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ATNF Publications 2005

ATNF Publications for 2005

This list contains publications including ATNF data which are published, in press, accepted or submitted, and other papers that include ATNF authors.

Last updated on the web on Tue Mar 7 09:18:28 2006. Number of publications listed = 249.

Publications 2005

Papers which include one or more ATNF staff are indicated by an asterisk.

ADORNES, A.G., BOHRER-ADORNES, R., LUDKE, E. & STORCHI-BERGMANN, T. "HI observations of nearby southern Seyfert galaxies with the ATNF/Mopra radiotelescope". In: IAU Colloq. 197: Dynamics of Populations of Planetary Systems, Belgrade, 31 August - 4 September 2004, 303-304 (2005). Published

AMORES, E.B. & LEPINE, J.R.D. "Models for interstellar extinction in the Galaxy". AJ, 130, 659-673 (2005). Published

AUDARD, M., BROWN, A., BRIGGS, K.R., GUDEL, M., TELLESCHI, A. & GIZIS, J.E. "A deep look at the T-type brown dwarf binary e Indi Bab with Chandra and the Australia Telescope Compact Array". ApJ, 625, L63-L66 (2005). Published

*BARNES, D.G., BRIGGS, F.H. & CALABRETTA, M.R. "Postcorrelation ripple removal and radio frequency interference rejection for Parkes Telescope survey data". Radio Science, 40 (5), SS513 (2005). Published

*BEKKI, K., KORIBALSKI, B.S. & KILBORN, V.A. "Dark galaxies or tidal debris? Kinematical clues to the origin of massive isolated HI clouds". MNRAS, (2005). Submitted

*BEKKI, K., KORIBALSKI, B.S., RYDER, S.D. & COUCH, W.J. "Massive H I clouds with no optical counterparts as high-density regions of intragroup H I rings and arcs". MNRAS Lett., 357, L21-L25 (2005). Published

*BELL, J. F., HALL, P. J., SAULT, R. J. & KEWLEY, L "Implementing interference suppression: Impacts on SKA system design". In: Technological Pathways to the SKA, Jodrell Bank, Manchester, August 2000, (2005). In press

*BENAGLIA, P. & KORIBALSKI, B.S. astro-ph/0410547 "Radio behavior of four southern non-thermal O-type stars". In: Massive Stars in Interacting Binaries, Montreal, Que., 16-20 August 2004, ASP Conf. Ser., (2005). In press

*BENAGLIA, P., ROMERO, G.E., KORIBALSKI, B.S. & POLLOCK, A.M.T. astro-ph/0506363 "Multiwavelength study of WR 21a and its surroundings". A&A, (2005). In press

*BENAGLIA, P., ROMERO, G.E., KORIBALSKI, B.S. & POLLOCK, A.M.T. "Multiwavelength studies of WR 21a and its surroundings". A&A, 440, 743-750 (2005). Published

BEUTHER, H., THORWIRTH, S., ZHANG, Q., HUNTER, T.R., MEGEATH, S.T., WALSH, A.J. & MENTEN, K.M. astro-ph/0504074 "High-spatial-resolution observations of NH3 and CH3OH towards the massive twin cores NGC6334 I and I(N)". ApJ, (2005). Accepted

BEUTHER, H., THORWIRTH, S., ZHANG, Q., HUNTER, T.R., MEGEATH, S.T., WALSH, A.J. & MENTEN, K.M. "High spatial resolution observations of NH3 and CH3OH toward the massive twin cores NGC 63341 and NGC 63341(N)". ApJ, 627, 834-844 (2005). Published

*BIGNALL, H.E., LOVELL, J.E.J., JAUNCEY, D.L., KEDZIORA-CHUDCZER, L., MACQUART, J.-P., RICKETT, B.J. & TZIOUMIS, A.K. "First results from MASIV: the Microarcsecond Scintillation-Induced Variability Survey". Baltic Astron., 14, 339-342 (2005). Published

