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Шифр   Автор Название Тема
A 1 Adams A.T., Bloomfield D.S.F., Booth P.M., England P.D. Investment Mathematics and Statistics, Great Britain by Hartholls Ltd, Bodmin, Cornwall Investment
A 2 Adams A.T., Booth P.M. Sensitivity measures for equity Investments. - Oxford University Press,IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Business & Industry, 6, 365-374 s. Investment
A 3 Aitken W.H. A problem-solving approach to pension funding and valuation USA, 1994. Pension funding
A 4 Akesson Thor Industrial Risk Analysis Including Approximative Modeling of Environmental Consequences - Helsinki, Department of Physics University of Helsinki, 1990. - 173 s. Risk Theory
A 5   Assureurs français / Assureurs des pays d'Europe cenrale et orientale, - 11-e Rencontre (French Insurers / Central and Eastern European Insurers,-11-th Annual Conference).-Paris, 2000,-427 p. Insurance
A 6 Anderson Duncan Practitioner's Guide to Generalized Linear Models. A foundation for theory, interpretation and applicatio ,second edition - May 2005. Paper on site www.watsonwyatt.com Mixture
A 7 Филлип Бус Актуарные расчеты и практика страхования - 1. Mодуль I: Роль и смысл профессии актуария, введение в актуарную математику. (англ. лекция, слайды) Актуарная математика
A 8 Вотерс (Waters H.) Актуарные расчеты и практика страхования - 1. Mодуль III: "Актуарная и финансовая математика - 1', копии со слайдов (лекции на англ. яз., копии со слайдов). Актуарная математика
A 9 Купер Дебора Актуарные расчеты и практика страхования-1, Модуль IV. Актуарная математика-2 ( англ., лекции, рукопись) Актуарная математика
A 10 Пауль Кинг Актуарные расчеты и практика страхования-1, Модуль V. Экономика и инвестирование ( англ., курс лекций ?? 1-17) Актуарная математика
A 11 Грахам Лаффорум Актуарные расчеты и практика страхования-1, Модуль VI. Социальное обеспечение и пенсионные схемы. ( англ., курс лекций из 12 частей) Актуарная математика
A 12 Саймон Мартин Актуарные расчеты и практика страхования-1, Модуль VII. Пенсионные схемы. ( англ., курс лекций из 12 частей) Актуарная математика
A 13 Брайд Мартин Актуарные расчеты и практика страхования - 1. Mодуль VIII: Теория и практика общего страхования.( англ., курс лекций ) Актуарная математика
A 14 A. Макдональд Актуарные расчеты и практика страхования - 2. Mодуль I .Математические модели смертности (англ., копии со слайдов). Актуарная математика
A 15 Купер Дебора Актуарные расчеты и практика страхования-2, Модуль 2. Избранные главы актуарной математики.(англ., копии со слайдов). Актуарная математика
A 16 Харди Мэри Актуарные расчеты и практика страхования-2, Модуль 3: Математические методы видов страхования, не относящихся к страхованию жизни. (англ., копии со слайдов1996 г.) Актуарная математика
A 17 Харди Мэри Актуарные расчеты и практика страхования-2, Раздел С2.Основной курс: распределение потерь ( англ., курс лекций из 8 частей). Актуарная математика
A 18 Купер Дебора Актуарные расчеты и практика страхования-2, Раздел Д1. Основной курс: Актуарная математика.( англ., курс лекций из 8 частей, 1996). Актуарная математика
A 19 Д.Тиндейл Актуарные расчеты и практика страхования-2, Модуль 7. Актуарно-финансовые методы для пенсионных фондов (англ.,лекции, копии со слайдов, список литературы). Актуарная математика
B 1 Balakrishnan N.,Nevsorov V.B. A Primer on Statistical Distribution, ‑ John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersy, 2003, ‑ 305 s. Statistics
