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Дата изменения: Tue Dec 8 18:18:10 2015
Дата индексирования: Sun Apr 10 03:49:20 2016

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Main results of project RNF 14-17-00555 in 2014
The aim o f the project is to develop methods to retrieve parameters of sea surface pollut ion, invest igate the effect of dynamic and circulat ion processes on the spread of po llutants, and determine ecological state of Russian seas based on comprehensive analysis o f satellite data. The so lving o f the project tasks implies complex use of data different in physical nature (active and passive microwave sensing, optical data of mult i- and hyperspectral sensors), spatia l resolut ion and units of measurement. In the course of the first stage of the pro ject, the variet y o f data accumulated by IKI on satellite remote sensing o f the Balt ic, Black and Caspian Seas for 2004-2014 systemat ized, analyzed and integrated into a geoportal developed by IKI RAS to manage sat remote sensing data for purposes of so lving fundamental problems o f world ocean studies. included: RAS were ellite This

expert analysis of satellite data selected for incorporation into the geoportal; co mpiling tables featuring detailed descript ion o f each image, including detected pheno mena and processes, their parameters and metocean condit ions o f imaging; - compiling the list of main processes and pheno mena at the sea surface and in t he nearsurface layer of the atmosphere intended for analysis using the geoportal tools; - elaborating a coding pattern for pheno mena introduction into the geoportal pheno mena toolkit environment; - select ing an optimal set of parameters and elaborating a format for the most complete descript ion of each pheno mena class. At the time of preparation o f the present report, the fo llo wing remote sensing data of the Balt ic, Black and Caspian Seas were integrated into the geoportal environment: · · · · · over 3600 synthet ic aperture radar (SAR) images; over 10 000 images fro m Landsat sensors; over 300 hyperspectral images fro m Hyperion; 58 hyperspectral images fro m HICO; daily Terra/Aqua MODIS data starting from 2008 unt il the present time.

During the first stage of the project, the specialized tools for thematical processing and complex analysis o f satellite data were upgraded in order to enable determinat ion o f po llut ion types and scales, as well as obtaining their quantitative est imates. In the project, a special focus is on upgrading the algorithms for recognit ion o f marine pollut ion of various origins based on remote sensing data. Also, an important aspect is improving the techniques to obtain quant itative est imates and assess po llut ion scales. Themat ic processing of the selected satellit e data was performed alo ng wit h pheno meno logical identificat ion o f various t ypes of anthropogenic and biogenic po llution. In SAR images, four main types of sea surface film pollut ion were discriminated: ship spills o f liquids containing oil;

- outflow of sewage and river waters containing film pollutants of mixed anthropogenic and biogenic origins; - underwater mud vo lcanoes and natural seeps o f hydrocarbons found in the Black and Caspian Seas; - increased bioproductivit y, in part icular related to life cycles o f chlorophyll-a and intense algae bloo m. Mapping of sea surface oil po llution in the Balt ic Sea was performed based on the analysis of SAR images for 2004-2013. Areas most affected by o il po llut ion were revealed. In the Southeastern Balt ic Sea, the largest pollution is observed alo ng ship routes to the ports of Klaipeda, Kaliningrad, Gdynia and Gdansk. The ship anchorage site near the mouth of the Kaliningrad channel is estimated as the most polluted area. Areas of intense algae bloom and biogenic films were ident ified and mapped based on satellite SAR and optical data. For this purpose: based on tuned for Sea. The revealed. and Riga The technique to discriminate between blue-green (cyanobacteria) algae and diatoms the analysis o f satellite data and subsatellite measurement data was tested and finethe site o f the Rybinsk Reservo ir. The results were proven for test sites of the Balt ic main areas of the Balt ic Sea mo st affected by intense bloo m o f blue-green algae were They are the Gotland basin, Curonian and Vistula Bays, coastal waters of the Finland Gulfs, the central and southwestern regions of the sea. was icate long The

- A novel indirect method to detect areas of intense algae bloo m was suggested. It established that radar patterns of lo ng lasting wakes behind mo ving ships could ind increased biogenic act ivit y. Jo int analys is o f satellite SAR and optical data showed that lasting ship wakes were observed primarily at the t ime of intense phytoplankton bloo m. length of the wakes provided a tentative est imate of the bloom area;

