Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://www.eng.math.msu.su/download/Podkolzina_TA_Test_Your_Knowledge_of_Great_Britain.pdf
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Sun Sep 18 04:33:06 2011
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sat Apr 9 22:29:19 2016

Ïîèñêîâûå ñëîâà: orange soil
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«English-speaking countries»

Test Your Knowledge of Great Britain


© - ©.. 2009


PREFACE The present work deals with current procedures for test design and production. It is a supplementary material for the topic "English- speaking countries" and is intended mostly for the first- year students. Each section of this test consists of 30-40 multiple- choice questions designed to assess the student`s knowledge of British culture. The final section provides the keys. It is hoped that this work will be of interest both to those who have just started the university course of English and to undergraduates, postgraduates, and teachers. The author will be grateful for any constructive critical remarks.


CONTENTS 1. Geography..........................................................................5 2. History...............................................................................8 3. Economy...........................................................................12 4. Political life........................................................................16 5. Science and technology...........................................................19 6. Education............................................................................22 7. Language............................................................................26 8. Literature............................................................................30 9. Art.....................................................................................34 10. Customs and traditions.............................................................38 11. Sports.................................................................................42 12. Keys .................................................................................46 13. References...........................................................................49


GEOGRAPHY 1) How many parts does Great Britain consist of? a) 5; b)4; c)6; d)3.

2) What is the area of Great Britain ? a) about 314,000 sq km; b)about 243,000 sq km; c)about 300,000 sq km; c) about 210,000 sq km. 3) Where are the Pennines? a) to the south of Scotland; b)in the north of Scotland; c)in Wales; d)in Northern Ireland. 4) What is the highest mountain of Great Britain? a)Cross-Fell; b)Snowdon; c)Ben- Nevis 5)What is its height? a) 2100 m; b)985 m; c)1343 m; d)1542 m. 6)What mountains (hills) separate England from Scotland? a)Pentland Hills; b)Southern Uplands; c)Grampian Mountains; d)the Cheviot Hills. 7)Do the British rivers freeze? a)yes; b)no; c)sometimes. 8)What British river is the fastest? a)the Severn; b)the Spey; c)the Thames; d)the Avon. 9)What is the name of the river flowing along the border of England and Scotland? a)the Tweed; b)the Severn; c)the Great Ouze; d)the Eden. 10)What is the largest lake in Great Britain? a) Lough Neagh; b)Lomond; c)Loch Ness; d)Loch Shin. 11)What kinds of fish are the British rivers and lakes rich in?

;d) Merrick

a)silurus, trout, ruff; b)roach, chub, barbel; c)bream, pike, dorse; d)grayling, ablet, burbot. 12) What is the chief river in Scotland? a)the Teviot; b)the Deveron; c)the Forth; d)the Clyde. 13) How many islands do Hebrides consists of? a)about 150; b)about 500; c)about 720; d)about 50. 14)What is the driest climatic period of a year? a)January-February; b)March- June; c)August-September; d)October- December. 15)What part of Great Britain is the driest? a)the south-east of England; b)Scotland; c)Wales; d)the Isle of Man. 16)What months are the wettest? a) September- January; b) August- September; c) March-April; d)May-July. 17)The extremes of temperature are a)+42 ºC/-15ºC; b)+32ºC/-10ºC; c)+18ºC/-6ºC; d)+20ºC/-20ºC. 18)Usually the temperature in Great Britain is between a)+23ºC and -5ºC; b)+18ºC and -1ºC; c)+19ºC and -8ºC; d)+21ºC and -7ºC. 19)What part of the country is characterized by volcanic activity? a)Northern Ireland; b)Cornwall; c)the south of England; d)Scotland. 20)What ores are there in Cornwall? a)manganese; b)tin; c)gold; d)iron. 21)What is the iron content in iron ores of the country? a)40%; b)5-8%; c)10%; d)25-30%. 22)Where are the largest deposits of natural gas? a)in the Irish Sea; b)in the bay of Cardigan; c)in the North Sea; d)in the Bristol Bay.

23)What part of the territory of Great Britain is occupied by forests? a)12%; b)about 1%; c)20%; d)about 9%. 24)What is the zonal types of vegetation in the north of the country? a)pinewood; b)pinewood and mixed woods; c)mixed woods. 25)What are the name of the evergreen bush (shrubbery) with flowers resembling a bell (widely spreadead in Scotland)? a) mistletoe; b)heather; c)lavender; d)barbery. 26) How many animal species are there in Great Britain? a) over 40,000; b)30,000; c)35,000; d)12,000. 27) How many kinds of birds live in the country? a) about 160; b) about 230; c) about 300; d) about 100. 28) How many kinds of land mammals are there in Great Britain? a) about 90; b) about 50; c) about 200; d) about 220. 29) Where is the national park "Lake District" situated? a) in Cumberland; b) in the suburbs of London; c) in the north of Wales; d) in Scotland. 30) What is the population of Great Britain? a)40 mln; b)over 59 mln; c)over 70 mln; d) over 52 mln. 31) How far from the sea is London situated? a)48 km; b)20 km; c) 64km; d)204 km. 32) What is the population of London? a)over 7 mln; b)5 mln; c)5,5 mln; d)6 mln. 33) What is a great industrial city and second largest port of Great Britain on the northwest coast of England, 288km from London? a) Plymouth; b)Liverpool; c)Newport; d)Portsmouth. 34) What is the capital of Northern Ireland?

a) Dublin; b) Belfast; c) Londonderry; d)Longford. 35) What is the capital of Wales? a)Caerphilly; b)Port Talbot; c) Swansea; d) Cardiff. 36) What is the capital of Scotland? a)Glasgow; b)Edinburgh; c) Dundee; d)Aberdeen. 37) What British explorer is famous for his African travels? a) J.Ross; b)W. Parry; c)D.Livingstone; d)Ch. Layel. 38) Who sailed around the globe three times? a) S. Cabot; b)J. Cabot; c)F. Drake; d)J. Cook. 39) The London " killer-smog" caused some...deaths in London in 1952. a)7,000; b)3,000-4,000; c)1000-1,200; d)9,000.

HISTORY 1)When did J.Caesar attempt the first conqest of Britain? a) in 901 AD; b)in 42 BC; c)in 48 BC; d) in 55-54 BC. 2) Who was the first king of Britain? a) Brutus; b)Caesar; c)William; d)Harold. 3) When was Hadrian`s Wall built? a) in 122-38; b) in 409; c) in 100-104; d) in 108-128. 4) What is the old name of Wales? a) Cumbria; b) Caerphilly; c)Caledonia; d)Camelot. 5) How were old Celtic priests called? a) earls; b) druids; c)Brittons. 6) How many people lived in London in the 11-12th centuries?

a) 2,000; b)20,000; c)85,000; d) 100,000. 7) When did the Battle of Hastings take place? a) in 1128; b)in 1113; c) in 1066; d) in 1214. 8) When was the British Parliament created? a) in 1272; b)in 1256; c) in 1258; d) in 1307. 9) The Hundred Years War between England and... began in 1337. a)Scotland; b)France; c) Spain; d)Wales. 10) What dynasties began the War of the Red and White Roses (1455-85)? a)Lancasters and Yorks; b)Warwicks and Worcesters; c)Gloucesters and Dorsets. 11) When was Spanish Armada defeated? a) in 1560; b) in 1588; c) in 1497; d) in 1582. 12)When did the Whig party appear? a) at the beginning of the 17th c.; b) at the end of the 17th c.; c) in the 16th c.; d) in the 18th c. 13) What was the name of the ship which brought the people from the British Isles to the shores of America and who became the first settlers? a) "Endeavour"; b)"Mayflower"; c) "Victoria"; d) " Katty Sark". 14) Who reined in Britain during the Reformation? a) Elizabeth I; b) Charles I; c)James I; d) Henry VIII. 15) When was Northern Ireland subdued? a) in the 18th c.; b)in the 17th c.; c)in the 16th c.; d)in the 19th c. 16) When did Peasants` Revolt in England, the most significant popular rebellion in English history, take place? a) in 1381; b)in 1477; c)in 1348-49; d) in 1215-16. 17) Who discovered Australia and declared it to be the possession of Britain?

