 334
clearInterval method 509
clear property 450
clearTimeout method 510
click event 579
click method
Button object 58
Checkbox object 68
Radio object 354
Reset object 384
Submit object 470
clip.bottom property 227
clip.height property 227
clip.left property 227
clip.right property 227
clip.top property 228
clip.width property 228
closed property 511
close method
document object 117
window object 510
colorDepth property 391
color property 450
background 226
hexadecimal values 669
list of 669
string literals 669
string literals for 669-674
comma () operator 646
comments 616
comment statement 616
comparison operators 635
!= (not equal) 636, 637
!== (strict not equal) 636, 637
< (less than) 636
<= (less than or equal) 636
== (equal) 636, 637
=== (strict equal) 636, 637
> (greater than) 636
>= (greater than or equal) 636
compile method 367
complete property 207
concat method
Array object 34
String object 413
conditional (?:) operator 645
conditional tests
assignment operators and 623
Boolean objects and 51
confirm method 512
constructor property
Array object 35
Boolean object 53
Date object 77
Function object 184
Number object 306
Object object 314
RegExp object 368
String object 414
specifying default object 629
with statement and 629
contextual method
document object 118
continue statement 617
conventions 613
cookie property 119
cookies, implementation of 675-679
cos method 275
crypto.random method 514
crypto.signText method 514
crypto property 513
current property 197


data property 145
Date object 72
converting to string 103
Date object 72
day of week 78
defining 72
milliseconds since 1970 106
month 80
DblClick event 582
decrement (--) operator 639
defaultChecked property
Checkbox object 68
Radio object 354
default objects, specifying 629
defaultSelected property 327
defaultStatus property 515
defaultValue property
Password object 339
Textarea object 489
Text object 478
delete operator 646
array elements 646
objects 646
properties 646
dense arrays 29
description property
MimeType object 290
Plugin object 347
destroy method (LiveConnect) 663
dialog boxes
Confirm 512
Prompt 536
conventions used 16
disableExternalCapture method 516
display property 451
do...while statement 618
document conventions 16
document object 108
embeds array 122
document property
Layer object 228
window object 517
color of 226
document object 108
embeds array 122
domain property 120
DragDrop event 583


elements array 161
embeds array 122
enabledPlugin property 290
enableExternalCapture method 517
encoding property 162
ENCTYPE attribute 162
E property 276
equals method (LiveConnect 659
error event 584
escape function 556
Unicode and 557
Euler's constant 276
raised to a power 277
eval function 558
eval method
LiveConnect 659
Object object 315
event handlers 573-609
See also handleEvent method
event object 143
in Function objects 172
specifying object names in 511
event object 143
event object 143
LiveConnect 656
exec method 369
exp method 277
export statement 619
expressions that return no value 652


fgColor property 123
file: (URL syntax) 253
filename property 347
FileUpload object 151
find method 518
fixed method 414
floor method 277
removing 57, 353, 384, 398, 469, 470, 478, 488, 508
focus event 587
focus method
Button object 58
Checkbox object 69
FileUpload object 153
Password object 340
Radio object 355
Reset object 385
Select object 398
Submit object 470
Textarea object 490
Text object 479
window object 518
fontcolor method 415
fontFamily property 451
big 409
blinking 409
bold 410
fontsize method 416
fontSize property 452
fontStyle property 453
fontWeight property 454
for...in statement 621
for loops
continuation of 617
syntax of 620
termination of 615
FORM HTML tag 157
Form object 157
elements array 161
form property
Button object 59
Checkbox object 69
FileUpload object 153
Hidden object 191
Password object 340
Radio object 355
Reset object 385
Select object 398
Submit object 471
Textarea object 490
Text object 480
checkboxes 64
defining 157
element focus 57, 353, 384, 398, 469, 470, 478, 488, 508
element names 70, 164, 481, 492, 526
elements array 161
ENCTYPE attribute 162
Form object 157
MIME encoding 162
submit buttons 468
submitting 468
forms array 124
for statement 620
Forward button 519
forward method
History object 197
window object 519
Frame object 168
Frame object 168
top 552
frames array 520
fromCharCode method 417
ftp: (URL syntax) 253
Function object 169
specifying arguments for 170
specifying event handler with 172
as variable value 171
arguments array 177
callee property 180
caller property 180
declaring 622
Function object 169
length property 181
list of 555
nesting 171, 172
number of arguments 163, 199, 422
return values of 625
top-level 555
as variable value 171
function statement 622


