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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Wed Feb 9 00:13:34 2011
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Oct 1 20:16:29 2012

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Michael R. Garca
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
Ph.D. Harvard University 1987, Astronomy
M.A. Harvard University 1982 Astronomy
B.S. MIT 1978 Earth and Planetary Sciences, concentration in Physics
Positions Held
Constellation-X SAO Science Lead, 9/03-present
Mission Planning Scientist, AXAF Science Center, 9/94-9/03
Project Scientist, Einstein Data Center, 10/91-9/94
Acting Project Scientist, Einstein Data Center, 2/91-10/91
Archive Scientist, Einstein Data Center, 2/90-2/91
Instrument Scientist, AXAF High Resolution Camera, 8/87-2/90
Professional Duties, Advisory Committees
Member CfA Director Search Advisory Committee, 6/03-4/04
Editor of Proceedings for COSPAR 34th Assembly, "Next Generation X-ray
Observatories", Houston TX, Oct. 2002.
Chairman of Science Organizing Committee for \Two Years of Science with Chandra"
Symposium, Washington DC, Sept 5-7 2001.
Reviewer for: NSF, NASA/ADP, GINGA, ASCA, CfA TAC, Harvard Astro 98
Referee for: Ap.J., A&A, NATURE, PASJ, AJ
NATURE News and Views contributor
Member HST/DADS (Data Archive and Distribution System) Users
Committee 1991-1993
Member NASA/HEASARC (High Energy Archive Science Research Center) Users
Committee 1991-1994
Member NASA/SOMOWG (Science Operations Management Operations Working
Group) Advisory Committee 1994-1995
Post-Docs Supervised/Hosted:
Dr. Albert Kong, Croucher Fellowship, 2001-2003
Dr. Benjamin Williams, NASA Grants, 2002-present
Dr. Danny Steeghs, Clay Fellowship, 2003-present
Dr. Manuel Perez-Torres, NASA Grants, 2003-present
Dr. Roberto Soria, Marie Curie Fellowship, 2004-present
Smithsonian Institution Special Achievement Award 2001

NASA Group Achievement Award (Chandra) 2000
Smithsonian Institution Special Achievement Award 2000
NASA Group Achievement Award (Chandra Operations Team) 2000
Smithsonian Institution Special Achievement Award 1997
Smithsonian Institution Special Achievement Award 1995
NASA Group Achievement Award (ROSAT) 1991
Smithsonian Institution Fellowship 1985-1987
National Science Foundation Fellow 1982-1985
Harvard University Fellow 1981-1982
Professional Societies
American Astronomical Society
Research Topics
Multiwavelength studies of low-mass x-ray binaries, gamma-ray bursters, x-ray
instrumentation, scienti c data systems, symbiotic stars, RS CVn stars.
Studies of Low-Mass X-ray Binaries: Multi-wavelength studies of Low-Mass
X-ray Binaries, concentrating on X-ray, IR, and optical wavelengths, but including radio
and UV wavelengths. Comparisons of Black Hole and Neutron Star X-ray transients and
advection dominated models. Studies of the XRB population and nuclear Black Hole in
M31. Optical and X-ray follow-up of Gamma-Ray Bursters.
X-ray Instrumentation: Design and testing components of the AXAF High
Resolution Camera (HRC), including acquisition and testing of new micro-channel plates,
and optimizing instrumental sensitivity. Design and testing of ROSAT HRI, concentrating
on the UV/Ion shields; analysis of in- ight calibration of ROSAT HRI. Design and
testing of the Energetic X-ray Imaging Telescope Experiment (EXITE). Designing and
programming the data acquisition system (based on a VAX II).
Scienti c Data Systems: Production and distribution of CDROMs containing
Einstein HRI data and IPC Slew Survey, including software and documentation for its
analysis. Design and development of network based systems to distribution of all Einstein
data. As Einstein Data Center Project Scientist, responsible supervisor for 20+ employees
and $2M/year budget.
Measurement of radial velocity curves in Symbiotic Stars: This project was
the rst (successful) attempt to measure the orbital parameters of a number of Symbiotic
Stars. The number of orbital periods known has been nearly doubled. It was shown that
the entire class can be understood with a binary model, and di erences in the individual
stars can be understood in terms of their newly determined orbital parameters.
X-ray studies of RS CVn stars: The discovery of hard X-ray ares in RS CVn
variables was reported in the 1980 Garca et al. article. This discovery solved a long

standing question in X-ray astronomy about the origin of the `high galactic latitude
transients'. They are caused by ares in RS CVn stars.
Research Grants
2005-2007 {NASA/Chandra(AO6)/HST PI, "M31* - The Nearest ExtraGalactic
Supermassive Black Hole", $70k
2003-2005 {NASA/Chandra(AO5)/HST PI, "Black Hole Transients in M31", $80k
2003-2005 {NASA/Chandra(AO5)/HST PI, "MultiWavelength Study of Cen X-4", $50k
2001-2002 {NASA/Chandra(AO3) PI, "Black Hole Transients in M31", $100k
2001-2002 {NASA/Chandra(A03)/HST Co-I, "Multiwavelength Study of XTE
J1118+480", $50k
2001-2006 {NASA/LTSA PI, \The Nearest Black Holes", $270k
2001-2006 {NASA/LTSA co-I, \SuperSoft X-ray Sources" (R. DeStefano PI), $500k
2000-2001 {NASA/HST(c10)/Chandra PI, \Black Hole Transients in M31", $120K
2000-2001 {NASA/Chandra(AO2)/HST PI, \Do Quiescent Black Hole Accretion Disks
Accrete?", $60K
2000-2001 {NASA/Chandra(A02) co-I, \XTE J1118+480, a DD/TOO Proposal", $20K
1999-2000 {NASA/HST/DD 8553, PI, \A Bright X-ray Transient in M31", $25K
1994-1999 {NASA UV/VIS, PI, \Searching for Black Holes", $160K
1993-1994 {ROSAT, PI \The Lightcuve of 4U2129+47 in a Low State", $15K
1993-1994 {ROSAT, Co-I on 3 other proposals
1991-1992 {ADP, PI \Simultaneous IUE/ROSAT Observations of EXO0748-67", $30K
1991-1991 {ROSAT, Co-I, \ROSAT Observations of the X-ray Binary HD 154791"
1990-1991 {ROSAT, PI \Observations of the X-ray Triple 4U2129+47",$20K
1990-1991 { IUE Co-I, { \Simultaneous IUE/ROSAT Observations of Atoll Low-Mass
X-ray Binaries"
1990-1991 {ROSAT, Co-I \X-ray Observations of the Eclipsing Millisecond Pulsar"
1990-1991 {ROSAT, Co-I \ROSAT Selected Area Survey - Eridanus"
1990-1991 {ROSAT, Co-I on 3 other proposals
1989-1990 { IUE Co-I, { \Simultaneous X-ray/UV Observations of Cyg X-2"
1986 { EXOSAT Co-I, \Simultaneous X-ray and Radio Observations of GX13+1"
An ADS Search shows 213 publications to date (7/2003)
Refereed Publications
MMT Observations of the Black-Hole Candidate XTE J1118+480 near and in Quiescence
M. A. P. Torres, P. J. Callanan, M. R. Garcia, P. Zhao, S. Laycock, 2004, submitted
to ApJ
Multiwavelength Spectrum of the Black Hole XTE J1118+480 in Quiescence, McClintock,
Je rey E.; Narayan, Ramesh; Garcia, Michael R.; Orosz, Jerome A.; Remillard,
Ronald A.; Murray, Stephen S. 2003 ApJ 593, 435
A Synoptic X-ray Study of M31 with the Chandra-HRC, Benjamin F. Williams, Michael
R. Garcia, Albert K. H. Kong, Frank A. Primini, A. R. King, Stephen S. Murray,
submitted to ApJ, astro-ph/0306421