a) W. Raleigh; b)J. Cook; c)S. Cabot; d) J. Cabot. 18) What historical event happened in 1666? a) the Great Plague; b)the Great Fire of London; c) the execution of Charles I; d) Henry VIII broke with the Papacy. 19) The battle of Trafalgar, the decisive naval battle of the Napoleonic Wars, was in a) 1805; b) 1806; c) 1810; d) 1809. 20) Who led the British army in the Battle of Waterloo (1815)? a) Lee; b) Wellington; c) Nelson; d) Parker. 21) Where did "Peterloo" take place? a)in Chester; b)in Manchester; c)in Glasgow; d)in Liverpool. 22) As a result of The Seven Years War (1756-63) Great Britain a)lost its fleet; b)considerably expanded its colonial territories; c) lost some territories; d) conquered Gibraltar. 23) Were the decisions of the Congress in Vienna (1814-15) positive for Great Britain? a) yes; b) no; c) had nothing to do with Great Britain. 24) American War of Independence (1775-83) led to the loss of ... British colonies. a)8; b)5; c)10; d)13. 25) When did Queen Victoria rein? a) in 1760-1830; b) in 1836-1901; c) in 1775-83; d) in 1910-1936. 26) When was slavery in the British Empire abolished? a) in 1833; b)in 1860; c) in 1890; d) in 1810. 27) Who was the first British prime minister? a)J.S.Mill; b)R.Walpole; c)O.Cromwell; d) H. Nelson.

28) The world`s first passenger railway was opened (in 1825)between a) Coventry and Bedford; b)Gloucester and London; c)Stockton and Darlington; d)Liverpool and Manchester. 29) What was the length of the working day for women and teenagers in the chartists` program? a)7 hours; b)12 hours; c)8 hours; d) 10 hours. 30)What did the British politics of "the bright isolation" mean (at the end of the 19th c.)? a)self-isolation; b)open aggression; c)the use of other countries` contradictions for the purpose of fulfilling expansionist plans. 31) What does the term "homerule" mean? a)military dictatorship; b)humanistic ruling; c)self-ruling; d)anarchy. 32)Where was the First International organized? a)in London; b)in Sheffield; c)in Brighton; d)in Glasgow. 33)When did Australia become a dominion of Great Britain? a)in 1901; b)in 1920; c)in 1890; d)in 1812. 34)When did the British Empire reach its territorial zenith? a) during the reign of King GeorgeV (1910-36); b) during the reign of Queen Victoria (1836-1901); c) during the reign of King George VI (1936-52); d) during the reign of King Edward VII (1901-1910). 35) When was the Socialist Party (British Socialist Party) organized? a)in 1899; b)in 1990; c)in 1892; d)in 1911. 36) Who formed the first labourist government in the history of Great Britain? a)Disraeli; b)Eveling; c)Lloyd-George; d)MacDonald.

37)When was "The Westminster Statute" (on the status and the rights of dominions) adopted? a)in 1990; b)in 1931; c)in 1940; d)in 1941. 38) What British town underwent the most disastrous nazi bombardment during World War II? a)London; b)Brighton; c)Coventry; d)York. 39) When did India and Pakistan get independence? a)in 1947; b)in 1949; c)in 1952; d)in 1930. 40) When did the war for Falkland Islands break? a)in 1880; b)in 1982; c)in 1952; d)in 1930.

ECONOMY 1)What scientist is often called "The Father of Modern Economics"? a)J.Bentham; b)J.S.Mill; c)A.Smith; d)F.Bacon. 2) When did the Industrial Revolution take place? a)in the 17th c.; b)at the beginning of the 18th c.; c)during the 2nd half of the 18th and the 1st half of the 19th c.; d)at the end of the 19th c. 3) When was the London Stock Exchange founded? a) in 1773; b)in 1790; c)in 1810; d)in 1892. 4)What is the name of the historical centre of London, one of the largest financial and commercial centres of the world? a)Oxford Street; b)the City; c)Old Bailey; d)Westminster. 5)The word "pound" (" pound of sterling") originally meant the value of 1 pound of a)gold; b)silver; c)copper; d)salt. 6) Twenty one shillings are called

a)a farthing; b)a guinea; c)a crown; d)a sovereign. 7)A pound sterling (¸) is equal to a)12 pence; b)2,5 shillings; c)20 shillings; d)5 shillings. 8) What was the name of the gold coin (1¸) which was coined before 1917? a)a farthing; b)a guinea; c)a crown; d)a florin. 9) Was a shilling coined in 1990s? a)yes; b)no. 10) How many administrative districts are there in London? a)14; b)22; c)32; d)30. 11) How many large railway stations are there in London? a)20; b)8; c)16; d)5. 12) What part of the world`s gold sales goes through London? a)4/5; b)1/2; c)2/3; d)1/3. 13) What part of the country`s produce is produced in London? a)1/4; b)1/8; c)1/20; d)1/2. 14) When was first line of the world`s oldest London metro completed? a) in 1850; b)in 1863; c)in 1892; d)in 1900. 15)What is the average annual individual (per capita) income in Great Britain? a)13,050$; b)16,070$; c)22,000$; d)10,000$. 16)What British scientist was the first to get the Nobel Prize for economics? a)J.A.Meed; b)G.Hicks; c)R.Stone; d)A.Lewis. 17)What is the name of the most influential economic journal of the country? a)"Solicitor Quarterly"; b)"Economic Journal"; c)"The Economist"; d) "Economics Today". 18) When was the Trades Union Congress (TUC) founded?

a)in 1868; b)in 1890; c)in 1901; d)in 1904. 19) What is the name of the UK`s central bank? a)HM Treasury; b)The Bank of England; c)The London Stock Exchange; d) Lloyd`s insurance market. 20)What British Ministry (Department) has the largest government research budget (¸ 2,336 mln for 1998-99)? a)ministry of Defence; b) Ministry of Agriculture,Fisheries and Food; c)Department of Health; d)Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. 21) When does the fiscal year start? a)on the 1st of January; b)on the 1st of April; c)on the 1st of September; d)on the 1st of May. 22)What sphere of the national economy has the highest proportion of trade union members ­ around 80% of employees? a)sea fishing; b)rail transport; c)machine-building; d)clothing industry. 23) How many tourists visit the country annually? a)about 5mln; b) about 10mln; c) about 12mln; d) about 6mln. 24) What is the share of urban population of the UK? a)over 91%; b)60%; c)76%; d)82%. 25)What is the leading industry of the UK? a)machine-building; b)oil refining; c)textile; d)mining. 26) What is the leading branch of the British agriculture? a)cattle-breeding and milk farming; b)plant-breeding; c)sea farming; d)fishery. 27)What crops dominate in the British plant-breeding? a)wheat, sugar-beat; b)wheat, barley; c)wheat, rye; d)sorgo, rice.

28)What forms the basis of non- ferrous metallurgy of the UK? a) tin, aluminium; b) platinum, silver; c)gold, silver; d) zink, wolfram. 29) What English towns are the centres of wool textile industry? a) Brighton and Nottingham; b) Leeds and Bradford; c) Manchester and Liverpool; d) London and Colchester. 30) What English town is the centre of cotton textile industry? a) Manchester; b) Newcastle; c)Birmingham; d) Portsmouth. 31) When did Great Britain enter European Community (now the European Union)? a) in 1962; b) in 1972; c)in 1973; d) in 1975. 32) When did the Channel Tunnel traffic come on-line? a) in 1994; b) in 1993; c) in 1997; d) in 1998. 33) What is the name of the largest British Aviation company? a) British European Airways; b) British Airways; c) British Aircraft Company; d) British Airlines. 34) What was the name of the passenger superjet produced by the UK and France? a) "Arrow"; b) " Concorde"; c) " Boeing"; d) " Stealth". 35) What branch of the national economy dominates in Northern Ireland? a) agriculture; b) textile industry; c) shipbuilding; d) oil- refining. 36) What is one of the most important industries of Scotland? a) clothing industry; b) textile industry; c) shipbuilding industry; d) mining industry. 37) What is the difference between British Time and Central European time? a) 1 hour; b) 2 hours; c) 1,5 hours; c) there is no difference.