*BLANK, D.L., HARNETT, J.I. & JONES, P.A. "An 8.4-GHz Long Baseline Array observation of the unusual Seyfert galaxy NGC 7213". MNRAS, 356, 734-736 (2005) Published

*BLOMME, R., VAN LOO, S., DE BECKER, M., RAUW, G., RUNACRES, M.C., SETIA GUNAWAN, D.Y.A. & CHAPMAN, J.M. astro-ph/0502456 "Non-thermal radio emission from O-type stars. I. HD 168112". A&A, 436, 1033-1040 (2005) Published

BOHRER-ADORNES, R. & LUDKE, E. "VLA and ATCA observations of the nuclear activity in selected southern Seyfert galaxies". In: IAU Colloq. 197: Dynamics of Populations of Planetary Systems, Belgrade, 31 August - 4 September 2004, 309-310 (2005). Published

BOOMSMA, R., OOSTERLOO, T., FRATERNALI, F., VAN DER HULST, J.M. & SANCISI, R. "Extra-planar HI in the starburst galaxy NGC 253". A&A, 431, 65 (2005). Published

*BOUCHARD, A., JERJEN, H., DA COSTA, G.S. & OTT, J. "Detection of neutral hydrogen in early-type dwarf galaxies of the Sculptor group". AJ, 130, 2058-2064 (2005). Published

BOURKE, T.L., HYLAND, A.R. & ROBINSON, G. "On the identification of high-mass star forming regions using IRAS: contamination by low-mass protostars". ApJ, 625, 883-890 (2005). Published

BOURKE, T.L., WOLK, S.J., VIGIL, M. & ALVES, J. "The massive star forming region RCW 38: from X-rays to molecular gas". In: The Dense Interstellar Medium in Galaxies: Proc. 4th Cologne-Bonn-Zermatt Symposium, (2005). Accepted

*BRIGGS, F.H. & KOCZ, J. "Overview of technical approaches to radio frequency interference mitigation". Radio Science, 40 (5), RS5S02 (2005). Published

*BROCKSOPP, C., CORBEL, S., FENDER, R.P., RUPEN, M., SAULT, R., TINGAY, S.J., HANNIKAINEN, D. & O'BRIEN, K. "The 2003 radio outburst of a new X-ray transient: XTE J1720-318". MNRAS, 356, 125-130 (2005) Published

*BROCKSOPP, C., CORBEL, S., RUPEN, M., SAULT, R.J., TZIOUMIS, A.K., DHAWAN, V., MIODUSZEWSKI, A., CIMO, G. & FENDER, R. "Renewed radio emission from GRO J1655-40". Astronomer's Telegram, 612, (2005). Published

*BRODRICK, D., TINGAY, S.J. & WIERINGA, M.H. "X-ray magnitude of the 4 November 2003 solar flare inferred from the ionospheric attenuation of the galactic radio background". J. Geophys. Res. - Space Phys., 110 (A9), Art. A09S36 (2005). Published

*BROGAN, C.L., GAENSLER, B.M., GELFAND, J.D., LAZENDIC, J.S., LAZIO, T.J., KASSIM, N.E. & McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M. "Discovery of a radio supernova remnant and nonthermal X-rays coincident with the TeV source HESS J1813-178". ApJ, 629, L105-L108 (2005). Published

*BROOKS, K.J., GARAY, G., NIELBOCK, M., SMITH, N. & COX, P. "SIMBA observations of the Keyhole nebula". ApJ, 634, 436-441 (2005). Published

*BRUNS, C., KERP, J., STAVELEY-SMITH, L., MEBOLD, U., PUTMAN, M.E., HAYNES, R.F., KALBERLA, P.M.W., MULLER, E. & FILIPOVIC, M.D. "The Parkes H I survey of the Magellanic System". A&A, 432, 45-67 (2005). Published

*BUDDING, E., BAKIS, V., ERDEM, A., DEMIRCAN, O., ILIEV, L., ILIEV, I. & SLEE, O.B. "Multi-facility study of the Algol-type binary delta Librae". Astrophys. Space Sci., 296, 371-389 (2005). Published

