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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Wed Nov 2 11:53:58 2011
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Tue Oct 2 03:42:38 2012

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The C/C++ development system CDS++ provides you with C++ class libraries for datastream-oriented I/O and complex mathematics that are compatible to Cfront V3.0.3. The Cfront C++ libraries were last released with the SNI C++ V3.1 B/C (Reliant UNIX) compiler. The Cfront C++ classes for complex mathematics (libcomplex.a or libcomplex.so librar y) and stream-oriented I/O (libC.a or libC.so librar y) are available if the program is compiled and linked in the Cfront C++ mode of the CDS++ compiler (-X d option). The Cfront C++ classes for stream-oriented I/O also currently function as the I/O interface in the ANSI C++ modes of the CDS++ compiler (-X w, -X e options) since the standard I/O in conformance with ANSI/ISO C++ will not be available until a later version of the CDS ++ development system. The modules are integrated in the standard C++ libraries libCstd.a and libCstd.so. A thread-safe version of all libraries is also available. These can only be used in conjunction with the thread package of the product DCE (Reliant UNIX) as of V2.0.




Notational conventions
In this manual the following conventions are used for statement formats and user entries.

italics constant width $

Commands, invariable file names and other constant terms; for example the names of files, parameters, etc. In format specifications: sample names for files, parameters, etc. In examples: input and output on screen System prompt, ready for user entries The syntax requires at least one blank character


Entries enclosed in square brackets may be omitted Impor tant information One of the alternatives separated by the | character(s) must be specified




Complex math classes and functions i
The following description applies only to the Cfront C++ language mode of the CDS++ compiler. Please refer to the "Standard C++ Librar y" manual for a description of the interfaces available for complex mathematics () in conformance with ANSI/ISO C++ in the ANSI C++ modes.

cplxintro - Introduction to complex mathematics
The complex math librar y libcomplex.a contains classes, functions, and operators to process data of the user-defined type complex in C++ programs. The complex math librar y libcomplex.a must be specified explicitly, by means of the -l complex option at the time of compilation or linkage. Depending on which par ts of the librar y are being used for complex math, it will also be necessary to link in the C math library libm.a. This is done by entering the option -l m at the end of the call to CC:
$ CC code.C -lcomplex -l m

Declarations for complex math functions are contained in the header file complex.h. This file can be included in the program using the preprocessor directive #include as shown below: #include class complex; The complex math librar y implements the data type for complex numbers in the class complex. This is achieved by overloading the usual input, output, arithmetic, assignment, and comparison operators to work with complex numbers. These operators are discussed in the cplxops section (page 11). Besides the above operators, standard math functions such as exponential, logarithmic, power, and square root functions (see cplxexp), and trigonometric functions such as sine, cosine, hyperbolic sine, and hyperbolic cosine (see cplxtrig) are also overloaded. Routines to conver t between Car tesian and Polar coordinate systems are discussed in the cplxcartpol section. Error handling is described under cplxerr.



Complex math

RETURN VALUES Functions in the complex math library may return the conventional value pairs (0, 0), (0, ±HUGE), (±HUGE, 0), or (±HUGE, ±HUGE), when the function is undefined for the given arguments or when the value is not representable. (HUGE is the largest-magnitude singleprecision floating point number and is defined in the file math.h. The header file math.h is included in the file complex.h.) In these cases, the external variable errno (see "Programmer's Reference Manual" ) is set to the value EDOM or ERANGE. FILES complex.h libcomplex.a EXAMPLE The following program fragment in cplxin.C declares a complex variable, initializes it, and then outputs its value:
#include #include int main() { complex c(1.0, 1.0); cout << "The complex number is " << c << "\n"; return 0; }

Compile cplxin.C with the command:
$ CC -X d cplxin.C -l complex

Run the compiled program with:
$ a.out The complex number is (1,1)

Note that the operator << is overloaded for data type complex so that complex numbers can be printed easily. SEE ALSO cplxcartpol (page 5), cplxerr (page 7), cplxexp (page 9), cplxops (page 11), cplxtrig (page 14)



Complex math


cplxcartpol - Cartesian/Polar functions
This section describes the complex functions used for conversions between Car tesian and Polar coordinate systems. #include class complex { public: friend double abs(complex); friend double arg(complex); friend complex conj(complex); friend double imag(const complex&); friend double norm(complex); friend complex polar(double, double = 0.0); friend double real(const complex&); /* other declarations */ }; The following functions are defined for the data type complex: abs(complex x) Returns the absolute value or magnitude of x. arg(complex x) Returns the angle of x, measured in radians in the range - to +. conj(complex x) Returns the complex conjugate of x. If x is specified in the form (real, imag), then conj(x) is (real, -imag). imag(complex x) Returns the imaginar y par t of x. norm(complex x) Returns the square of the magnitude of x, and is intended for comparison of magnitudes. complex::norm() is faster than complex::abs(), but is more likely to cause an overflow error. polar(double m, double a=0.0); Given a pair of polar coordinates, magnitude m, and angle a measured in radians, in the range - to +.




Complex math

real(complex x) Returns the real par t of x. EXAMPLE The following program fragment in cplxcartpol.C conver ts a complex number to the Polar coordinate system and then prints it:
#include #include main () { complex d; d = polar (10.0, 0.7); cout <
Compile cplxcartpol.C with the following command:
$ CC -X d -o cplxcartpol cplxcartpol.C -l complex -lm

Run the compiled program with:
$ cplxcartpol 7.64842 6.44218

SEE ALSO cplxintro (page 3), cplxerr (page 7), cplxexp (page 9), cplxops (page 11), cplxtrig (page 14)



Complex math


cplxerr - Error handling functions
This section describes the error handling function implemented in the C++ complex math librar y. #include static const complex complex_zero(0,0); class c_exception { int type; char *name; complex arg1; complex arg2; complex retval; public: c_exception(char *n, const complex& a1, const complex& a2 = complex_zero); friend int complex_error(c_exception&); }; Users may define their own procedures for handling errors, by incor porating a function named complex_error in their program. complex_error(c_exception & x) This is invoked when errors are detected in functions from the complex math librar y. In the class c_exception, the element type is an integer describing the type of error that has occurred; type must have one of the following values (defined in the header file ): SING OVERFLOW UNDERFLOW argument singularity overflow range error underflow range error to a string containing the name of the function that produced the and arg2 are the arguments with which the function was invoked. value that is returned by the function unless the user's different value.

The element name points error. The variables arg1 retval is set to the default complex_error sets it to a

If the user's complex_error function returns a non-zero value, no error message is printed, and errno is not set.




Complex math

The C++ error handling routine complex_error only handles errors caused by the use of one of the following four functions:
complex complex complex complex exp(complex) sinh(complex) cosh(complex) log(complex)

If complex_error is not supplied by the user, the default error handling procedures described with the complex math functions involved, are invoked upon error. These procedures are also summarized in the table below. In every case, errno is set to EDOM or ERANGE and the program continues. The following abbreviations are used in the table below: M (H, 0) (±H, ±H) (0, 0) Message is printed (EDOM error). (HUGE, 0) is returned. (±HUGE, ±HUGE) is returned. (0, 0) is returned.

Default error handling procedures Types of Errors type errno exp() real too large or small imag too large log() arg = (0, 0) sinh() real too large imag too large cosh() real too large imag too large SING EDOM M, (H, 0) OVERFLOW ERANGE ( H, H) (0, 0) ( H, H) (0, 0) ( H, H) (0, 0) UNDERFLOW ERANGE (0, 0) -

SEE ALSO cplxintro (page 3), cplxcartpol (page 5), cplxexp (page 9), cplxops (page 11), cplxtrig (page 14), matherr() in "Programmer's Reference Manual"



Complex math


cplxexp - Transcendental functions
This section describes the complex math functions for calculating natural logarithms, exponentials, square roots, and the value of one argument raised to the power of another argument. #include class complex { public: friend complex friend complex friend complex friend complex friend complex friend complex friend complex }; The following overloaded math functions are contained in the complex math librar y: exp(complex x) Returns ex . log(complex x) Returns the natural logarithm of x. pow(complex x, complex y) Returns xy. sqr t(complex x) Returns the square root of x, contained in the first or four th quadrants of the complex plane. RETURN VALUES exp returns (0.0, 0.0) when the real par t of x is so small, or the imaginar y par t is so large, as to cause overflow. When the real par t is large enough to cause overflow, exp returns the following values: ­ ­ ­ ­ (HUGE, HUGE) if the cosine and sine of the imaginar y par t of x is > 0; (HUGE, -HUGE) if the cosine is > 0 and the sine is 0; (-HUGE, HUGE) if the sine is > 0 and the cosine is 0; (-HUGE, -HUGE) if the sine and cosine are 0. 9

exp(complex); log(complex); pow(double, complex); pow(complex, int); pow(complex, double); pow(complex, complex); sqr t(complex);



Complex math

In all these cases, errno is set to ERANGE. The function complex::log() returns (-HUGE, 0.0) and sets errno to EDOM when x is (0.0, 0.0). A message indicating SING error is printed on the standard error output. These error handling procedures can be changed with the function complex_error(). EXAMPLE The following program fragment in cplxexp.C prints a set of complex numbers and their exponential powers.
#include #include main() { complex c; for (c = complex(1.0,1.0); real(c) < 4.0; c += complex(1.0,1.0)) { cout<< c<<" "<
Compile cplxexp.C with the following command:
$ CC -X d cplxexp.C -l complex -l m

Run the compiled program with:
$ a.out (1,1) (1.46869, 2.28736) (2,2) (-3.07493, 6.71885) (3,3) (-19.8845, 2.83447)

Note that the operator << is overloaded for data type complex so that complex numbers can be printed easily. SEE ALSO cplxintro (page 3), cplxcartpol (page 5), cplxerr (page 7), cplxops (page 11), cplxtrig (page 14)



Complex math


cplxops - Operators
This section describes the arithmetic, comparison, and assignment operators which are overloaded for complex numbers. Note that the entire range of mathematical operations is available for complex objects. #include class complex { public: friend complex friend complex friend complex friend complex friend complex friend int friend int void void void void }; The operators have their conventional precedences. In the following descriptions for complex operators, x, y, and z are variables of class complex. Arithmetic operators: z=x+y Returns a complex which is the arithmetic sum of complex numbers x and y. z = -x Returns a complex which is the arithmetic negation of complex number x. z=x-y Returns a complex which is the arithmetic difference of complex numbers x and y. z=x*y Returns a complex which is the arithmetic product of complex numbers x and y. z=x/y Returns a complex which is the arithmetic quotient of complex numbers x and y.

operator+(complex, complex); operator-(complex); operator-(complex, complex); operator*(complex, complex); operator/(complex, complex); operator==(complex, complex); operator!=(complex, complex); operator+=(complex); operator-=(complex); operator*=(complex); operator/=(complex);




Complex math

Comparison operators: x == y Returns a non-zero integer if complex number x is equal to complex number y; returns 0 otherwise. x != y Returns a non-zero integer if complex number x is not equal to complex number y; returns 0 otherwise. Assignment operators: x += y Complex number x is assigned the value of the arithmetic sum of itself and complex number y. x -= y Complex number x is assigned the value of the arithmetic difference of itself and complex number y. x *= y Complex number x is assigned the value of the arithmetic product of itself and complex number y. x /= y Complex number x is assigned the value of the arithmetic quotient of itself and complex number y.


The above assignment operators do not produce a value that can be used in an expression. In other words, the following construction is syntactically invalid:
complex x, y, z; x = (y += z);

The following lines, by contrast:
x = (y + z); x = (y == z);

are valid.



Complex math


EXAMPLE The following program fragment in cplxops.C defines the complex variables d and c, divides d by c, and then prints the values of c and d:
#include #include main() { complex c,d; d = complex(10.0, 11.0); c = complex (2.0, 2.0); while { d /= cout } return } (norm(c) < norm(d)) c; << c << " " <
Compile cplxops.C with the following command:
$ CC -X d cplxops.C -l complex -l m

Run the compiled program with:
$ a.out (2, 2) (5.25, 0.25) (2, 2) (1.375, -1.25)

SEE ALSO cplxintro (page 9), cplxcartpol (page 5), cplxerr (page 7), cplxexp (page 9), cplxtrig (page 14)




Complex math

cplxtrig - Trigonometric and hyperbolic functions
This section describes the trigonometric and hyperbolic functions for the data type complex. #include class complex { public: friend complex friend complex friend complex friend complex }; The following trigonometric functions are defined for complex objects: sin(complex x) Returns the sine of x. cos(complex x) Returns the cosine of x. sinh(complex x) Returns the hyperbolic sine of x. cosh(complex x) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of x. RETURN VALUES If the imaginar y par t of x causes an overflow, complex::sinh() and complex::cosh() return the value (0.0, 0.0). When the real par t is large enough to cause an overflow, the functions complex::sinh() and complex::cosh() return the following values: ­ ­ ­ ­ (HUGE, HUGE) if the cosine and (HUGE, -HUGE) if the cosine is (-HUGE, HUGE) if the sine is 0 (-HUGE, -HUGE) if both sine and sine of the imaginar y par t of x are 0; 0 and the sine is < 0; and the cosine is < 0. cosine are < 0.

sin(complex); cos(complex); sinh(complex); cosh(complex);

In all these cases, errno is set to ERANGE. These error handling procedures may be changed with the function complex_error() (see cplxerr).



