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WF/PC-1 Data Handbook
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Hubble Space Telescope
WF/PC-1 Data Handbook

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44.3 Header Keywords

Table 44.3 lists the header keywords found in a WF/PC-1.c0h image header that many observers are likely to find useful; the STSDAS tasks hedit or imhead can be used to view any or all of the header and group keywords. WF/PC-1 keywords include items such as observing mode, integration time, and filters used, calibration steps performed and reference files used, and the properties of the data itself (e.g., number of groups, coordinates, scale, flux units, image statistics, and more). In Table 44.3, the group keywords are GROUPS through PHOTBW; keywords INSTRUME through SEQNAME are the general keywords.

WF/PC-1 Header Keywords
Keyword Description
Information about the groups
GROUPS Multi-group image?
GCOUNT Number of groups (number of detectors read out)
Coordinate-related keywords
CRVAL1 RA of reference pixel (deg)
CRVAL2 Declination of reference pixel (deg)
CRPIX1 X coordinate of reference pixel
CRPIX2 Y coordinate of reference pixel
CD1_1 Partial of RA with respect to x
CD1_2 Partial of RA with respect to y
CD2_1 Partial of declination with respect to x
CD2_2 Partial of declination with respect to y
Image Contents
ORIENTAT Orientation of image (deg)
DETECTOR CCD detector: WF 1-4, PC 5-8
Bias level information (columns 3-14 of the .x0h/.x0d file)
DEZERO Bias level from EED extended register
BIASEVEN Bias level based on average of odd columns in x0h/x0d file
BIASODD Average bias level based on average of even columns
Pixel statistics
GOODMIN Minimum value of "good" pixels (not flagged in DQF)
GOODMAX Maximum value of "good" pixels
DATAMEAN Mean value of "good" pixels
GPIXELS Number of good pixels
Photometry keywords
PHOTMODE Photometry mode
PHOTFLAM Inverse sensitivity (units of erg/sec/cm2/е for 1 DN/sec)
PHOTZPT Zero point (currently -21.10, if DOPHOTOM = yes)
PHOTPLAM Pivot wavelength (in angstroms)
PHOTBW rms bandwidth of filter (in angstroms)
Image keywords
INSTRUME Instrument used; always WFPC for either WF or PC
ROOTNAME Rootname of the observation set
FILETYPE SHP - standard header packet
EXT - extracted engineering file
EDQ - EED data quality file
SDQ - science data quality file
SCI - science data file
CAMERA Camera in use: WF (wide-field), PC (planetary)
MODE Mode: FULL (full resol.) or AREA (2x2 pixel summation)
SERIALS Serial clocks: ON, OFF
Data type keywords
CDBSFILE GENERIC/BIAS/DARK/PREF/FLAT/MASK/ATOD/NO Is the image a reference file and if yes, type is specified
Reference file selection keywords
DATE Date file written (dd/mm/yy)
FILTNAM1 First filter name
FILTNAM2 Second filter name; blank if none
FILTER1 First filter number (0-48) (Historical, but used in SOGS)
FILTER2 Second filter number (0-48)
PFILTER1 Preflash Filter 1 number (0-48); always 1=F122M
PFILTER2 Preflash Filter 2 number (0-48); always 47=F1083N (WF) 35=F1042M (PC)
SHUTTER Shutter in place during preflash or INTFLAT (A, B, or Unknown)
Calibration switches
MASKCORR Do mask correction: YES, NO, DONE
ATODCORR Do A-to-D correction: YES, NO, DONE
BLEVCORR Do bias level correction: YES, NO, DONE
BIASCORR Do bias correction: YES, NO, DONE
PREFCORR Do preflash correction: YES, NO, DONE
PURGCORR Do purge correction-always NO
DARKCORR Do dark correction: YES, NO, DONE
FLATCORR Do flatfield correction: YES, NO, DONE
DOSATMAP Output Saturated Pixel Map-always NO
DOPHOTOM Fill photometry keywords: YES, NO, DONE
DOHISTOS Make histograms: YES, NO, DONE
Calibration reference files used1
MASKFILE Name of the input DQF of known bad pixels
ATODFILE Name of the A-to-D conversion file
BLEVFILE Engineering file with extended register data
BLEVDFIL Engineering file data quality file (DQF) name
BIASFILE Name of the bias frame reference file
BIASDFIL Name of the bias frame reference DQF
PREFFILE Name of the preflash reference file
PREFDFIL Name of the preflash reference DQF
PURGFILE Name of the purge reference file (dummy name)
PURGDFIL Name of the purge reference DQF (dummy name)
DARKFILE Name of the dark reference file
DARKDFIL Name of the dark reference DQF
FLATFILE Name of the flatfield reference file
FLATDFIL Name of the flatfield reference DQF
PHOTTAB Name of the photometry calibration table
SATURATE Data value at which saturation occurs
(always 4095 for WF/PC-1, which includes the bias)
Ephemeris data
PA_V3 Position angle of V3 axis of HST
RA_SUN Right ascension of the sun (deg)
DEC_SUN Declination of the sun (deg)
EQNX_SUN Equinox of the sun
Exposure Information
WEXPODUR Commanded duration of exposure (seconds). For exposures less than 1/2 sec, WEXPODUR is set to 0.
PREFTIME Predicted preflash time (sec); 30 for WFC and 8 for PC
DARKTIME Estimate of darktime (in sec)
Timing information
DATE-OBS UT date of start of observation (dd/mm/yy)
TIME-OBS UT time of start of observation (hh:mm:ss)
EXPSTART Exposure start time (Modified Julian Date)
EXPEND Exposure end time (Modified Julian Date)
EXPTIME Exposure duration (seconds)
Proposal information
TARGNAME Proposer's target name
RA_TARG Right ascension of the target (deg) (J2000)
DEC_TARG Declination of the target (deg) (J2000)

1Calibration reference file keywords are populated even when not used

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