Late Stages of Stellar Evolution
Welcome to the home page of the Late Stages of Stellar Evolution" We are a research group which operates within the Astrophysics Group of the Australia Telescope National Facility. Our broad research aims are :
To investigate the late stages of stellar evolution and in particular the role of stellar mass-loss in the evolution of asymptotic giant branch stars, proto-planetary nebulae and extremely massive stars.
- Aims of this project.
- Members.
- Articles and abstracts from members.
- AGB Newsletter.
- Database of evolved stars.
- Meetings, dates and agendas.
- Members.
Join this group as a PhD student ?: PhD student(s) wanted.
Please email any suggestions/comments to Jessica Chapman (Project Leader) on
Created: 15/10/95 by Peter te Lintel Hekkert, Updated: 25/11/95 by Peter te Lintel Hekkert,
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