getDate method 77
getDay method 78
getFullYear method 78
getHours method 79
getMember method (LiveConnect) 659
getMilliseconds method 79
getMinutes method 80
getMonth method 80
getPeer method (LiveConnect) 663
getSeconds method 81
getSelection method 125
getSlot method (LiveConnect) 660
getTime method 81
getTimezoneOffset method 82
getUTCDate method 82
getUTCDay method 83
getUTCFullYear method 83
getUTCHours method 84
getUTCMilliseconds method 85
getUTCMinutes method 85
getUTCMonth method 86
getUTCSeconds method 87
getWindow method (LiveConnect) 660, 663
getYear method 87
global object 555
global property 372
GMT time, defined, local time, defined 73
Go menu 194
go method 198
gopher: (URL syntax) 253


handleEvent method
Button object 60
Checkbox object 69
document object 125
FileUpload object 154
Form object 163
Image object 208
Layer object 228
Link object 243
Password object 341
Radio object 356
Reset object 385
Select object 399
Submit object 472
Textarea object 491
Text object 481
window object 521
hash property
Link object 244
Location object 255
height property
document object 126
event object 145
Image object 209
Layer object 227
screen object 391
Hidden object 190
history list
next URL in 519
History object 194
current property 197
next property 199
previous property 200
history property 521
home method 521
hostname property
Link object 245
Location object 257
host property
Link object 245
Location object 256
href property
Link object 246
Location object 258
hspace property 209
generated 140
HTML tags
BIG 409
BOLD 410
FORM 157
INPUT 64, 468
http: (URL syntax) 253


ids property 126
if...else statement 623
ignoreCase property 373
Image object 201
and animation 202
Area object 238
border 207
caching 202
preloading 202
size of 202
source 235
images array 127
import statement 624
increment (++) operator 639
indexOf method 418
index property
Array object 35
Option object 328
Infinity property 560
init method (LiveConnect) 663
in keyword 621
innerHeight property 522
innerWidth property 522
INPUT HTML tag 64, 468
input property
Array object 35
RegExp object 373
isActive method (LiveConnect) 664
isFinite function 561
isNaN function 561
italics method 420


JavaArray object 215
JavaClass object 218
javaEnabled method 296
java object 214
JavaObject object 219
JavaPackage object 221
java property 335
background for using 13
reserved words 667
versions and Navigator 14
javascript: (URL syntax) 253
join method 36
JSException class 656
JSException constructor (LiveConnect) 656
JSObject class 658


KeyDown event 589
KeyPress event 590
KeyUp event 592
keywords 667


label statement 625
language property 296
lastIndexOf method 420
lastIndex property 374
lastMatch property 375
lastModified property 128
lastParen property 375
Layer object 222
layers 222
layers array 129
layerX property 146
layerY property 146
leftContext property 376
left property 227, 229
left shift (<<) operator 640, 642
length property
arguments array 181
Array object 37
Form object 163
Function object 184
History object 199
JavaArray object 216
Option object 329
Plugin object 347
Select object 399
String object 422
window object 522
lineHeight property 454
linkColor property 130
link method 422
Link object 238
anchors for 408
Link object 238
with no destination 652
links array 131
lists, selection 392
listStyleType property 456
JavaArray object 215
JavaClass object 218
java object 214
JavaObject object 219
JavaPackage object 221
JSException class 656
JSObject class 658
netscape object 303
Packages object 333
sun object 475
LN10 property 278
LN2 property 278
load event 593
load method 229
locationbar property 523
Location object 251
location property
document object 138
window object 523
LOG10E property 280
LOG2E property 280
base of natural 276, 277
natural logarithm of 10 278
logical operators 643
! (NOT) 643
&& (AND) 643
|| (OR) 643
short-circuit evaluation 644
log method 279
continuation of 617
for 620
termination of 615
while 628
lowercase 406, 439
lowsrc property 210


mailto: (URL syntax) 253
marginBottom property 457
marginLeft property 457
marginRight property 458
margins method
Style object 459
marginTop property 460
match method 423
Math object 269
MAX_VALUE property 306
max method 281
MAYSCRIPT attribute 25
menubar property 524
Confirm dialog box 512
Prompt dialog box 536
method property 163
methods, top-level 555
MIME encoding 162
MimeType object 288
MIME types
configured plug-in for 290
plug-ins supported 344
mimeTypes array 297
MIN_VALUE property 307
min method 281
modifiers property 147
modulo function 638
modulus (%) operator 638
MouseDown event 596
MouseMove event 599
MouseOut event 600
MouseOver event 601
MouseUp event 602
moveAbove method 230
moveBelow method 230
moveBy method
Layer object 230
window object 524
move event 603
moveToAbsolute method 231
moveTo method
Layer object 231
window object 525
multiline property 376