Complex math


EXAMPLE The following program fragment in cplxtrig.C prints a range of complex numbers and the corresponding values calculated by the function complex::cosh():
#include #include main() { complex c; while (norm(c) < 10.0) { cout << c <<" " <
Compile cplxtrig.C with the following command:
$ CC -X d cplxtrig.C -l complex -l m

Run the compiled program with:
$ a.out

The result of executing the program:
(0, 0) (1, 1) (2, 2) (1, 0) (0.83373, 0.988898) (-1.56563, 3.29789)

Note that the operator << is overloaded for data type complex so that complex numbers can be printed easily. The constants of type double (e.g. 10.0, 1.0 etc) are used to construct complex numbers. SEE ALSO cplxintro (page 3), cplxcartpol (page 5), cplxerr (page 7), cplxexp (page 9), cplxops (page 11)



Eine Dokuschablone von Frank Flachenecker

Classes and functions for stream I/O i
The following description is currently valid for both the Cfront C++ language mode and the ANSI C++ language modes of the CDS++ compiler. I/O interfaces that conform to ANSI/ISO C++ will be available in the ANSI C++ modes in a later version of the CDS++ development system. At that time, you will be able to find a description of the interfaces in the appropriate manual for the standard C++ librar y.

iosintro - Introduction to buffering, formatting, and input/output
The libraries libC.a (Cfront C++ mode) and libCstd.a (ANSI C++ modes) contains classes and functions for formatted and non-formatted I/O in C++ programs. This section describes the primary mechanism used to implement input and output in C++ programs. The C++ iostream package declared in various header files consists primarily of a collection of classes. Although originally intended only to suppor t input/output, the package now suppor ts related activities such as incore formatting. This package is a mostly sourcecompatible extension of the earlier datastream-oriented I/O package. #include class streambuf; class ios; class istream : vir tual public ios; class ostream : vir tual public ios; class iostream : public istream, public ostream; class istream_withassign : public istream; class ostream_withassign : public ostream; class iostream_withassign : public iostream; static class Iostream_init;




Stream I/O

exter exter exter exter

n n n n

istream_withassign cin; ostream_withassign cout; ostream_withassign cerr ; ostream_withassign clog;

#include class filebuf : public streambuf; class fstreambase : vir tual public ios; class fstream : public iostream, public fstreambase; class ifstream : public istream, public fstreambase; class ofstream : public ostream, public fstreambase; #include class strstreambuf : public streambuf; class strstreambase : vir tual public ios; class istrstream : public istream, public strstreambase; class ostrstream : public ostream, public strstreambase; #include class stdiobuf : public streambuf; class stdiostream : public ios; In the iostream package, there are some functions which return characters, but which use int as a return type. int is used so that all possible characters in the machine character set can be returned, as well as the value EOF as an error indication. A character is usually stored in a location of type char or unsigned char. The iostream package consists of several core classes, which provide the basic functionality for I/O conversion and buffering, and several specialized classes derived from the core classes. Both groups of classes are listed below. Core classes The core of the iostream package comprises the following classes: streambuf This is the base class for buffers. It suppor ts the output (storing) and input (extraction) of characters. Most members are inlined for efficiency. The public interface of the class streambuf is described in sbufpub and the protected interface (for derived classes) is described in sbufprot. ios This class contains state variables that are common to the various stream classes, for example, error states and formatting states. See ios.



Stream I/O


istream This class suppor ts formatted and unformatted conversion from sequences of characters fetched from streambufs. See istream. ostream This class suppor ts formatted and unformatted conversion to sequences of characters stored into streambufs. See ostream. iostream This class combines istream and ostream. It is intended for situations in which bidirectional operations (i.e. output to or input from a single sequence of characters) are desired. See ios. istream_withassign ostream_withassign iostream_withassign These classes add assignment operators and a constructor with no operands to the corresponding class without assignment. The predefined streams (see below) cin, cout, cerr, and clog, are objects of these classes. See istream, ostream, and ios. Iostream_init This class is present for technical reasons relating to initialization. It has no public members. The Iostream_init constructor initializes the predefined streams (listed below). Since an object of this class is declared in the iostream.h header file, the constructor is called once each time the header is included (although the real initialization is only done once), and therefore the predefined streams are initialized before they are used. In some cases, global constructors may need to call the Iostream_init constructor explicitly to ensure the standard streams are initialized before they are used. Predefined streams The following streams are predefined: cin The standard input (file descriptor 0), similar to stdin in the C language. cout The standard output (file descriptor 1), similar to stdout in the C language. cerr The standard error stream (file descriptor 2). Output through this stream is unitbuffered, which means that characters are flushed from the buffer after each output (inser ter operation). (See ostream::osfx() in ostream and ios::unitbuf in ios.) It is like stderr in the C language. clog This stream is also directed to file descriptor 2, but unlike cerr its output is buffered.




Stream I/O

cin, cerr and clog are tied to cout so that any use of them causes cout to be flushed. In addition to the core classes enumerated above, the iostream package contains additional classes derived from them and declared in other headers. Programmers can use these, or they may choose to define their own classes derived from the core iostream classes. Classes derived from streambuf Classes derived from streambuf define the details of how characters are produced or consumed. Derivation of a class from streambuf (the protected interface) is discussed in sbufprot. The available buffer classes are: filebuf This buffer class suppor ts I/O through file descriptors. Members suppor t opening, closing, and seeking. Common uses do not require the program to manipulate file descriptors. See page 22. stdiobuf This buffer class suppor ts I/O through stdio FILE structures. It is intended for use when mixing C and C++ code. New code should prefer to use filebufs. See page 77. strstreambuf This buffer class stores and fetches characters from arrays of bytes in memor y (i.e., strings). See page 74. Classes derived from istream, ostream, and iostream Classes derived from istream, ostream, and iostream specialize the core classes for use with par ticular kinds of streambufs. These classes are: ifstream ofstream fstream These classes suppor t formatted I/O to and from files. They use a filebuf to do the I/O. istrstream ostrstream These classes suppor t "in core" formatting. They use a ssbuf. See page 79. stdiostream This class specializes iostream for stdio FILEs.



Stream I/O


BUGS Par ts of the streambuf class of the old stream package that should have been private were public. Most normal usage compiles properly, but any code that depends on details, including classes that were derived from streambufs will have to be rewritten. Performance of programs that copy from cin to cout can sometimes be improved by breaking the tie between cin and cout and doing explicit flushes of cout. The header file stream.h exists for compatibility with the earlier stream package. It includes iostream.h, stdio.h, and some other headers, and it declares some obsolete functions, enumerations and variables. Some members of streambuf and ios (not discussed in this section) are present only for backward compatibility with the previous stream package. SEE ALSO filebuf (page 22), fstream (page 26), ios (page 30), istream (page 41), manip (page 48), ostream (page 53), sbufprot (page 61), sbufpub (page 69), strstream (page 79), ssbuf (page 74), stdiobuf (page 77)




Stream I/O

filebuf - Buffer for file input/output
This section describes how the class filebuf should be used. #include typedef long streamoff, streampos; class ios { public: enum enum enum // and lots of other }; #include class filebuf : public streambuf { public: static const int openprot; /* default protection for open*/ filebuf(); filebuf(int d); filebuf(int d, char* p, int l); filebuf* attach(int d); filebuf* close(); ~filebuf(); int fd(); int is_open(); filebuf* open(const char *name, int mode, int prot=openprot); vir tual streampos seekoff(streamoff, ios::seek_dir, int); vir tual streambuf* setbuf(char* p, int len); vir tual int sync(); vir tual int overflow(int=EOF); vir tual int underflow(); }; All the members and member functions identified below in italics which are not specified by any different class belong to the filebuf class.

io_state {goodbit=0, eofbit=1, failbit=2, badbit=4, hardfail=0200}; seek_dir {beg, cur, end}; open_mode {in, out, ate, app, trunc, nocreate, noreplace}; class members, see ios ...



Stream I/O


filebufs specialize streambufs to use a file as source or sink of characters. Characters are consumed by doing writes to the file, and are produced by doing reads. When the file is seekable, a filebuf allows seeks. At least 4 characters of putback are guaranteed. When the file permits reading and writing, the filebuf permits both storing and fetching. No special action is required between gets and puts (unlike stdio). A filebuf that is connected to a file descriptor is said to be open. Files are opened by default with a protection mode of openprot, which is 0644. The reserve area (or buffer, see page 69 and page 61) is allocated automatically if it is not specified explicitly with a constructor or a call to setbuf(). filebufs can also be made unbuffered with cer tain arguments to the constructor or setbuf(), in which case a system call is made for each character that is read or written, (this is ver y resource intensive and not recommended for normal use). Constructors filebuf() Constructs an initially closed filebuf. filebuf(int d) Constructs a filebuf connected to file descriptor d. filebuf(int d, char* p, int l) Constructs a filebuf connected to file descriptor d, and initialized to use the reser ve area star ting at p and containing l bytes. If p is NULL, or l is zero or less, the filebuf is unbuffered. Members f.attach(int d) Connects f to an open file descriptor, d. The attach() function normally returns &f, but returns 0 if f is already open. f.close() Flushes any waiting output, closes the file descriptor, and disconnects f. Unless an error occurs, f 's error state is cleared. close() returns &f unless errors occur, in which case it returns 0. Even if errors occur, close() leaves the file descriptor and f closed. f.fd() Returns the file descriptor to which f is connected. If f is closed, fd returns EOF. f.is_open() Returns non-zero when f is connected to a file descriptor, and zero otherwise.




Stream I/O

f.open(char* name, int mode, int prot) Opens file name and connects f to it. If the file does not already exist, an attempt is made to create it with protection mode prot, unless ios::nocreate is specified in mode. By default, prot is filebuf::openprot, which is 0644. Failure occurs if f is already open. open() normally returns &f, but if an error occurs it returns 0. The members of ios::open_mode are bits that may be or'ed together. (Because the or'ing returns an int, open() takes an int rather than an ios::open_mode argument.) The meanings of these bits in mode are described in detail in fstream on page 26 f.seekoff(streamoff off, ios::seek_dir dir, int mode) Moves the get/put pointer as designated by off and dir. It may fail if the file that f is attached to does not suppor t seeking, or if the attempted motion is otherwise invalid (such as attempting to seek to a position before the beginning of file). off is inter preted as a count relative to the place in the file specified by dir, as described in sbufpub on page 69. mode is ignored. seekoff() returns the new position, or EOF if a failure occurs. The position in the file after a failure is undefined. f.setbuf(char* p, int len) Sets up the reser ve area as len bytes beginning at p. If p is NULL or len is less than or equal to 0, f is unbuffered. setbuf() normally returns &f. However, if f is open and a buffer has been allocated, no changes are made to the reser ve area or to the buffering status, and setbuf() returns the value NULL. f.sync() Attempts to force the state of the get/put pointer of f to agree (be synchronized) with the state of the file f.fd(). This means it may write characters to the file if some have been buffered for output or attempt to reposition (seek) the file if characters have been read and buffered for input. Normally, sync() returns 0, but it returns EOF if synchronization is not possible. However, sync() does not guarantee that the writes made were flushed to disk. Sometimes it is necessar y to guarantee that cer tain characters are written together. To do this, the program should use setbuf() (or a constructor) to guarantee that the reser ve area is at least as large as the number of characters that must be written together. It can then call sync(), then store the characters, then call sync() again.



Stream I/O


EXAMPLE The following program fragment in filebuf.C tries to attach a variable of type filebuf to file descriptor 1, which is a cout, and then prints a message showing the success or failure of the attach():
#include #include #include int main() { filebuf b; /* if (b.attach(1)) { cout << "have b.detach(); } else { cerr << "can't exit(1); } return 0; }

constructor with no parameters called */ attached filebuf b to file descriptor 1\n";

attach filebuf to file descriptor 1\n"; /* error return */

Compile filebuf.C with the following command:
$ CC -X d filebuf.C # Cfront C++ mode # ANSI C++ mode

$ CC -X w filebuf.C

Run the compiled program with:
$ a.out have attached filebuf b to file descriptor 1

BUGS attach() and the constructors should test if the file descriptor they are given is open. There is no way to force atomic (unsplittable) reads. As the operating system does not usually repor t failures of the system call seek() (e.g. on a tty device), nor does a filebuf. SEE ALSO fstream (page 26), sbufprot (page 61), sbufpub (page 69) lseek in the "Programmer's Reference Manual"




Stream I/O

fstream - Specialization of iostrem and streambuf for files
This section describes the classes ios, ifstream, ofstream, and fstream, which provide low level operations on files and streams. #include class fstreambase : vir tual public ios { public: fstreambase(); fstreambase(const char* name, int mode, int prot=filebuf::openprot); fstreambase(int fd); fstreambase(int fd, char* p, int l); ~fstreambase(); void open(const char* name, int mode, int prot=filebuf::openprot); void attach(int fd); int detach(); void close(); void setbuf(char* p, int l); filebuf* rdbuf() { return &buf; } private: filebuf protected: void }; class ifstream : public fstreambase, public istream { public: ifstream(); ifstream(const char* name, int mode=ios::in, int prot=filebuf::openprot); ifstream(int fd); ifstream(int fd, char* p, int l); ~ifstream(); filebuf* rdbuf() { return fstreambase::rdbuf(); } void open(const char* name, int mode=ios::in, int prot=filebuf::openprot); }; class ofstream : public fstreambase, public ostream { public: 26 buf; verify(int);


Stream I/O


filebuf* void };

ofstream(); ofstream(const char* name, int mode=ios::out, int prot=filebuf::openprot); ofstream(int fd); ofstream(int fd, char* p, int l); ~ofstream(); rdbuf() { return fstreambase::rdbuf(); } open(const char* name, int mode=ios::out, int prot=filebuf::openprot);

class fstream : public fstreambase, public iostream { public: fstream(); fstream(const char* name, int mode, int prot=filebuf::openprot); fstream(int fd); fstream(int fd, char*p, int l); ~fstream(); filebuf* rdbuf() { return fstreambase::rdbuf(); } void open(const char* name, int mode, int prot=filebuf::openprot); }; ifstream, ofstream, and fstream specialize istream, ostream, and iostream, respectively, to files. That is, the associated streambuf is a filebuf.