B 2 Benjamin B. General insurance, Great Britain by Redwood Press Lmt, Melksham, Wiltshire. Insurance
B 3 Benjamin B., Pollard J.H. The Analysis of Mortality and Other Actuarial Statistics, printed in England. Actuarial Mathematics
B 4   Berichte des 18.Internasionalen Kongresses der Versicherungsmathematiker,-München, 4. - 11.Juni 1968,-952 s. Mixture
B 5 Bird Graham (edit.) Economic Reform in Eastern Europe. - Edward Elgar, 1992, - 187 s. Economic
B 6 Blake David, Orszag J. Michael Towards a Universal Funded Second Pension (A submission for the 1997 Pensions Review focusing on the financial aspects of the provision of a second tier funded pension), The Pensions Institute, Birkbeck College, University of London, 7 - 15 Gresse St.,Lon Pension funding
B 7 Black J.M., Booth G.,Cooper D.R., Devenney G A, Russell G T, Singer C G, Stewart C M, Walton A. N. A central discontinuance fund for pension schemes, ‑ Presented to the Staple Inn Actuarial Society, 20 October 1999, -34 s. Pension funding
B 8 Boot Philip M. The single european market in insurance the free movement of capital and the erm ( Accoounting and Bussiness Review vol.1, no.2 (july, 1994) Insurance
B 9 Boot Philip, Stroinski Krzysztof The development of competition and privatisation of insurance institutions in Poland: lessons for actuarial profession and regulators (Communist Economies and Economic Transformation vol.6, no.3,1994) Insurance
B 10 Bowers Newton L.,Gerber Hans U.,Hickman James C.,Jones Donald A., Nesbitt Cecil J. Actuarial Mathematics, 1986.[1] Actuarial Mathematics
B 11 Bride M., Lomax M.W. Valuation and corporate management in a non - life insurance company ( presented to the In stitute of Actuaries 28 february 1994) Insurance
B 12 Brown Robert L. Introduction to Ratemaking and Loss Reserving for Property and Casualty Insurance, ACTEX Publication Winsted, Connecticut Insurance
B 13 Bühlmann Hans Mathematical Methods in Risk Theory, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1970. Risk Theory
B 14 Campbell Robert Wellington The failure of Soviet economic planning: system, performance, reform. - Indiana University Press, 1992. - 185 s. Economic
C 1   Claims reservings manual, vol.1. Actuarial Mathematics
C 2   Claims reservings manual, vol.2. Actuarial Mathematics
C 3 Clark Graham, Dullaway David PHI Pricing. - London: Institute of Actuaries, 5th April 1995, - 128 s. Actuarial Mathematics
C 4 Cooper D.R. Providing pensions for employees with varied working lives, London, Actuarial Research Paper no.89, june, 1996. Pension funding
C 5 Currie I.D.,Waters H.R. On Modelling Select Mortality, Great Britain. Modelling
C 6   Continuous Mortality Investigation Reports, Num.12, Institute of Actuaries and the Faculty of Actuaries, 1991,-263 s. Actuarial Mathematics
C 7   Continuous Mortality Investigation Reports, Num.16, Institute of Actuaries and the Faculty of Actuaries, 1998,-181 s. Actuarial Mathematics
C 8   Continuous Mortality Investigation Reports, Num.17, Institute of Actuaries and the Faculty of Actuaries, 1999,-231 s. Actuarial Mathematics
C 9   Continuous Mortality Investigation Reports, Num.19, Institute of Actuaries and the Faculty of Actuaries, 2000,-231 s. Actuarial Mathematics
C 10   Continuous Mortality Investigation Reports, Num.20, Institute of Actuaries and the Faculty of Actuaries, 2001,-231 s. Actuarial Mathematics
D 1 Dadé Pierre-Henri, Huet Daniel Les assurances dommages aux biens de l'enterprise. - Paris, L'Argus, 1999, 597 p. Mixture
D 2 Day J.G., Jamieson A.T. Equity Investment, vol.IV, London. Investment