Supersoft X-ray Sources in M31, R. Di Stefano, A.K.H. Kong, F.A. Primini, M.R. Garcia,
P. Barmby, P. Massey, P.W. Hodge, B.F. Williams, S.S. Murrary, S. Curry, T.A.
Russo, submitted to ApJ, astro-ph/0306440
Resolved Jets and Long Period Black Hole X-ray Novae, M.R. Garcia (1), J. M. Miller (1),
J. E. McClintock (1), A. R. King (2), J. Orosz (3) 2003 ApJ, 591, 388
Time-resolved Spectroscopy of the M15 X-ray Binary AC211/X2127+119; M.A.P.Torres
(1), P. J. Callanan (1), M. R. Garcia 2003, MNRAS 341, 1231
Discovery of Radio/X-Ray/Optical-resolved Supernova Remnants in the Center of the
Andromeda Galaxy, Kong, A. K. H.; Sjouwerman, L. O.; Williams, B. F.; Garcia, M.
R.; Dickel, J. R. 2003 ApJ ApJ, 590L, 21
Dynamical Evidence for a Black Hole in the Microquasar XTE J1550-564, Orosz, JA,
Groot, PJ, van der Klis, M., McClintock, JE, Garcia, MR, Zhao, P, Jain, RK, Bailyn,
CD, and Remillard, RA., 2001, Accepted to ApJ, astro-ph/0112101
X-ray Point Sources in The Central Region of M31 as seen by Chandra, Kong, AKH,
Garcia, MR, Primini, FA, Murray, SS, DiStefano, R, and McClintock, JE submitted
to ApJ astro-ph/0203243
Chandra and HST Observations of M31* and M31 X-ray Transients, Garcia, MR, Kong,
AKH, Primini, FA, Murray, SS, DiStefano, R, and McClintock, JE 2001 in prep
The X-ray Spectra of Black Hole X-ray Novae in Quiescence as Measured by Chandra,
Kong, McClintock, Murray, Barret 2001, submitted to ApJ, astro-ph/0111134
A Black Hole in the Superluminal Source SAX J1819.3-2525 (V4641 Sgr), Orosz, Jerome
A.; Kuulkers, Erik; van der Klis, Michiel; McClintock, Je rey E.; Garcia, Michael
R.; Callanan, Paul J.; Bailyn, Charles D.; Jain, Raj K.; Remillard, Ronald A., 2001
Modeling the Low State Spectrum of the X-ray Nova XTE J1118+480, A. Esin,
McClintock, Drake, Garcia, Hynes, Haswell, Marshall, and Muno, 2001, accepted
for ApJ, 2001ApJ...555..483E 555.
Complete and Simultaneous Spectral Observations of the Black Hole XTE J1118+480,
McClintock, Haswell, Garcia, Drake, Hynes, Marshall, Muno, Chaty, Garnavich,
Groot, Lewin, Mauche, Miller, Pooley, Shrader, Vrtilek, 2001 ApJ, 555, 477M
New Evidence for Black Hole Event Horizons from Chandra, Michael R. Garcia,
Je rey E. McClintockm Ramesh Narayan, Paul Callanan, Stephen S. Murray,
Bright X-Ray Sources in M31 Globular Clusters, R. DiStefano, A.K.H. Kong, M. Garcia,
P. Barmby, J. Greiner, S.S. Murray, F.A. Primini 2001 ApJ in press, astroph/0106254
A Black Hole of > 6 M in the X-ray Nova XTE J1118+480, J. E. McClintock M. R.
Garcia, N. Caldwell, E. E. Falco, P. M. Garnavich, P. Zhao, 2001ApJ...551L.147M
Optical Spectral Monitoring of XTE J1118+480 in Outburst - I. Evidence for a Precessing
Accretion Disk, MAP Torres, PJ Callanan, MR Garcia, P Garnavich, Z Balog, P
Berlind, M Brown, M Calkins, and A Mahdavi, 2002ApJ...569..423
A New Way to Detect Massive Black Holes in Galaxies, Accepted for ApJ Letters, De
Stefano, Greiner, Garcia, Murray, 2001ApJ...551L..37D
Optical and X-ray Observations of Aql X-1 for a Complete Outburst Cycle, RK Jain, CD
Bailyn, MR Garcia, and AM Levine, submitted to ApJ Feb 2001.
Observation of X-ray Lines from a Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB991216): Evidence of Moving