All the members and member functions identified below in italics which are not specified by any different class belong to one of the above classes.

Constructors In xstream, x is either if, of, or f so that xstream stands for : ifstream, ofstream, or fstream The constructors for xstream are: xstream() Constructs an unopened xstream. xstream(char* name, int mode, int prot) Constructs an xstream and opens file name using mode as the open mode and prot as the protection mode. By default, prot is filebuf::openprot, which is 0644. The error state (io_state) of the constructed xstream indicates failure in case the open fails. xstream(int fd) Constructs an xstream connected to file descriptor fd, which must be already open.




Stream I/O

xstream(int fd, char* p, int l) Constructs an xstream connected to file descriptor fd, and, in addition, initializes the associated filebuf to use the l bytes at p as the reser ve area. If p is null or l is 0, the filebuf is unbuffered. Member functions f.attach(int fd) Connects f to the file descriptor fd. A failure occurs when f is already connected to a file. A failure sets ios::failbit in f 's error state. f.detach() Breaks the connection between f and the file descriptor and releases the file descriptor. Before the connection is broken, the data buffered for output are flushed out. f.close() Closes any associated filebuf and thereby breaks the connection of the f to a file. f 's error state is cleared except on failure, which is when the Streams Librar y detects a failure in the system call close(). f.open(char* name, int mode, int prot) Opens file name and connects f to it. If the file does not already exist, an attempt is made to create it with protection mode prot unless ios::nocreate is set. By default, prot is filebuf::openprot, which is 0644. Failure occurs if f is already open, or the system call open() fails. ios::failbit is set in f 's error status on failure. The members of open_mode are bits that may be or'ed together. (Because the or'ing returns an int, open() takes an int rather than an open_mode argument.) The meanings of these bits in mode are: ios::app A seek to the end of file is performed. Subsequent data written to the file is always appended to the end of file. ios::app implies ios::out. ios::ate A seek to the end of the file is performed during the open(). ios::ate does not imply ios::out. ios::in The file is opened for input. ios::in is implied by construction and opens of ifstreams. For fstreams it indicates that input operations should be allowed if possible. It is legal to include ios::in in the modes of an ostream, in which case it implies that the original file (if it exists) should not be truncated. If the file does not exist, an open error occurs.



Stream I/O


ios::out The file is opened for output. ios::out is implied by construction and opens of ofstreams. For fstream it says that output operations are to be allowed. ios::out may be specified even if prot does not permit output. ios::trunc If the file already exists, its contents are truncated (discarded). This mode is implied when ios::out is specified (including implicit specification for ofstream) and neither ios::ate nor ios::app is specified. ios::nocreate This variable is used to control files which are opened. If the file does not already exist, the open() fails. ios::noreplace If the file already exists, the open() fails. f.rdbuf() Returns a pointer to the filebuf associated with f. fstream::rdbuf() has the same meaning as iostream::rdbuf() but is typed differently. f.setbuf(char* p, int l) Has the usual effect of a setbuf() (see page 22), offering space for a reser ve area or requesting unbuffered I/O. An error occurs if f is open or the call to f.rdbuf()->setbuf fails. SEE ALSO filebuf (page 22), ios (page 30), istream (page 41), ostream (page 53), sbufpub (page 69) close(), open() in the "Programmer's Reference Manual"




Stream I/O

ios - Base class for input/output
This section describes the operators that are common to both input and output. #include class ios { public: enum enum enum

io_state {goodbit=0, eofbit=1, failbit=2, badbit=4, hardfail=0200}; open_mode {in, out, ate, app, trunc, nocreate, noreplace}; seek_dir {beg, cur, end};

/* flags for controlling format */ enum { skipws=01, left=02, right=04, internal=010, dec=020, oct=040, hex=0100, showbase=0200, showpoint=0400, uppercase=01000, showpos=02000, scientific=04000, fixed=010000, unitbuf=020000, stdio=040000 }; static const long basefield; /* dec | oct | hex */ static const long adjustfield; /* left | right | internal */ static const long floatfield; /* scientific | fixed */ public: ios(streambuf*); vir tual ~ios(); int bad() const; static long bitalloc(); void clear(int i=0); int eof() const; int fail() const; char fill() const; char fill(char); long flags() const {return x_flags;} long flags(long); int good() const; long& iword(int); int operator!() const; 30

Stream I/O


operator operator int int streambuf* void* & int long long static void ostream* ostream* long int static int protected: void private: void };

const void*() const; void*(); precision() const; precision(int); rdbuf(); pword(int); rdstate() const; setf(long setbits, long field); setf(long); sync_with_stdio(); tie(); tie(ostream*); unsetf(long); width(int); xalloc(); ios(); init(streambuf*); ios(ios&); operator=(ios&);

/* Manipulators */ ios& ios& ios& ostream& ostream& ostream& istream& dec(ios&); hex(ios&); oct(ios&); endl(ostream& i); ends(ostream& i); flush(ostream&); ws(istream&);


All the members and member functions identified below in italics which are not specified by any different class belong to the ios class.

The stream classes derived from class ios provide a high level interface that suppor ts transferring formatted and unformatted information into and out of streambufs.




Stream I/O

Several enumerations are declared in class ios (open_mode, io_state, seek_dir), plus format flags, to avoid burdening the global name space with these details. The io_states are described in this section under "Error States" . The format fields are also described in this section under "Formatting" . The open_modes are described in detail in fstream under open(). The seek_dirs are described in sbufpub under seekoff(). . Constructors and assignment ios(streambuf* sb) The streambuf denoted by sb becomes the streambuf associated with the constructed ios. If sb is NULL, the effect is undefined. ios(ios& sr) Copying of ioss is not well-defined in general, therefore the constructor and assignment operators are private so that the compiler complains about attempts to copy ios objects. Copying pointers to iostreams is usually what is required. ios() init(streambuf* sb) Because class ios is now inherited as a vir tual base class, a constructor with no arguments must be used. This constructor is declared as protected. Therefore ios::init() is declared protected and must be used for initialization of derived classes. Error states An ios has an internal error state (which is a collection of the bits declared as io_states). Members related to the error state are: s.rdstate() Returns the current error state. s.clear(int i) Stores i as the error state. If i is zero, this clears all bits. To set a bit without clearing previously set bits requires something like s.clear(ios::badbit|s.rdstate()). s.good() Returns non-zero if the error state has no bits set, zero otherwise. s.eof() Returns non-zero if eofbit is set in the error state, zero otherwise. Normally this bit is set when an end-of-file has been encountered during an extraction. s.fail() Returns non-zero if either badbit or failbit is set in the error state, zero otherwise. Normally this indicates that some inser tion or conversion has failed, but the stream is still usable. That is, once the failbit is cleared, I/O on s can usually continue.



Stream I/O


s.bad() Returns non-zero if badbit is set in the error state, zero otherwise. This usually indicates that some operation on s.rdbuf() has failed, a severe error, from which recover y is probably impossible. That is, it is probably impossible to continue I/O operations on s. Operators Two operators are defined to allow convenient checking of the error state of an ios object: operator!() const and operator const void*() const. The latter conver ts an ios to a pointer so that it can be compared to NULL. The conversion returns the value NULL if failbit or badbit is set in the error state, and returns a pointer value otherwise. This pointer is not meant to be used. This allows you to write expressions such as:
if (cin) ... if (cin >> x) ...

The ! operator returns non-zero if failbit or badbit is set in the error state, which allows expressions such as the following to be used:
if (!cout) ...

Formatting An ios has a format state that is used by input and output operations to control the details of formatting operations. For other operations the format state has no par ticular effect and its components may be set and examined arbitrarily by user code. Most formatting details are controlled by using the flags(), setf(), and unsetf() functions to set the following flags, which are declared in an enumeration in class ios. Three other components of the format state are controlled separately with the functions fill(), width(), and precision(). skipws If skipws is set, whitespace is skipped on input. string inputs. In case of string input the extraction will stop at special case that the first character in the input extracted. In both cases the input stream will be read until and then no fur ther. This applies to numeric, character and the first white space character. In the stream is white space, nothing will be the first white space character is found




Stream I/O

left right internal These flags control the padding of a value. When left is set, the value is left-adjusted, that is, the fill character is added after the value. When right is set, the value is rightadjusted, that is, the fill character is added before the value. When internal is set, the fill character is added after any leading sign or base indication, but before the value. Rightadjustment is the default if none of these flags is set. These fields are collectively identified by the static member, ios::adjustfield. The fill character is controlled by the fill() function, and the width of padding is controlled by the width() function. dec oct hex These flags control the conversion base of an integer value. The conversion base is 10 (decimal) if dec is set, but if oct or hex is set, conversions are done in octal or hexadecimal, respectively. If none of these is set, numeric inser tions are in decimal, but extractions (inputs) are inter preted according to the C++ lexical conventions for integral constants. These fields are collectively identified by the static member, ios::basefield. The manipulators hex, dec, and oct, can also be used to set the conversion base, see "Built-in Manipulators" below. showbase If showbase is set, inser tions are conver ted to an external form that can be read according to the C++ lexical conventions for integral constants. This means octals are preceded by the character '0', and hexadecimals are preceded by the string '0x' (cf. uppercase). showbase is unset by default. showpos If showpos is set, then a plus character '+' is inser ted into a decimal conversion of a positive integral value. uppercase If uppercase is set, then an uppercase X is used for hexadecimal output when showbase is set, or an uppercase E is used to print floating point numbers in scientific notation. showpoint If showpoint is set, trailing zeros and decimal points appear in the result of a floating point conversion.



Stream I/O


scientific fixed These flags control the format to which a floating point value is conver ted for inser tion into a stream. ­ If scientific is set, the value is conver ted to scientific notation, where there is one digit before the decimal point and the number of digits after it is equal to the precision (see below), which is six by default. If uppercase is set, an uppercase E introduces the exponent; a lowercase e appears otherwise. If fixed is set, the value is conver ted to decimal notation with precision digits after the decimal point, or six by default. If neither scientific nor fixed is set, then the value is conver ted using either notation, depending on the value: scientific notation is used only if the exponent resulting from the conversion is less than -4 or greater than or equal to the precision. If showpoint is not set, trailing zeros are removed from the result and a decimal point appears only if it is followed by a digit.

­ ­ ­


scientific and fixed are collectively identified by the static member, ios::floatfield. unitbuf When unitbuf is set, a flush is performed by ostream::osfx() after each inser tion. Unit buffering provides a compromise between buffered output and unbuffered output. Performance is better under unit buffering than unbuffered output, which makes a system call for each character output. Unit buffering makes a system call for each inser tion operation, and doesn't require the user to call ostream::flush(). stdio When stdio is set, stdout and stderr are flushed by ostream::osfx() after each inser tion. The following functions use and set the format flags and variables. s.fill(char c) Sets the "fill character" format state variable to c and returns the previous value. c is used as the padding character, if necessar y (see width(), below). The default fill or padding character is a space. The positioning of the fill character is determined by the right, left, internal flags, see above. A parameterized manipulator, setfill is also available for setting the fill character, see manip (page 48). The "fill character" has no effect on input. s.fill() Returns the "fill character" format state variable.




