Irish Astronomical Society's October Talk (Monday 19th, 8 pm, Dunsink Observatory) is presented by Dr. Brian O'Halloran and is Entitled "The Herschel Space Observatory - The golden age of space-based IR astronomy continues". Brian is a member of the Herschel SPIRE Instrument Control Centre team, and a member of the Herschel Specialist Astronomy Group 2 consortium. He is also a member of the Spitzer Legacy SAGE team. He promises to show us some of the latest images from this amazing new instrument (which is still just coming on-line).
There are still places available for the October talk, dont forget to book your ticket now if you want to attend. Attendance is FREE, but you do need to book a place as Insurance restricts attendance to 50.
Please email John Murphy to let him know you will attend and place(s) will be kept for you.