Ejecta from the Progenitor; Piro, Garmire, Garcia, Stratta, Costa, Feroci, Meszaros,
and Vietri, 2000Sci...290..955P
The X-Ray Afterglow of GRB 000926 Observed by BeppoSAX and Chandra: A Mildly
Collimated Fireball in a Dense Medium? Piro, L.; Garmire, G.; Garcia, M. R.; etal
RJK Observations of the Optical Afterglow of GRB991216, P.M. Garnavich, S. Jha, M.A.
Pahre, K.Z. Stanek, R.P. Kirshner, M.R. Garcia, A.H. Szentgyorgyi, and J.L. Tony,
A First Look at M31 with Chandra, M.R. Garcia, S.S. Murray, F.A. Primini, W. Forman,
C. Jones, 2000, ApJ Lett 537 L23.
A Search for the IR Counterpart to the black hole Candidate 4U1630-47, P.J. Callanan,
J. F. McCarthy, M.R. Garcia, 2000, A&A, 355, 1049C
Two Neutron Star SXT in Quiescence, 4U2129+47 and EXO 0748-676, M. R. Garcia and
P. J. Callanan 1999, AJ 118, 1390.
Black Hole and Neutron Star Transients in Quiescence, K. Menou, A.A. Esin, R. Narayan,
M.R. Garcia, J.P. Lasota, and J.E. McClintock, 1999, ApJ 520, 276.
Aql X-1 in Outburst and Quiescence, M.R. Garcia, P. Callanan, J. McCarthy, K. Eriksen,
R. Hjellming, 1999, ApJ 518, 422
The Rapid Decay of the Optical Emission from GRB 980326 and Its Possible Implications,
P.J. Groot et. al, 1998, ApJ, 502, 123.
Power-Law Decays in the Optical Counterparts of GRB 970228 and GRB 970508, M. R.
Garcia, P. Callanan, D. Moraru, J. E. McClintock, C. Hergenrother, E. Tollestrup,
S. Willner, C. R. Robinson, C. Kouveliotou and J. van Paradijs, 1998, ApJ Letters,
500, L105.
Advection Dominated Accretion and Black Hole Event Horizons, R. Narayan, M.R. Garcia,
and J.E. McClintock, ApJ Lett 1997, 478 L79
On the Mass of the Black Hole in GS2000+25, P. Callanan, M. Garcia, A. Filippenko, I.
McLean and H. Teplitz, 1996 ApJL 470, L57.
Observations of the X-ray Nova GRO J0422+32: III: A Low Inclination X-ray Nova Paul
J. Callanan, Michael R. Garcia, Je rey E. M c Clintock, Ping Zhao, 1996 ApJ 461 351.
Observations of the X-ray Nova GRO J0422+32: II : Optical Spectra Approaching
Quiescence, 1995, Michael R. Garcia, Paul J. Callanan, Je rey E. McClintock, Ping
Zhao, 1996 ApJ 460 932.
Observations of the X-ray Nova GRO J0422+32: I: Outburst and the Decay to Quiescence,
1995, P.J. Callanan, M. R. Garcia, J. E. McClintock, P. Zhao, R.A. Remillard, C. D.
Bailyn, J.A. Orosz, B.A. Harmon, W.S. Paciesas, Ap.J., 441, 786.
The Evolution of the Symbiotic Binary System AG Draconis, 1995, J. Mikolajewska, S. J.
Kenyon, M.R. Garcia, R. S. Polidan, 1995, A.J. 109, 1289
X-ray Emission from 4U2129+47 (=V1727 Cyg) in Quiescence, 1994, M. R. Garcia, Ap.J.
435, 407.
X-ray Observations of the Eclipsing MSP 1957+20, 1992, A. Fruchter, J. Bookbinder, M.
Garcia, Nature, 359, 303.
The Infrared Counterpart of GX13+1, M. R. Garcia, J. Grindlay, C. Bailyn, J. Pipher, M.
Shure, A.J. 103 1325, 1992
On the Nature of the Symbiotic Star CI Cygni, S. Kenyon, N. Oliversen, J. Mikolajewska,

M. Mikolajewski, R. Stencel, M. Garcia, and C. Anderson, 1991, AJ 101, 637.
Does Tidal Capture Produce Cataclysmic Variables?, Charles D. Bailyn, Jonathan E.
Grindlay, and Michael R. Garcia, 1990, Ap. J. Lett. 357, L35.
X-ray Burster is Theory Buster, Michael Garcia, 1990, Nature News and Views, 347, 513.
Four X-ray Selected Cataclysmic Variables in the Galactic Plane, P. Hertz, C. Bailyn, J.
Grindlay, M. Garcia, H. Cohn, and P. Lugger, 1990, Ap. J. 364, 251-258.
When Seven's a Crowd, Charles Bailyn and Michael Garcia, 1990, Nature News and Views,
343 120.
Is 4U2129+47 (= V1727 Cygnus) a Triple System?, M.R. Garcia, C.D. Bailyn,
J.E. Grindlay, and L.A. Molnar, 1989, Ap.J. Letters 341, L75.
IUE Observations of Cyg X-2: Ultraviolet Results From a Multiwavelength Campaign,
S.D. Vrtilek, J.C. Raymond, M.R. Garcia, F.W. Verbunt, G.R. Hasinger, and M.
Kurster,Astronomy and Astrophysics, 235, 162. 1990.
Out ow from the Outer Lagrangian Point: Observations and Models of 4U2127+12 in
M15, C. D. Bailyn, M. R. Garca, and J. E. Grindlay, 1989 Ap.J. 344, 786 1989.
Spectroscopic Orbits of Symbiotics Stars, II. TX Canum Venaticorum, S. J. Kenyon and
M. R. Garca, 1988 Astron. J.., 97, 194.
SAS 3 and Einstein Observations of the 11 Minute Orbital Period of the Globular Cluster
X-ray Source 4U1820-30, E. H. Morgan, R. A. Remillard, and M. R. Garca, 1988,
Ap.J., 324, 851.
Simultaneous X-ray and Radio Observations of GX13+1, Garca, M. R., Molnar, L.A.,
Grindlay, J.E., Stella, L., White, N. E., and Seaquist, E.A, 1988, Ap.J., 328, 552.
Discovery of an X-ray Burst from 4U2129+47, Garca, M.R., and Grindlay, J.E., 1987,
Ap.J. Letters, 313, L59.
Development of the EXITE detector: A new Imaging Detector for 20-300 keV Astronomy,
Garca, M.R., Grindlay, J.E., Burg, R.I., Murray, S.S., Flanagan, J.W., 1986, IEEE
Transactions on Nuclear Science, 33, 735
The Energetic X-ray Imaging Telescope Experiment (EXITE), Grindlay, J.E.,
Garca, M.R., Burg, R.I., and Murray, S.S., 1986, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear
Science, 33, 750
Spectroscopic Orbits of Symbiotic Stars: Preliminary Results, Garca, M.R., 1986, Astr.
J., 91, 1400
Spectroscopic Orbits of Symbiotic Stars, I. The Recurrent Nova T Coronae Borealis,
Kenyon, S.S., and Garca, M.R., 1986, Astr. J., 91, 125
Identi cation of Two Hard X-ray Sources with Be Stars, Steiner, J.E., Ferrara, A., Garca,
M. Patterson, J., Schwartz, D.A., Warwick, R.S., Watson, M.G., and McClintock,
J.E., 1984, Ap.J., 280, 688
Discovery of an Unusual M-Giant X-ray System: HD 154791 = 2A1704+241, Garca, M.,
Baliunas, S.L., Doxsey, R., Elvis, M., Fabbiano, G., Koenigsberger, G., Patterson, J.,
Schwartz, D., Swank, J., Watson, M.G., 1983, Ap.J., 267, 291
Identi cation of the Fast, High Galactic Latitude Transient A0000+28 with the RS CVn
System HD 224085, Schwartz, D.A., Garca, M., Ralph, E., Doxsey, R.E., Johnston,
M.D., Lawrence, A., McHardy, I.M., Pye, J.P., 1981, MNRAS, 196, 95
Optical Identi cation of H0123+075 and 4U1137-65: Hard X-ray Emission from RS CVn
Systems, Garca, M., Baliunas, S.L., Conroy, M., Johnston, M.D., Ralph, E., Roberts,