*BUNTON, J.D., PATHIKULANGARA, J., CAPPALLO, R., MORALES, M. & DE SOUZA, L. "Common correlator design for SKA development". In: SKA 2005, Pune, India, 31 October-3 November, 2005, (2005). Submitted

BURGASSER, A.J. & PUTMAN, M.E. "Quiescent radio emission from southern late-type M dwarfs and a spectacular radio flare from the M8 dwarf DENIS 1048-3956". ApJ, 626, 486-497 (2005) Published

*BURGAY, M., POSSENTI, A., MANCHESTER, R.N., KRAMER, M., McLAUGHLIN, M.A., LORIMER, D.R., STAIRS, I.H., JOSHI, B.C., LYNE, A.G., CAMILO, F., D'AMICO, N.,FREIRE, P.C.C., SARKISSIAN, J.M., HOTAN, A.W., & HOBBS, G.B. "Long-term variations in the pulse emission from PSR J0737-3039B". ApJ, 624, L113-L116 (2005). Published

*BURTON, M.G. et al, WONG, T. et al. "Science programs for a 2-m class telescope at Dome C, Antarctica: PILOT, the Pathfinder for an International Large Optical Telescope". PASA, 22, 199-235 (2005). Published

*BUTLER, B.J. & SAULT, R.J. "Long wavelength observations of the surface of Venus". In: Recent Progress in Planetary Exploration: 25th meeting of the IAU, Special Session 1, Sydney, 17-18 July 2003, (2005). In press

BUYLE, P., DE RIJCKE, S., MICHIELSEN, D., BAES, M., & DEJONGHE, H. "The H-I content of Fornax dwarf elliptical galaxies: FCC032 and FCC336". MNRAS, 360, 853-858 (2005). Published

*CAMERON, P.B., CHANDRA, P., RAY, A., KULKARNI, S.R., FRAIL, D.A., WIERINGA, M.H., NAKAR, E., PHINNEY, E.S., MIYAZAKI, A., TSUBOI, M., OKUMURA, S., KAWAI, N., MENTEN, K.M. & BERTOLDI, F. "Detection of a radio counterpart to the 27 December 2004 giant flare from SGR 1806-20". Nature, 434, 1112-1115 (2005). Published

CANNON, J.M. "Starbursts in dwarf galaxies: a multiwavelength case study of NGC 625". PhD thesis, University of Minnesota, February, (2005). Published

*CAPITAINE, N., HOHENKERK, C., ANDREI, A.H., CALABRETTA, M., et al. "Report of the IAU Division 1 Working Group on 'Nomenclature for Fundamental Astronomy (NFA)". In: Fundamental Astronomy: New Concepts and Models for High Accuracy Observations : Proceedings of the "JournÕÍes 2004 Systmes de RÕÍfÕÍrence Spatio-Temporels", Observatoire de Paris, 20-22 September 2004, 161-165 (2005). Published

*CAPPA, C., NIEMELA, V.S., MARTIN, M.C. & McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M. "HI bubbles surrounding southern optical ring nebulae: Anon (WR 23) and RCW 52". A&A, 436, 155-163 (2005). Published

*CARRETTI, E., BERNARDI, G., SAULT, R.J., CORTIGLIONI, S. & POPPI, S. "High Galactic latitude polarized emission at 1.4 GHz and implications for cosmic microwave background observations". MNRAS, 358, 1-12 (2005) Published

*CIARDI, D.R., TELESCO, C.M., PACKHAM, C., MARTIN, C.G., RADOMSKI, J.T., DE BUIZER, J.M., PHILLIPS, C.J. & HARKER, D.E. "Crystalline silicate emission in the protostellar binary Serpens SVS 20". ApJ, 629, 897-902 (2005). Published

COHEN, M., GREEN, A.J., ROBERTS, M.S.W., MEADE, M.R. et al. "G313.3+00.3: a new planetary nebula discovered by the Australia Telescope Compact Array and the Spitzer Space Telescope". ApJ, 627, 446-453 (2005). Published