name property
anchor object 23
Button object 60
Checkbox object 70
FileUpload object 154
Form object 164
Hidden object 192
Image object 210
Layer object 232
Password object 341
Plugin object 348
Radio object 356
Reset object 386
Select object 399
Submit object 472
Textarea object 492
Text object 481
window object 526
NaN property
Number object 307
top-level 562
natural logarithms
base of 276
e 276
e raised to a power 277
of 10 278
about: (URL syntax) 254
code name of 293
JavaScript versions supported 14
name of 294
navigator object 292
nesting functions 171, 172
netscape.javascript.JSException class 656
netscape.javascript.JSObject class 658
netscape.javascript.Plugin class 662
netscape object 303
netscape property 335
new operator 648
news: (URL syntax) 253
next property 199
NOT (!) logical operator 643
NOT (-) bitwise operator 640
Number function 563
Number object 304
greater of two 281
identifying 561
Number object 304
obtaining integer 275
parsing from strings 564
square root 285


Object object 313
creating new types 648
deleting 646
establishing default 629
focus 57, 353, 384, 398, 469, 470, 478, 488, 508
getting list of properties for 621
iterating properties 621
Java, accessing 219
specifying names in event handlers 511
offscreenBuffering property 526
onAbort event handler 575
onBlur event handler 576
onChange event handler 578
onClick event handler 579
onDblClick event handler 582
onDragDrop event handler 583
onError event handler 584
onFocus event handler 587
onKeyDown event handler 589
onKeyPress event handler 590
onKeyUp event handler 592
onLoad event handler 593
onMouseDown event handler 596
onMouseMove event handler 599
onMouseOut event handler 600
onMouseOver event handler 601
onMouseUp event handler 602
onMove event handler 603
onReset event handler 605
onResize event handler 606
onSelect event handler 607
onSubmit event handler 608
onUnload event handler 609
opener property 531
open method
document object 131
window object 527
operators 631-652
arithmetic 638
assignment 634
bitwise 640
comparison 635
list of 631
logical 643
special 645
string 645
Option object 324
options array 400
OR (|) bitwise operator 640
OR (||) logical operator 643
outerHeight property 532
outerWidth property 533


packages, accessing Java 221
Packages object 333
paddingBottom property 460
paddingLeft property 461
paddingRight property 462
paddings method
Style object 462
paddingTop property 463
pageXOffset property 533
pageX property
event object 147
Layer object 232
pageYOffset property 534
pageY property
event object 147
Layer object 232
parentLayer property 232
parent property 534
parseFloat function 564
parseInt function 565
parse method 89
Password object 337
default value 339, 478, 489
pathname property
Link object 246
Location object 260
personalbar property 535
PI property 282
pixelDepth property 391
platform property 297
Plugin class 662
Plugin constructor (LiveConnect) 664
Plugin object 344
defined 344
determining installed 344
plugins array 134
navigator object 298
pop method 38
port property 261
Link object 247
pow method 282
preference method 299
previous property 200
printing generated HTML 140
print method 535
prompt method 536
deleting 646
getting list of for an object 621
iterating for an object 621
top-level 555
protocol property
Link object 248
Location object 262
prototype property
Array object 38
Boolean object 53
Date object 90
Function object 185
Number object 310
Object object 315
RegExp object 377
String object 424
push method 39


radio buttons
clicking programmatically 354, 384, 470
default selection state 354
Radio object 349
Radio object 349
random method 283
referrer property 135
refresh method 298
RegExp object 359
regular expressions 359
releaseEvents method
document object 135
Layer object 233
window object 536
reload method 264
removeMember method (LiveConnect) 660
replace method 265, 425
reserved words 667
reset buttons
clicking programmatically 354, 384, 470
Reset object 381
reset event 605
reset method 165
Reset object 381
resizeBy method
Layer object 233
window object 537
resize event 606
resizeTo method
Layer object 234
window object 538
return statement 625
reverse method 40
RGB color values 669
rightContext property 377
right property 227
text p 250
round method 284
routeEvent method
document object 136
Layer object 234
window object 538


