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Дата изменения: Sat Jun 10 23:49:02 2006
Дата индексирования: Mon Oct 1 19:43:58 2012
President's Message...

Newsletter of the Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston Including the Bond Astronomical Club Established in 1934 In the Interest of Telescope Making & Using Vol. 13, No. 9 October 2002

OVER THE years, the Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston has benefited from the unselfish contributions of many of its members. ED KNIGHT has devoted over 50 years of service to the club, as a club officer, making innumerable shop and clubhouse repairs and improvements, mirror and telescope making, helping at star parties, meetings, conventions, and much, much more. At the club picnic on Saturday, September 14th we dedicated our new observatory to him. Here are Ed's words of appreciation spoken at the dedication.

Ed Knight's Thank You Speech...
I received a telephone call from Eileen Myers the other evening and she wanted to confirm that I will be here. I inquired if a speech will be required and she advised that I keep quiet and just put on a broad smile. However, I do have a few words to say. First I must express my appreciation to everyone directly responsible for associating my name with this observatory, especially since other dedications have been made posthumously. Incidentally, I have not been involved with the conception of this observatory nor its architecture, design, or construction except for the procurement of the materials and machining the pieces for the spring buffers at the ends of the tracks. As a member of the club, I appreciate the hundreds of hours expended by Dave Prowten, John Reed, Bruce Gerhard, Mario Motta, and many other dedicated volunteers who designed the structure, procured the materials, mixed the concrete and built the project. All of these people should be duly recognized. I only wish that my wife Anna were here to share in this honor. She as you know attended literally hundreds of monthly meetings with me at the Phillips Library where for many years she attended to the refreshments. She also served at the registration desk each year at Stellafane and other conventions. This club has been a very important part of my life for a long time. After making this telescope 50 years ago (editor's note: Ed brought his homemade telescope to the dedication) I enjoyed the camaraderie so much that I worked on the shop committee for several years where many life-long friendships were made. This club has been one of my greatest sources of mental and physical recreation and I thank you members who are the club for having done so much for me. -Ed Knight-

This Month's Meeting...
Thursday, October 10th, 2002 at 8:00 PM Phillips Auditorium Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

THIS MONTH'S meeting will feature Leonard L. Amburgey, whose talk will be entitled "Discovery of NEO 2000NM By An Amateur Observer". An amateur observer since late 1960's, Dr. Amburgey has maintained a small observatory (designated Minor Planet Center #823) at his home in Fitchburg, MA for the past 20 years. In cooperation with the Minor Planet Center, he has been involved in serious asteroid work since 1996, focusing on follow up work for previously discovered objects. He is the second individual to receive the Benson Award, which was established in 1997 by Space Development Corporation founder James W. Benson. This award gives a cash prize of $500 for the first 10 discoveries of near-Earth asteroids by amateurs. Dr. Amburgey teaches in the Leominster Public Schools and at Fitchburg State College. Please join our most excellent speaker for dinner at 5:45 PM at the Changsho Restaurant, located at 1712 Massachusetts Ave. in our fair city, Cambridge.

September Meeting Minutes. . .
EILEEN MYERS opened the 751 meeting of the Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston with a new historical theme, reciting a few words from the club history. This will be a new feature of each meeting while she is President of the ATMs. We were then treated to a very interesting and informative talk by Dr. George Rickter from MIT about Gamma Ray Burst research and the research satellites he has worked on. He gave a great primer on GRBs, including the history of the research beginning with the Vela ­ 5 Satellite in 1967 on through the Hete-1 and Hete-2 missions, the second of which has resulted in the most precise localization of a GRB source to date. Hete-2 has also provided other valuable results that have led to a promising model in which GRBs signal the birth of a black hole much as super nova event signals the birth of a neutron star. He referred to the event as a "hyper nova". Hete-2 is part of a burst alert network with 12 equatorial ground stations that allow for rapid notification of GRB events to the scientific community to facilitate optical correlation and localization. There have been 23 precise localizations to date with 6 optical correlations. This is certainly leading edge science. The talk was followed by the business portion of the meeting. The club reports were presented by the committee members. JOHN REED and PAUL CICHETTI displayed the "mayonnaise jar" full of this years mosquito catch. This elucidated discussion of some sort of fund raising contest to guess the total count as well as the idea of a second mosquito magnet. We will continue to discuss this for now. Paul let it be known that, if as an observing committee member, you fail to show up for your assigned night of duty, he may put you on a 6 month probation period or drop you from the A-List entirely. You must check the schedule and make sure you are there. It makes it very difficult for the other member to do it alone. John presented a summary of the clubhouse usage including the names of those that have kindly volunteered their time to show up for the many work parties. He suggested a sign-in log be kept outside the clubhouse so that people that show up just to use the field can also sign in so we may track the usage of the facilities. CHARLIE MCDONALD asked that members who would like to act as local star party coordinaters please step forward and get involved. MARIO MOTTA presented an update to the troubled Dark Sky Bill, and the upcoming IDA meeting in October here in Cambridge. TAL MENTALL informed us that we should all check our November Sky and Telescope magazine for a special article highlighting Mario and all the great work he has been doing for so many years. The meeting concluded with many wonderful Aurora reports including some great pictures taken BY PAUL VALLELI up at the Stellafane clubhouse in Vermont. ­ Michael Hill, Secretaryst