Stream I/O

s.flags() Returns the current format flags. s.flags(long f) Resets all the format flags to those specified in f and returns the previous settings. s.precision(int i) Sets the "precision" format state variable to i and returns the previous value. This variable controls the number of significant digits inser ted by the floating point inser ter (output). The default is 6. A parameterized manipulator, setprecision is also available for setting the precision, see manip (page 48). s.precision() Returns the "precision" format state variable. s.setf(long b) Turns on in s the format flags marked in b and returns the previous settings. All other flags are left unchanged. A parameterized manipulator, setiosflags performs the same function, see manip (page 48). s.setf(long setbits, long field) Resets in s only the format flags specified by field to the settings marked in setbits, and returns the previous settings. That is, the format flags specified by field are cleared in s, then reset to be those marked in setbits. For example, to change the conversion base in s to be hex, you could write:
s.setf(ios::hex, ios::basefield)

Any previous settings to oct or dec will be cleared by this. ios::basefield specifies the conversion base bits as candidates for change, and ios::hex specifies the new value. s.setf(0, field) clears all the bits specified by field, as does a parameterized manipulator, resetiosflags (see manip). s.unsetf(long b) Unsets in s the bits set in b and returns the previous settings. s.width(int i) Sets the "field width" format variable to i and returns the previous value. This has two different meanings for either output or input streams: ­ Output: When the field width is zero (the default), inser ters only inser t as many characters as necessary to represent the value being inser ted. When the field width is non-zero, the inser ters inser t at least that many characters. If the value being inser ted requires fewer than field-width characters to be represented, the fill character is used to pad the value. However, values are never truncated during numeric inser tions, so if the value being inser ted does not fit in field-width characters, more than field-width characters are output.



Stream I/O


The field width is always interpreted as a minimum number of characters; there is no direct way to specify a maximum number of characters. The field width format variable is reset to the default (zero) after each inser tion. ­ Input: A setting of the field width applies only for the extraction of char* and unsigned char*, see istream (page 41). When the field width is non-zero, it is taken to be the size of the array, and no more than field-width-1 characters are extracted. The field width format variable is reset to the default (zero) after each extraction.

A parameterized manipulator, setw is also available for setting the width (see manip). s.width() Returns the "field width" format variable. User-defined format flags Several functions are provided to allow users to derive classes from the base class ios that require additional format flags or variables. The two static member functions ios::xalloc and ios::bitalloc, allow several such classes to be used together without interference. ios::bitalloc() Returns a long with a single, previously unallocated, bit set. This allows users who need an additional flag to acquire one, and then pass it as an argument to ios::setf(), for example. ios::xalloc() Returns a previously unused index into an array of words available for use as format state variables by derived classes. s.iword(int i) When i is an index allocated by ios::xalloc, iword() returns a reference to the ith userdefined word. s.pword(int i) When i is an index allocated by ios::xalloc, pword() returns a reference to the ith userdefined word. pword() is similar to iword, except that it has a different return type. Other members s.rdbuf() Returns a pointer to the streambuf associated with s when s was constructed. ios::sync_with_stdio() Solves problems that arise when mixing stdio and iostreams. The first time it is called it resets the standard iostreams (cin, cout, cerr, clog; see iosintro (page 17)) to be streams using stdiobufs. After that input and output using these streams may be mixed with input and output using the corresponding FILEs (stdin, stdout, and stderr) and is properly synchronized.




Stream I/O

sync_with_stdio() makes cout and cerr unit buffered (see ios::unitbuf ans ios::stdio above). Invoking sync_with_stdio() degrades performance a variable amount, depending on the length of the strings being inser ted.


Shor ter strings cause a greater performance degradation.

s.tie(ostream* osp) Sets the "tie" variable to osp, and returns its previous value. This variable suppor ts automatic "flushing" of ioss. If the tie variable is non-zero and an ios needs more characters or has characters to be consumed, the ios pointed at by the tie variable is flushed. By default, cin is tied initially to cout so that attempts to get more characters from standard input result in flushing standard output. Additionally, cerr and clog are tied to cout by default. For other ioss, the tie variable is set to zero by default. s.tie() Returns the "tie" variable. Built-in manipulators Some convenient manipulators (functions that take an ios&, an istream&, or an ostream& and return their argument, (see manip)) are: sr<>dec These set the conversion base format flag to 10. sr<>hex These set the conversion base format flag to 16. sr<>oct These set the conversion base format flag to 8. sr>>ws Extracts whitespace characters. See istream. sr<


Stream I/O


Several parameterized manipulators that operate on ios objects are described in manip: setw, setfill, setprecision, setiosflags, and resetiosflags. The streambuf associated with an ios can be manipulated by other methods than through the ios. For example, characters can be stored in a queuelike streambuf through an ostream while they are being fetched through an istream, or for efficiency, some par t of a program may choose to do streambuf operations directly rather than through the ios. In most cases the program does not have to worry about this possibility, because an ios never saves information about the internal state of a streambuf. For example, if the streambuf is repositioned between two extraction operations, the extraction (input) can be continued normally. EXAMPLE The following program fragment in ios.C uses some data members of class ios to change the output format of both integers and doubles on cout:
#include #include void someoutput() { int i; const int N = 12; /* better to use const int than hash define


for (i = 1; i < N; i += 2) { cout << i << " " << pow( (double) i, (double) i) << "\n"; } cout << "\n"; } int main() { someoutput(); /* show default formats for integers and doubles


cout.setf( ios::fixed, ios::floatfield); /* set the output format for floats and doubles to fixed */ someoutput(); cout.setf( ios::oct, ios::basefield); /* set the output format of integers to octal someoutput(); return 0; } */




Stream I/O

The program requires the C math library, so the file ios.C must be compiled with the -l m option:
$ CC -X d ios.C -l m # Cfront C++ mode # ANSI C++ mode

$ CC -X w ios.C -l m

Run the compiled program with:
$ a.out 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 11 13 1 27 3125 823543 3.8742e+08 2.85312e+11 1.000000 27.000000 3125.000000 823543.000000 387420489.000000 285311670610.999877 1.000000 27.000000 3125.000000 823543.000000 387420489.000000 285311670610.999877

The precision of these results depends on the machine used. BUGS The old stream package had a constructor that took a FILE* argument. This is now replaced by stdiostream. To avoid having iostream.h depend on stdio.h, the old constructor is no longer declared. The old stream package allowed copying of streams. This is disallowed by the new iostream package. However, objects of type istream_withassign, ostream_withassign, and iostream_withassign can be assigned to. Old code using copying can usually be rewritten to use pointers or these classes. (The standard streams cin, cout, cerr, and clog are members of "withassign" classes, so they can be assigned to, as in cin=inputfstream.) SEE ALSO iosintro (page 17), istream (page 41), manip (page 48), ostream (page 53), sbufprot (page 61), sbufpub (page 69)



Stream I/O


istream - Formatted and unformatted input
This section describes the istream member functions and related functions for formatted and unformatted input. #include typedef long streamoff, streampos; class ios { public: enum seek_dir {beg, cur, end}; enum open_mode {in, out, ate, app, trunc, nocreate, noreplace}; /* flags for controlling format */ enum { skipws=01, left=02, right=04, internal=010, dec=020, oct=040, hex=0100, showbase=0200, showpoint=0400, uppercase=01000, showpos=02000, scientific=04000, fixed=010000, unitbuf=020000, stdio=040000 }; // see ios for other class members ... }; class istream : vir tual public ios { public: istream(streambuf*); vir tual ~istream(); int gcount(); istream& get(char* ptr, int len, char delim='\n'); istream& get(unsigned char* ptr,int len, char delim='\n'); istream& get(unsigned char& c); istream& get(char& c); istream& get(streambuf& sb, char delim ='\n'); int get(); istream& getline(char* ptr, int len, char delim='\n'); istream& getline(unsigned char* ptr, int len, char delim='\n'); istream& ignore(int n=1,int d=EOF); int ipfx(int need=0); int peek(); istream& putback(char); 41



Stream I/O

istream& istream& istream& istream& int streampos istream& istream& istream& istream& istream& istream& istream& istream& istream& istream& istream& istream& istream& istream& istream& };

read(char* ptr, int n); read(unsigned char* s, int n); seekg(streampos); seekg(streamoff, ios::seek_dir); sync(); tellg(); operator>>(char*); operator>>(char&); operator>>(shor t&); operator>>(int&); operator>>(long&); operator>>(float&); operator>>(double&); operator>>(unsigned char*); operator>>(unsigned char&); operator>>(unsigned shor t&); operator>>(unsigned int&); operator>>(unsigned long&); operator>>(streambuf*); operator>>(istream& (*)(istream&)); operator>>(ios& (*)(ios&));

class istream_withassign : public istream { istream_withassign(); vir tual ~istream_withassign(); istream_withassign& operator=(istream&); istream_withassign& operator=(streambuf*); }; extern istream_withassign cin; istream& ws(istream&); ios& dec(ios&); ios& hex(ios&); ios& oct(ios&); istreams suppor t inter pretation of characters fetched from an associated streambuf. These are commonly referred to as input or extraction operations.


All the members and member functions identified below in italics which are not specified by any different class belong to the istream class.


Stream I/O


Constructors and assignment istream(streambuf& sb) Initializes ios state variables and associates buffer sb with the istream. istream_withassign() Does no initialization. istream_withassign must be defined with an assignment. Input prefix function ins.ipfx(int need) If ins's error state is non-zero, returns zero immediately. If necessar y (and if it is nonnull), any ios tied to ins is flushed (see the description ios::tie() in ios, page 30). Flushing is considered necessar y if either need==0 or if there are fewer than need characters immediately available. If ios::skipws is set in ins.flags() and need is zero, then leading whitespace characters are extracted from ins. ipfx() returns zero if an error occurs while skipping whitespace; otherwise it returns nonzero. Formatted input functions call ipfx(0), while unformatted input functions call ipfx(1); see below. Formatted input functions (extractors) ins>>x Calls ipfx(0) and if that returns non-zero, extracts characters from ins and conver ts them according to the type of x. It stores the conver ted value in x. Errors are indicated by setting the error state of ins. If ios::failbit is set, this means that characters in ins did not match the required type. If ios::badbit is set, this indicates that attempts to extract characters failed. ins is always returned. The details of (see ios, page the field width Extractors are conversion depend on the values of ins's format state flags and variables 30) and the type of x. Apar t from extractors which use a width and reset to 0, extraction operators do not alter the format state value of ostream. defined for the following types, with conversion rules as described below.

x might have one of the following types: char*, unsigned char* Characters are stored in the array pointed at by x until a whitespace character is found in ins. The terminating whitespace is left in ins. If ins.width() is non-zero, it is taken to be the size of the array, and no more than ins.width()-1 characters are extracted. A terminating null character (0) is always stored (even when nothing else is done because of ins's error status). ins.width() is reset to 0.




Stream I/O

char&, unsigned char& A character is extracted and stored in x. shor t&, unsigned shor t&, int&, unsigned int&, long&, unsigned long& Characters are extracted and conver ted to an integral value according to the conversion specified in ins's format flags. Conver ted characters are stored in x. The first character may be a sign (+ or -). After that, if ios::oct, ios::dec, or ios::hex is set in ins.flags(), the conversion is octal, decimal, or hexadecimal, respectively. Conversion is terminated by the first "nondigit" , which is left in ins. Octal digits are the characters 0 to 7. Decimal digits are the octal digits plus 8 and 9. Hexadecimal digits are the decimal digits plus the letters a to f (in either uppercase or lowercase). If none of the conversion base format flags is set, then the number is inter preted according to C++ lexical conventions. That is, if the first characters (after the optional sign) are 0x or 0X, a hexadecimal conversion is performed on following hexadecimal digits. Otherwise, if the first character is a 0, an octal conversion is performed, and in all other cases a decimal conversion is performed. ios::failbit is set if there are no digits (not counting the 0 in 0x or 0X during hex conversion) available. float&, double& Conver ts the characters according to C++ syntax for a float or double, and stores the result in x. ios::failbit is set if there are no digits available in ins or if it does not begin with a well formed floating point number.


skipws should be left set during the extraction of numerical values. Otherwise an error can occur.

The type and name of the extraction functions are chosen to give a convenient syntax for sequences of input operations. The operator overloading of C++ permits extraction functions to be declared for user-defined classes. These operations can then be used with the same syntax as the member functions described here. ins>>sb If ios.ipfx(0) returns non-zero, characters are extracted from ios and inser ted into sb. Extraction stops when the end-of-file (EOF) is reached. Always returns ins.



Stream I/O


Unformatted input functions These functions call ipfx(1) and proceed only if it returns non-zero: ins.get(char* ptr, int len, char delim) Extracts characters and stores them in the byte array beginning at ptr and extending for len bytes. Input terminates when the delim character is encountered (delim is left in ins and not stored), when ins has no more characters, or when the array has only one byte left. get() always stores a terminating null, even if it doesn't extract any characters from ins because of its error status. ios::failbit is set only if get() encounters an end of file before it stores any characters. ins.get(char & c) Extracts a single character and stores it in c. ins.get(char* sb, char delim) Extracts characters from ins.rdbuf() and stores them into sb. It stops if it encounters end of file, or a store into sb fails, or it encounters the delim character (which it leaves in ins). ios::failbit is set if it stops because the store into sb fails. ins.get(). Extracts a character and returns it. EOF is output if extraction encounters end of file. ios::failbit is never set. ins.getline(char* ptr, int len, char delim) Does the same thing as ins.get(char* ptr, int len, char delim) with the exception that it extracts a terminating delim character from ins. If delim occurs after exactly len characters have been extracted, termination is treated as being due to the array being filled, and this delim is left in ins. ins.ignore(int n, int d) Extracts and throws away up to n characters. Extraction stops prematurely if the character d is extracted or end of file is reached. If d is EOF it can never cause termination. ins.read(char* ptr, int n) Extracts n characters and stores them in the array beginning at ptr. If end of file is reached before n characters have been extracted, read stores whatever it has already extract and sets ios::failbit. The number of characters extracted can be determined via ins.gcount().