W., Schwartz, D.A., Tonry, J., 1980, Ap.J. (Letters), 240, L107
Published Conference Proceedings
The Constellation-X Mission: Science Overview and Mission Concept, M.R. Garcia, H.
Tananbaum, J. Bookbinder, N. White, R. Petre, K. Weaver, 2004, presented at
'Space 2004', AIAA, San Diego, CA
\The Next Generation of X-ray Observatories", proceedings of COSPAR 2002, Houston
TX, published in Advances in Space Research, 2004, ed. M. R. Garcia
Two Years of the X-ray Sky in M31, Kong, Garcia, Primini, DiStefano, Murray 2002, to be
published in \New Visions of the X-ray Universe in the XMM-Newton and Chandra
Era", astro-ph/0202065
X-ray Novae and the Evidence for Black Hole Event Horizons, Ramesh Narayan, Michael
R. Garcia, Je rey E. McClintock 2001; Invited review, to appear in Proc. IX Marcel
Grossmann Meeting, eds. V. Gurzadyan, R. Jantzen and R. Ruôni, Singapore:
World Scienti c, astro-ph/0107387
Chandra Imaging of M31, M.R. Garcia S.S. Murray, F.A. Primini, W.R. Forman, C. Jones
2000, In Proceedings of IAUS 205 "Galaxies at the Highest Angular Resolution", ed.
R. Schilizzi, published by PASP. Invited Talk
Chandra Observations of M31 and their Implications for its ISM, Primini, Garcia, Murray,
Forman, Jones, and McClintock, in \The Interstellar Medium in M31 and M33,
Proceedings 232 WE-Heraeus-Seminar", eds. Berkhuijsen and Beck
\Doppler Tomography of AC211", XX, P. Callanan, M. Garcia, in \ASTRO
TOMOGRAPHY : An international workshop on indirect imaging", July 2000
\Keck K-Band Observations of Low Mass X-ray Binaries", P.J. Callanan, A.V. Filippenko,
and M.R. Garcia, Astrophysics Letters Comm., proceedings of \X-ray Astronomy
1999", http://www.tesre.bo.cnr.it/bo99/bo999 report.html
\Black Hole Event Horizons and X-ray Nova Luminosities - Update", M.R. Garcia, J.E.
McClintock, R. Narayan, P. J. Callanan, 1997, to appear in the Proceedings of the
13th NAW on CVs, editors: S. Howell, E. Kuulkers, and C. Woodward
\Using The Tycho Output Catalog For AXAF: Guiding And Aspect Reconstruction For
Half-Arcsecond X-Ray Images", P.J. Green, T.A. Aldcroft, M.R. Garcia, P. Slane, &
J. Vrtilek, 1997, in Proceedings of the Hipparcos Symposium, ed. M. A. Perryman,
(ESA SP-402), in press.
\Optical and IR Observations of Aql X-1", M. R. Garcia, P. C. Callanan, 1996, in
\Accretion Phenomenon and Related Out ows", Proceedings of IAUC 163, Eds D.T.
Wickramasinghe, G.V. Bicknell, L. Ferrario, ASP Conf. Series, pg 705.
\The X-ray Nova GRO J0422+32 in Decline and Quiescence", M.R. Garcia, P.J. Callanan,
J.E. McClintock, P. Zhao, 1995, Proceedings IAUC 158, CVs and Related Objects,
Eds. A. Evans and J. H. Wood, Kluwer Press, pg 399.
\Recreating Einstein Level 1 Background Maps in IRAF", D. van Stone, J. McDowell, M.
R. Garcia, 1994, ADASS III
\CD-ROM In and Out of Astronomy", M. R. Garcia, 1994, in \Workshop on Databases for
Galactic Structure", ed. A.G.D. Philip, B. Hauck and A.R. Upgren, L. Davis Press,
Schenectady:NY, held at Swathmore College, 1993, p. 9.
\De nition of a Distribution Format for X-ray Data, M. Conroy", M.R. Garcia, E.G.