Board Meeting Minutes

The Executive Board held a board meeting on September 30th. We only had 4 board members present ­ Eileen Myers, Bruce Berger, Bernie Volz and Mike Hill. Paul Cicchetti was also in attendance. Topics discussed included a second mosquito magnet. This decision has been deferred till next year. The new Field Work Observing Session coordinator Steve Clougherty will be needing a few helpers. He may ask you but if not feel free to be considered. The Membership survey was discussed. It was noted that there is sufficient interest in telescope building and modifications to warrant in increased emphasis on improving our shop capabilities. This will be pursued by the clubhouse committee members. Eileen has initiated the creation of a short video using donated time from a local filming company based around observations of mars. This is in anticipation of the upcoming close encounter with Mars and the public interest it is sure to evoke. This film could be used at star parties and other presentations as part of our public outreach efforts. ­ Mike Hill, Secretary-

Treasurer's Report...
For the month of August, we had $1,495.08 in revenue and $397.27 in expenses for a net income of $1,097.81 for the month. As of August 31st, 2002 our assets were:

Checking Account - Regular Investments Total Current Assets

$ 16,374.54 $ 26,704.36 $ 43,078.90

Of this $43,078.90, $2,752.26 is in the Land Fund and $155.00 is for clubhouse key deposits. -Bernie Volz, Treasurer-

Membership Report...
We have 8 new members this month. A warm ATMoB welcome to JOHN CAMPTON of Charlestown, MA, MARY MCSHANE of Brookline, MA, DAVID MAERZ of Chelmsford, MA and STEVE SMITH of Newton, MA, THOMAS E. TOBIN of Weston, MA, TED BEATIE of Somerville, MA, JOE MCHUGH of Tewksbury, MA, and THOMAS D. SWEENY of Falmouth, MA. Membership renewals were due at the September meeting. number of members have yet to renew. I will be sending o reminders soon. If you have misplaced your renewal form send you another one, or you can simply send me a check. at the October meeting if you prefer paying me in person. ­Peter Psyhos, Membership Secretary A ut I can I will be


ATMoB Picnic September 14, 2002
It was a sunny day chock full of food, friends, surprises, memories and just plain fun, as the Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston celebrated ED KNIGHT'S 52 years of club membership and contributions at this years second Annual Club Picnic. Over 50 club members, friends and family joined in as we dedicated our new observatory to Ed with the unveiling of the plaque naming the William Edward Knight Observatory and celebrating completion of the outer shell and roll off roof.

Ed has always been a `do-er' and a fixer. Mario told us the story of when, shortly after moving to the current location, Ed engineered jacking up the entire house to rebuild the deteriorated foundation with the large blocks of granite that still do their job today.

John Reed at 70 ­ Still Going Strong Adding to the festive event was a surprise birthday cake for JOHN REED, who recently celebrated his 70th birthday. Never the one to let age get in the way, John was also the chief chef, serving up sausages, hotdogs and hamburgers from the grille, and relieved for a short time by BRIAN MEARZ cooking up his marinated steak to the delight of all who tasted it. Dave Prowten Putting up the Finishing Touch Just moments before crowds began to arrive, DAVE PROWTEN mounted the engraved sign proclaiming honor on Ed and assuring all that his contributions will be remembered for decades to come. Surprising Ed on this occasion were his two daughters and son, and they looked on and listened as MARIO MOTTA spoke fond recollections of his first meetings at the club. Just a teenager then, Mario told stories of Ed's wife greeting him on his visits and how Ed made all of the new members feel comfortable. Special thanks to all of the unnamed members who brought food, made preparations, set up, and cleaned up, for without you the day would not have been the same.-Bruce Berger-

Members Get to Inspect the Roll off Roof

Mario Motta Delivering the Dedication Speech 3

Clubhouse Report
To be presented at the meeting . . .