Stream I/O

Other members ins.gcount() Returns the number of characters extracted by the last unformatted input function. Formatted input functions may call unformatted input functions and thereby reset this number. ins.peek() Begins by calling ins.ipfx(1). If that call returns zero or if ins is at end of file, it returns EOF. Otherwise it returns the next character without extracting it. ins.putback(char c) Attempts to back up ins.rdbuf() so that the character c can be read later. c must be the character before ins.rdbuf()'s get pointer. (Unless other activity is modifying ins.rdbuf() this is the last character extracted from ins). If it is not, the effect is undefined. putback() may fail (and set the error state). Although it is a member of istream, putback() never extracts characters, so it does not call ipfx(). However, it returns without doing anything if the error state is non-zero. ins.sync() Establishes consistency between internal data structures and the external source of characters. Calls ins.rdbuf()->sync(), which is a vir tual function, so the details depend on the derived class. Returns EOF to indicate errors. ins>>manip Equivalent to manip(ins). Syntactically this looks like an extractor operation, but semantically it executes an arbitrary operation (rather than conver ting a sequence of characters and storing the result in manip). A predefined manipulator, ws, is described below. Member functions related to positioning ins.seekg(streamoff off, seek_dir dir) Repositions ins.rdbuf()'s get pointer. See sbufpub (page 69), for a discussion of positioning. ins.seekg(streampos pos) Repositions ins.rdbuf()'s get pointer. See sbufpub (page 69) for a discussion of positioning. ins.tellg() Returns the current position of ios.rdbuf()'s get pointer. See sbufpub (page 69) for a discussion of positioning.



Stream I/O


Manipulators ins>>ws Extracts whitespace characters. ins>>dec Sets the conversion base format flag to 10. See ios (page 30). ins>>hex Sets the conversion base format flag to 16. See ios (page 30). ins>>oct Sets the conversion base format flag to 8. See ios, (page 30). EXAMPLE The following program reads one line text, and then prints it in the reverse order.
#include const int N = 80; char text[N];

// text buffer

int main() { int i; cout << " Please enter text :\n"; cin.getline(text, N); // get at most N characters i = cin.gcount() - 1; while (i) { cout << text [--i]; // prints line in the reverse order } cout << endl; return 0; // successful return }

The result of executing the program is:
Please enter text: TOM MOT

BUGS There is no overflow detection on conversion of integers. There should be, and overflow should cause the error state to be set. SEE ALSO ios (page 30), manip (page 48), sbufpub (page 69) 47



Stream I/O

manip - iostream manipulation
This section describes how manipulators are used with iostream. #include #include IOMANIPdeclare(T); class SMANIP(T) { SMANIP(T)(ios& (*f)(ios&, T), T a) : fct(f), arg(a) { } friend istream& operator>>(istream& i, const SMANIP(T)& m) { ios* s = &i; (*m.fct)(*s,m.arg); return i; } friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const SMANIP(T)& m) { ios* s = &o; (*m.fct)(*s,m.arg); return o; } }; class SAPP(T) { public: SAPP(T)(ios& (*f)(ios&,T)) : fct(f) { } SMANIP(T) operator()(T a) {return SMANIP(T)(fct,a); } }; class IMANIP(T) { public: IMANIP(T)(istream& (*f)(istream&, T), T a) : fct(f), arg(a) { } friend istream& operator>>(istream& s, const IMANIP(T)& m){ return(*m.fct)(s,m.arg); } }; class IAPP(T) { public: IAPP(T)(istream& (*f)(istream&,T)) : fct(f) { } IMANIP(T) operator()(T a) {return IMANIP(T)(fct,a); } }; class OMANIP(T) { public: OMANIP(T)(ostream& (*f)(ostream&, T), T a ) : fct(f), arg(a) { } friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const OMANIP(T)& m) { return(*m.fct)(s,m.arg); } };



Stream I/O


class OAPP(T) { public: OAPP(T)(ostream& (*f)(ostream&,T)) : fct(f) { } OMANIP(T) operator()(T a) {return OMANIP(T)(fct,a); } }; class IOMANIP(T) { public: IOMANIP(T)(iostream& (*f)(iostream&, T), T a ) : fct(f), arg(a) { } friend istream& operator>>(iostream& s, const IOMANIP(T)& m) { return(*m.fct)(s,m.arg); } friend ostream& operator<<(iostream& s, const IOMANIP(T)& m) { return(*m.fct)(s,m.arg); } }; class IOAPP(T) { public: IOAPP(T)(iostream& (*f)(iostream&,T)) : fct(f) { } IOMANIP(T) operator()(T a) {return IOMANIP(T)(fct,a); } }; IOMANIPdeclare(int); IOMANIPdeclare(long); SMANIP(int) SMANIP(long) SMANIP(long) SMANIP(int) SMANIP(int) SMANIP(int) setbase(int b); resetiosflags(long b); setiosflags(long b); setfill(int f); setprecision(int p); setw(int w);

Manipulators are values that may be "inser ted into" or "extracted from" streams to achieve some effect (other than to inser t or extract values), with a convenient syntax. They enable you to embed in an expression a function call containing several inser tions or extractions. For example, the predefined manipulator for ostreams, flush, can be used as follows:
cout << flush

to flush cout.




Stream I/O

Several iostream classes supply manipulators, see ios (page 30), istream (page 41), and ostream (page 53). flush is a simple manipulator ; some manipulators take arguments, such as the predefined ios manipulators, setfill and setw (see below). The header file iomanip.h supplies macro definitions which programmers can use to define new parameterized manipulators. Ideally, the types relating to manipulators would be parameterized as "templates" . The macros defined in iomanip.h are used to simulate templates. IOMANIPdeclare(T) declares the various classes and operators. (All code is declared inline so that no separate definitions are required.) Each of the other Ts (type names) is used to construct the real names and therefore must be a single identifier. Each of the other macros also requires an identifier and is expanded to form a name. s<>SMANIP(T)(ios& (*)(ios&) f, s<>SAPP(T)(ios& (*)(ios&) f, (T Returns f(s,t), where s is the o, or io). T t) T t) t)) t)) left operand of the inser tion or extractor operator (e.g. s, i,

i>>IMANIP(T)(istream& (*)(istream&) isf, T t) i>>IAPP(T)(istream& (*)(istream&) isf, (T t) Returns isf(i, T t). o<>IOMANIP(T)(iostream& (*)(iostream&) iof,T t) io<>IOAPP(T)(iostream& (*)(iostream&) iof,T t) Returns iof(io,t). iomanip.h contains the two declarations, IOMANIPdeclare(int) and IOMANIPdeclare(long), and also some manipulators that take an int or a long argument. These manipulators all have to do with changing the format state of a stream, see ios (page 30) for fur ther details. o<>setw(int n) Sets the field width of the stream (left-hand operand: o or i) to n. o<>setfill(int n) Sets the fill character of the stream (o or i) to be n.



Stream I/O


o<>setprecision(int n) Sets the precision of the stream (o or i) to be n. o<>setiosflags(long l) Turns on in the stream (o or i) the format flags marked in l. (Calls o.setf(l) or i.setf(l)). o<>resetiosflags(long l) Clears in the stream (o or i) the format bits specified by l. (Calls o.setf(0, l) or i.setf(0, l)). EXAMPLE The following program fragment in manip.C shows the use of manipulators (like setw) which globally alter output by changing private data members in cout:
#include #include #include void testline(const char * const p) { /* put onto cout the parameter string, and set the field width /* of the cout stream to be twice the length of the string int N = 2 * strlen(p); cout << setw(N) ; cout << p; } void someoutput(const char* const p, const char* const q) { /* Given a string and a string containing a list of fill /* characters, display the string in a variety of fill /* character contexts int i; int M = strlen(q); for (i = 0; i < M; ++i) { cout << setfill(q[i]); testline(p); } } int main() { someoutput( "A Test String\n", ".,!$%&*()"); /* Note how the output is right justified for text strings */ return 0; }

*/ */

*/ */ */

Note how string.h must be included to get the function prototype for strlen(), and iomanip.h must be included to get the prototypes for setw() and setfill().




Stream I/O

Compile manip.C with the following command:
$ CC -X d -o manip manip.C # Cfront C++ mode # ANSI C++ mode

$ CC -X w -o manip manip.C

Run the compiled program with:
$ manip

The following output is produced on executing the program:
..............A ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,A !!!!!!!!!!!!!!A $$$$$$$$$$$$$$A %%%%%%%%%%%%%%A &&&&&&&&&&&&&&A **************A ((((((((((((((A ))))))))))))))A Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test String String String String String String String String String

BUGS Syntax errors are repor ted if IOMANIPdeclare(T) occurs more than once in a file with the same T. SEE ALSO ios (page 30), istream (page 41), ostream (page 53)



Stream I/O


ostream - Formatted and unformatted output
This section defines the ostream functions for formatted and unformatted output. #include typedef long streamoff, streampos; class ios { public: enum seek_dir {beg, cur, end}; enum open_mode {in, out, ate, app, trunc, nocreate, noreplace}; enum { skipws=01, left=02, right=04, internal=010, dec=020, oct=040, hex=0100, showbase=0200, showpoint=0400, uppercase=01000, showpos=02000, scientific=04000, fixed=010000, unitbuf=020000, stdio=040000 }; // see ios for other class members }; class ostream : vir tual public ios { public: ostream(streambuf*); vir tual ~ostream(); ostream& flush(); int opfx(); void osfx(); ostream& put(char); ostream& seekp(streampos); ostream& seekp(streamoff, ios::seek_dir); streampos tellp(); ostream& write(const char* ptr, int n); ostream& write(const unsigned char* ptr, int n); ostream& operator<<(const char*); ostream& operator<<(char); ostream& operator<<(shor t); ostream& operator<<(int);



Stream I/O

ostream& ostream& ostream& ostream& ostream& ostream& ostream& ostream& ostream& ostream& ostream& };

operator<<(long); operator<<(float); operator<<(double); operator<<(unsigned char); operator<<(unsigned shor t); operator<<(unsigned int); operator<<(unsigned long); operator<<(void*); operator<<(streambuf*); operator<<(ostream& (*)(ostream&)); operator<<(ios& (*)(ios&));

class ostream_withassign : public ostream { public: ostream_withassign() ; vir tual ~ostream_withassign() ; ostream_withassign&operator=(ostream&) ; ostream_withassign&operator=(streambuf*) ; }; extern ostream_withassign cout; extern ostream_withassign cerr ; extern ostream_withassign clog; ostream& endl(ostream&); ostream& ends(ostream&); ostream& flush(ostream&); ios& dec(ios&); ios& hex(ios&); ios& oct(ios&); ostreams suppor t inser tion (storing) into a streambuf. These are commonly referred to as output operations. The ostream member functions and related functions are described below.


All the members and member functions identified below in italics which are not specified by any different class belong to the ostream class.



Stream I/O


In the following descriptions, assume: ­ ­ ­ outs is an ostream. outswa is an ostream_withassign. sb is a streambuf*

Constructors and assignment ostream(streambuf* sb) Initializes ios and ostream state variables and associates buffer sb with the ostream. ostream_withassign() Does no initialization. This allows a file static variable of this type (cout for example) to be used before it is constructed, provided it is assigned to first. outswa=sb Associates sb with outswa and initializes the entire state of outswa. outswa=outs Associates outs->rdbuf() with outswa and initializes the entire state of outswa. Output prefix function outs.opfx() If outs's error state is non-zero, returns zero immediately. Returns non-zero in all other cases. If outs.tie() is non-null, it is flushed. Output suffix function osfx() Performs "suffix" actions before returning from processing inser tions. If ios::unitbuf is set, osfx() flushes the ostream. If ios::stdio is set, osfx() flushes stdout and stderr. osfx() is called by all predefined output functions, and should also be called by userdefined output functions after any direct manipulation of the streambuf. It is not called by the binar y output functions.




Stream I/O

Formatted output functions (inserters) outs<
­ ­ ­

void* Pointers are conver ted to integral values and then conver ted to hexadecimal numbers as if ios::showbase were set. float, double The arguments are conver ted according to the current values of outs.precision(), outs.width() and outs's format flags ios::scientific, ios::fixed, and ios::uppercase (see ios (page 30)). The default value for outs.precision() is 6. If neither ios::scientific nor ios::fixed is set, either fixed or scientific notation is chosen for the representation, depending on the value of x. char, unsigned char No special conversion is necessary.