38) What was the name of the major London whole- sale market of fruit, vegetables and flowers (1661- 1974)? a) Drury Lane; b) Covent- Garden; c) Kensington- Gardens; d) Heathrow.

POLITICAL LIFE 1) British citizens may vote provided they are aged a) 16; b) 18 or over; c) 20; d) 21. 2) Who is the head of the British Parlament? a) the Queen; b) the Prime Minister; c) the Speaker of the House of Lords; d) the Speaker of the House of Commons. 3) How often are the general parliamentary elections organized? a) once in 3 years; b) at least once in 5 years; c) at least once in 4 years; d) at least once in 6 years. 4) Is it allowed to make a speech in the British Parliament in any language other than English? a) yes; b) no; c) as an exception. 5) What party does the Speaker of the House of Commons belong to? a) the ruling party; b)the opposition; c) none. 6) How many main political parties are there in Great Britain? a) three; b) two; c) four; d) five. 7) What party did the Whig party eventually develop into? a) tories; b) liberals; c) communists; d) republicans. 8) When did the Labour party win the general elections? a) in 1994; b) in 1995; c) in 1996; d) in 1997. 9)What British political figure got the Nobel Prize for peace (in 1925)?

a) W. Creamer; b) J. Chamberlain; c) N. Angel. 10) What term is the Prime Minister elected for? a) 4 years; b) 5years; c) 2 years; d) 3 years. 11) What London street is the residence of the Prime Minister in? a) Fleet Street; b) Downing Street; c) Harley Street; d) Oxford Street. 12) What is the official governmental document presented to the House of Commons? a) Blue Book; b) White Book; c) Yellow Book; d) Red Book. 13) How many member does the Cabinet of Ministers normally consist of? a) 20-23; b) 25-30; c) 31; d) 15. 14) Who prepares the annual throne speech of the Queen? a) the Queen; b) the Government; c) the Prime Minister. 15) When was Elizabeth II born? a) in 1928; b) in 1926; c) in 1924; d) in 1925. 16) When did the accession of Elizabeth II take place? a) in 1952; b) in 1950; c) in 1953; d) in 1955. 17) What is the title of the Queen`s husband? a) Duke of York; b) Duke of Edinburgh; c) Duke of Kent; d) Duke of Glocester. 18) What is the official confession of the country? a) catholicism; b) protestantism; c) lutheranism. 19) What are the colours of the British national flag? a) red- white- blue; b) green- red- white; c) red- white; d) red- blue- black. 20) If the USA is called "Uncle Sam", how is Great Britain called? a) "Uncle George"; b) " Uncle Ben"; c) "John Bull"; d) "Tom O`Shanty". 21) How many states does the British Commonwealth consist of?

a) 38; b) 54; c) 51; d) 43. 22) When was Empire Day renamed Commonwealth Day? a) in 1960; b) in 1952; c) in 1951; d) in 1958. 23) When were the British trade- unions officially legalized? a) in 1805; b) in 1860; c) in 1861; d) in 1913. 24) When was voting age for women reduced (from 30) to 21, on equal terms with men? a) in 1928; b)in 1918; c)in 1909; d) in 1930. 25)What is the present name of the renamed ( in 1990s) former Communist Party of Great Britain? a) left democrats; b) new liberals; c) left labourists; d) new democrats. 26) Membership of ... is central to the UK defense policy. a) NATO; b) WEU; c) OSCE; d) CE. 27) What is the name of the main British governmental newspaper? a) "Morning Star"; b) " The Sun"; c) " The Guardian"; d) " Daily Express". 28) The newspaper " Daily Mirror" supports the politics of a) the Conservative party; b) the Liberal party; c) the Labour party. 29) What is the name of the well- known English conservative daily newspaper? a) " The Sun"; b) " The Times"; c) " The Observer"; d) " The Daily Mirror". 30) What is the leading British information agency? a) " Reuters"; b) " Press Association" ; c) " Exchange Telegraph"; d) " Daily Telegraph". 31) The tomb of the Unknown Soldier represents in his native soil a million dead, fallen in a) the First World War; b) the Second World War; c) all wars the country participated in.

SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 1) When were the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge founded? a) in the 11th c; b) in the 12-13th cc; c) in the 14th c; d) in the 15th c. 2) When was the Royal Society for the promotion of natural knowledge founded? a) in 1712; b) in 1601; c) in 1887; d) in 1660. 3) What English scientist was the first to use the signs " plus" and "minus" in his works? a) A. Cayley; b)G.H. Hardy; c)Th. Harriot; d) J.J. Sylvester. 4) When was the Royal Greenwich Observatory founded? a) in 1590; b) in 1675; c) in 1690; d) in 1701. 5) Who contributed much to the development of optics in the second half of the 17th century? a) R. Boyle; b) R. Hooke; c) I. Newton; d) W. Harvey. 6) Who created the corpuscular light theory? a) I. Newton; b) Ch. Wilson; c) M. Faraday; d) J. Dalton. 7)Who devised a steam engine which could drive machinery? a) J. Watt; b) R. Trevithik; c) Th. Newcomen; d) H. Modsley. 8) Who was the father of physiology of animals? a) Ch. Darwin; b) W. Harvey; c) E. Jenner. 9) Who is the author of the idea of calculating machine (1835)? a) Ch. Babbage; b) J. Boole; c) J. Napir. 10) What name do you associate with the term "vulgar political economy"? a) F. Bacon; b) Th. Maltus; c) A. Smith; d) J. Bentham. 11) Who discovered the electron (1897)? a) J. Dalton; b) W. Kelvin; c) J. J. Thomson.

12) When did Ch. Darwin publish his book "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection"? a) in 1840; b) in 1860; c) in 1832; d) in 1859. 13) When was the sound system " Dolby" invented? a) in 1965; b) in 1971; c) in 1960; d) in 1962. 14) Who invented the thermos (1892)? a) J. Dewar; b) D. Swan; c) A. Waller; d) H. Short. 15) H. Royce and C.S.Rolls built and sold their first Rolls-Royce in 1907. It was called a) the Silver Age; b) the Golden Dream; c) the Silver Ghost; d) the Blue Bird. 16) Who was the first British Nobel Prize winner (1904)? a) G. W. Strett (Lord Raleigh); b) E. Rutherford; c) F. W. Aston. 17) What discovery (invention) was the above mentioned Nobel Prize awarded for? a) the study of electrical conductivity of gases; b) the discovery of argon; c) the discovery of natural radioactivity; d) the discovery of the wave nature of electron. 18) Who was the founder of the English materialism? a) A. Collins; b) I. Newton; c) F. Bacon. 19) Who developed the planetary atom model? a) F. Soddy; b) W. R. Hamilton; c) E. Rutherford. 20) Who discovered the neutron ( The Nobel Prize for Physics, 1935)? a) Ch.T. R. Wilson; b) J. Chadwick; c) P. A. M. Dirac. 21) Who discovered noble (inert) gases and determined their place in the Periodic Table of Elements? a) W. Ramsay; b) E. Rutherford; c) F. H. C. Crick; d) D. M. C. Hodgkin.