FOR SALE . . .
Celestron 80EQ-WA Short Tube, Rich Field Refractor Excellent Condition CG2 (EQ1) equatorial moun has TUBE RINGS for best mounting; allows rotation of optical tube. PLUS THE FOLLOWING ACCESSORIES · · · EQ1 RA Clock Drive with hand controller (Orion) Full Aperture Solar Filter (Orion) Adapter plate to optionally mount scope to standard photo tripod Shorty 2X Barlow 25 mm Celestron SMA eyepiece 6x30 Finder Scope on Dovetail bracket Padded carrying case for optical tube, mount and tripod (Orion) Accessory tray.

Clubhouse Saturday Schedule
Oct 12 Oct 19 Oct 26 Nov 2 Nov 9 Phil Rounseville Peter Psyhos Paul Cicchetti Bruce Berger Bruce Gerhard Art Swedlow David Richardson John Panaswich Mike Hill John Reed

Wanted for Observatory
We are starting work on the mounts for the observatory telescopes. There is currently a need for a 4 foot long steel pipe with a rather hefty diameter of 6 ­ 8 inches. If anyone has this or can give us a lead on something like it please get in touch with myself or Dave Prowten. ­Mike Hill-

· · · · ·

October 19, 2002 Trip...
THIS IS the last newsletter announcement for the club's third trip to the Hayden Planetarium and the Rose Center for Earth and Space in New York City, scheduled for Saturday, October 19th. Pick-up/drop-off points are in the towns of Harvard and Billerica, and at the Riverside MBTA station. The cost is $100, covering bus, admission, show, tour, and dinner at a Mexican restaurant. Sign up with Eileen Myers starleen@charter.net or 978-456-3937 or Marsha Bowman at rmbc2114@msn.com -Eileen Myers-

Sale Price $340 - package would cost $530 new

Contact: Michael Jasper [Jasper@mpi.com]

Atomic Clocks
A few NEW digital atomic clocks with moon phase, indoor temperature, alarm function and with a large 2 inch LCD time display, which receive signals from atomic clock Fort Collins Collorado and correct itself, are still available. I will bring them to our next meeting. Price $ 40.00. Vladimir Vudler

Stow Astronomy Day
The Skylight Astronomical Society is having a second attempt for the evening portion of its 3rd annual 'Stow Astronomy Day' on Friday October 11 starting at 6PM at Shelburne Farm, in Stow, MA. If Friday night is rained out, there is a second rain date of October 12th. Solar viewing will precede the evening observing starting at 4:00 pm For more info visit http://www.leepappas.com/stowstars.html or call Lee Pappas at 978-897-6982.

NEED HELP With Solar Filter . . .
I purchased one of the early Coronado H-alpha filters and I am having some difficulty. I am looking for someone else with a Coronado filter of any type who would be willing to help me do a side by side comparison test. I can be reached at tcalderwood@alum.mit.edu or at 781-643-6014 in the evenings. Tom Calderwood

Galileo's battle.
A NOVA presentation with noted authorities ( Owen Gingerich) . NOT TO BE MISSED Channel 2 at: 10/29 at 8 p.m. 10/31 at 12 a.m. (midnight) Channel 44 10/31 at 2 p.m. A two hour special filmed in places such as Italy and historical locations. Battle for the Heavens. - Anna Hillier- Historian.

Star Parties:
Marlborough Middle School November 12 @ 6:00pm - Rain Date is November 13th This has always had a good turnout with 200+ children. If you live in the area, we could use your help. For more information contract Steve Sargent at sargecs222@aol.com or call (508) 485-0741


Other Events
SKYSCRAPERS Inc is holding its Astro Assembly on the weekend of October 4-5, 2002. For more information visit their website at www.theskyscrapers.org MUSEUM OF SCIENCE Center for Science and Technology is hold a series of guest lectures this fall focused on the topic of AstroBiology. Astrobiology is a new interdisciplinary science involving astronomers, biologists, chemists, geologists and physicists. NASA and the Current Science & Technology Center of the Museum of Science, Boston are hosting the following Friday evening guest presentations by scientists working on the leading edge of this emerging field. All presentations begin at 6 p.m. on the CS&T stage and are free with Exhibit Hall admission. OCTOBER 11 The Birth of Planets Ray Jayawardhana University of Michigan OCTOBER 18 Searching for Life on Extrasolar Planets Wesley A. Traub Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics OCTOBER 25 Comets and the Origin of Life F. Peter Schloerb University of Massachusetts, Amherst NOVEMBER 1 The Oceans of Europa: Potential Habitats for Life Nicole Spaun NASA Ames Research Center NOVEMBER 8 Extreme Microorganisms at Hydrothermal Vents: Models for Extraterrestrial Life? Andreas Teske University of North Carolina NOVEMBER 15 Space-based Search for Exoplanets Marc J. Kuchner Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics NOVEMBER 22 The Search for Life on Mars: What are the Odds of Success? Andrew Knoll Harvard University