savePreferences method 300
screen object 389
screenX property 148
screenY property 148
scrollbars property 540
scrollBy method 541
scroll method 540
scrollTo method 541
search method 428
search property
Link object 248
Location object 267
closing windows 510
selectedIndex property 402
select event 607
selection lists
adding options 325
changing option text 325
default selection state 327
deleting options 401
number of options 163, 199, 422
option text 330
Select object 392
select method
FileUpload object 155
Password object 342
Textarea object 493
Text object 482
Select object 392
self property 543
setDate method 90
setFullYear method 91
setHotKeys method 544
setHours method 92
setInterval method 545
setMember method (LiveConnect) 660
setMilliseconds method 93
setMinutes method 93
setMonth method 94
setResizable method 546
setSeconds method 95
setSlot method (LiveConnect) 660
setTime method 96
setTimeout method 547
setUTCDate method 96
setUTCFullYear method 97
setUTCHours method 98
setUTCMilliseconds method 99
setUTCMinutes method 99
setUTCMonth method 100
setUTCSeconds method 101
setYear method 101
setZOptions method 549
shift method 40
short-circuit evaluation 644
siblingAbove property 235
siblingBelow property 235
sign-propagating right shift (>>) operator 640, 642
sin method 284
slice method 41, 429
small method 430
sort method 43
source property 377
special operators 645
splice method 46
split method 430
SQRT1_2 property 286
SQRT2 property 286
sqrt method 285
square roots 285
src property
Image object 211
Layer object 235
statements 613-630
syntax conventions 613
statusbar property 551
status property 550
stop method 551
strike method 433
String function 567
String object 404
string operators 645
blinking 409
bold 410
character position within 405, 411, 418
concatenating 645
converting from date 103
converting to floating point 564
creating from arrays 36
defining 404
fontsize of 409
length of 163, 199, 422
lowercase 406, 439
parsing 564
splitting into arrays 430
String object 404
Style object 442
styles 442
sub method 434
submit buttons
clicking programmatically 354, 384, 470
defining 468
Submit object 468
submit event 608
submit method 166
Submit object 468
substring method 436
substr method 435
suffixes property 291
sun object 475
sun property 336
sup method 438
switch statement 626
syntax conventions 613


tags property 136
taintenabled method 301
taint function 568
tan method 287
target property
event object 148
Form object 167
Link object 249
test method 378
textAlign property 464
Textarea object 485
default value 339, 478, 489
textDecoration property 465
textIndent property 465
Text object 476
default value 339, 478, 489
text property
anchor object 23
Option object 330
textTransform property 466
this.form 59, 69, 153, 191, 340, 355, 385, 398, 471, 480, 490
this keyword 650
canceling 510
Date object 72
defining 72
minutes 80
title property 137
toGMTString method 102
toLocaleString method 103
toLowerCase method 439
toolbar property 552
top-level properties and functions 555
top property
Layer object 228, 235
window object 552
toSource method
Array object 48
Boolean object 54
Date object 104
Function object 187
Number object 310
Object object 316
RegExp object 378
String object 440
toString method
Array object 49
Boolean object 54
built-in 317
Date object 105
Function object 187
JavaArray object 217
LiveConnect 661
Number object 311
Object object 317
RegExp object 379
String object 440
user-defined 318
toUpperCase method 441
toUTCString method 105
typeof operator 651
type property
Button object 62
Checkbox object 71
event object 149
FileUpload object 156
Hidden object 192
MimeType object 291
Password object 343
Radio object 357
Reset object 387
Select object 403
Submit object 473
Textarea object 493
Text object 483


unary negation (-) operator 639
undefined property 569
unescape function 569
unicode and 557
charCodeAt method 412
escape function and 557
unescape function and 557
unload event 609
unshift method 49
untaint function 570
unwatch method 320
anchor name in 244
conventions used 16
current 251
escaping characters in 556
examples of common 253
history list 194
next 519
syntax of 253
userAgent property 302
user interaction
applets 25
checkboxes 64
Confirm dialog box 512
Prompt dialog box 536
submit buttons 468
UTC method 106
UTC time, defined 73


valueOf method
Array object 50
Boolean object 55
Date object 107
Function object 188
Number object 312
Object object 321
RegExp object 380
String object 441
value property
Button object 62
Checkbox object 71
FileUpload object 156
Hidden object 193
Option object 332
Password object 343
Radio object 357
Reset object 387
Submit object 473
Textarea object 494
Text object 483
declaring 627
initializing 627
syntax for declaring 627
var statement 627
versions of JavaScript 14
view-source: (URL syntax) 253
visibility property 236
vlinkColor property 138
void function 240, 253
void operator 652
vspace property 212


watch method 322
which property 149
while loops
continuation of 617
syntax of 628
termination of 615
while statement 628
whiteSpace property 466
width property 467
document object 139
event object 149
Image object 213
Layer object 228
screen object 391
window object 496
window property
Layer object 236
window object 553
closed 511
closing 510
name of 70, 164, 481, 492, 526
top 552
window object 496
with statement 629
writeln method 142
write method 139
generated HTML 140


XOR (^) operator 640
x property
anchor object 23
event object 150
Layer object 236
link object 250


y property
anchor object 24
event object 150
Layer object 237
link object 250


zero-fill right shift (>>>) operator 640, 642
zIndex property 237

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Last Updated: 05/28/99 12:01:24

Copyright (c) 1999 Netscape Communications Corporation