The search for supernovae on large Schmidt plates has been
the standard method used by astronomers for decades before the advent of
automated telescopes equipped with CCD cameras. French astronomer
Christian Pollas success is based on this method and the used of a 90cm
Schmidt camera. Supernovae are also currently found with the Palomar
Oschin 48" Schmidt camera, on plates exposed mostly for other purposes
(ie., POSS 2).
Supernovae discoveries with the Palomar Oschin Schmidt are made on
galaxies in the 14-18 magnitude range (graph n.1) and their
brightness range has a peak around magn. 19.
Although these instruments are beyond the reach of amateurs, the use
of photography in supernovae search is still employed by some amateurs.
Resolution and wide fields are a key for a successful photographic program.
Graph n.1
Graph n.2