Mandel, J. Roll, and D.M. Worrall, 1992, in \Astronomical Data Analysis and
Software Systems 1", ed Worrall, Beimesderfer, and Barnes, ASP Conf. Series 25,
page 17.
\The Einstein On-Line System", T. Karakashnian, D.E. Harris, M.R. Garcia, G. Fabbiano,
J.M. Flanagan, and C.P. Stern, 1992 in \Astronomical Data Analysis and Software
Systems 1", ed Worrall, Beimesderfer, and Barnes, ASP Conf. Series 25, page 44.
\Distributed X-ray Data and Distributed Analysis Tools", D. Plummer, J. Schachkter, M.
Elvis, M. Garcia, and M. Conroy, 1992 in \Astronomical Data Analysis and Software
Systems 1", ed Worrall, Beimesderfer, and Barnes, ASP Conf. Series 25, page 62.
\The Possible X-ray Triple 4U2129+47 = V1727 Cyg", 1989, Michael R. Garcia, to appear
in Proceedings 23 rd ESLAB Symposium, Bologna, Italy, ESA SP-296, 151.
\Low Noise Microchannel Plates Detectors for X-ray Astronomy", M.R. Garcia,
H.J. Chappell, S.S. Murray, W.B. Feller, G.W. Fraser, 1989, SPIE 1140,Proceedings
ECO 2., ed. H. Benattar, pgs. 101-105.
\Low Noise Microchannel Plates", W.B. Feller, L.M. Cook, G.W. Fraser, J.F. Pearson,
S.S. Murray, M.R. Garcia, 1989 Proc. SPIE 1072-13, in press.
\X-ray Spectral Variations of Low-Mass X-ray Binaries", M. R. Garca, 1989, in Timing
Neutron Stars, ed H. Ogelman and E.P.J, van den Heuvel, Kluser Academic
Publishers, pgs. 257-266.
\Orbital Radial Velocity Curves of Symbiotic Stars", M. R. Garca and S. J. Kenyon, 1988
in the proceedings of IAUC 103, The Symbiotic Phenomenon, ed. J. Mikolajewska
et al., pg. 27.
Abstracts for talks, posters and IAU, ATEL, GCN Circulars
ATEL 384, \Faint X-ray Outburst in XTE J1118+480", R. Remillard (MIT), M. Garcia,
M. A. P. Torres, D. Steeghs (SAO), 12 Jan 2005
\Constellation-X Mission Design and Technology Update", M. Garcia and the Con-X
Team, at \From the Big Bang to Black Holes" held at Stanford Linear Accelerator
Center,Stanford University, 12-15 May 2004
GCN 2502 \GRB031220(=H2976): Observation with the Chandra X-ray Observatory" M.
De Pasquale, B. Gendre, L. Piro, E. Costa, M. Feroci, M. Garcia, L. A. Antonell, G.
Garmire, G. Ricker, Dec 28 2003
ATEL 205, \Precise X-ray position of A1744-36 (=XTE J1748-361?)" J. McClintock
(CfA), S. Murray (CfA), M. Garcia (CfA) and P. Jonker (IoA), 8 Nov 2003
ATEL 104, "Magnitudes of X-ray Nova XTE J1650-500 in Quiescence", M. Garcia and B.
Wilkes, 10 Aug 2002
ATEL 87, \Optical Counterpart of the Millisecond Pulsar XTE J1751-305", A.K.H.
Kong, P. Challis, M.R. Garcia and R. Kirshner (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for
Astrophysics), 17 Apr 2002
ATEL 83, \X-ray Transients in M31", M. Garcia, A. Kong, S. Murray, F. Primini, P.
Kaaret J.McClintock and R. DiStefano, 8 Feb 2002
ATEL 79, \X-ray Transients in M31", M. Garcia, A. Kong, S. Murray, F. Primini,
J.McClintock and R. DiStefano, 10 Dec 2001
ATEL 76, \X-ray Transients in M31", A. Kong, M. Garcia, S. Murray, F. Primini,
J.McClintock and R. DiStefano, 12 Sept 2001

IAUC 7542, \XTE J1118+480", McClintock, J.; Garcia, M.; Zhao, P.; Caldwell, N.; Falco,
E., 2000 Dec 12
GCN 836, \GRB000926: X-ray afterglow by Chandra X-ray Observatory" G. Garmire, A.
Garmire, L. Piro, and M. R. Garcia, 2000 Oct 06
IAUC 7498, \X-ray Transient in M32", Garcia etal 2000 Sept 30
IAUC 7496, \V 1333 Aql = Aql X-1", R. Jain, C. Bailyn, M. Garcia, etal, 2000 Sept 26
IAUC 7494, \XTE J1859+226", P. Zhao, M. Garcia, J. McClintock, 2000 Sept 25
IAUC 7466, \XTE J1859+226", M. Garcia, J. McClintock, P. Callanan, A.V. FIlippenko,
2000 July 26
ATEL 59, \Mini-outburst of Aql X-1" R. Jain, C. Bailyn and P. Coppi, M. Garcia, A.
Levine, J. Orosz, P. Lu, and J. Espinoza and D. Gonzalez , 2000 July 10
IAUC 7429, \V1333 Aquilae", R. Jain et al., 2000 May 25
IAUC 7423, \V1333 Aquilae", R. Jain et al., 2000 May 12
\Chandra Observations of M31", Garcia, M.; Murray, S.; Primini, F.; McClintock, J.;
Forman, W.; Jones, C.; 2000, BAAS 196, 3420G
vsnet-alert 4603, \S-wave in XTE J1118+480 HeII 4686", M. Garcia, J. McClintock, W.
Brown, M. Pahre, April 10, 2000
IAUC 7392, \XTE J1118+480 Spectroscopy and Photometry" , M. Garcia, W. Brown, M.
Pahre, and J. McClintock, P. Callanan, P. Garnavich, April 3, 2000
GCN 544, \Chandra Observations of GRB000210 X-ray Afterglow", Michael Garcia, Luigi
Piro, Gordon Garmire, and Joy Nichols, Feb 11, 2000.
\Chandra X-ray Observatory Observation of the Nucleus of M31", S.S. Murray, M.R.
Garcia, F.A. Primini, R. Kraft, 1999, BAAS 195.2006M.
\AL Comae, Not So Red Afterall; Photometry and Spectroscopy of a Very Faint TOAD.",
Francisco Galvan, Michael Garcia, Paul Callanan, 1999, BAAS 195.3610G.
GCN 500, \Chandra observation of the X-ray afterglow of GRB991216", L. Piro, G.
Garmire, M. Garcia and the CXC team, F. Marshall & T. Takeshima, Dec 19, 1999.
GCN 495, \GRB991216 Optical and IR observations", P. Garnavich, S. Jha, K. Stanek,
M. Pahre, M. Garcia, A. Szentgyorgyi and J. Tonry, Dec 18, 1999
GCN 476, \GRB 991216, optical observations" S. Jha, R. Kirshner, K. Stanek, P.
Garnavich, M. Garcia, A. Szentgyorgyi, and J. Tonry, Dec 17, 1999.
GCN 469, \GRB991216, infrared observations", P. Garnavich, K. Stanek, M. Garcia, S.
Jha and A. Szentgyorgyi, Dec 17, 1999.
IAUC 7291, \X-ray Transient in M31", S.S. Murray, M. R. Garcia and F.A. Primini, 1999
IAUC 7284, \XTE J1859+226", Chaty et al., 1999
IAUC 7271, \GM Sgr", M. R. Garcia and J. E. McClintock, P. J. Callanan, 1999
Astronomers Telegram 50, \Optical and near-IR observations of XTE J1859+226", Hynes
et al., 1999
IAUC 7219, \GX 17+2", Callanan, P. J.; Filippenko, A. V.: Garcia, M. R., 1999
IAUC 7161, \V1333 Aql", R Jain, C. Bailyn, Garcia, M. M. Garcia, K. Rines, 1999
Astronomers Telegram 41, \Optical Outburst of AQL X-1", Jain, R.; Bailyn, C.; Garcia,
M.; Rines, K.; Levine, A.; Espinoza, J.; Gonzalez, D., 1999
GCN Circular 302, \GRB990506 Optical Obseravtions", P. M. Garnavich, K. Z. Stanek
and M. R. Garcia
GCN Circular 215, \GRB 990123 Optical Observations", Garnavich, Jha, Stanek and