*COHEN, M., PARKER, Q.A. & CHAPMAN, J.M. "A circular planetary nebula around the OH/IR star OH 354.88-0.54 (V1018 Sco)". MNRAS, 357, 1189-1196 (2005). Published

*COLE, S., PERCIVAL, W.J., ... JACKSON, C.A., et al. "The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: power-spectrum analysis of the final data set and cosmological implications". MNRAS, 362, 505-534 (2005). Published

*COLLESS, M., STAVELEY-SMITH, L. & STATHAKIS, R., eds. Maps of the Cosmos : IAU Symposium 216, (2005). Published

*CORBEL, S., KAARET, P., FENDER, R.P., TZIOUMIS, A.K., TOMSICK, J.A. & OROSZ, J.A. "Discovery of X-ray jets in the microquasar H1743-322". ApJ, 632, 504-513 (2005). Published

*CROOM, S.M., BOYLE, B.J. et al. "The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey. XIV. Structure and evolution from the two-point correlationfunction". MNRAS, 356, 415-438 (2005). Published

*CROTON, D.J., FARRAR, G.R., NORBERG, P., COLLESS, M.,.... JACKSON, C.A., et al. astro-ph/0401406 "The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: luminosity functions by density environment and galaxy type". MNRAS, 356, 1155-1167 (2005). Published

*CUNNINGHAM, M.R. & WHITEOAK, J.B. "The nuclear molecular clouds of NGC 4945". MNRAS, 364, 37-46 (2005). Published

*DA ANGELA, J., OUTRAM, P.J., SHANKS, T., BOYLE, B.J. et al. "The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey. XV. Correlation analysis of redshift-space distortions". MNRAS, 360, 1040-1054 (2005). Published

*DAHLEM, M. "Intergalactic neutral hydrogen gas in the Grus quartet of galaxies". A&A, 429, L5-L8 (2005) Published

*DAHLEM, M., EHLE, M., RYDER, S.D., VLAJIC, M. & HAYNES, R.F. "Neutral hydrogen gas in 7 high-inclination spiral galaxies. I. The data". A&A, 432, 475-489 (2005). Published

DE BREUCK, C., VAN BREUGEL, W., ROTTGERING, H. & CARILLI, C. "Radio AGN surveys". In: IAU Coll. 184 : AGN Surveys, (2005). In press

DE ZOTTI, G., BURIGANA, C. , NEGRELLO, M. et al astro-ph/0411182 "Survey of extragalactic sources with Planck". In: JENAM 2004: The Many Scales in the Universe, Granada, Spain, 13-17 September 2004, (2005). In press

*DICKEL, J.R., McINTYRE, V.J., GRUENDL, R.A. & MILNE, D.K. astro-ph/0410683 "A 4.8 and 8.6 GHz survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud. I. The images". AJ, 129, 790-804 (2005) Published

*DODSON, R.G., OJHA, R. & ELLINGSEN, S.P. "LBA observations of methanol masers sites with reported disks". In: Future Directions in High Resolution Astronomy: a Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the VLBA, Socorro, N.M., 9-12 June 2003, ASP Conf. Ser., (2005). In press

*DODSON, R., OJHA, R. & ELLINGSEN, S. "High resolution observations of putative methanol maser disks with the LBA". MNRAS, (2005). Submitted

*DODSON, R., VORONKOV, M.A. & ELLINGSEN, S. "A new search for 4750- and 4765-MHz OH masers in southern star forming regions". MNRAS, (2005). Submitted

*DONLEY, J. ...KORIBALSKI, B.S. et al. "Northern zone-of-avoidance". (2005). In prep

*DONLEY, J.L., STAVELEY-SMITH, L., KRAAN-KORTEWEG, R.C., ISLAS-ISLAS, J.M., SCHROEDER, A., HENNING, P.A., KORIBALSKI, B.S., MADER, S. & STEWART, I. "The H I Parkes Zone of Avoidance Survey: the northern extension". AJ, 129, 220-238 (2005). Published