D 3 Day J.G., Jamieson A.T. Property, vol.V, London. Mixture
D 4 Day N., Green S.J., Plymen J. Investment-assessing a manager's skill and monitoring the risks(presented to the Institute of Actuaries 22 november 1993) Investment
D 5 Daykin C.D., Pentikainen T., Pesonen M. Practical Risk Theory for Actuaries, Great Britain by St Edmunds, Suffolk, 1996. Risk Theory
D 6   A Dictionary of Finance and Banking Dictionary
D 7   Cambridge Dictionary of American English Dictionary
E 1 Edwards Robert D., Magee John, Bassetti W.H.C. Technical Analysis of Stock Trends, ‑ CRC Press LLC, 2000 N.W. Corporate Blvd, Florida, ‑ 709 s. Technical Analysis
E 2 Eliashberg Constant Responsabilité civile et assurances de responsabilité civile . - 3-e edition, - Paris, L'Argus, 1997, 300 p. Mixture
E 3 Embrechts Paul, Klüppelberg Claudia, Mikosch Thomas Modelling Extremal Events fo Insurance and Finance.- Springer-Verlag Berlin, 1997, - 645 s. Insurance
F 1 Frost A.J., Hager D.P. Debt Securities, printed in Great Britain by Billings, Worcester. Mixture
G 2 Gellion Alain, Landel James L'assurance incendie, 2-e edition. - Paris, L'Argus, 1998, - 474 p. Mixture
G 3 Gerber Hans U. An Introduction to Mathematical Risk Theory, monograph no. 8 S.S. Huebner Fundation for Insurance Education Wharton School University of Pensilvania Philadelphia, USA, 1980(?) Risk Theory
G 4 Gerber Hans U. Life Insurance Mathematics, Germany. Insurance
G 5 Gerber Hans U., Cox S.H. Selected Exercises;Solution to Selected Exercises; Actuarial Tables (from Life Insurance Mathematics), 1995. Actuarial Mathematics
H 1 Haberman Steven, Wong Lam Yuk Patrik Moving average rates of return and the variability of pension contribusions and fund levels for a defined benefit pension scheme, London, Acuarial Research Paper no. 88, may, 1996. Pension funding
H 2 Hairs C.J.,Arnold M.,Gustar A.J., Hare D.J., Needleman P.D.,Tuley P.J. and Webber J.M. The Closed Fund Alternative, - Institute of Actuaries and Faculty of Actuaries, presented 22 march 1999, 44 s. Actuarial Mathematics
H 3 Hart D.G., Buchanan R.A., Howe B.A. The acturial practice of general insurance Actuarial Mathematics
H 4 Hastie T.J., Tibshirani R.J. Generalized additive models, Great Britain, 1991. Mixture
H 5 Heilmann Wolf- Rüdiger Fundamentals of Risk Theory Risk Theory
H 6 Hewett Edward A. Reforming the Soviet economy: equality versus efficiency, Washington, D.C., The Brookings Institution, 1988.-404 s. Economic
H 7 Hogg Robert V., Klugman Stuart A. Loss Distributions. USA. Mixture
H 8 Huber-Carol C., Balakrishnan N., Nikulin M.S., Mesbah M. ( Editors) Goodness-of-Fit Tests and Model Validity, - Statistics for Industry and Technology, - Birkhäuser, Boston, 2001, - 507 s. Statistics
J 1 Jacquillat Bertrand, Solnik Bruno Les marches financiers et la gestion de portefeuille, France, noveau _riage, 1987 Mixture
J 2 Jones Anthony, Moskoff William Koops: the rebirth of entrepreneur-ship in the Soviet Union. - Bloomington and Indianopolis: Indiana University Press Economic
J 3 Jordan Chester Wallace Life Contingencies, 1982. Mixture
J 4 Jourdain Patrice Les principes de la responsabilité civile, 2-e edition,-Paris, Dalloz, 1994, -.152 p. Mixture
J 5   Journal of the Staple Inn Actuarial Society,Special 150th Anniversary Issue. - London.:Staple Inn Actuarial Society, 1998. Actuarial Mathematics
K 1 Kalashnikov Vladimir.V. Asymptotically correct bounds of geometric convolutions with subexponential components (and Gurami Tsitsiashvili). - Laboratory of Actuarial Mathematics University of Copenhagen. Working Paper No. 151, April 1998. - 18 s. Actuarial Mathematics
