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Дата изменения: Sat Sep 22 19:54:34 2012
Дата индексирования: Tue Oct 2 00:53:38 2012
Jason Kalirai's Homepage -- Friday Seminar Series
Jason Kalirai

The STScI Friday Seminar Series

Please contact Jason Kalirai if you are interested in giving a talk at STScI as a part of this seminar series. The talks are typically held on Fridays (although other dates can be arranged) and are 30-45 minutes in length.


Date Speaker/Affiliation Title Location/Time
Dec 10th, 2010 Stephanie Juneau (Arizona) 401A, Boardroom @ 3:00 pm
Dec 03rd, 2010 Matt Bayliss (Chicago) Strong Lensing Selected Clusters in the SDSS and RCS-2 401A, Boardroom @ 12:30 pm
Nov 19th, 2010 Laura Lopez (UC Santa Cruz) What Drives the Expansion of Giant HII Regions?: A Study of Stellar Feedback in 30 Doradus CafeCon @ 12:30 pm
Nov 12th, 2010 Mike McDonald (UMD) Star Formation and Ionized Filaments in Cooling Flow Clusters 401A, Boardroom @ 3:00 pm
Nov 05th, 2010 Brian O'Shea (MSU) Galaxy Clusters: Not Just for Cosmology any More! 401A, Boardroom @ 12:30 pm
Oct 29th, 2010 Dan Perley (UC Berkeley) Probing Dust Obscuration in the Distant Universe with Gamma-Ray Bursts 401A, Boardroom @ 12:30 pm
Oct 22nd, 2010 Yin-Zhe Ma (Cambridge) 401A, Boardroom @ 12:30 pm
Oct 15th, 2010 Matt Burger (Goddard) 401A, Boardroom @ 12:30 pm
Oct 08th, 2010 Lorenzo Faccioli (LBL) Latest constraints on Dark Energy from the Supernova Cosmology Project (SCP): A Better Treatment of Systematics and the Need for JDEM 401A, Boardroom @ 11:00 am
Sept 30th, 2010 Steven Finkelstein (Texas A & M) Searching for the First Galaxies 401A, Boardroom @ 3:00 pm
Sept 30th, 2010 Keely Finkelstein (Texas A & M) Spitzer Observations of Star Formation in Galactic HII Region Environments - Evidence for Triggered Star Formation 401A, Boardroom @ 3:30 pm
Sept 24th, 2010 Mukremin Kilic (CfA) Binary White Dwarf Mergers and Underluminous Supernovae 401A, Boardroom @ 12:30 pm
Sept 23rd, 2010 Dave Bennett (Notre Dame) The WFIRST Planet Finding Program 401A, Boardroom @ 12:00 pm
Sept 21st, 2010 Pier-Emmanuel Tremblay (Montreal) Improved Model Atmospheres of Hydrogen-Rich White Dwarfs CafeCon, 3:00 pm
Sept 17th, 2010 Kevin Schlaufman (UCSC) Halo Substructure and Milky Way Formation 401A, Boardroom @ 12:30 pm
Jan 22nd, 2010 Maurilio Pannella (NRAO) Star Formation and Dust Obscuration at z ~ 2: Downsizing on the Radio 401A, Boardroom @ 3:30 pm
Jan 08th, 2010 Shannon Patel (UCSC) The Dependence of Galaxy Star Formation Histories on Environment at z~0.8 401A, Boardroom @ 3:00 pm


