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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Tue Jun 13 20:48:24 1995
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 02:21:58 2012

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Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IV
ASP Conference Series, Vol. 77, 1995
R. A. Shaw, H. E. Payne, and J. J. E. Hayes, eds.
Indexing and Searching Distributed Astronomical Data
R. E. Jackson
Computer Sciences Corporation/Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700
San Martin Dr., Baltimore, MD 21218
Abstract. The technology needed to implement a Distributed Astro­
nomical Data Archive (DADA) is available today (e.g., Fullton 1993).
Query interface standards are needed, however, before the DADA infor­
mation will be discoverable.
Fortunately, a small number of parameters can describe a large vari­
ety of astronomical datasets. One possible set of parameters is (RA, DEC,
Wavelength, Time, Intensity) \Theta (Minimum Value, Maximum Value, Res­
olution, Coverage). These twenty parameters can describe aperture pho­
tometry, images, time resolved spectroscopy, etc.
These parameters would be used to index each dataset in each cat­
alog. Each catalog would in turn be indexed by the extremum values of
the parameters into a catalog of catalogs. Replicating this catalog of cat­
alogs would create a system with no centralized resource to be saturated
by multiple users.
1. Available But Not Discoverable
The widespread availability of Internet access has made astronomical catalogs---
or even astronomical data---available interactively via FTP, Telnet, Gopher,
Wide Area Information System (WAIS), or World Wide Web. These tools have
solved the access and navigation problem. However, there is no available system
which can answer a query like: ``All data for NGC1073 taken between 1989 Jan 1
and 1989 Aug 1 in the wavelength range 0.4--0.6 ¯m with spatial resolution less
than 2 arcseconds.'' The ADS and ESIS attempt to provide this ability, but
they only support cross catalog queries on RA, DEC, and wavelength region.
They do not provide the ability to constrain the search to data with a specified
spatial resolution, spatial extent, spectral resolution, etc. It is not easy to add
new data to ADS or ESIS, and they both use a centralized resource which limits
their scalability.
If the wealth of astronomical catalogs or data is to be really useful, the
information must be easily discoverable.
2. The WAIS Solution
Fortunately, a similar problem has already been solved by the WAIS. There is
a central (although replicated) directory­of­servers, which contains a manually

generated description of each WAIS index. The user queries the directory­of­
servers to find which indices should be searched. The user then queries a user­
specified set of indices for the desired information. The key elements of the
WAIS solution are: a standard query protocol, distributed WAIS index servers,
a directory­of­servers, and a client which can query multiple servers. WAIS has
solved the problems of scalability and ease of adding new information. However
querying the entire system is still a two step process, and the information in the
directory­of­servers is not always accurate or current.
3. Parameterizing Observations
The problem of accurately describing different resources is actually relatively
easy for astronomical data. Astronomical observations can be described by the
following parameters: (1) right ascension, (2) declination, (3) wavelength/freq­
uency, (4) date, and (5) flux. Each parameter has a (1) maximum value, (2)
minimum value, (3) resolution/sampling, and (4) coverage/filling factor. These
twenty parameters can describe observations ranging from aperture photometry
to time­resolved spectral imaging. A few additional parameters may be needed
to describe information like the position angle of a rectangular region or the
shape of a non­rectangular bandpass.
4. Individual Archives
Each archive site would index their observations by the twenty parameters. Ob­
servations with similar extremum values would be combined into a ``catalog''
described by the extremum values of (1) X width, and X resolution; (2) Y
width, and Y resolution; (3) minimum wavelength, maximum wavelength, and
wavelength resolution; (4) time duration, time, and resolution; and (5) mini­
mum flux, maximum flux, and resolution. The catalog could be simply a list of
observations or it could contain HTML links to the actual data. By having each
archive site do its own indexing, the conversion to the standard representation
is done by the people with the most knowledge of the data and its limitations.
5. Catalog of Catalogs
Individual archive sites would ``register'' their catalogs with the ``Catalog of
Catalogs'' central repository site. This would provide a single point from which
to announce new catalogs and obtain a list of existing catalogs. Each archive
site would have a local copy of the ``Catalog of Catalogs,'' updated daily from
the central repository. This local copy would be used for user queries---not the
one at the central repository. From the perspective of user queries, the system
is completely distributed and there is no centralized resource to saturate. The
central repository would query each catalog daily to verify its availability and
mark ``dead'' catalogs in the ``Catalog of Catalogs''. It would also obtain the
current values of the individual catalog extrema during the daily query.

6. Query Interface
The Query Interface would be a HTML form with the following fields: (1) what
catalogs to query and what catalogs not to query; (2) RA, DEC, TARGNAME,
and Search Radius; (3) X­Width and Y­Width; (4) X­Resolution, Y­Resolution,
and Coverage; (5) Wavelength Center and Wavelength Width; (6) Wavelength
Resolution and Coverage; (7) Time Center and Time Width; (8) Time Resolution
and Coverage; (9) Minimum Flux and Maximum Flux; and (10) Flux Resolution.
The underlying server script would sanity check user input, determine which
catalogs to query, query each catalog, and combine the results. The local copy of
the ``Catalog of Catalogs'' would be used to determine which catalogs to query,
and to allow a query at one site to query all the sites.
7. Query Fan­Out and Combination
The same query interface server script could be used to query a local index search
engine, query a remote index search engine, and query another query interface.
The additional level of indirection provided by the third case would allow each
archive site to relocate or subdivide the catalogs to meet the changing user load,
hardware availability, or catalog structure. Since the ``Catalog of Catalogs'' has
virtually the same fields as an actual catalog, the same indexing and search
software could be used for both purposes.
8. Index Search Engine
Each catalog would be served by an Index Search Engine which could be a
relational database, freeWAIS­sf, a custom tool, or whatever software was suited
to that archive site. The standard set of parameters combined with a standard
query protocol does not force the archive site to store their information in a
particular system or database.
Hopefully, a set of public domain software could be assembled to provide
an Index Search Engine for those sites not wishing to buy a relational database.
9. Conclusions
The technology is available today to perform cross­catalog queries, to fetch the
data at the click of a mouse, quickly to add new observation catalogs, and to
distribute the load across multiple machines. The challenge is indexing obser­
vations by the standard parameters.
Fullton, J. 1994, in Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems III, ASP
Conf. Ser., Vol. 61, eds. D. R. Crabtree, R. J. Hanisch, & J. Barnes (San
Francisco, ASP), p. 3fulltonj