- A technique was developed to discriminate between waters with different characterist ics and affected by different anthropogenic po llutants. The technique uses tools elaborated for hyperspectral data of Hyperion and HICO sensors. It was proven for test regions of the Black and Balt ic Seas. The accumulated and systemat ized satellite data make it possible to obtain detailed informat ion on real spat ial and temporal distribution of meso- and submesoscale processes (eddies, eddy dipo les, jets, internal waves and fronts) in various regio ns in near-real-t ime mode. Based on satellit e data, an invest igat ion was undertaken to highlight the spat ial and temporal structure and dynamics o f meso- and submesoscale processes influencing the transport and distribut ion of po llutants and facilitating cleaning of the water from po llutants in various regio ns of the Black and Balt ic Seas. This included: - Based on satellite data, spatial and temporal location variabilit y o f ant icyclo nic and cyclo nic eddies in the Balt ic Sea, their occurrence frequency and linear dimensio ns were analyzed in detail. Seasonal and summary annual maps o f eddy lo cat ions in the sea were compiled. - The results were summarized concerning the determination o f different types o f water circulat ion in the northeastern Black Sea characterized by different vorticit y and effect on pollut ion spread.

- The main regio ns o f surface manifestations o f internal waves (SMIW) were determined in the Black and Balt ic Seas. In the Black Sea, they are the Danube shelf zone, southern and southwestern coastal regions of the Crimea Peninsular and the northeastern part of the Black Sea. In the Balt ic Sea, SMIW are mainly observed in the Danish Straits. Particular characterist ics of SMIW SAR patterns differing between the basins were defined as well as quant itative parameters of internal wave trains. - Meso- and submesoscale structures (eddies, jets and eddy dipo les o f t ypical horizonta l scales o f 5-30 km) were shown to significant ly influence the distribution o f suspended matter in the sea and may carry waters with increased amount of suspended matter for over 50-100 km off the coast. For instance, such transport is an important factor of increased water turbidit y in certain parts of the Gulf o f Finland. - Particular emphasis was laid on determinat ion of the impact of hydrodynamic processes and wind condit io ns on the spread o f turbid low-salinit y waters of the Kaliningrad Ba y over the coastal zone of the Balt ic Sea. The results were incorporated into the database of pheno mena by study regions. This init iated the accumulat ion o f statist ics on spatial, seasonal and interannual variabilit y o f dynamical processes in coastal zones, that affects the transport of pollut ion. The effect of metocean, dynamical and circulat ion processes on the transport of po llut ion was invest igated via modeling the drift of o il po llution alo ng a ship route in the Gulf o f Finland using the SeatrackWeb (SMHI) model. The greatest potential o il po llut ion was menacing Hogland Island, less po llution was in store for some small Russian islands, islands near the Finnish coast, west of Helsinki, as well as Russia's northern and southern coast and extreme eastern part of the Gulf o f Finland. Subsatellite fieldwork was conducted in the southeastern Balt ic Sea and the northeastern Black Sea. In the course if the fieldwork in the Balt ic Sea, we invest igated the hydrological structure of the outflow of low-salinit y turbid waters of the Kaliningrad Bay via the Balt ic Channel. The effect of wind and hydrodinamical processes on the outflow spread was determined, the 3D structure of the outflow was defined. Satellite images in visible range were shown to enable rather accurate estimat ion o f the outflow spread area. The parameters o f coastal currents near the Sambian Peninsular were assessed. Today, the task of retrieving po llut ion parameters as well as dynamic characterist ics o f water media influencing pollut ion spread in Russia's inner and bordering seas is crucial. These seas are severely affected by o il pollut ion because of wide scale o il and gas production on the shelf acco mpanied by construction and operatio n of marine stationary plat forms, coastal terminals, hydrocarbon storages, underwater pipelines, seismic works and drilling, traffic increase, etc. Satellite mo nitoring is nowadays the only feasible and real means o f operationa l control in these basins.