Date Speaker/Affiliation Title Location/Time
Dec 04th, 2009 Stijn Wuyts (CfA) TBD 401A, Boardroom @ 3:00 pm
Dec 03rd, 2009 Marcel Haas (Leiden) Nature Versus Nurture in Galaxy Formation Simulations 401A, Boardroom @ 12:00 pm
Nov 20th, 2009 Aleks Diamond-Stanic (Arizona) Isotropic Luminosity Indicators in a Complete AGN Sample CafeCon @ 12:30 pm
Nov 06th, 2009 Gurtina Besla (CfA) Observational Constraints on the Orbital Evolution of the Magellanic Clouds and Stream 401A, Boardroom @ 12:30 pm
Oct 23rd, 2009 Bulent Kiziltan (UCSC) New Constraints on Neutron Stars: A Compact Key to Unlock Galactic Mysteries 401A, Boardroom @ 12:30 pm
Oct 16th, 2009 Luisa Rebull (SSC) TBD Auditorium @ 1:00 pm
Oct 12th, 2009 Bob Carswell (IOA/Cambridge) TBD Auditorium @ 12:30 pm
Oct 09th, 2009 Emily Levesque (IfA) The Host Environments of Long-Duration Gamma-Ray Bursts 401A, Boardroom @ 12:30 pm
Sep 25th, 2009 Gabriel Brammer (Yale) The Dead Sequence: A Clear Bimodality in Galaxy Colors from z=0 to z=2.5 401A, Boardroom @ 12:30 pm
Sep 18th, 2009 Mark Westmoquette (UCL) Spatially-resolved Studies of Super Star Cluster Feedback in Starburst Galaxies 401A, Boardroom @ 3:00 pm
Sep 10th, 2009 Julie Comerford (UCB) Inspiralling Black Holes/AGN in Merger Remnant Galaxies 401A, Boardroom @ 12:30 pm
Aug 20th, 2009 Kirsten Howley (UCSC) NGC 205 and M32, Understanding Andromeda's Tidally Distorted Satellites Auditorium @ 12:30 pm
Aug 03rd, 2009 Ohad Shemmer (Texas) Multi-wavelength Studies of AGN CafeCon @ 12:30 pm
July 30th, 2009 Max Vozoff (SpaceX) Falcons and Dragons: SpaceX Enabling Space Science and Missions Auditorium @ 12:00 pm
July 20th, 2009 Juan Madrid (McMaster University) Structural Parameters of the M87 Globular Clusters CafeCon @ 12:30 pm
July 17th, 2009 Cristian Saez (Penn State) Evolution of Inflows and Outflows in AGNs CafeCon @ 12:30 pm
July 10th, 2009 Dmitriy Tseliakhovich (Caltech) Synergy Between Particle Physics and Astronomy B611, Bloomberg @ 12:30 pm
June 26th, 2009 Jane Rigby (OCIW) Lensed Galaxies at High Redshift: A Preview of JWST Science 401A, Boardroom @ 12:30 pm
June 19th, 2009 Alberto Bolatto (University of Maryland) Star Formation in Galaxies from the Local Universe Perspective CafeCon @ 12:30 pm
June 12th, 2009 Christopher Thom (University of Chicago) OVI in the Low-z Universe 401A, Boardroom @ 12:30 pm
May 29th, 2009
May 15th, 2009 Andrew West (MIT) Galactic Stratigraphy, Magnetic Activity and the Kinematics of M dwarfs: Probing the Evolution and Structure of the Milky Way with its Smallest Constituents 401A, Boardroom @ 12:30 pm
May 14th, 2009 Alak Ray (Tata Institute) Binary Radio Pulsars in Globular Clusters: Their Orbital Eccentricities and Interaction with Other Stars 401A, Boardroom @ 12:30 pm
May 08th, 2009 Xander Tielens -- Caroline Herschel Lecture Auditorium @ 1:30 pm
May 01st, 2009
April 17th, 2009 Christine Jones (CfA) -- Caroline Herschel Lecture Reflections of AGN Outbursts in the Hot Gas in Galaxies and Clusters Auditorium @ 12:30 pm
April 3rd, 2009 James Miller Jones (NRAO) Radio Observations of Quiescent Black Hole X-ray Binary Systems CafeCon @ 12:30 pm
March 20th, 2009 Elena D'Onghia (CfA) The Origin of Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies Auditorium @ 12:30 pm
March 17th, 2009 Eniko Regos (CERN) Low-Scale Gravity Black Holes at LHC Auditorium @ 12:30 pm
March 16th, 2009 Lutz Haberzettl (University of Louisville, Kentucky) The Clowes-Campusano Large Quasar Group Survey 401A, Boardroom @ 12:30 pm
March 6th, 2009
Feb 20th, 2009
Feb 06th, 2009
Jan 23rd, 2009 John Silverman (ETH) Co-evolving Star Formation and AGN Activity Within the zCOSMOS Density Field Auditorium @ 12:30 pm


Date Speaker/Affiliation Title Location/Time
Dec 12th, 2008 Ashley Ruiter (NMSU) Gravitational Waves from Galactic Populations of White Dwarf Binaries CafeCon @ 12:30 pm
Nov 14th, 2008 Kyoung-Soo Lee (Yale) Constraining the Nature of Star Formation at High Redshift Auditorium @ 12:00 pm
Oct 31st, 2008 Anne-Marie Weijmans (Leiden) The Structure of Dark and Luminous Matter in Early-type Galaxies Cafecon @ 12:30 pm