K 2 Kalashnikov Vladimir.V. Bounds for Ruins Probabilities in the Presence of Large Claims and their Comparison. - Laboratory of Actuarial Mathematics University of Copenhagen. Working Paper No. 140, December 1996. - 23 s. Probability Theory
K 3 Kalashnikov Vladimir.V. Bounds for Ruins Probabilities in the Presence of Large Claims and their Comparison. - North American Actuarial Journal, Vol. 3, Num. 2, April - 14 s. Probability Theory
K 4 Kalashnikov Vladimir.V. Continuity Estimates for Ruin Probabilities (and Farida Enikeeva, Deimante Rusaityte) . - Laboratory of Actuarial Mathematics University of Copenhagen. Working Paper No. 157, February 1999. - 23 s. Probability Theory
K 5 Kalashnikov Vladimir.V. Mathematical Methods in the Ruin Probability Theory.-Lecture Notes. - > 1997. - v, 104 s. Probability Theory
K 6 Kalashnikov Vladimir.V. Some Estimates of Geometric Sums (and Jean-Louis Bon). - Université de PARIS-SUD MATHEMATIQUES. 99.35, - 15 s. Probability Theory
K 7 Kalashnikov Vladimir.V. Tails of geometric sums (and Gurami Tsitsiashvili). - Universite de Marne-la-Valle. n.27/97, octobre 1997. 31 s Probability Theory
K 8 Kalashnikov Vladimir.V. Two-Sided Bounds of Ruin Probabilities. - Scand. Actuarial J. 1996; 1: - 18 s. Probability Theory
K 9 Kastenholz M. Product Development. Mixture
K 10 Khorasanee M.Z. Annuity choices for pensioners, London, Actuarial Research Paper no.90, august, 1996 Pension funding
K 11 Klugman Stuart A. Instructions for FIT, DEIT, CR and related programs, 1994. Modelling
K 12 Klugman Stuart A.,Panjer Harry H.,Willmot Gordon E. Loss models, - John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, - 649 s. Modelling
L 1   Lamy Assurances, - Contrat d'assurance. Assurances de dommages. Assurances de personnes. Intermédiaires d'assurance. - Paris, Lamy, Édition, 2001, - 2130 p. Insurance
L 2 Landel James, Pechinot Jean L'assurance automobile, Paris, L'argus. Automobile Insurance
L 3 Lee E.M. An Introduction to Pension Schemes. Pension funding
L 4 Lemaire Jean Automobile Insurance. Actuarial Models, University of Pensylvania, Philadelphia, Pensylvania, USA. Automobile Insurance
L 5 Lemaire Jean Bonus-Malus Systems in Automobile Insurance, United States of America. Automobile Insurance
L 6 Lewin C.G., Carne S.A.,Hall R.E.G.,McKelvey K.J.,Wilkie A.D. Capital projects (presented to the Faculty of Actuaries 21 november 1994 and to the Institute of Actuaries 28 november 1994) Actuarial Mathematics
L 7 London Dick Graduation: the revision of estimates, USA. Modelling
L 8 London Dick Survival models and their estimation, USA. Modelling
L 9 Longman Longman american idioms dictionary. - Barselona: Longman, 1999, 402 s. Dictionary
L 10 Luffrum G.G., O'Leary A.G., Shedden A.D. The Life Associations' inter - office Expence Investigation. - Oxford.: The Alden Press, from The Journal of the Institute of Actuaries, vol. 112, part. III, no. 455, December 1986. Mixture
M 1 Macdonald A.S. An actuarial survey of statistical models for decrement and transition data. I: multiple state, Poisson and binomial models (reprinted from British Actuarial Journal vol.2, p.1, no.6, april 1996) Modelling
M 2 Macdonald A.S. An actuarial survey of statistical models for decrement and transition data. II: competing risks, non‑parametric and regression models. - British actuarial journal, vol. 2, p. II, no. 7, june 1996. Modelling