IAUC 7086, 1999 Jan 15, \V1333 Aql = Aql X-1 = Two Stars", P.J. Callanan, A.V.
Filippenko, M.R. Garcia
Zhao, P., McClintock, J.E., and Garcia, M.R., Remillard, R.A., \Is GRO J0422+32 still
active?", 1998, Bull. Am. Astro. Soc. 193
Traub, W., Millan-Gabet, R. and Garcia, M.R., \CI Cam: Observations of the Dust
Envelope Diameter?", 1998, Bull. Am. Astro. Soc. 193
M. R. Garcia, P. J. Callanan, J. McCarthy, W. Traub, R. Millan-Gabet, P. Vaisanen, and
M. Marengo, \ XTE J0421+32 = CI Cam -or- The April Fools Nova = Iron Star",
19th Texas Relatavisitc Astrophyscis Symposium, Dec 1998
Morgan, W., and Garcia, M.R., \Position and X-ray Variability of 2A 1704+241", 1998,
Bull. Am. Astro. Soc. 193
IAUC 7022, 1998 Sept 29, \XTE J1946+274", Parvis Ghavamian and Michael Garcia
IAUC 6933, 1998 June 5, \XTE J2012+381 IR Observations", P. Callanan, J. McCarthy,
M. R. Garcia, J. E. McClintock
IAUC 6931, 1998 June 4, \XTE J2012+381 and F-Star", M. R. Garcia, J. E. McClintock,
E. Barton, and P. Callanan
IAUC 6922, 1998 May 29, \XTE J2012+381 is not M-giant", M. R. Garcia, J. E.
McClintock, P. Berlind, E. Barton, and P. Callanan
IAUC 6865, 1998 April 6, \XTEJ0421+56 = CI CAM", M. R. Garcia, P. Berlind, E.
Barton, J.E. McClintock, P.J. Callanan and J. McCarthy.
IAUC 6792, 1997 Dec 19, \GRB 971214", M. R. Garcia, A. Muench, E. Tollestrup, P.J.
Callanan and J. McCarthy.
IAUC 6735, 1997 Sept 5, \GRB 970828", K. Z. Stanek, M. R. Garcia, and M.
\A search for the IR counterpart of 4U 1630-47", Paul Callanan, Amaya Gaztelu-Sanchez,
and Michael Garcia, Poster presented at the IAU, Kyoto, Japan, August 1997
\The K-band lightcurve of GRO J1655-40", Paul Callanan and Michael Garcia, Poster
presented at the IAU Kyoto, Japan, August 1997
\IR Photometry of the Relativistic Jet Sources GRO 1915+105 and GRO J1655-40", P. J.
Callanan and M. R. Garcia, 1996 IAUC 163, Accretion Phenomenon, Port Douglas,
\The 1997 and 1996 Outbursts of Aql X-1: Evidence for an ADAF in a Neutron Star
SXT?", M.R. Garcia and P.J. Callanan, Poster presented at the 13th NAW on CVs,
Jackson Hole, WY, July 1997.
IAUC 6721, 1997 Aug 22, \GRB970815", K.Z. Stanek, DD Sasselov, M.R. Garcia and
C.R. Robinson
\Update on GRB", 1997 May 21, talk for New England Regional QSO Meeting, Haystack
\Quiescent and Outburst State X-ray Observations of Aquila X-1", C.R. Robinson, B.A.
Harmon, W.S. Paciesas, S.N. Zhang, M. Tavani, Y. Tanaka, F. Nagase, K. Asai, M.
Garcia, B.C. Rubin, C.A. Wilson, M.L. McCollough, S. Dieters, P. Kaaret & E. Ford,
presented at the ASCA Cherry Blossom Festival, Washington DC, April 1997
IAUC 6661, 1997 May 15, \GRB970508", Garcia, Moraru, McClintock, Robinson,
Kouveliotou, van Paradijs