22) Who laid the foundations of the historical phonetics and grammar of the English language? a) M. Gatry; b) W. Bleak; c) H. Sweet; d) S. Johnson. 23) Who discovered penicillin? a) E. D. Adrian; b) J. D. Cockroft; c) J. W. Black; d) A. Fleming. 24) Who invented logarithms? a) J. Napir; b) W. R. Hamilton; c) Th. Harrriot; d) R. Bacon. 25) Who discovered nitrogen? a) E. Chain; b) H. Cavendish; c) E. Rutherford; d) H. Florey. 26) Who discovered electromagnetic field? a) M. Faraday and J. C. Maxwell; b) W. Rankin and W. Thompson; c) D. Bruster and G. Stokes; d) Lord Raleigh. 27) What scientist was the first to describe the nucleus of a cell? a)K. Sorby; b) R. Brown; c) Ch. Darwin. 28) Who invented the vacuum electron (ic) tube (1904)? a) J. Fleming; b) F. W. Aston; c) F. Soddy. 29) Who gave the first practical demonstration of television ( in 1926)? a) M. S. Johnson; b) John Logie Baird; c) Ch. Sherrington. 30) M. Newman, D. Michie and A. Turing built the first electronic computer,....., which was used for breaking enemy communication codes in the Second World War. a) Enigma; b) Colossus I; c) Pegasus I; d) Centaur. 31) What is an English land mile equal to? a) 2,000 m; b) 1609 m; c) 1725 m; d) 2115 m. 32) What is an inch equal to? a) 2,5 cm; b) 2,3 cm; c) 3,0 cm; d) 2,58 cm.

33) What is a pound equal to? a) 400g; b)425g; c) 500g; d) 453,6g. 34) What is an ounce equal to? a) 30,0g; b) 28,3g; c) 31,2g; d) 27,0g. 35) What is a gallon equal to? a)4,54 l; b) 4,36 l; c) 5,00 l; d) 6,2,l. 36) What is a pint equal to? a) 0,48 l; b) 0,50 l; c) 0,57 l; d) 0,74 l. 37) What is an acre equal to? a) 0,5 hect; b)0,4 hect; c) 0,6 hect; d) 1,2 hect. 38) What is a yard equal to? a) 91,4 cm; b) 82 cm; c) 76 cm; d) 73 cm. 39) Who devised the gas cooker? a) Sam Pratt( in 1926); b) James Sharp (in 1826); c) S. Clegg ( in 1818); d) J. Horseley (in 1843). 40)Who was the first to practise underwater photography? a) W. Thompson; b) Ch. Hencock; c) Th. Cook; d) H. Ellington. 41) Who is the inventor of the telephone (1876)? a) A. G. Bell; b) J. Dalton; c) S. Crompton; d) J. Hargreaves.

EDUCATION 1) When was the first British law concerning public education proclaimed? a) in 1828; b) in 1870; c) in 1901; d) in 1904. 2) During the period of the Industrial Revolution a wide social movement for the public education was developed. It was connected with the activity of a) Bell and Lancaster; b) Bacon and Heartlieb.

c)Rains. 3) When was the London University established? a) in 1836; b) in 1870; c) in 1800; d) in 1903. 4) How many students study at this University? a) 40,5 thousand; b) 22 thousand; c) about 30 thousand; d) 34 thousand. 5) Who was the first to organize pre- schooling educational institutions for workers` children in Great Britain? a) S. Wilderspin; b) R. Owen; c) M. Montessori; d) Ch. Dickens. 6) Since what time have the British universities begun to admit women? a) since 1807; b) since 1880; c) since 1890; d) since 1929. 7) When was the British Encyclopaedia first published? a) in 1768-71; b) in 1801-03; c) in 1860-62; d) in 1880. 8) G. G. Byron, R. Sheridan, W. Churchill were the graduates of a) Eton; b) Harrow; c) Rugby; d) the Winchester College. 9) When did boyscouts appear? a) in 1908; b) in 1910; c) in 1912; d) in 1920. 10) What is the name of the central controlling organization of the British educational system? a) The Department of Education and Science; b) The Ministry of Education; c) The State Education Council; d) The Education Committee. 11) What is the share of private schools in the system of public education? a) 2%; b) 5%; c) 7%; d) 40%. 12)What is the share of state schools? a) 93%; b) 50%; c) 70%; d) 60%. 13) How many British school have separate education?

a) 1/10; b) about ½; c) ¼; d) 1/3. 14) The British schoolchildren take their O-level exams at the age of a) 15; b) 16; c) 17; d) 18. 15) The British schoolchildren take their A-level exams at the age of a) 12-13; b) 9-10; c) 17-18; d) 19. 16) When does a school year begin? a) on the 1st of September; b) on the first Tuesday of September; c) on the 15th of September; d) on the 1st of October. 17) What is the duration of school summer vacations? a) 3 months; b) 8 weeks; c) 5 weeks; d) a month. 18) Compulsory education in England, Scotland and Wales begin at the age of a) 5; b) 6; c) 7; d) 8, 19) What is the largest library of the country? a) the library of the British Museum in London; b) the library of the London University; c) the library of the Oxford University; d) the library of the Cambridge University. 20) What local branch of industry is there in Oxford? a) textile; b) automobile; c) wood-working; d) mining. 21) What is the name of the organization of the British scientists working in the field of Humanities? a) the London Royal Society; b) the British Academy; c) the London Academy; d) the Royal Academy. 22) What is the unique British educational institution for adults? a) the Open University; b) the National Educational Institute for adults; c) the Ruskin College; d) the Trinity College.

23) How many universities were there in Great Britain at the end off 1980s? a) 37; b) 40; c) 52; d) 14. 24) How many universities are there in Scotland? a) 8; b) 12; c) 4; d) 2. 25) What per cent of schoolchildren leave school at the age of 16 without passing (taking) their final exams? a) about 10%; b) about 30%; c) about 24%; d) about 2%. 26) How many educational programs have been developed in Great Britain (since 1980) in connection with the computerization of education? a) over 350; b) over 600; c) over 50; d) over 100. 27) How many terms is the academic year in British universities split into? a) two; b) three; c) four; d) six. 28) How long do lectures, seminars and tutorials last? a) 1,5 hours; b) 1 hour; c) 2 hours; d) 2,5 hours. 29) When was the first British women`s college, Lady Margaret Hall (Oxford) established? a) in 1800; b) in 1878; c) in 1890; d) in 1892. 30) How many students study at Oxford University? a) about 13.000; b) about 24.000; c) about 9.000; d) about 40.000. 31) What is the oldest college in Cambridge? a) Harrow; b) Peterhouse; c) King`s College; d) St. Hugh`s College. 32) There is a school in Great Britain where lessons are optional. Children can go to them or stay away from them for years if they want to. The school has no truants. Its name is a) Waltam; b) Everton; c) Summerhill; d) Aylesbury. 33) What words are there on the shield of the University of Oxford? a) " Dieu et Mon Droit"; b) " Dominus Illuminatio Mea";

c) " Citius, Altius, Fortius"; d) " In God We Trust".

LANGUAGE 1) How large is the vocabulary of the English language (without terms)? a) about 200.000 words; b) about 500.000 words; c) about 700.00 words; d) about 350.000 words. 2) English is the native language for...people. a) about 250 mln; b) about 700 mln; c) about 100 mln; d) about 150 mln. 3) English is the second language for... people. a) about 13 mln; b) about 50 mln; c) about 102 mln; d) about 200 mln. 4) What European language is the closest to English? a) Italian; b) French; c) German; d) Spanish. 5) Who introduced book printing into England? a) J. Chaucer; b) W. Caxton; c) P. Romney; d) W. Williams. 6) When did The Great Vowel Shift take place in the English language development? a) in the 13-14th c; b) in the 14-15th c; c) in the 15-16th c; d) in the 11-12th c. 7) What dialect gave rise to the national English language? a) West English; b) London; c) North English. 8) What state language did the English have after the Norman Conquest? a) German; b) French; c) Danish; d) Latin. 9)Identify the Old English period. a) the 5-6th c; b) the 7th c; c) the 13-14th c. 10) Identify the Middle English period. a) the 11th c; b) 1150-1500; c) 1601-1650. 11) When did the so-called Modern English established?