Stream I/O


After the representation is determined, padding occurs. If outs.width() is greater than 0 and the representation contains fewer than outs.width() characters, then enough outs.fill() characters are added to bring the total number of characters to ios.width(). If ios::left is set in ios's format flags, the sequence is left-adjusted, that is, characters are added after the characters determined above. If ios::right is set, the padding is added before the characters determined above. If ios::internal is set, the padding is added after any leading sign or base indication and before the characters that represent the value. ios.width() is reset to 0, but all other format variables are unchanged. The resulting sequence (padding plus representation) is inser ted into outs.rdbuf(). outs<sync. outs<



Stream I/O

Positioning functions outs.seekp(streamoff off, seek_dir dir) Repositions outs.rdbuf()'s put pointer. See sbufpub (page 69) for a discussion of positioning. outs.seekp(streampos pos) Repositions outs.rdbuf()'s put pointer. See sbufpub (page 69) for a discussion of positioning. outs.tellp() Provides the current position of outs.rdbuf()'s put pointer. See subfpub (page 69) for a discussion of positioning. Manipulators outs<


Stream I/O


EXAMPLE The following program fragment in ostream.C displays a range of different data types in a variety of different formats:
#include /* for cout + other declarations */ #include #include /* for setw */ int main(){ int i = 50; char c = 'd'; double d = 1.2; float f = 3.1232; const char* const p = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; /* show the defaults for the various data types first */ cout << i << endl; cout << c << endl; cout << d << endl; cout << f << endl; cout << p << endl; cout << endl; cout.setf( ios::oct, ios::basefield); cout << i << endl; /* same number in octal */ cout << c << endl; cout.setf( ios::fixed, ios::floatfield); /* use fixed format for floats and doubles */ cout << d << endl; cout << f << endl; /* above format still holds */ cout.setf( ios::right, ios::basefield); cout << setw( 50) << flush; cout << p << endl; /* put string out in field of width 50 */ return 0; }

Compile ostream.C with the following command:
$ CC -X d -o ostream ostream.C # Cfront C++ mode # ANSI C++ mode

$ CC -X w -o ostream ostream.C

Run the compiled program with:
$ ostream 50 d 1.2 3.1232 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 62 d 1.200000 3.123200 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz




Stream I/O

Note how the integer i has been printed out in two different formats, and the ease by which the format of double and float values can be controlled. As shown in the first par t of main(), the output librar y provides sensible defaults, without the programmer explicitly setting them up. SEE ALSO ios (page 30), manip (page 48), sbufpub (page 69)



Stream I/O


sbufprot - Protected interface of class streambuf
This section describes the protected and vir tual par ts of the streambuf class; especially interesting for derived classes. #include typedef long streamoff, streampos; class ios { public: enum seek_dir {beg, cur, end}; enum open_mode {in, out, ate, app, trunc, nocreate, noreplace}; // and many other declarations, see ios ... }; class streambuf { public: streambuf(); streambuf(char* p, int len); vir tual ~streambuf(); void dbp(); protected: int char* int char* char* char* char* void char* char* void char* void void void int void vir tual int allocate(); base(); blen() const; eback(); ebuf(); egptr(); epptr(); gbump(int n); gptr(); pbase(); pbump(int n); pptr(); setb(char* b, char* eb, int a=0); setg(char* eb, char* g, char* eg); setp(char* p, char* ep); unbuffered() const; unbuffered(int); doallocate();




Stream I/O

public: vir tual vir tual vir tual vir tual vir tual vir tual vir tual };

int int int streambuf* streampos streampos int

pbackfail(int c); overflow(int c=EOF); underflow(); setbuf(char* ptr, int len); seekpos(streampos, int=ios::in|ios::out); seekoff(streamoff, ios::seek_dir, int=ios::in|ios::out); sync();

streambufs implement the buffer abstraction described in sbufpub. However, the streambuf class itself contains only basic members for manipulating the characters and normally a class derived from streambuf is used. This section describes the interface needed by programmers who are coding a derived class. Broadly speaking there are two kinds of member functions described here. The non-vir tual functions are provided for manipulating a streambuf in ways that are appropriate in a derived class. Their descriptions reveal details of the implementation that would be inappropriate in the public interface. The vir tual functions permit the derived class to specialize the streambuf class in ways appropriate for the specific sources and destinations (for character transfers). The descriptions of the vir tual functions explain the obligations of the vir tuals of the derived class. If the vir tuals behave as specified, the streambuf behaves as specified in the public interface. However, if the vir tuals do not behave as specified, then the streambuf may not behave properly, and an iostream (or any other code) that relies on proper behaviour of the streambuf may not behave properly either.


All the members and member functions identified below in italics which are not specified by any different class belong to the streambuf class.

In the following descriptions assume: sb is a streambuf*.

Constructors streambuf() Constructs an empty buffer corresponding to an empty sequence. streambuf(char* p, int len) Constructs an empty buffer and then sets up the reser ve area to be the len bytes star ting at p.



Stream I/O


The get, put, and reserve areas The protected members of streambuf present an interface to derived classes organized around three areas (arrays of bytes) managed cooperatively by the base and derived classes. They are the get area, the put area, and the reserve area (or buffer). The get and the put areas are normally disjointed, but they may both overlap the reser ve area, whose primar y pur pose is to be a resource in which space for the put and get areas can be allocated. The get and the put areas are changed as characters are put into and taken from the buffer, but the reser ve area normally remains fixed. The areas are defined by a collection of char* values. The buffer abstraction is described in terms of pointers that point between characters, but the char* values must point at chars. To establish a correspondence, the char* values should be thought of as pointing just before the byte they really point at. Functions to examine the pointers sb->base() Returns a pointer to the first byte of the reser ve area. Space between sb->base() and sb->ebuf() is the reser ve area. sb->eback() Returns a pointer to a lower bound on sb->gptr(). Space between sb->eback() and sb->gptr() is available for putback. sb->ebuf() Returns a pointer to the byte after the last byte of the reser ve area. sb->egptr() Returns a pointer to the byte after the last byte of the get area. sb->epptr() Returns a pointer to the byte after the last byte of the put area. sb->gptr() Returns a pointer to the first byte of the get area. The available characters are those between sb->gptr() and sb->egptr(). The next character fetched is *(sb->gptr()) unless sb->egptr() is less than or equal to sb->gptr(). sb->pbase() Returns a pointer to the put area base. Characters between sb->pbase() and sb->pptr() have been stored into the buffer and not yet consumed. sb->pptr() Returns a pointer to the first byte of the put area. The space between sb->pptr() and sb->epptr() is the put area and characters are stored here.




Stream I/O

Functions for setting the pointers To indicate a par ticular area (get, put, or reser ve) does not exist, all the associated pointers should be set to zero. sb->setb(char* b, char* eb, int a) Sets base() and ebuf() to b and eb, respectively. a controls whether the area is subject to automatic deletion. If a is non-zero, then b is deleted when base is changed by another call of setb(), or when the destructor is called for *sb. If b and eb are both null then we say that there is no reser ve area. If b is non-null, there is a reser ve area even if eb is less than b, so the reser ve area has zero length. sb->setp(char* p, char* ep) Sets pptr() to p, pbase() to p, and epptr() to ep. sb->setg(cha* eb, char* g, char* eg) Sets eback() to eb, gptr() to g, and egptr() to eg. Other non-virtual members sb->allocate() Tries to set up a reser ve area. If a reser ve area already exists or if sb->unbuffered() is nonzero, allocate() returns 0 without doing anything. If the attempt to allocate space fails, allocate() returns EOF, otherwise (allocation succeeds) allocate() returns 1. allocate() is not called by any non-vir tual member function of streambuf. sb->blen() Returns the size (in chars) of the current reser ve area. dbp() Writes directly on file descriptor 1 information in ASCII about the state of the buffer. It is intended for debugging and nothing is specified about the form of the output. It is considered par t of the protected interface because the information it prints can only be understood in relation to that interface, but it is a public function so that it can be called anywhere during debugging. sb->gbump(int n) Increments gptr() by n which may be positive or negative. No checks are made on whether the new value of gptr() is in bounds. sb->pbump(int n) Increments pptr() by n which may be positive or negative. No checks are made on whether the new value of pptr() is in bounds.



Stream I/O


sb->unbuffered(int i) sb->unbuffered() There is a private variable known as sb's buffering state. sb->unbuffered(int i) sets the value of this variable to i and sb->unbuffered() returns the current value. This state is independent of the actual allocation of a reserve area. Its primary pur pose is to control whether a reserve area is allocated automatically by allocate(). Virtual member functions Vir tual functions may be redefined in derived classes to specialize the behaviour of streambufs. This section describes the behaviour that these vir tual functions should have in any derived classes; the next section describes the behaviour that these functions are defined to have in base class streambuf. sb->doallocate() Is called when allocate() determines that space is needed. doallocate() is used to call setb() to provide a reser ve area or to return EOF if this is not possible. It is only called if sb->unbuffered() is zero and sb->base() is zero. overflow(int c) Is called to consume characters. If c is not EOF, overflow() also must either save c or consume it. Usually it is called when the put area is full and an attempt is being made to store a new character, but it can be called at other times. The normal action is to consume the characters between pbase() and pptr(), call setp() to establish a new put area, and if c!=EOF store it (using sputc()). sb->overflow() should return EOF to indicate an error ; otherwise it should return something else. sb->pbackfail(int c) Is called when eback() equals gptr() and an attempt has been made to putback c. If this situation can be dealt with (e.g., by repositioning an external file), pbackfail() should return c; otherwise it should return EOF. sb->seekoff(streamoff off, seek_dir dir, int mode) seekoff() is a public vir tual member function. A detailed description is given in section sbufpub (page 69). sb->seekpos(streampos pos, int mode) seekpos() is a public vir tual member function. A detailed description is given in section sbufpub (page 69). sb->setbuf(char* ptr, int len) Offers the array at ptr with len bytes to be used as a reser ve area. The normal inter pretation is that if ptr or len are zero then this is a request to make the sb unbuffered. The derived class may use this area or not as it chooses. If may accept or ignore the request for unbuffered state as it chooses. setbuf() should return sb if it honours the request. Otherwise it should return 0.



Stream I/O

sb->sync() sync() is a public vir tual member function. A detailed description is given in section on sbufpub (page 69). sb->underflow() Is called to supply characters for fetching, i.e. to create a condition in which the get area is not empty. If it is called when there are characters in the get area it should return the first character. If the get area is empty, it should create a non-empty get area and return the next character (which it should also leave in the get area). If there are no more characters available, underflow() should return EOF and leave an empty get area. The default definitions of the virtual functions sb->streambuf::doallocate() Attempts to allocate a reser ve area using the new operator. sb->streambuf::overflow(int c) Is compatible with the old stream package, but that behaviour is not considered par t of the specification of the iostream package. Therefore, streambuf::overflow() should be treated as if it had undefined behaviour. That is, derived classes should always define it. sb->streambuf::pbackfail(int c) Returns EOF on failure and c on success. sb->streambuf::seekpos(streampos pos, int mode) Returns sb->seekoff(streamoff(pos),ios::beg,mode). Thus to define seeking in a derived class, it is frequently only necessar y to define seekoff() and use the inherited streambuf::seekpos(). sb->streambuf::seekoff(streamoff off, seekdir dir, int mode) Returns EOF. sb->streambuf::setbuf(char* ptr, int len) Honours the request when there is no reser ve area. sb->streambuf::sync() Returns 0 if the get area is empty and there are no unconsumed characters. Otherwise it returns EOF. sb->streambuf::underflow() Is compatible with the old stream package, but that behaviour is not considered par t of the specification of the iostream package. Therefore, streambuf::underflow() should be treated as if it had undefined behaviour. That is, it should always be defined in derived classes.



Stream I/O


EXAMPLE The following program fragment in sbufprot.C prints out the machine address of the base area of a class derived from a streambuf. The program is an example of displaying memor y contents. It could have other trivial member functions like get_base which return the machine addresses of the get and put areas.
#include const int N = 20; class trivial : public streambuf { int a; /* public: trivial() : streambuf(new char[ N], { /* Define trivial constructor by a = 0; }; ~trivial() {}; /* Assume streambuf destructor will /* reserve area*/ char * get_base() { /* We need this function because /* member function is protected /* We don't need the streambuf:: return base(); }; }; /* For definition of cout */

Some sample data in a class N) streambuf constructor



delete the N byte


the streambuf::base() qualifier since scope is ok

*/ */ */

int main() { trivial test_var; cout << (void*) test_var.get_base() << endl; /* We must cast to void* to stop cout displaying the contents /* of the first byte of the reserve area. return 0; }

*/ */

Compile sbufprot.C with the following command:
$ CC -X d -o sbufprot sbufprot.C # Cfront C++ mode # ANSI C++ mode

$ CC -X w -o sbufprot sbufprot.C

Run the compiled program with:
$ sbufprot 0x804f920

Note that the value stored in the pointer will vary between individual machines and versions of SINIX/UNIX, and that cout has a default format for pointer values.