IAUC 6558, Feb 13 1997, \V1333 Aql= Aql X-1", A. Levine, B. Thomas, M. Garcia, P.
Berlind, P. Callanan
\ROSAT Spectrum and Lightcurve of 4U2129+47 in Quiescence", Jan 1996 AAS Poster,
M.R. Garcia, P. Callanan
IAUC 6106, 20 Nov 1994, \V1333 Aql= Aql X-1", M. Garcia, P. Callanan, J. McClintock,
P. Zhao
IAUC 6096, 15 Oct 1994, \EXO1846-031", J.Grindlay , P.Zhao, M.Garcia.
\Spectroscopy and Photometry of the Black Hole Candidate GRO/J0422+32 Near
Quiescence", M.R. Garcia, P. Callanan, J. McClintock, P. Zhao, 1994, IAU
Symposium 165, poster 165.BH.63.
IAUC 5929, 4 February 1994, \GRO J0422+32", P. Zhao, P. Callanan, M. Garcia, and J.
\Optical Spectroscopy and Photometry of the Black Hole Candidate J0422+32 Near
Quiescence", M.R. Garcia, P.C. Callanan, J.E. McClintock, and P. Zhao, BAAS
25, 1381, 1994
IAUC 5907, 15 December 1993, \GRO J0422+32", P. Zhao, P. Callanan, M. Garcia, and
J. McClintock
IAUC 5901, 9 December 1993, \GRO J0422+32", P. Zhao, P. Callanan, M. Garcia, and
J. McClintock
IAUC 5879, 14 October 1993, \GRO J0422+32", P. Zhao, P. Callanan, M. Garcia, and J.
\Optical Observations of the X-ray Nova J0422+32", 1993, Zhao, P., Callanan, M. Garcia,
M, McClintock, J. Remillard, RA, Silber, A. in proceedings of The Evolution of X-ray
Binaries, Oct 1993 College Park, MD
IAUC 5860, 11 Sept 93, \GRO J0422+32" P. Zhao, P. Callanan, M. Garcia, and J.
\X-ray and Optical Observations of 4U2129+47 = V1727Cyg in a Low State" M.R. Garcia,
1993, BAAS 24, 1553, 1992
IAUC 5578, August 1992, \Possible Turn-on of 4U2129+47=V1727 Cyg", M. Garcia , J.
Grindlay, C. Bailyn
\Is 4U2129+47 (= V1727 Cygnus) a Triple System?", M.R. Garcia, C.D. Bailyn,
J.E. Grindlay, J.E. McClintock, and L.A. Molnar, 1989, BAAS.
IAUC 4489, 1987, \Nova Vulpeculae 1987", Horine, E., Garca, M., and Schild, R.
\X-ray period of 4U1820-30", Garca,M.R., Burg,R.I., and Grindlay,J.E., 1986, IAUC 4259
IAUC 4489, 1987, \A Re ned Period for 4U1820-30, Morgan,E.H., Remillard,R.A.",
Priedhorshy,W., Stella,L., White,N.E., and Garcia,M.R., 1986, IAUC 4261
\Multiwavelength Observations of GX13+1", Garcia, M.R., Stella,L., Grindlay, J.E.,
and Seaquist, E.A., 1986, poster presented at workshop `Accretion onto Compact
Objects', Tenerife, Spain, April 1986.
\Mass Accretion Rate vs. X-ray Luminosity in Low-Mass X-ray Binaries", M. R. Garcia,
1987, BAAS
\Spectral Variability of Low-Mass X-ray Binaries", M. R. Garcia, 1987, BAAS
\Orbital Radial Velocity curves of Symbiotic Stars", Garcia, M.R., 1985, BAAS, 17, 519
\Discovery of the First X-ray Burst from 4U2129+47", Garcia, M.R., and Grindlay, J.E.,
1985, BAAS, 17, 565

\Optical Identi cation of 2A1704+214 with the M0III Star HD154791", Garcia, M.,
Baliunas, S.L., Elvis, M., Fabbiano, G., Patterson, J., Schwartz, D.A., Watson, M.,
Doxsey, R., 1981, BAAS, 26, 570
\Precise Locations of HEAO-1 X-ray Sources", Schwartz, D.A., Garcia, M., Patterson, J.,
Ralph, E., Roberts, W., Doxsey, R., Johnston, M.D., Wood, K., Meekins, J., Yentis,
D., Bleach, R., 1981, BAAS, 13, 558
\Discovery of Two X-ray Emitting Be Stars with the HEAO-1 Scanning Modulation
Collimator", Schwartz, D.A., Ferrara, A., Garcia, M., Patterson, J., Steiner, J.,
Doxsey, R., Johnston, M.D., McClintock, J., Remillard, R., McHardy, I., Pye, J.P.,
Warwick, R.S., Watson, M. 1981, BAAS, 13, 834
\Locations of Unidenti ed X-ray Sources with the HEAO-1 Scanning Modulation
Collimator", Garcia, M., Conroy, M., Doxsey, R., Griôths, R.E., Johnston, M.,
Ralph, E., Roberts, W., Schwartz, D.A., 1980, BAAS, 12, 527
\A Tale of Three Periods: The White Dwarf X-ray and Optical Pulsar H2252-035",
Patterson, J., and Garcia, M., 1980, BAAS, 12, 840
\Precise Location of 3A2352+28: The High Galactic Latitude Transient A0000+28",
Schwartz, D.A., Garcia, M., Conroy, M., Ralph, E., Roberts, W., Griôths, R.E.,
Johnston, M., McHardy, I., Lawrence, A., Pye, J., 1980, BAAS, 12, 513
\X-ray Locations of U Gem and a Transient Source near Cas A as determined with
the HEAO-1 Scanning Modulation Collimator", Conroy, M., Fabbiano, G., Garcia,
M.,Ralph, E., Roberts, W., Schwartz, D.A., Johnston, M., 1979, BAAS, 11, 464
\Location of H1743-322 and H0632+18 Determined with the Scanning Modulation
Collimator on HEAO-1", Garcia, M., Conroy, M., Griôths, R.E., Ralph, E., Roberts,
W., Schwartz, D.A., 1979, BAAS, 11, 447
\Locations of Variable X-ray Sources near Southern Clusters of Galaxies using the Scanning
Modulation Collimator on HEAO-1", Schwartz, D.A., Conroy, M., Garcia, M., Ralph,
E., Roberts, W., Schwarz, J., Doxsey, R., Johnston, M., 1979, BAAS, 11, 459
Digital Publications
\The EINSTEIN Observatory Database of IPC Images in Event List Format", A.
Prestwich, J. McDowell, D. Plummer, K. Manning, and M. Garcia, Smithsonian
Astrophysical Observatory, 1992
\The EINSTEIN Observatory Database of HRI X-ray Images in Event List Format",
D. Plummer, K. Manning, S. Romaine, F. Primini and M. Garcia, Smithsonian
Astrophysical Observatory, 1992
\The EINSTEIN Observatory IPC Slew Survey", D. Plummer, J. Schachter, M. Garcia,
and M. Elvis, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, 1991
\The EINSTEIN Observatory Database of HRI X-ray Images", M. R. Garcia, J.D.
McSweeney, T. Karakashian, J. Thurman, F.A. Primini, B.J. Wilkes, and M. Elvis,
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, 1990
Invited Talks, Symposia, Colloquia
\Latest Results from NASA: Chandra X-ray Observtory", Talk at National Science
Teachers Association meeting, Dallas TX, April 1 2004.