*DONLEY, J., STAVELEY-SMITH, L., KORIBALSKI, B.S., SCHROEDER, A., KRAAN-KORTEWEG, R.C. & HENNING, P.A. "A massive galaxy in the zone of avoidance". (2005). In prep

*DOYLE, M.T., DRINKWATER, M.J., ... KORIBALSKI, B.S., ... , STAVELEY-SMITH, L., ... , EKERS, R.D., ... , KESTEVEN, M.J., ... , MADER, S., MARQUARDING, M., ... & WRIGHT, A.E. astro-ph/0505591 "The HIPASS Catalogue. III. Optical counterparts and isolated dark galaxies". MNRAS, 361, 34-44 (2005). Published

*EKERS, R.D. "Big telescopes, big data, more science". In: Large Telescopes and Virtual Observatory: 25th meeting of the IAU, Joint Discussion 8, Sydney, July 2003, (2005). In press

ELLINGSEN, S.P. "The relationship between class I and class II methanol masers". MNRAS, 359, 1498-1516 (2005). Published

ELLINGSEN, S.P., SHABALA, S.S. & KURTZ, S.E. "Extended emission associated with young HII regions". MNRAS, 357, 1003-1012 (2005) Published

*ELLINGSON, S. W., BUNTON, J. D. & BELL, J. F. "Cancellation of GLONASS signals from radio astronomy data". In: Technology Pathways to the SKA, Jodrell Bank, Manchester, August 2000, (2005). In press

*ENGLISH, J., KORIBALSKI, B.S. et al. "Neutral hydrogen gas in the peculiar galaxy NGC 3256". (2005). In prep

*ESAMDIN, A., LYNE, A.G., GRAHAM-SMITH, F., KRAMER, M., MANCHESTER, R.N. & WU, X. "Mode switching and subpulse drifting in PSR B0826-34". MNRAS, 356, 59-65 (2005) Published

*FAULKNER, A.J., KRAMER, M., LYNE, A.G., MANCHESTER, R.N., McLAUGHLIN, M.A., STAIRS, I.H., HOBBS, G. et al. "PSR J1756-2251: a new relativistic double neutron star system". ApJ, 618, L119-L122 (2005) Published

*FENDER, R., TZIOUMIS, A.K. & TUDOSE, V. "Dramatic radio brightening of Circinus X-1". Astronomer's Telegram, 563, (2005). Published

*FEY, A.L., OJHA, R. et al. "Southern hemisphere astrometry". In: Proc. IVS 2004 General Meeting, NASA/CP-2004-212255, (2005). In press

*FILIPOVIC, M.D., PAYNE, J.L., REID, W., DANFORTH, C.W., STAVELEY-SMITH, L., JONES, P.A. & WHITE, G.L. "An ATCA radio-continuum study of the Small Magellanic Cloud. III. Supernova remnants and their environments". MNRAS, 364, 217-236 (2005). Published

*FILIPOVIC, M., PIETSCH, W. & JONES P. "Large scale radio jets in the galaxy cluster Abell S0102". In: The Cosmic Cauldron: 25th meeting of the IAU, Joint Discussion 10, Sydney, 18 July 2003, (2005). In press

*FUKUZAKI, Y., SHIBUYA, D., DOI, K., OZAWA, T., NOTHNAGEL, A., JIKE, T., IWANO, S., JAUNCEY, D.L., NICOLSON, G.D. & MCCULLOCH, P.M. "Results of the VLBI experiments conducted with Syowa Station, Antarctica". J. Geodesy, 79, 379-388 (2005). Published

*GAENSLER, B.M., HAVERKORN, M., STAVELEY-SMITH, L., DICKEY, J.M., McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M., DICKEL, J.R. & WOLLEBEN, M. "The magnetic field of the Large Magellanic Cloud revealed through Faraday rotation". Science, 307, 1610-1612 (2005). Published