Stream I/O

BUGS The constructors are declared as public for compatibility with the old stream package. They ought to be protected. The interface for unbuffered actions is awkward. It's hard to write underflow() and overflow() vir tuals that behave properly for unbuffered streambuf()s without special casing. Also there is no way for the vir tuals to react sensibly to multi-character get or put operations. Although the public interface to streambufs deals in characters and bytes, the interface to derived classes deals in chars. Since a decision had to be made on the types of the real data pointers, it seemed easier to reflect that choice in the types of the protected members than to duplicate all the members with both plain and unsigned char versions. But perhaps all these uses of char* ought to have been implemented by a typedef. The implementation contains a variant of setbuf() that accepts a third argument. It is present only for compatibility with the old stream package. SEE ALSO istream (page 41), sbufpub (page 69)



Stream I/O


sbufpub - Public interface of class streambuf
This section describes the public member functions of streambuf. #include typedef long streamoff, streampos; class ios { public: enum seek_dir {beg, cur, end}; enum open_mode {in, out, ate, app, trunc, nocreate, noreplace}; // and lots of other classes, see ios (page 30). }; class streambuf { public : int int int vir tual streambuf* streambuf* streambuf* vir tual streampos vir tual streampos int int int int int int void vir tual int };

in_avail(); out_waiting(); sbumpc(); setbuf(char* ptr, int len); setbuf(unsigned char* ptr, int len); setbuf(char* ptr, int len, int count); seekpos(streampos, int=ios::in|ios::out); seekoff(streamoff, ios::seek_dir, int=ios::in|ios::out); sgetc(); sgetn(char* ptr, int n); snextc(); sputbackc(char ch); sputc(int c); sputn(const char* ptr, int n); stossc(); sync();




Stream I/O


All the members and member functions identified below in italics which are not specified by any different class belong to the streambuf class. In the following descriptions assume: ­ sb is a streambuf*.

The streambuf class suppor ts buffers into which characters can be inser ted (put) or from which characters can be fetched (get). Such a buffer is a sequence of characters, together with one or two pointers (a get and/or a put pointer) that define the location at which characters are to be inser ted or fetched. The pointers should be thought of as pointing between characters rather than at them. This makes it easier to understand the boundar y conditions (a pointer before the first character or after the last). Some of the effects of getting and putting are defined by this class but most of the details are left to specialized classes derived from streambuf (see also filebuf (page 22), ssbuf (page 74), and stdiobuf (page 77)). Classes derived from streambuf vary in their treatments of the get and put pointers. The simplest are unidirectional buffers which permit only gets or only puts. Such classes ser ve as pure sources (producers) or sinks (consumers) of characters. Queue-like buffers (see strstream (page 53) and ssbuf (page 74)) have a put and a get pointer which move independently of each other. In such buffers characters that are stored are held (i.e., queued) until they are later fetched. Filelike buffers (e.g., filebuf, see filebuf (page 22)) permit both gets and puts but have only a single pointer. (An alternative description is that the get and put pointers are tied together so that when one moves so does the other.) Most streambuf member functions are organized into two phases. As far as possible, operations are performed inline by storing into or fetching from arrays (the get area and the put area, which together form the reserve area, or buffer). From time to time, vir tual functions are called to deal with collections of characters in the get and put areas. That is, the vir tual functions are called to fetch more characters from the ultimate producer or to flush a collection of characters to the ultimate consumer. Generally the user of a streambuf does not have to know anything about these details, but some of the public members pass back information about the state of the areas. Fur ther detail about these areas is provided in sbufprot, which describes the protected interface. Public member functions sb->in_avail() Returns the number of characters that are immediately available in the get area for fetching. i characters may be fetched with a guarantee that no errors are repor ted. sb->out_waiting() Returns the number of characters in the put area that have not been consumed (by the ultimate consumer).



Stream I/O


sb->sbumpc() Moves the get pointer forward one character and returns the character it moved past. Returns EOF if the get pointer is currently at the end of the sequence. sb->seekoff(streamoff off, seek_dir dir, int mode) Repositions the get and/or put pointers (i.e. the abstract get and put pointers, not pptr() and gptr()). mode specifies whether the put pointer (ios::out bit set) or the get pointer (ios::in bit set) is to be modified. Both bits may be set in which case both pointers should be affected. off is inter preted as a byte offset. (Notice that it is a signed quantity.) The meanings of possible values of dir are ios::beg The beginning of the stream. ios::cur The current position. ios::end The end of the stream (end of file.) A class derived from streambuf is not required to suppor t repositioning. seekoff() returns EOF if the class does not suppor t repositioning. If the class does suppor t repositioning, seekoff() returns the new position or EOF on error. sb->seekpos(streampos pos, int mode) Repositions the streambuf get and/or put pointer to pos. mode specifies which pointers are affected as for seekoff(). Returns pos (the argument) or EOF if the class does not suppor t repositioning or an error occurs. In general, a variable of type streampos should not have arithmetic performed upon it. Two par ticular values have special meaning: streampos(0)The beginning of the file. streampos(EOF)Used as an error indication. sb->sgetc() Returns the character after the get pointer. Contrar y to what most people expect from the name it does not move the get pointer. Returns EOF if there is no character available. sb->setbuf(char* ptr, int len, int count) Offers the len bytes star ting at ptr as the reserve area. If ptr is null or len is zero or less, then an unbuffered state is requested. Whether the offered area is used, or a request for unbuffered state is honoured depends on details of the derived class. setbuf() normally returns sb, but if it does not accept the offer or honour the request, it returns 0. sb->sgetn(char* ptr, int n) Fetches the n characters following the get pointer and copies them to the area star ting at ptr. When there are fewer than n characters left before the end of the sequence sgetn() fetches whatever characters remain. sgetn() repositions the get pointer following the fetched characters and returns the number of characters fetched.




Stream I/O

sb->snextc() Moves the get pointer forward one character and returns the character following the new position. If the pointer is currently at the end of the sequence or is at the end of the sequence after moving forward, EOF is returned. sb->sputbackc(char ch) Moves the get pointer back one character. ch must be the current content of the sequence just before the get pointer. The underlying mechanism may simply back up the get pointer or may rearrange its internal data structures so the ch is saved. Thus the effect of sputbackc() is undefined if ch is not the character before the get pointer. sputbackc() returns EOF when it fails. The conditions under which it can fail depend on the details of the derived class. sb->sputc(int c) Stores c after the put pointer, and moves the put pointer past the stored character ; usually this extends the sequence. It returns EOF when an error occurs. The conditions that can cause errors depend on the derived class. sb->sputn(char* ptr, int n) Stores the n characters star ting at ptr after the put pointer and moves the put pointer past them. sputn() returns i, the number of characters stored successfully. Normally i is n, but it may be less when errors occur. sb->stossc() Moves the get pointer forward one character. If the pointer star ted at the end of the sequence this function has no effect. sb->sync() Establishes consistency between the internal data structures and the external source or sink. The details of this function depend on the derived class. sync() is called to give the derived class a chance to look at the state of the areas, and synchronize them with any external representation. Normally sync() should consume any characters that have been stored into the put area, and if possible give back to the source any characters in the get area that have not been fetched. When sync() returns there should not be any unconsumed characters, and the get area should be empty. sync() returns EOF if some kind of failure occurs. In other words, sync() "flushes" any characters that have been stored but not yet consumed, and "gives back" any characters that may have been produced but not yet fetched.



Stream I/O


EXAMPLE The following program fragment in sbufpub.C defines a variable of type filebuf attached to cin and reads in blocks of characters from that filebuf until end of file is reached. For each block that is read in, the size of the buffer that is not used by the read in characters, is printed out:
#include #include int main(){ filebuf in_file(0); /* in_file is connected to cin */ const int N = 1000; /* better to use a const int than a hash define */ char text_b[N]; /* text buffer */ cout << in_file.in_avail() << endl; /* check the get area before trying to call sgetn */ while (in_file.sgetn(&text_b[0], N) > 0) { /* did get some characters */ cout << in_file.in_avail() << endl; } return 0; }

Compile sbufpub.C with the following command:
$ CC -X d -o sbufpub sbufpub.C # Cfront C++ mode # ANSI C++ mode

$ CC -X w -o sbufpub sbufpub.C

The program may be given any file as input. The maximum value returned by the in_avail() member function can be up to 1024, the default buffer size. The user may change the buffer size by calling the setbuf() member function. Any buffer size may be set with setbuf(). BUGS setbuf does not really belong in the public interface. It is there for compatibility with the stream package. SEE ALSO istream (page 41), sbufprot (page 61)



ssbuf (sstreambuf)

Stream I/O

ssbuf (sstreambuf) - Specialization of streambuf for arrays
This section describes how a string may be used as a stream buffer. #include #include class strstreambuf : public streambuf { public: strstreambuf() ; strstreambuf(char* ptr, int n, char* pstar t=0); strstreambuf(int); strstreambuf(unsigned char* ptr, int n, unsigned char* pstar t=0); strstreambuf(void* (*a)(long), void(*f)(void*)); ~strstreambuf(); void freeze(int n=1); char* str(); vir tual streambuf* setbuf(char*, int); }; A strstreambuf is a streambuf that uses an array of bytes (a string) to hold the sequence of characters. Given the convention that a char* should be inter preted as pointing just before the char it really points at, the mapping between the abstract get/put pointers (see sbufpub (page 69)) and char* pointers is direct. Moving the pointers corresponds exactly to incrementing and decrementing the char* values. To accommodate the need for arbitrary length strings strstreambuf suppor ts a dynamic mode. When a strstreambuf is in dynamic mode, space for the character sequence is allocated as needed. When the sequence is extended too far, it is copied to a new array.


All the members and member functions identified below in italics which are not specified by any different class belong to the strstreambuf class.

In the following descriptions assume: ssb is a strstreambuf*.



Stream I/O

ssbuf (sstreambuf)

Constructors strstreambuf() Constructs an empty strstreambuf in dynamic mode. This means that space is automatically allocated to accommodate the characters that are put into the strstreambuf (using operators new and delete). Because this may require copying the original characters, it is recommended that when many characters are to be inser ted, the program should use setbuf() (described below) to inform the strstreambuf. strstreambuf(void (*a)(long), void* (*f)(void*)) Constructs an empty strstreambuf in dynamic mode. a is used as the allocator function in dynamic mode. The argument passed to a is a long denoting the number of bytes to be allocated. If a is null, operator new is used. f is used to free (or delete) areas returned by a. The argument to f is a pointer to the array allocated by a. If f is null, operator delete is used. strstreambuf(int n) Constructs an empty strstreambuf in dynamic mode. The initial allocation of space is at least n bytes. strstreambuf(char* ptr, int n, char* pstar t) Constructs a strstreambuf to use the bytes star ting at ptr. The strstreambuf is in static mode; it does not grow dynamically. If n is positive, then the n bytes star ting at ptr are used as the strstreambuf. If n is zero, ptr is assumed to point to the beginning of a nullterminated string and the bytes of that string (not including the terminating null character) constitutes the strstreambuf. If n is negative, the strstreambuf is assumed to continue indefinitely. The get pointer is initialized to ptr. The put pointer is initialized to pstart. If pstart is null, then stores are treated as errors. If pstart is non-null, then the initial sequence for fetching (the get area) consists of the bytes between ptr and pstart. If pstart is null, then the initial get area consists of the entire array. Member functions ssb->freeze(int n) Inhibits (when n is non-zero) or permits (when n is zero) automatic deletion of the current array. Deletion normally occurs when more space is needed or when ssb is being destroyed. Only space obtained via dynamic allocation is ever freed. It is an error (and the effect is undefined) to store characters into a strstreambuf that was in dynamic allocation mode and is now frozen. It is possible, however, to thaw (unfreeze) such a strstreambuf and resume storing characters.



ssbuf (sstreambuf)

Stream I/O

ssb->str() Returns a pointer to the first char of the current array and freezes ssb. If ssb was constructed with an explicit array, ptr points to that array. If ssb is in dynamic allocation mode, but nothing has yet been stored, ptr may be null.


Unlike previous versions of C++, str() no longer terminates the contents of a stream buffer with a zero (see also page 14).

ssb->setbuf(char* ptr, int n) ssb remembers n and the next time it does a dynamic mode allocation, it makes sure that at least n bytes are allocated. EXAMPLE The following program fragment in strstreambuf.C declares a variable of type strstreambuf and initializes it with string p. The str() member function is called to ensure that the text string p is successfully processed by the strstreambuf constructor.
#include #include #include char* const p = "A very long string indeed " " abcdefghijlkmnopqrstuvwxyz"; int main() { strstreambuf s(p, 0, 0); /* The string p is the strstreambuf. */ /* The get ptr is to the start of p. */ char *tp = s.str(); cout << "length of original string " << strlen(p) << endl; cout << "no. of chars in the strstreambuf string " << strlen(tp) << endl; return 0; }

Compile strstreambuf.C with the following command:
$ CC -X d -o strstreambuf strstreambuf.C # Cfront C++ mode # ANSI C++ mode

$ CC -X w -o strstreambuf strstreambuf.C

Run the compiled program with:
$ strstreambuf length of original string 53 length of strstreambuf string 53

Note how the original string length has not changed. SEE ALSO sbufpub (page 69), strstream (page 79)



Stream I/O


stdiobuf - Specialization of iostream for sdtio FILEs
This section describes stdiobuf, which is a class which specializes a streambuf to deal with the top level input/output structure FILE. stdiobuf is intended to be used when mixing C and C++ code in the same program. New C++ code should use filebufs. #include #include #include class stdiobuf : public streambuf { stdiobuf(FILE* f); FILE* stdiofile(); vir tual ~stdiobuf(); }; Operations on a stdiobuf are reflected on the associated FILE. A stdiobuf is constructed in unbuffered mode, which causes all operations to be reflected immediately in the FILE. seekg()s and seekp()s are translated into fseek()s. setbuf() has its usual meaning; if it supplies a reser ve area, buffering is turned back on.