\Smithsonian Science Day: Searching for Black Holes", Talk at National Science Teachers
Association meeting, Dallas TX, April 1 2004.
\The NEXT Nearest Black Holes: Chandra and HST Observations of M31", Open
University Colloquim, Milton Keynes England, Dec 21 2004.
\SAO Involvement in the Constellation X-ray Mission", presentation to CFA Visitin
Committee, June 21 2004
\SAO High Energy Division Activities", presentation to CFA Visitin Committee, June 21
\Constellation-X Update",New England Regional Quasar Meeting, Boston College, May
26 2004
Sept 17 2003, \Resolved Jets and Long Period Black Hole X-ray Novae", talk at Four
Years of Science with Chandra, MSFC, Alabama.
Feb 24 2003, \The Nearest Black Holes", Colloquim at NMSU (Las Cruces) Astronomy
Apr 26 2002, \Chandra Synoptic Observations of M31 (aka The Next Nearest Black Holes",
MIT/CSR lunch talk.
Apr 13 2002, \Chandra Synoptic Observations of M31", AAS/HEAD meeting talk (Session
Feb 13 2002, \Chandra Observations of Very BLACK Black Holes", U Mass Lowell Physics
Department Colloquium.
Oct 11 2001, \Chandra Observations of Very BLACK Black Holes", Tufts University
Physics Colloquium.
Sept 6 2001, "Black Hole Transients and Nucleus of M31", at 'Two Years of Science with
Chandra', Washington DC, Invited Talk.
July 30 2001, "New Evidence for Black Hole Event Horizons from Chandra", Open
University Astronomy Seminar
July 19 2001, "New Evidence for Black Hole Event Horizons from Chandra", Bristol
University Astronomy/Physics Lunch Talk
July 17 2001, "New Evidence for Black Hole Event Horizons from Chandra", Southampton
University Astronomy Seminar
July 12 2001, "New Evidence for Black Hole Event Horizons from Chandra", Leicseter
University Astronomy/Physics Seminar
July 10 2001, "New Evidence for Black Hole Event Horizons from Chandra", St. Andrews
University Astronomy/Physics Lunch Talk
Apr 27 2001, \New Evidence for Event Horizons from Chandra", MSFC/NSSTC Colloquim
Mar 28 2001, \The Darkest Black Holes", SAO/HEAD Lunch Talk
Mar 19 2001, \The Nearest Black Holes", GSFC/LHEA Colloquim
Jan 2001, \New Evidence from Chandra for Event Horizons Surrounding Black
Holes", AAS Press Conference, chandra.harvard.edu/press/01 releases/press 011101.html.
Appeared on NYT from page (Jan 12, 2001), on BBC Word Service news (Jan 12, 2001),
and on BBC 'Science in Action' weekly radio show (Jan 15, 2001)
August 2000, \Chandra Imaging of M31", M.R. Garcia S.S. Murray, F.A. Primini, W.R.
Forman, C. Jones 2000, at IAUS 205 "Galaxies at the Highest Angular Resolution", Invited
Jan 2000, \The Cool Nucleus of M31", AAS Press Conference on Chandra First Results,

http://chandra.harvard.edu/press/00 releases/press 011400m31.html
January 2000, American Association of Physics Teachers, \New Results from Chandra: A
'Local' View"
October 1997, Irish Astronomical Society, \X-ray Astronomy with AXAF"
May 1993, Swathmore Large Astronomical Databases: \The Einstein CD-ROM Archive",
Invited Talk
August 1994, SIGCAT 94 Federal Showcase: \The Einstein CD-ROM Archive"
September 1989, Bologna X-ray Astronomy Symposium: \Is 4U2129+47 a Triple
Popular Articles and Talks
\Meet the Observers", an interactive travelling display produced by SAO, premire at
Boston Museum of Science Sept 2002
Nov 2001, Portable Planetarium Show \The Reasons for the Seasons" Penn Brook Grade
Oct 1999 - Present, \Project ASTRO" at Newbury Elementry School 3rd Grade,
Dec 1998, Portable Planetarium Show for Perley Grade 1
Summer 1998, CfA Public Night Lecture, \Black Holes and Event Horizons"
February 1997, Boston Amateur Telescope Makers, \Black Holes and Event Horizons"
September 1996, Triton Regional High School, \An Astronomy Tour of the WWW"
\AXAF Navigation", for a New York Times Television show on Navigation, to be on The
Learning Channel, Fall 1997
\X-ray Nova and Event Horizons", AAS Press Release, appeared on CNN \Technology
Today" Jan 1997; on Discovery Channel \Science Update" Jan 1997
\Advection Dominated Accretion and Black Hole Event Horizons", Current Science, V73,
pg242, Aug 1997 (Cover Article)
\Advection Dominated Accretion and Black Hole Event Horizons", Bull Astron. Soc.
India, 1997
\A Close Encounter with Comet Hyakutake", Georgetown Record, April 25 1996.
Professional References
Dr. Stephen S. Murray
Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
Prof. Ramesh Narayan
Harvard University
Department of Astronomy, MS6
60 Garden St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
Dr. Je rey McClintock
Center for Astrophysics

60 Garden St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
Dr. Harvey Tananbaum
Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
Dr. Paul J. Callanan
Department of Physics
University College, Cork, Ireland
011 353 21 902468
Prof. Jonathan Grindlay
Harvard University
Department of Astronomy, MS6
60 Garden St.
Cambridge, MA 02138