a) in the 15th c; b) in the 16-17th c; c) in the 18-19th c. 12) What is the modern form of the English word which in Chaucer`s times was pronounced as [`ma:ke]? a) maker; b) make; c) marker; d) monkey. 13) What is the modern form of the English word which in Shakespeare`s times was pronounced as [teim]? a) tame; b) time; c) team; d) them. 14) Modern English suffix -(e)s ( the 3rd pers.sg., Pres. Indicative) had a different form that changed in the 16th century. What was it? a) ­ es; b) ­et; c) ­th; d) ­eth. 15) What is the modern equivalent of the English word "thou" which ceased to be used in the 16-th century? a) (to, of) you; b) your; c) you; d) though. 16) What language did English borrow the words "cipher", "zero", " alcohol", " algebra" from? a) German; b) French; c) Arabic; d) Sanskrit. 17) What is the origin of the following English words: "scatter", "scare", "scape", "skirt", "skin", "sky"? a) Scandinavian; b) German; c) Latin; d) Greek. 18) Who is the author of the most authoritative dictionary of the English pronunciation? a) A. S. Hornby; b) D. Jones; c) E. Partridge; d) H. C. Wyld. 19) Some part of the population of this city (town) speaks a special dialect of the English language - cockney. a) Liverpool; b) Glasgow; c) London; d) Cardiff. 20) What diphthong did Eliza Doolittle ("Pygmalion" by B. Shaw) mispronounce? a) [ai]; b) [ei]; c) [au]

21) What do you know about the word-combination " John the Barley Corn"? a) it is the name of the famous London pub; b) it is R. Burns` poem; c) it is J. Donn`s poem; d) it is a beverage name. 22) A considerable part of the English vocabulary is formed by Latin and Greek borrowings. What does the English word "omnibus" mean in Latin? a) " a horse"; b) " for all"; " everyone`s"; c) "a chariot"; d) " double". 23) Complete the English proverb: "My house is my..." a) palace; b) homeland; c) castle; d) happiness. 24) Complete the English saying: " A cat has ...lives". a) three; b) many; c) nine; d) a dozen of. 25) Lady N. sneezes. Lady R. says:... . a) " Be healthy!"; b) "Cheers!"; c) "Bless you!"; d) "To you!". 26) What does the word "lager" mean in modern English? a) "a sort of beer"; b) "a camp"; c) "an arms brand"; d) "a person who is always late". 27) What does the word-combination "a fruit machine" mean? a) "a kind of dessert"; b) "a one-armed bandit"; c) "a juice squeezer"; d) "a kind of an agricultural machine". 28) Complete the English proverb: " Time and... wait for no man". a) rain; b) death; c) again; d) tide. 29) What words do the English use in the following phrase: "If my watch goes too fast, I say it (1)..., if it goes too slowly, I say it (2)..." a) (1) runs /(2) crawls; b) (1) gains/(2) loses; c) (1)goes forth/(2) lags behind; d) (1)wins/(2)loses. 30) Fill in the blank: If a man does something that is not fair, the English often say of him: "He isn`t playing...".

a) cricket; b) football; c) the violin; d) golf. 31) Fill in the blank: " I am(as) hungry as...". a) a hunter; b) a beast; c) a wolf; d) a dog. 32) Talking about something very funny the English say: "It is enough to make... laugh". a) a cow; b) a cat; c) a fish; d) a bird. 33) The term "horse latitudes (30-35°N) in the English language of seafaring means a) stormy latitudes; b) still latitudes. 34) The word- combination a "sea-king" means a) a viking; b) a seal; c) a gull; d) a sea-serpent. 35) The word- combination "thread-needle" means a) children`s play; b) a queue; c) a gossip; d) an easy work. 36) The word-combination "big top" in colloquial English means: a) big boss(es); b) a circus; c) a big head; d) a huge hat. 37) The word-combination "a base coin" means a) a false coin; b) small coin; c) a change; d) a silver coin. 38) The idiomatic expression "I am out of collar now" means a) I am unemployed; b) I am not married; c) I am furious; d) I have been drinking. 39) The English say: "black as..." a) a cloud; b) a raven; c) soot; d) ink. 40) The phrase "She is the limit" means: a) She is unbearable; b) She is smart; c) She is dead.


LITERATURE 1) When was the epic poem "Beowulf" created? a) at the beginning of the 7th c; b) at the end of the 7th c; c) in the 10th c; d) in the 12th c. 2) Who wrote the poem "Piers Plowman" (the 14th c)? a) J. Chaucer; b) Th. Mallory; c) W. Langland. 3) J. Bunian (1628-88) in his novel "Pilgrim`s Way" showed a) his autobiography; b) his voyage to the sacred places; c) the role of the crusades; d) how difficult it was to be honest in the world of social inequality. 4) Who is the author of the epic poem "Paradise Lost"(1667)? a) J. Milton; b) J. Bail; c) F. Baumont; d) Th. Heywood. 5) What was Gulliver`s name? a) Jonathan; b) Thomas; c) Samuel; d) Lemuel. 6) Who is the author of " The Canterbury Tales"? a) Th. Mallory; b) Ch. Marlowe; c) W. Caxton; d) J. Chaucer. 7) What English writer had an idealistic view of bourgeois morals and values? a) J. Swift; b) S. Richardson; c) H. Fielding; d) W. M. Thackeray. 8) What English book shows the idealized view of an energetic worker, an explorer of nature? a) "Gulliver`s Travels"; b) "Robinson Crusoe"; c) "The History of Tom Jones, the findling"; d) " The Sentimental Journey". 9)Who was the father of the bourgeois novel? a) D. Defoe; b)J. Swift; c) R. Richardson; d) H. Fielding. 10) Who was the inventor of the historical novel? a) M. Edgeworth; b) H. Fielding; c) W. Scott; d) J. Wycliffe.

11) Insert the missing word in the name of L.Sterne`s novel "The Life and Opinions of Tristram..." a) Spencer; b) Jones; c) Shandy; d) Norman. 12) What playwright showed the sophisticated inner world of the people of the Renaissance? a) R.B.Sheridan; b) W. Shakespeare; c) E. Spenser; d) Ch. Marlowe. 13) When did W. Shakespeare live? a) 1661-1731; b)1608-1674; c) 1759-1796; d) 1564-1616. 14) What English playwright and poet translated Homer`s works? a) G. Grote; b) G. Chapman; c) A. Pope; d) J. Marston. 15) What poet described the Scottish nature, rural life, peasants` work and their love for freedom? a) W. Danbar; b) R. Burns; c) A. Ramsay; d) G. Macferson. 16) Who wrote the first anticolonial novel in the English literature ("AVoyage to India")? a) A. Bennett; b) E. M. Foster; c) A.E. Coppard; d) K. Mansfield. 17) What writers are famous for their "gothic" novels? a)H. Walpole, A. Radcliffe; b) J. Taylor, R. South; c) Ch. Bronte, E. Gaskell; d) J. Tillotson, Th. Browne. 18) What poets were joined under the name "lake district school" ("lakists")? a) D. G. Rossetti, K. Rossetti, A. Ch. Swinburne; b) G. G. Byron, P.B. Shelly, J. Keats; c) W. Wordsworth, S.T. Coleridge, R. Southy. 19)What novel does not belong to the works of J. Austen? a) "Emma"; b) " Pride and Prejudice"; c) "Northanger Abbey"; d) "Jude the Obscure". 20) Who wrote "Frankenstein, or Modern Prometheus"?