Stream I/O

EXAMPLE The following program fragment in stdiobuf.C opens the file /etc/passwd for reading, attaches a variable of type stdiobuf to the file, and then prints out a message to show if the stdiobuf is attached properly to the file.
#include #include #include #include #include

int main() { FILE *qw; if (!(qw = fopen("/etc/passwd", "r"))) { cerr << "can't open /etc/passwd\n"; exit(1); } stdiobuf s(qw); FILE *rt if (rt != { cerr << } else { cerr << } return 0; } = s.stdiofile(); qw) "Error in stdiofile()" << endl;

"stdiofile() is working ok" << endl;

Compile stdiobuf.C with the following command:
$ CC -X d -o stdiobuf stdiobuf.C # Cfront C++ mode # ANSI C++ mode

$ CC -X w -o stdiobuf stdiobuf.C

Run the compiled program with:
$ stdiobuf stdiofile() is working ok

This program shows that the stdiofile() member function of stdiobuf returns the correct result in this case. SEE ALSO filebuf (page 22), istream (page 41), ostream (page 53), sbufpub (page 69)



Stream I/O

strstream (sstream)

strstream (sstream) - Specialization of iostream for arrays
This section describes class strstream, which is a specialization of class iostream. strstream deals with input and output style operations on arrays of bytes. #include #include class ios { public: enum open_mode {in, out, ate, app, trunc, nocreate, noreplace}; // and many others, see ios ... }; class istrstream : public strstreambase, public istream { public: istrstream(char*); istrstream(char*, int) ; istrstream(const char*); istrstream(const char*, int); ~istrstream() ; }; class ostrstream : public strstreambase, public ostream { public: ostrstream(); ostrstream(char*, int, int=ios::out); ~ostrstream(); int pcount(); char* str(); }; class strstream : public strstreambase, public iostream { public: strstream(); strstream(char*, int, int mode); ~strstream(); char* str(); };



strstream (sstream)

Stream I/O

strstream specializes iostream for "incore" operations, that is, storing and fetching from arrays of bytes. The streambuf associated with a strstream is a strstreambuf (see ssbuf).


In ­ ­ ­ ­

the following descriptions assume: ssb is a strstreambuf*. ss is a strstream. iss is an istrstream. oss is an ostrstream.

Constructors istrstream(char* cp) Characters are fetched from the (null-terminated) string cp. The terminating null character is not par t of the sequence. Seeks (istream::seekg()) are allowed within that array. istrstream(char* cp, int len) Characters are fetched from the array beginning at cp and extending for len bytes. Seeks (istream::seekg()) are allowed anywhere within that array. ostrstream() Space is dynamically allocated to hold stored characters. ostrstream(char* cp, int n, int mode) Characters are stored into the array star ting at cp and continuing for n bytes. If ios::ate or ios::app is set in mode, then cp is assumed to be a null-terminated string and storing begins at the null character. Otherwise, storing begins at cp. Seeks are allowed anywhere in the array. strstream() Space is dynamically allocated to hold stored characters. strstream(char* cp, int n, int mode) Characters are stored into the array star ting at cp and continuing for n bytes. If ios::ate or ios::app is set in mode, then cp is assumed to be a null-terminated string and storing begins at the null character. Otherwise, storing begins at cp. Seeks are allowed anywhere in the array. istrstream member function iss.rdbuf() Returns the strstreambuf associated with iss.



Stream I/O

strstream (sstream)

ostrstream members oss.rdbuf() Returns the strstreambuf associated with oss. oss.str() Returns a pointer to the array being used and "freezes" the array. Once str has been called the effect of storing more characters into oss is undefined. If oss was constructed with an explicit array, cp is just a pointer to the array. Otherwise, cp points to a dynamically allocated area. Until str is called, deleting the dynamically allocated area is the responsibility of oss. After str returns, the array becomes the responsibility of the user program. oss.pcount() Returns the number of bytes that have been stored into the buffer. This is mainly of use when binar y data has been stored and oss.str() does not point to a null-terminated string. strstream member functions ss.rdbuf() Returns the strstreambuf associated with ss. ss.str() Returns a pointer to the array being used and "freezes" the array. Once str() has been called, the effect of storing more characters into ss is undefined. If ss was constructed with an explicit array, cp is just a pointer to the array. Otherwise, cp points to a dynamically allocated area. Until str is called, deleting the dynamically allocated area is the responsibility of ss. After str() returns, the array becomes the responsibility of the user program.



strstream (sstream)

Stream I/O

EXAMPLE The following program fragment in strstream.C defines a string str1 and then reads from the string like an input stream, by using the >> operator. Each character read from the string is printed on cout.
#include #include const char* const str1 = "A test string to check strstream\n"; /* Use const to make sure that the string, and the pointer */ /* to it, cannot be changed */ int main() { istrstream is((char*) str1); /* Declare variable is using str1 string is.unsetf(ios::skipws); /* By default, an istrstream will skip white space on /* input, change the default behaviour by clearing the /* skipws flag so that it will not skip white space on /* input while (EOF != is.peek()) { char c; is >> c; /* Note how the text string is accessed like an input /* string cout << c; } return 0; } */ */

*/ */ */ */ */

Compile strstream.C with the following command:
$ CC -X d -o strstream strstream.C # Cfront C++ mode # ANSI C++ mode

$ CC -X w -o strstream strstream.C

Run the compiled program with:
$ strstream A test string to check strstream

SEE ALSO istream (page 41), ssbuf (page 74)



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Related publications

Stream I/O


Reliant UNIX 5.43 Programmers`s Reference Manual Contents Description of the commands for program development, C librar y functions and system calls, and a description of a number of header files and C-specific file formats.

Other publications
[6] The C++ Programming Language (2nd Edition) by Bjarne Stroustrup Contents This standard work by C++ originator Bjarne Stroustrup includes an introduction to C and C++ with a large number of examples, three chapters on software development using C++ and a complete reference manual.



- operator != operator * operator *= operator + operator += operator / operator /= operator -= operator == operator 11 12 11 12 11 12 11 12 12 12

A abs() 5 allocate() 64 angle 5 arg() 5 arithmetic operators 11 assignment operators 11, 12 attach() 23, 28 B bad() 33 base() 63 bitalloc() 37 blen() 64 buffer classes 20 buffer extraction 62, 63 C C math librar y 3, 8, 40 c_exception 7 Car tesian functions 5 cerr 19 cin 19




Stream I/O

clear() 32 clog 19 close() 23, 28 comparison operators 11, 12 complex element functions 5 complex math librar y 3 complex.h 3, 4, 7 complex_error() 7, 14 conj() 5 conjugation 5 coordinate systems 3 core classes (iostream) 18 cos() 14 cosh() 8, 14 cosine 3, 14 cout 19 cplxcar tpol 3, 5 cplxerr 3, 7 cplxexp 3, 9 cplxintro 3 cplxops 3, 11 cplxtrig 14 D dec 34 difference arithmetic 11 doallocate() 65 E eback() 63 ebuf() 63 EDOM 4, 8, 10 egptr() 63 eof() 32 epptr() 63 ERANGE 4, 8, 10, 14 errno 4, 7, 8, 10, 14 error handling 7 exp() 8, 9 exponential function 3, 9 extraction operation 42



Stream I/O


F fail() 32 fd() 23 FILE 77 file descriptor 0 19 file descriptor 1 19 file descriptor 2 19 filebuf 20, 22 member function 23, 24, 25 filebuf() 23 fill() 35 fixed 35 flags() 36 flush() 57 format state 33 formatted input 41 formatted output 53 freeze() 75 fstream 20, 26 member function 28, 29 fstream() 27 functions Car tesian 5 hyperbolic 14 polar 5 trigonometric 14 G gcount() 46 get area 63, 66, 70 get pointer 24 get() 45 good() 32 gptr() 63 H hex 34 HUGE 4, hyperbolic hyperbolic hyperbolic

8, 9, 14 cosine 14 functions 3, 14 sine 14

I I/O stream librar y 87



Stream I/O

standard 17 ifstream 20, 26 member function 28, 29 ifstream() 27 imag() 5 in_avail() 70 init() 32 input formatted 41 unformatted 41 input operation 42 input/output 77 internal 34 iomanip.h 50, 51 ios 18, 26, 30 format state 33 manipulators 38 member function 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38 ios() 32 iosintro 17 iostream 19, 79 iostream manipulators 48 iostream.h 17, 19, 21, 40 Iostream_init 19 iostream_withassign 19 is_open() 23 istream 19, 41 manipulators 47 member function 43, 45, 46 istream() 43 istream_withassign 19 istream_withassign() 43 istrstream 20 istrstream() 80 iword() 37 L left 34 libC.a 17 libcomplex.a 3 library complex math math (C) 3 log() 8, 9 88



Stream I/O



3, 9

M magnitude 5 manipulators iostreams math library C 3, 8, 40 math.h 4 N natural logarithm 9 negation arithmetic 11 norm() 5


O oct 34 ofstream 20, 26 member function 28, 29 ofstream() 27 open() 24, 28 operator 10, 15 - 11 != 12 * 11 *= 12 + 11 += 12 / 11 /= 12 -= 12 == 12 arithmetic 11 assignment 11, 12 comparison 11, 12 opfx() 55 osfx() 55 ostream 19, 53 member function 55, 57, 58 output operations 54 ostream() 55 ostream_withassign 19 ostream_withassign() 55 89



Stream I/O

ostrstream 20 ostrstream() 80 out_waiting() 70 output formatted 53 operations 54 unformatted 53 outstream manipulators 58 OVERFLOW 7, 8 overflow() 65 P pbackfail() 65 pbase() 63 pcount() 81 polar functions 5 polar() 5 pow() 9 power 3 power function 9 pptr() 63 precision() 36 predefined streams product arithmetic 11 put area 63, 70 put pointer 24 put() 45, 57 pword() 37 Q quotient arithmetic



R rdbuf() 29, 37, 80, 81 rdstate() 32 real() 6 reserve area 63 right 34 S sbufprot 61



Stream I/O


sbufpub 69 sbumpc() 71 scientific 35 seekoff() 24, 65, 71 seekp() 58 seekpos() 65, 71 setbuf() 24, 29, 65, 71, 76 setf() 36 sgetc() 71 sgetn() 71 showbase 34 showpoint 34 showpos 34 sin() 14 sine 3, 14 SING 7, 8, 10 sinh() 8, 14 skipws 33 snextc() 72 sputbackc() 72 sputc() 72 sputn() 72 sqr t() 9 square of a magnitude 5 square root 3, 9 sstream 79 sstream entry 79 sstreambuf 74 standard error 19 standard I/O stream librar y 17 standard input 19 standard librar y for input/output 17 standard output 19 stderr 19 stdin 19 stdio 35 stdio.h 21, 40 stdiobuf 20, 77 stdiostream 20 stdiostream.h 20 stdout 19 str() 81 stream.h 21



Stream I/O

streambuf 18, 42, 54, 77 pointer 64 streambuf ff 62, 66 streambuf() 62 streams predefined 19 string.h 51 strstream 80 strstream ff 79 strstreambuf 20, 74 strstreambuf() 75 sum arithmetic 11 sync() 24, 66, 72 T tellg() 46 tellp() 58 templates 50 tie() 38 trigonometric functions U unbuffered() 65 UNDERFLOW 7, 8 underflow() 66 unformatted input 41 unformatted output 53 unitbuf 35 unsetf() 36 uppercase 34 W whitespace ff 33 width() 36 write() 57 X xalloc() 37

3, 14



Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Notational conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Complex math classes and functions . . . . . . . cplxintro - Introduction to complex mathematics . cplxcar tpol - Car tesian/Polar functions . . . . . . . . . cplxerr - Error handling functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . cplxexp - Transcendental functions . . . . . . . . . . . ­cplxops - Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ­cplxtrig - Trigonometric and hyperbolic functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 5 7 9 11 14 17 17 22 26 30 41 48 53 61 69 74 77 79

­Classes and functions for stream I/O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ­iosintro - Introduction to buffering, formatting, and input/output ­filebuf - Buffer for file input/output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ­fstream - Specialization of iostrem and streambuf for files . . . . ­ios - Base class for input/output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ­istream - Formatted and unformatted input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ­manip - iostream manipulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ­ostream - Formatted and unformatted output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ­sbufprot - Protected interface of class streambuf . . . . . . . . . . . ­sbufpub - Public interface of class streambuf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ­ssbuf (sstreambuf) - Specialization of streambuf for arrays . . . ­stdiobuf - Specialization of iostream for sdtio FILEs . . . . . . . . . ­strstream (sstream) - Specialization of iostream for arrays . . .

Related publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85




Stream I/O



Stream I/O

Cfront C++ Library
(Reliant UNIX) C++ Classes for Complex Math and Stream I/O Reference Manual
Target group C++ programmers who work on Reliant UNIX with the CDS++ development system. Contents Description of all classes, functions and operations which the CDS++ development system with the C++ libraries compatible with Cfront V3.0.3 provides for complex math and stream I/O. Edition: April 1997 File:

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