*GAENSLER, B.M., KOUVELIOTOU, C., GELFAND, J.D., TAYLOR, G.B., EICHLER, D., WIJERS, R.A.M.J., GRANOT, J., RAMIREZ-RUIZ, E., LYUBARSKY, Y.E., HUNSTEAD, R.W., CAMPBELL-WILSON, D., VAN DER HORST, A.J., McLAUGHLIN, M.A., FENDER, R.P., GARRETT, M.A., NEWTON-McGEE, K.J. et al. "An expanding radio nebula produced by a giant flare from the magnetar SGR 1806-20". Nature, 434, 1104-1106 (2005). Published

*GAENSLER, B.M., McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M., OEY, M.S., HAVERKORN, M., DICKEY, J.M. & GREEN, A.J. "A stellar wind bubble coincident with the anomalous X-ray pulsar 1E 1048.1-5937: are magnetars formed from massive progenitors?". ApJ, 620, L95-L98 (2005). Published

*GARLAND, C.A., PISANO, D.J., WILLIAMS, D.P., GUZMAN, R. & CASTANDER, F.J. "The neutral ISM in nearby luminous compact blue galaxies". In: The Dense Interstellar Medium in Galaxies: Proc. 4th Cologne-Bonn-Zermatt Symposium, (2005). Accepted

*GARLAND, C.A.,WILLIAMS, J.P., PISANO, D.J., GUZMAN, R., CASTANDER, F.J. & BRINKMANN, J. "The nature of nearby counterparts to intermediate-redshift luminous compact blue galaxies. II. CO observations". ApJ, 624, 714-725 (2005). Published

*GELBORD, J.M., MARSHALL, H.L., WORRALL, D.M., BIRKINSHAW, M., LOVELL, J.E.J., OJHA, R., GODFREY, L., SCHWARTZ, D.A., PERLMAN, E.S., GEORGANOPOULOS, M., MURPHY, D.W. & JAUNCEY, D.L. "The knotty question of the jet of PKS B1421-490". ApJ, 632, L75-L78 (2005). Published

*GELFAND, J.D., LYUBARSKY, Y.E., EICHLER, D., GAENSLER, B.M., TAYLOR, G.B., GRANOT, J., NEWTON-McGEE, K.J., RAMIREZ-RUIZ, E., KOUVELIOTOU, C. & WIJERS, R.A.M.J. "A rebrightening of the radio nebula associated with the 2004 December 27 giant flare from SGR 1806-20". ApJ, 634, L89-L92 (2005). Published

*GHOSH, K.K., SWARTZ, D.A., TENNANT, A.F., WU, K. & SARIPALLI, L. "A multiwavelength study of the X-ray sources in NGC 5018". ApJ, 623, 815-825 (2005). Published

*GIOVANELLI, R., HAYNES, M.P., KENT, B.R., PERILLAT, P. et al. .., MULLER, E. et al. "The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA survey. I. Science goals, survey design, and strategy". AJ, 130, 2598-2612 (2005). Published

*GIOVANELLI, R., HAYNES, M.P., KENT, B.R., PERILLAT, P. et al. .., MULLER, E. et al. "The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA survey. II. Results of precursor observations". AJ, 130, 2613-2624 (2005). Published

*GOMEZ, J.F., DE GREGORIO-MONSALVO, I., LOVELL, J.E.J., ANGLADA, G., MIRANDA, L.F., SUAREZ, O., TORRELLES, J.M. & GOMEZ, Y. "Spectral index of the H2O-maser-emitting planetary nebula IRAS 17347-3139". MNRAS, 364, 738-742 (2005). Published

GONTHIER, P.L., VAN GUILDER, R., HARDING, A.K., GRENIER, I.A. & PERROT, C.A. "Radio-loud and radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars from the galaxy and the Gould Belt". Astrophys. Space Sci., 297, 71-80 (2005). Published

*GRANET, C. & GOUGH, R.G. "Design of a prime-focus 16-26 GHz horn for the Parkes radio telescope". In: 11th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics, Saint-Malo, France, June 15-17 2005, 76-77 (2005). Published