a) M. Shelley; b) Th. De Quincey; c) Ch.R. Maturin; d) Ch. Lamb. 21) What novel is Mr Micawber the character of? a) "The Personal History of David Copperfield"; b) "The Bleak House"; c) "The Old Curiousity Shop"; d) "The Posthumous Papers of The Pickwick Club" . 22)Who wrote "The Book of Snobs"? a) Th. Hardy; b) W. M. Thackeray; c) A. Trollope; d) Jerome K. Jerome. 23)What novel can be called "a novel without a hero"? a) " The Citadel"; b) "The Forsyte Saga"; c) "The Moon and Sixpence"; d) " Vanity Fair". 24) Indentify the author of the lines: "Yet we`ll go no more a-roving By the light of the moon..." a) P.B. Shelly; b) G. G. Byron; c) R. Southy; d) R. Burns. 25) What district of London did Eliza Doolittle ("Pygmalion" by B. Show) live in? a) Covent Garden; b) Chelsea; c) Lisson Grove; d) Fleet street. 26) What English writer was the first to get the Nobel Prize? a)J. Galsworthy; b) R. Kipling; c) G. Greene; d) A. Huxley. 27) What writers described the life of the British working class? a) D. Stewart, B. Davidson; b) A. Sillitoe, S. Chaplin; c) S. Barstow, N. Lewis. 28) Who is the author of the novel " Light That Failed" (1891)? a) S. Maugham; b) R. Kipling; c) G.H.Wells; d) T.S. Eliot. 29)What was "the civil profession" of A. Christie? a) an archeologist; b) a doctor; c) a pharmacist; d) a librarian. 30) What is the fictitious name of the village where the scene of most of the stories in the Miss Marple cycle is laid?

a) Maidstone; b) St. Mary Mead; c) Rochford; d) Dorrington. 31) Who is the author of the poem "The Devil`s Dozen" (the rejoinder to the fight for civil rights in Northern Ireland)? a) T. Kinsella; b) R. Power; c) P. Kavanakh; d) O. Clark. 32) Who created the first limerick? a) Noel Coward; b) E. Nesbit; c) E. Lear; d) Q. Crisp. 33) Who led the modernist line in the English literature (XIX-XXcc.)? a) T.S Eliot and E.Pound; b) A. Bennett and S.Maughan; c) J. Galsworthy and H. Grenvill-Barker; d) D.H. Lawrence and J.Joyce. 34) What English writer used in his works the method of subtle psychological analysis bordering on freudism? a) A. Sillitoe; b) D.H.Lawrance; c) R. Aldington; d) A. Cronin. 35) In what novel did the author apply the method of "the stream of consciousness" in literature? a) "Under the Net"(I. Murdoch); b) "The Commedians" (G.Greene); c) "Ulyssus" (J.Joyce); d) "The Way Upstairs" (J. Braine). 36) Who wrote about "angry young men" in 1950s? a) J.Braine; b) G. Orwell; c) J. Conrad; d) J.B. Priesley. 37) What authors developed the genre of science fiction in 1960-70s? a) A. Clarke, J. Windem, D.H. Bollard; b) K.S.Lewis, R. Adams, D. Seyers; c) D. Mercer, D. Story. 38) Who is the author of the popular book for children "The Wind in the Willows"? a) A. Milne; b) R. Dahl; c) K. Graham; d) O. Wilde. 39) Whom did the cook nurse in the book "Alice in Wonderland" by L.Carrol? a) a cat; b) a puppy; c) a rabbit; d) a pig. 40) Who wrote novels about James Bond?

a) J. Higgins; b) J. Fowles; c) J. Archer; d) I. Flemming. 41) The following novels are written by one of the most well-known XX-th century English novelists: "the Third Man", "Brighton Rock", "The Heart of the Matter", "The End of the Affair", "The Quiet American", " Our Man in Havana ", "The Human Factor" and others. Do you know this name? a) G. Greene; b) B. Cartland; c) H. R. Haggard; d) R. Aldington.

ART 1) What is the name of the megalithic complex in Salisbury? a) Bricksworth; b) Stonehenge; c) Earles-Barton. 2) Who was the architect of St.Paul`s Cathedral in London? a) J. Gibbs; b) Ch. Wren; c) J. Vanbru; d) N. Hoxmore. 3) What is the architectural style of the Houses of Parliament in London? a) classicism; b) Gothics; c) Neo- Gothics; d) baroque. 4) Where is the monument to W. Scott? a) in London; b) in Cardiff; c) in Swansea; d) in Edinburgh. 5) Where is the so-called "Whispering Gallery"? a) in Westminster Abbey; b) in St. Paul`s Cathedral; c) in the Tower; d) in Windsor Castle. 6) What period does the early sample of the English portrait painting- a portrait of Richard II in Westminster Abbey- belong to? a) 1250; b) 1390 s; c) 1410; d) 1580s. 7) Who contributed much to the portrait painting of the 18th century? a) J. Reynolds, Th. Gainsborough; b) N. Hilliard, A. Oliver; c) P. Lely, G. Neller; d) J. Romney, J. Hopner.


8) Who developed considerably the decorative art (furniture) in the 17-18th centuries? a) T. Chippendale, T. Sheraton; b) J. Morland, J.Right; c) J. Romney, T. Lawrence; d) T. Berwick, J. Wedgewood. 9) Where is the world`s largest Maze (planted in 1975)? a) in Bath; b) in Brighton; c) in Longleat; d) in Cardiff. 10)When was "the Globe" theatre born? a) in 1578; b) in 1599; c) in 1600; d) in 1576. 11) Who performed women`s parts in the theatre of Shakespearian times? a) men; b) girls; c) boys; d) women. 12) Who was the first English actress? a) Florence Nightingale; b) Nell Gwynn; c) Sarah Siddons; d) Ellen Terry. 13) What was the first woman`s part in the British theatre performed by a woman? a) Juliet; b) Desdemona; c) Gertrude; d) Othelia. 14) What is the official name of Drury Lane? a) The Theatre Royal; b) The Royal Theatre ; c) The London Royal Theatre. 15) What name do you associate with the term "theatre of absurd"? a) G. B. Shaw; b) J. Osborne; c) T. Stoppard; d) H. Pinter. 16) What is the "density" of the theatres per square mile in the centre of London? a) 5; b) 15; c) over 20; d) over 30. 17)Who was the founder of the English musical theatre? a) W. S. Bennet; b) A. Sullivan; c) H. Purcell. 18) What composer created the ballet " Victoria and Merry England"? a) A. Sullivan; b) F. Delius; c) W. Walton; d) M. Tippett.

19) What British composer became worldly known? a) G. Th. Holst; b) E. Elgar; c) B. Britten; d) A. Bush. 20) What English conductor popularized Russian and Soviet music? a) E. Smith; b) H. Wood; c) A. Sullivan; d) B.Britten. 21) What is the national Irish musical instrument? a) a bagpipe; b) a harp; c) a harmonica; d) a pipe. 22) Who wrote the famous rock-operas " Jesus Christ Superstar", "Cats", "The Fanthom of the Opera", "Evita", "Sunset Boulevard"? a) J. Lennon; b) A. Lloyd Webber; c) M. Jagger; d) G. Michael. 23) What are the names of the participants of the famous group (The) "Rolling Stones"? a) Jeremy, George, Michael, John; b) Mick, Ron, Keith, Charlie; c) James, Andrew, Harry, Edward; d) Paul, John, George, Ringo. 24) What was the name of the first single of (The) "Beatles" (1962, The British Top Thirty)? a) "Girl"; b) "Love Me Do"; c) "Yesterday"; d) "Let It Be". 25) Where are the annual summer folklore festivals held? a) in London; b) in Oxford; c) in Cambridge; d) in Liverpool. 26) What is the name of the Welsh festival of singers, musicians and poets held annually in Wales? a) Snowdonia; b)Camru; c) Eyre; d) Eisteddfod. 27) What is the name of the journal for the people of art and collectors which have been issued monthly since 1925 in London? a) " Ark"; b) "Apollo"; c) "Art and Craft News"; d) "Art and Letters". 28) What is the name of the London club of authors, writers and journalists established in 1831 and named after a great actor?

a) the Gilgud Club; b) the Garrick Club; c) the Parsons Club, d) the Dodd Club. 29) What English artist, writer and public figure (1824- 1891) contributed much to the development of tapestry manufacturing and handicraft? a) P. Nash; b)W. Morris; c) J.Constable; d) W. Turner. 30) The statue by the side of the National Portrait Gallery in London is not of great Englishman but of an American,... a) G. Washington; b) A. Lincoln; c)F. D. Roosevelt; d) B. Franklin. 31) What sort of china produced in Great Britain is noted for its high quality? a) Dorset; b) Worcester; c) Devon; d) Reading. 32) What albums made the "Rolling Stones" popular? a) "Please Please Me", "She Loves You", "I Want To Hold Your Hand"; b) "Beggar`s Banquet", "Let It Bleed", "Sticky Fingers", "Exile on Main Street"; c) "Eleanor Rigby", "Yellow Submarine", "Paperback Writer". 33) What are J. Turner`s masterpieces? a) "The Slave Ship" and "Rain, Steam and Speed"; b) "Richard Payne Knight" and "Pope PiusVII"; c) "Bargaining for a Horse" and "The Battle of Bunker`s Hill". 34) Where is the Royal Shakespeare Theatre? a) in Leeds; b) in London; c) in Stratford-upon-Avon; d) in Chester. 35) What English town is famous for its chocolate factories, the National Railway Museum and the Viking Centre? a) Bath; b) York; c) Leeds; d) Brighton.


CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS 1) What national costume do you associate a bagpipe with? a) Welsh; b) English; c) Scottish; d) Irish. 2) What part of Great Britain has the strongest costume traditions? a) Scotland; b) Wales; c) England; d) Northern Ireland. 3) What fur are the British Royal Guard`s caps made of? a)wolf; b) bear; c) beaver; d) yak. 4) What is the name of the Warders (of the Tower of London)? a) Beatles; b) Bulls; c) Beefeaters; d) Ironsides. 5) What is the name of the skirt in the national Scottish costume? a) sporran; b)tartan; c) kilt; d)quilt. 6) What are the opening words of the British national hymn (anthem)? a) "God Save the Queen"; b) "Rule, Britain, over the seas"; c) "Britain, Oh, Britain"; d) "Oh, Britain, be glorious". 7) What is the peer`s title lower than a marquis and higher than a viscount? a) a baron; b) a duke; c) a count; d) an esquire. 8) What is the filling of the pillow on which Lord Chancellor sits in the House of Lords (a custom which can be traced back to the 14th c)? a) wool; b)cotton; c)hay; d)feather. 9) What animal is shown (together with a lion) on the national coat of arms? a)an elephant ; b)a deer; c) a unicorn; d)a boar. 10) What animal is an emblem of Great Britain? a) an eagle; b)a unicorn; c) a lion; d) a bear. 11) What is burnt in the fireplaces on (the) Christmas Eve? a)a branch of mistletoe; b)a log; c)old things; d)wheat corn.

12) When do the British children belonging to the Anglican church have their confirmation? a) at the age of 8-10; b) at the age of 11-12; c) at the age of 13-16; d) at the age of 17. 13) What plant is a symbol of England? a) tea rose; b) clover; c) mistletoe; d) heather. 14) What plant is a symbol of Scotland? a) willow; b) thistle; c) heather; d) lavender. 15) What plant is a symbol of Wales? a) leek, daffodil; b) sunflower; c) apple-tree; d) wheat. 16) What plant is a symbol of Ireland? a) lily; b) shamrock; c) rue; d) poppy. 17) What plant is a symbol of sorrorn in Great Britain? a) rue; b) fir-tree; c) oak-tree; d) lotus. 18) What plant of Great Britain is considered to be a symbol of peace? a) rose; b) poppy; c) lily of the valley; d) daisy. 19) What bird is "a national bird" of Great Britain? a) a rook; b) a robin; c) a lark; d) a pheasant. 20) When is St. George`s Day (England) celebrated? a) on the 23rd of April; b) on the 30th of April; c) on the 1st of June; d) on the 15th of April. 21) When is St. George`s Day (Wales) celebrated? a) on the 5th of March; b) on the 1st of March; c) on the 1st of May; d) on the 20th of March. 22) When is St. Andrew`s Day (Scotland) celebrated? a) on the 30th of November; b) on the 30th of October;

c) on the 12th of September; d) on the 14th of November. 23) When is St. Patrick`s Day (Ireland) celebrated? a) on the 2nd of March; b) on the 17th of March; c) on the 23th of March; d) on the 2nd of May. 24) On what holiday do the British elect "the king" and "the queen" whose dresses are decorated with plenty of pearl buttons? a) Banking Holidays; b) St. Valentine`s Day; c) Christmas; d) Easter. 25) When is Mother`s Day celebrated? a) on the fourth Sunday in Lent; b) on the first Sunday in Lent; c) on the 8th of March; d) on the 1st of May. 26) When is Father`s Day celebrated? a) in February; b) in June; c) in July; d)in September. 27) What masculine name is very popular in Northern Ireland? a) George; b) Patrick; c) John; d) Thomas. 28) What is the national colour of Northern Ireland? a) blue; b) brown; c) red; d)green. 29) When do the British children go out in groups, knock at people`s doors and call out: "Trick or treat"? a)on Good Friday; b) on Halloween; c) on Spring Bank Holiday. 30) The traditional English breakfast consists of a) fried eggs with bacon, porridge; b) fried turkey, plum pudding; c) pizza, fruits; d) fish, rice, salads. 31) What beverage is very popular with the British? a) tea with milk; b) coffee; c) orange juice; d) tea with sugar and lemon. 32) The national dish "Welsh rabbit" is, in fact, a)roast rabbit; b) vegetable ragout; c) a toast with melted cheese;

d) a kind of dessert. 33) What is the name of a game of chance (a sort of lotto) popular with elderly and lonely people, especially women? a) pogo; b) polo; c) bingo; d) dominoes. 34) What is the name of the English hero of street puppet theatre performances (the counterpart of Russian Petrushka)? a) Simon; b) Sam Weller; c) Johnny; d) Punch. 35) What is the length of tartan cloth needed for making a kilt? a) 3m; b) 8m; c) 2m; d) 5m. 36) What is Britain`s national speed limit on dual carriageways (unless street lighting or sings indicate a lower local limit)? a) 100km/h; b) 112km/h; c) 95km/h; d) 105km/h. 37) The British mailboxes are (traditionally) a) black; b) green; c) red; d) dark blue. 38) When is the Queen`s official birthday? a) on the 2nd Saturday in June; b) on the 1st Saturday in June; c) on the 3rd Saturday in June. 39) One of the British traditions is to keep ... in the Tower of London. a) black owls; b) white doves; c) swallows; d) black ravens. 40) What country`s people give the city of London a big Christmas tree which stands in Trafalgar Square every year? a) Sweden; b) Norway; c) Denmark; d) Germany.


SPORT 1) When was the British Olympic Organization created? a) in 1896; b) in 1905; c) in 1920; d) in 1928. 2) What sports are the most popular in Great Britain? a) wrestling, table tennis, arm-wrestling; b) boxing, derby, rowing, football; c) athletics, swimming, shooting; d) table tennis, volley-ball, basketball. 3) Is Great Britain the Motherland of golf? a) yes; b) no; c) the question is disputable. 4) What game had Wimbledon been famous for before it became "the tennis capital city"? a) cricket; b) crocket; c) golf; d) volley-ball. 5) What is the national English sport - throwing of heavy polished stones on the smooth ice to the target? a) kerling; b) bowling; c) cricket; d) darts. 6) Do women play cricket? a) yes; b)no. 7) What does the cricket term "the twelfth man" mean? a) the team captain; b) the player who has violated the rules; c) the reserve player; d) the judge. 8) How long do the cricket matches last? a) 1-5 days; b) 1-5 hours; c) 6 hours; d) 7 days. 9) What clothes do the cricket teams wear? a) black; b) red; c) blue; d) white. 10) What is the name of the Scottish annual competition in mountain skiing? a) "The Coronation Cup"; b) "The Royal Cup"; c) "The Cup of Scotland"; d) "Gloria".