Astronomy Events Calendar
October 4-5 October 8 October 11 October 11 October 17 October 18 Astro Assembly Cfa Monthly Author Night Stow Astronomy Day ­ Rain date Astrobiology Lecture Series Cfa mothly Lecture series Astrobiology Lectrure Series AAVSO Fall Meeting IDA Fall meeting NOVA ­ Galileo's Daughter North Scituate RI Robert Kirshner Stow MA. Starts at 6:00 PM "The Birth of Planets" Museum of Science Fading Stars Kelly Beatty "Searching for Life on Extrasolar Planets" Mueum of Science Somerville MA Boston MoS WGBH Ch 2 @ 8:00pm

October 24-27 October 25, 26 October 29

Wanted: Regional Star Party Coordinators
CHARLIE MCDONALD is looking for volunteers to act as Regional Star Party Coordinators. There is a minimal amount of effort required to do this so don't be scared away by the fancy title. We have had some interest already but need a few more persons interested in fostering our primary public outreach activity. Contact Charlie for details at: (781) 944-6140.

******************************* November Star Fields deadline is Saturday, November 2nd
Please !! This is a deadline. Earlier entries are greatly appreciated.

Email articles to Mike Hill at noatak@aol.com
Star Fields Editor / ATMoB Secretary



POSTMASTER NOTE: First Class Postage Mailed October 4, 2002

Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston, Inc. c/o Peter Psyhos, Membership Secretary 85 Swanton st Winchester, MA 01890-2039 FIRST CLASS


EXECUTIVE BOARD 2002-2003 Eileen Myers (978) 456-3937 Bruce Berger Michael Hill Peter Psyhos (978) 256-9208 (508) 485-0230 (781) 721-9609 (508) 881-3614 (781) 396-7822 (617) 721-4992 (781) 275 9482 (617) 964-6626 (603) 382-7039 (978) 433-9215 (781) 861-8031 (781) 784-3024 (781) 861-8338 (781) 944-6140


How to Find Us... Web Page www.atmob.org
MEETINGS: Held the second Thursday of each month (September to July) at 8:00PM in the Phillips Auditorium, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden St., Cambridge MA. For INCLEMENT WEATHER CANCELLATION listen to WBZ (1030 AM) CLUBHOUSE: Latitude 42° 36.5' N Longitude 71° 29.8' W The Tom Britton Clubhouse is open every Saturday from 7 p.m. to late evening. It is the white farmhouse on the grounds of MIT's Haystack Observatory in Westford, MA. Take Rt. 3 North from Rt. 128 or Rt. 495 to Exit 33 and proceed West on Rt. 40 for five miles. Turn right at the MIT Lincoln Lab, Haystack Observatory at the Groton town line. Proceed to the farmhouse on left side of the road. Clubhouse attendance varies with the weather. It is wise to call in advance: (978) 692-8708. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TREASURER: Bernie Volz MEMBERS AT LARGE: Lew Gramer Dan Feldkhun PAST PRESIDENTS: 2001-02 Bob Collara 1998-00 Joseph Rothchild 1996-98 Peter Bealo CLUBHOUSE : COMMITTEES Paul Cicchetti John Reed Steve Clougherty Anna Hillier Charlie McDonald

Heads Up For Month...
To calculate Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) from Universal Time (UT) subtract 4 from UT. Oc Oc Oc Oc Oc Oc Oc t t t t t t t ober ober ober ober ober ober ober 6 New Moon 10 Mercury and Mars reac 10 Jupiter's moon Europa 17 Jupiter's moon Europa 21 Full Moon 27 Asteroid Ceres passes 29 Last Quarter Moon h least separation ­ 2° 50' partially occults Io 3:18 ­ 3:21am EDT partially occults Io 5:38 ­ 5:42am EDT 13' north of 1 ­ late evening