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Дата изменения: Fri May 10 17:59:28 2013
Дата индексирования: Fri Feb 28 10:54:56 2014
Bayesian Estimation of log N - log S
Paul D. Baines
Department of Statistics University of California, Davis

May 10th, 2013


Project Goals
Develop a comprehensive method to infer (properties of ) the distribution of source fluxes for a wide variety source populations. More generally, to also infer luminosity functions for source populations.

Collaborators: Irina Udaltsova (UCD), Andreas Zezas (University of Crete & CfA), Vinay Kashyap (CfA).

The Rationale for log N - log S Fitting

Let N (> S ) denote the number of sources detectable to a sensitivity S i.e., N (> S ) is the empirical survival function of the flux distribution. In simple settings we expect: log

(N (> S )) = 0 + 1 log10 (S ),

Cosmology complicates the anticipated linearity somewhat, but in many cases the relationship is approximately linear. Primary Goal: Estimate 1 , the power law slope, while properly accounting for detector uncertainties and biases. Note: There is uncertainty on both x - and y -axes (i.e., N and s ).

Inferential Process
To infer the log N - log S relationship there are a few steps: 1. Collect raw data images 2. Run a detection algorithm to extract `sources' from the image 3. Produce a dataset describing the photon counts of all `sources' (and uncertainty about them, background etc.) 4. Infer physical properties about the source population (e.g., the log N - log S distribution) from this dataset Our analysis is focused on the final step ­ accounting for some (but not all) of the detector-induced uncertainties. . . Adding further layers to the analysis to start with raw images is possible but that is for a later time. . .

Probabilistic Connection

Standard log(N ) - log(S ) approaches make it difficult to coherently incorporate detector effects and uncertainties. Probabilistic Connection: Under independent sampling, linearity on the log N - log S scale is equivalent to the flux distribution being a Pareto distribution. (Follows from log-linearity of the survival function) The probabilistic representation for the flux distribution now allows for more rigorous analysis by embedding within a hierarchical model.

Beyond the Pareto
With Pareto flux distribution we obtain a linear relationship on the log N - log (N > S ) scale. In general, with complete-data flux distribution G , we have: Si G



(1 - FG (s )) := H (log10 (s )) .


The function H is linear if and only if G is the Pareto distribution. Our framework will allow for flexible specification of the (parametrized) flux distribution. Since linearity has both theoretical and empirical support, a commonly used generalization is a broken power-law: log

(1 - FG (s )) =

0 - 0 log10 (s ) s K , 1 - 1 log10 (s ) s > K


subject to a continuity constraint.

Broken Power-Law Modeling

The broken power-law in (2) can be represented as: Y where: X0 Truncated-Pareto (Smin , 0 , K ) , The result is also an whose log N - log S breakpoints, can be Pareto distributions `if and only relationship represented and another X1 Pareto (K , 1 ) . 1- K Smin

X0 +

K Smin



X1 ,

if ' result i.e., any distribution is a broken power law, with M as a mixture of M truncated (untruncated) Pareto distribution.

Physically Motivated Fitting
The insight from the probabilistic setting reveals that the broken power-law model has a number of unphysical properties (to be expected). Notably, it requires an `initial source population' to have a sharp cut-off, before yielding to a secondary source population present only above the threshold. More physically realistic descriptions are also more natural statistically e.g.,

j =1

pj Xj ,


Xj Pareto (Smin , j ) .

Note: the resulting log N - log S plot will be curved!

Observational Challenges
The previous discussion centered around the flux distribution. We only observe photon counts from the source with intensity proportional to the flux There is background contamination for all sources Different sensitivities across the detector Some sources will not be observed to detector limitations We do not know how many sources there actually are Some `sources' extracted from the image may not actually be sources In this context, whether a source is observed is a function of its source count (intensity) ­ which is unobserved for unobserved sources. This missing data mechanism is non-ignorable, and needs to be carefully accounted for in the analysis.

The Model
Broken power-law flux distribution (known break-points C ): Si |Smin , Pareto (, Smin ) , Source and background photon counts: Yitot |Si , Li , Ei Pois ((Si , Li , Ei ) + k (Bi , Li , Ei )) , Incompleteness, missing data indicators: Ii Bernoulli (g (Si , Bi , Li , Ei )) . Prior distributions: N NegBinom ( , ) , Smin Gamma(as , bs ), p (Bi , Li , Ei ) Gamma(a , b ).

i = 1, . . . , N .

i = 1, . . . , N ,

Observed data: Yobs = {(Yitot , Bi , Li , Ei ) : i I , |I | = n}, LVs/Missing Data: Ymis = {(Yitot , Si , Bi , Li , Ei ) : i I } , {Si : i I }, / Parameters: = {N , , Smin }.

The Model
Standard power-law flux distribution: Si |Smin , Broken-Pareto , Smin ; C , Source and background photon counts: Yitot |Si , Li , Ei Pois ((Si , Li , Ei ) + k (Bi , Li , Ei )) , Incompleteness, missing data indicators: Ii Bernoulli (g (Si , Bi , Li , Ei )) . Prior distributions: N NegBinom ( , ) , h(C ) N (m, V ),

i = 1, . . . , N .

i = 1, . . . , N ,

p (Bi , Li , Ei ) j = 1, . . . , M .

j Gamma(aj , bj ),

Observed data: Yobs = {(Yitot , Bi , Li , Ei ) : i I , |I | = n}, LVs/Missing Data: Ymis = {(Yitot , Si , Bi , Li , Ei ) : i I } , {Si : i I }, / Parameters: = N , , C .