M 3 Macdonald A.S. An actuarial survey of statistical models for decrement and transition data. III: counting process models. - British actuarial journal. Modelling
M 4 McCullagh P., Nelder J.A. Generalized Linear Models, - Chapman & Hall, London, 1991, 511 s. Modelling
M 5 McCutcheon J.J., Scott W.F. An Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance, Great Britain. Mathematics of Finance
M 6 McLeish D.J.D., Stewart C.M. The supervision and control of pension fun ding in the united kingdom (presented to the Institute of Actuaries 23 november 1992) Pension funding
N 1 Needleman P.D., Roff T.A. Asset shares and their use in the financial management of a with-profits fund (pre- sented to the Institute of Actuaries 27 february 1995) Mathematics of Finance
N 2   New Education Strategy Transition Arrangements, Faculty and Institute of Actuaries, 2000. Education
N 3 Nowell P.J., Crispin J.R., Iqbal M.,Margutti S.F., Muldoon A. Financial Services and Investment Markets in a low Inflationary Environment. - Faculty and Institute of Actuaries, - presented 24 may 1999. Investment
O 1 Ottaviani Giuseppe (ed.) (Bühlmann H., Moriconi F., Boyle P.P., De Felice M., Pressacco F.) Financial Risk in Insurance. - Springer‑Verlag Berlin, 1995, - 112 s. Insurance
P 1 Panjer Harry H. Applied Risk Theory. Risk Theory
P 2 Panjer Harry H., Willmot Gordon E. Insurance Risk Models. Insurance
R 1   Reinsurance seminar, Moscow, october, 1991. Mixture
S 1 Schnitzer Martin C. Comparative economic systems. - College Division South‑Western Pullishing Co., 1991. - 496 s. (5th ed.) Economic
S 2 Stocker M.A., Dudley S.D., Finlay G.E., Fisher H.J., Harvey Wood O.C., Kemp M.H.D., Lumb W., Miles M.W. and Wasserman S.L. The Role and Responsibilities of Actuaries in the Defined Contribution Environment in the United Kingdom. - Institute of Actuaries and Faculty of Actuaries, presented 26 april 1999, - 23 s. Actuarial Mathematics
S 3 Straub Erwin Non-Life Insurance Mathematics, Germany. Insurance
S 4   Student Handbook 2002/2003: The Faculty of Actuaries and Institute of Actuaries Education
S 5   Student Handbook 2003/2004: The Faculty of Actuaries and Institute of Actuaries Education
S 7   Student Handbook 2004/2005: The Faculty of Actuaries and Institute of Actuaries Education
S 8 Student Handbook Help for Overseas Students, Faculty of Actuaries, Institute of Actuaries.(программа экзаменов на звание актуария) Actuarial Mathematics
S 9 Sundt Bjorn An Introduction to Non-Life Insurance Mathematics (Veroffenlichungen des Instituts fur Versicherungswissenschft der Universitat Mannheim, Band 28), 1984. Insurance
T 1   The Royal Charter of Incorporation and Bye‑Laws of the Institute of Actuaries, june 1999. Education
T 2 Transactions of the faculty of Actuaries, Edinburgh from Vol. XIV. (1931) to Vol. XXXV. (1977) Actuarial Mathematics
V 1   Vocabulaire practique de l'assurance (практический глоссарий страхования), - FFSA. - janvier, 1992, - 28 с. (пояснения в словаре даны на русском языке) Dictionary
W 2 Wetzel Jacques Comment se réassurer au moindre coût,-Dunod, 1976,-113 p. Mixture
Y 1 YUH-DAUH LYUU Financial engineering and computation. Cambridge univ.press Mathematics of Finance
H 9 Hossack I.B., Pollard J.H., Zehhnwirth B. Introductory statistics with applications in general insurance.Cambridge University Press, 1983. - 275 s. Statistics
R 2 Rochet Jean-Charles, Demange Gabrielle Methodes Mathematiques de la Finance, Paris, Ed. Economica, 1992.-303 pp Economic

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