11) Name the famous British regatta. a) Bristol- Cardiff; b) Oxford- Cambridge; c) Dundee- St. Andrew; d) Portsmouth- Brighton. 12) What is the distance of the above mentioned regatta? a) 5 miles; b) 4,5 miles; c) 4,25 miles; d) 5,5 miles. 13) What is the name of the famous British chess- player Short? a) Thomas; b) Nigel; c) Andrew; d) Antony. 14) What is the duration of the football season in Great Britain? a) May- August; b) the end of August- the beginning of May; c) June- August; d) all year round. 15) Where is The Cup Final (football) played? a) in London; b) in Edinburgh; c) in Manchester; d) in Leeds. 16) What part of Great Britain does the football team "Rangers" represent? a) England; b) Scotland; c) Wales; d) Northern Ireland. 17) What part of Great Britain does "Arsenal" represent? a) England; b) Scotland; c) Wales; d) Northern Ireland. 18) What football team is Sir Paul McCartney`s favourite? a) Liverpool; b) Glasgow; c) Manchester; d) Birmingham. 19) Find a line of football terms containing "an odd man out" a) fall, goalkeeper, forward; b) back, halfback, out; c) penalty, dribbling, knockout; d) corner, goal, pass. 20) What town has the famous annual derby been organized in (since 1730)? a) Salisbury; b) Epsom; c) London; d) Durham. 21) Name the centre of English horse- farming and horse- racing where a great prize for handicap is awarded every autumn. a) Brighton; b) Newmarket; c)Newcastle; d)Chester.

22) What is the length of the caver which is tossed at The Scottish Olympics? a) 6m; b) 3m; c) 2m; d) 2,5m. 23) What is the name of the ball game of the horsemen popular with the aristocratic circles of the country? a) skittles; b) polo; c) handball; d) squash. 24) Snooker is a kind of a) tennis; b) billiards; c) football; d) badminton. 25) What is the name of the old game with balls? a) whist; b) canasta; c)robber; d)bowling. 26) What is the name of the British game (esp. popular in Scotland) the aim of which is to put the ball successively into each of the holes (in the ground) using a special club with the least number of hits? a) cricket; b) crocket; c) kerling; d) golf. 27) What was the name of the first English football club (1857)? a) "Sheffield"; b) "Albion"; c) "Liverpool"; d) "Anglia". 28) When did badminton appear? a) in 1799; b) in1869; c) in 1844; d) in 1903. 29) When was the first British boxing championship organized (the championJ.Figg)? a) in 1694; b)in 1727; c)in 1814; d) in 1841. 30) The first international football match (England- Sweden, 0:0;1872) took place in a) Liverpool; b) Glasgow; c) London; d) Stockholm. 31) When did the first British sports journal appear? a) in 1614; b) in 1729; c) in 1738; d) in 1814. 32) When did the first international boxing competition (England- Italy) take place?

a) in 1733; b) in 1790; c) in 1820; d) in 1847. 33) When was the first British hockey club organized? a) in 1862; b) in 1870; c) in 1877; d) in 1908. 34) The annual Oxford- Cambridge boat race takes place on the river... a) Cam; b) Avon; c) Thames. 35) Rugby is a form of a) hockey; b) football; c) baseball. 36) How many men are there in a rugby team? a) 12; b) 9; c) 14; d) 15.


KEYS Geography 1-b 11-b 21-d 31-c 2-b 12-d 22-c 32-a 3-a 13-b 23-d 33-b 4-c 14-b 24-b 34-b 5-c 15-a 25-b 35-d 6-d 16-a 26-b 36-b 7-b 17-b 27-b 37-c 8-b 18-a 28-b 38-d 9-a 19-d 29-a 39-b 10-a 20-b 30-b History 1-d 11-b 21-b 31-c 2-a 12-a 22-b 32-a 3-a 13-b 23-a 33-a 4-a 14-d 24-d 34-a 5-b 15-b 25-b 35-d 6-b 16-a 26-a 36-d 7-c 17-b 27-b 37-b 8-b 18-b 28-c 38-c 9-b 19 -a 29-d 39-b 10-a 20-b 30-c 40-a

Economy 1-c 11-c 21-b 31-c 2-c 12-a 22-b 32-a 3-a 13-a 23-c 33-b 4-b 14-b 24-a 34-b 5-b 15-b 25-a 35-a 6-b 16-b 26-a 36-c 7-c 17-c 27-b 37-a 8-b 18-a 28-a 38-b 9-b 19-b 29-b

Political life 1-b 11-b 21-b 31-a 2-c 12-a 22-d 3-b 13-a 23-c 4-b 14-b 24-a 5-c 15-b 25-a 6-a 16-a 26-a 7-b 17-b 27-c 8-d 18-b 28-c 9-b 19 -a 29- b

10-c 20-a 30-a

10-a 20-c


Science and Technology 1-b 11-c 21-a 31-b 2-d 12-d 22-c 32-a 3-c 13-a 23-d 33-d 4-b 14-a 24-a 34-b 5-c 15-c 25-c 35-a 6-a 16-a 26-a 36-c 7-a 17-b 27-b 37-b 8-b 18-c 28-a 38-a 9-a 19-c 29-b 39-b 10-b 20-b 30-b 40-a

Education 1-b 11-c 21-b 31-b 2-a 12-a 22-a 32-c 3-a 13-b 23-a 33-b 4-a 14-b 24-a 5-b 15-c 25-b 6-b 16-b 26-a 7-a 17-b 27-b 8-b 18-a 28-b 9-a 19 -a 29-b

10-a 20-b 30-a

Language 1-b 11-b 21-b 31-a 2-a 12-b 22-b 32-b 3-b 13-b 23-c 33-b 4-c 14-d 24-c 34-a 5-b 15-c 25-c 35-a 6-c 16-c 26-a 36-b 7-b 17-a 27-b 37-a 8-b 18-b 28-d 38-a 9-b 19-c 29-b 39-d 10-b 20-b 30-a 40-a

Literature 1-b 11-c 21-a 31-a 41-a 2-c 12-b 22-b 32-c 3-d 13-d 23-d 33-a 4-a 14-b 24-b 34-b 5-d 15-b 25-c 35-c 6-d 16-b 26-b 36-a 7-b 17-a 27-b 37-a

8-b 18-c 28-b 38-c 9-a 19 -d 29-c 39-d 10-c 20-a 30-b 40-d

Art 1-b 11-c 21-b 31-b 2-b 12-b 22-b 32-b 3-c 13-b 23-b 33-a 4-d 14-a 24-b 34-c 5-b 15-c 25-c 35-b 6-b 16-d 26-d 7-a 17-c 27-b 8-a 18-a 28-b 9-c 19-c 29-b 10-b 20-b 30-a

Customs and traditions 1-c 11-b 21-b 31-a 2-a 12-c 22-a 32-c 3-b 13-a 23-b 33-c 4-c 14-b 24-a 5-c 15-a 25-a 6-a 16-b 26-b 7-c 17-a 27-b 34-d 35-b 36-b 37-c

8-a 18-b 28-d 38-a 9-c 19 -b 29-b 39-d 10-c 20-a 30-a 40-b

Sports 1-b 11-b 21-b 31-b 2-b 12-c 22-a 32-a 3-c 13-b 23-b 33-a 4-b 14-b 24-b 34-c 5-a 15-a 25-d 35-b 6-a 16-b 26-d 36-d 7-c 17-a 27-a 8-a 18-a 28-b 9-d 19-c 29-a 10-a 20-b 30-b


REFERENCES 1. Britain 1999. The Official Yearbook of the United Kingdom. 2. Concise Oxford English Dictionary ­ OUP;2002. 3. Crystal D. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English language.- Cambridge: CUP, 1995. 4. Oakland J. British civilization: An Introduction.- L., N.Y.: Routlage,2000. 5. Oxford Guide to British and American Culture for Learners of English.- Oxford, New York, OUP, 2000. 6. www.oed.com 7. .. .- ., « », 1968.