Posterior Inference
Inference about , N and S is based on the observed data posterior distribution. Care must be taken with the variable dimension marginalization over the unobserved fluxes. Computation is performed by Gibbs sampling. Makes heavy use of the marginal probability of observing a source: (, Smin ) = g (S , B , L, E )·p (S |Smin , )·p (B , L, E )dB dL dE dS

For broken power-law this is 2m dimensional where m is the number of `pieces'. It can be pre-computed but requires a sufficiently dense grid and careful interpolation in higher dimensions.

Model/Computational Notes
Things to note: The dimension of the missing data is unknown (care must be taken with conditioning) Incompleteness function g can take any form and is problem-specific p (Bi , Li , Ei ) needs some care and can be tabulated or parametrized Prior parameters can be science-based or `weakly informative' For single power-law models computation is fast, and insensitive to the number of missing sources Computation for the broken-power law model is slower Generalized mixtures of Pareto's (or other forms) require only minor modifications of general scheme

Paper Organization
Paper 1 (Single Pareto modeling only): Handling of incompleteness Handling of other detector effects (background, exposure maps, source location etc.) Incorporation of prior information Probabilistic/Bayesian modeling Model checking via posterior predictive checks Paper 2 (Broken- and Mixture-Pareto extensions): Broken-Pareto modeling for log(N ) - log(S ) Mixture-Pareto modeling for log(N ) - log(S ) Model selection and model checking

Validation Details
Parameter specifications as follows: N NegBinom(, ), where = 200 = shape, = 2 = scale Gamma(a, b ), where a = 20 = shape, b = 1/20 = scale Si | Pareto (, Smin ), where Smin = 10-13 Yisrc |Si , Li , Ei Pois ((Si , Li , Ei )) Yibkg |Si , Li , Ei Pois (k (Li , Ei ))
· = SiEi , where effective area Ei (1000, 100000), and the energy per photon = 1.6 в 10-9

ki = z · Ei , where the rate of background photon count intensity per million seconds z = 0.0005 niter = 250000, Burnin = 50000

Actual vs. Nominal Coverage (1000 datasets)

Target N theta Sobs

Actual 0 0 20 40




40 Nominal




Actual vs. Nominal Coverage (196 datasets)

Target N theta Smin Sobs

Actual 0 0 20 40




40 Nominal




Sensitivity Studies

There are a lot of cogs in the full model, so we have performed various sensitivity studies to investigate the impact of different priors, misspecification of the incompleteness function etc.

Sensitivity: prior

Figure: (L) Weak prior and corresponding posterior for , (C) a moderately informative prior for , and, (R) a strongly informative but incorrect prior for .

Sensitivity: N Prior

Figure: Prior and posterior distributions for N and . Clockwise from
upper-left (top row) these represent a weak prior for N , a moderately informative prior for N and a strongly informative but incorrect prior for N . The bottom row shows the corresponding prior and posterior distributions for .

Fixed vs. Estimated Smin

Figure: The grey regions provide the posterior 95% credible intervals for at
the fixed Smin case, with the estimate in the center line. The cross intervals show posterior dispersion in both and Smin for varying priors on Smin .

Fixed Smin Results

Figure: Sensitivity of Smin on estimate of . Under the fixed Smin scenarios,
the plots show: (top-left) bias of , (top-right) standard deviation of , (mid-left) posterior regions and 95% credible intervals of , (mid-right) U-shape nature of MSE of .

Sensitivity to Misspecification of g

Figure: Top row: Four different incompleteness functions,
Rows 2-3: Corresponding prior and posterior distributions of N and . The second column corresponds to the correct incompleteness function.

Posterior Predictive Diagnostics

Figure: Bivariate posterior predictive scatterplot for the conditional model: (left) fitted Smin equal to truth, (right) fitted Smin larger to truth.

Application: CDF-N

Chandra Deep Field North X-ray sources Subset of 225 sources < 8 arcmins Incompleteness function and priors in tabulated form Priors used are weakly informative Smin estimated from the data

Figure: The log(N ) - log(S ) plot for the CDFN data. Each line in the plot
corresponds to a sample of fluxes for the complete source population from a single iteration of MCMC scheme with observed sources shown in grey and missing sources in red.

Figure: Posterior predictive plots for the single Pareto model fit to the CDF-N dataset.

CDF-N Results

The posterior predictive checks are passable but show a few issues (p -values from 0.03 to 0.41 for various features of the model fit). Indications of possible breakpoint (Broken-Pareto model gives better fit). Estimates: ^ = 0.68, (0.59, 0.78) consistent with other analyses, ^ N = 274, (256, 299) suggest completeness of 75% - 87.5%.

Status & Future Work
Paper One: Draft available, almost complete (Switching data analysis to CDF-S from CDF-N) Paper Two: Various simulations completed, more to do. . . Selection of number of `pieces' for multiple power-law setting not investigated yet (can use Wong et. al (2013) as guide) Estimation of normalizing constants is tricky, other ideas? Real data: CDF-N, SMC
Future stuff: False sources (allowing that `observed' sources might actually be background/artificial) Field contamination (allowing a mixture of a source population with known parameters) Extension to non-Poisson regimes


Wong, R.K.W., Baines, P.D., Aue, A., Lee, T.C.M and Kashyap, V.K. (2013) Automatic Estimation of Flux Distributions of Astrophysical Source Populations, http://arxiv.org/abs/1305.0979. P.D. Baines, I.S. Udaltsova, A. Zezas, V.L. Kashyap (2011) Bayesian Estimation of log N - log S , Proc. of Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy V A. Zezas et al. (2004) Chandra survey of the 'Bar' region of the SMC Revista Mexicana de Astronoma y Astrofsica (Serie de Conferencias) Vol. 20. IAU Colloquium 194, pp. 205-205.