*GRANET, C., ZHANG, H.Z., FORSYTH, A.R., GRAVES, G.R., DOHERTY, P., GREENE, K.J., JAMES, G.L., SYKES, P., BIRD, T.S., SINCLAIR, M.W., MOOREY, G.G. & MANCHESTER, R.N. "The designing, manufacturing, and testing of a dual-band feed system for the Parkes radio telescope". IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine, 47 (3), 13-19 (2005). Published

*GREEN, D.A. & ORCHISTON, W. "In search of Mahutonga: a possible supernova recorded in Maori astronomical traditions?". Archaeoastronomy, (2005). In press

*HALL, P.J. Report of SKA International Engineering and Management Team (2005). In press

*HALL, P.J. "The international SKA project: industry interactions. Part 1. Background, and collaborative research and development". SKA memo, 52, 15 p. (2005). Internal report

*HALL, P.J. & CHIPPENDALE, A.P. "A multi-fielding SKA covering the range 100 MHz - 22 GHz". International SKA Steering Committee Meeting, Cape Town, (2005). Submitted

*HALL, P.J., ed. The Square Kilometre Array: an Engineering Perspective, (2005). Published

*HATZIDIMITRIOU, D., STANIMIROVIC, S., MARAGOUDAKI, F., STAVELEY-SMITH, L., DAPERGOLAS, A. & BRATSOLIS, M. "On the properties of HI shells in the Small Magellanic Cloud". MNRAS, 360, 1171-1184 (2005). Published

*HAYMAN, D.B., BIRD, T.S., ESSELLE, K.P. & HALL, P.J. "Encircled power study of focal plane fields for estimating focal plane array size". In: 2005 IEEE AP-S International Symposium, Washington, DC, 3-8 July 2005, (2005) Submitted

*HAYMAN, D.B., BIRD, T.S., HALL, P.J. & ESSELLE, K.P. "Beamforming for focal plane arrays". In: 9th Australian Symposium on Antennas, Sydney, 16-17 February 2005, 41 (2005) Published

*HAYMAN, D.B., BIRD, T.S., HALL, P.J. & ESSELLE, K.P. "How big is that focal-plane array?" In: SKA 2005: International SKA Conference, Pune, India, 30 October- 3 November, (2005). Published

HELMBOLDT, J.F., WALTERBOS, R.A.M., BOTHUN,G.D. & O'NEIL, K. "Star formation in H (I)-selected galaxies. II. H (II) region properties". ApJ, 630, 824-836 (2005). Published

*HENNING, P.A., KRAAN-KORTEWEG, R.C. & STAVELEY-SMITH, L. "The H I Parkes Deep Zone of Avoidance survey". In: Nearby Large-Scale Structures and the Zone of Avoidance, ASP Conf. Ser., 329, 199-208 (2005). Published

*HILTON, M., COLLINS, C., ... JACKSON, C.A., et al. "The 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey: correlation with the ROSAT-ESO flux-limited X-ray galaxy cluster survey". MNRAS, 363, 661-674 (2005). Published

HOARE, M.G. et al. "The RMS sruvey: massive young stars throughout the galaxy". In: IAU 227: Massive Star Birth: a Crossroads of Astrophysics, Acireale, Italy, 16-20 May 2005, 370-375 (2005). Published

*HOBBS, G. "Pulsars and gravitational wave detection". PASA, 22, 179-183 (2005). Published

*HOBBS, G., LORIMER, D.R., LYNE, A.G. & KRAMER, M. "A statistical study of 233 pulsar proper motions". MNRAS, 360, 974-992 (2005). Published

*HORELLOU, C. & KORIBALSKI, B.S. "Gas and star formation in the interacting galaxies NGC 6872 / IC 4970". In: The Neutral ISM in Starburst Galaxies, 2003, ASP Conf. Ser., (2005). Submitted

*HORELLOU, C. & KORIBALSKI, B.S. "The gigantic interacting galaxy NGC 6872". (2005). In prep

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