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Russian Entomol. J. 16(2): 207-210


Discovery of the monotypic oriental genus Mimomalthinus Pic, 1931 (Coleoptera: Cantharidae) in the Russian Far East Находка монотипного ориентального рода Mimomalthinus Pic, 1931 (Coleoptera: Cantharidae) на Дальнем Востоке России Sergey V. Kazantsev С.В. Казанцев
Donetskaya 13-326 , Moscow 109651, Russia e-mail: kazantss@mail.ru . 13-326, 109651,

KEY WORDS: Coleoptera, Cantharidae, Malthininae, new species, biogeography, Palaearctic and Oriental regions. : Coleoptera, Cantharidae, Malthininae, , , . ABSTRACT. Mimomalthinus shokhrini sp.n., a new species of the previously monotypic genus of soldierbeetles, is described from Maritime Territory. Provided is a redescription of Mimomalthinus Pic, 1931, so far known by one specimen from Northern Vietnam. . Mimomalthinus shokhrini sp.n., , . Mimomalthinus Pic, 1931, .

Mimomalthinus Pic, 1931
Mimo malthi nus Pic , 1931 : 98 Type species: M. niger Pic, 1931:98, by monotypy

The monotypic genus Mimomalthinus Pic, 1931 was created for accommodation of M. niger Pic, 1931 from "Tonkin" (Northern Vietnam) [Pic, 1931]. Brancucci [1980] who studied the holotype of M. niger, which has so far been the only known Mimomalthinus specimen, confirmed the validity of the genus and attributed it to Malthinini (Malthininae). He noted that Mimomalthinus is readily separable from other malthinines "par une tкte bosselйe et ruguleusement ponctuйe, par un pronotum quadrangulaire et par des йlytres couvrant presque complиtement l'abdomen, sur lesquels on peut voir des traces de cфtes limitйes par une ponctuation grossiиre et obsolete". Placed near Malthinus Latreille, 1806, Mimomalthinus was additionally separated from it "par des hanches postйrieures inermes". The discovery of a representative of Mimomalthinus in material from the Russian Far East, being of certain biogeographic interest in itself, allows redescribing this genus in more detail and defining more accurately its position in the tribe. The following acronym is used in this paper: ICM -- Insect Center, Moscow.

REDESCRIPTION. Male. Alate, slender, elongate, moderately flattened. Head narrowed behind eyes (Fig. 2). Clypeus transverse, rounded anteriorly (Fig. 2). Eyes relatively small, lateral, spherical (Fig. 2). Mandibles with prominent tooth and premolar bulb (Fig. 2). Maxillary palps slender, 4-segmented, with ultimate palpomere pointed distally. Labial palps minute, 3-segmented, with ultimate palpomere pointed distally. Gular sutures non-fused, noticeably separated, almost obsolete in proximal half (Fig. 2). Antenna 11-segmented, long, filiform; scapus long, pedicel only slightly shorter than antennomere 3 (Fig. 3); antennal pubescence short and erect. Pronotum transverse, rectangular, narrowly margined laterally, with noticeable posterior angles (Figs 1, 4). Prosternum narrow; mesoventrite with preepisterna 2 fused with each other and with mesepisterna (Fig. 5). Mesonotum with scutellum attaining to anterior margin; scutellum with transverse postnotal plate. Elytra elongate, with traces of longitudinal costae. Metanotum transverse, with almost straight scutoscutellar ridge; allocristae starting near the middle of scutum; scutellum without median suture. Metaventrite transverse, with noticeable paired suture in anterior third; discrimen (metasternal suture) short, present at ca. one posterior third (Fig. 5). Metendosternite small, without lateral arms (Fig. 5). Metathoracic wing with simple Cu vein; cu-a brace absent. P ro- and mesocoxae long; metacoxae relatively short, narrowly separated (Fig. 5). Legs long and narrow; trochanters short, obliquely connected to femora; femora and tibiae straight, tibial spurs minute and inconspicuous; tarsomeres narrow, all claws simple. Ultimate ventrite dilated and trilobed distally (Fig. 6). Aedeagus with developed laterophyses; median lobe formed by complex structures (Figs 7-8). Female. Similar to male, but antennae shorter, not surpassing elytra in length. External female genitalia with nondivided paraproct and separate divided coxites (Fig. 9).


Sergey V. Kazantsev

2 1






5 9
Figs 1-9. Details of Mimomalthinus spp.: 1 -- M. niger Pic, pronotum [after Brancucci, 1980]; 2-9 -- M. shokhrini sp.n.; 2 -- head; 3 -- antennomeres 1-4; 4 -- pronotum; 5 -- meso- and metathorax; 6 -- terminal abdominal segments; 7-8 -- aedeagus; 9 -- external female genitalia; 1-8 -- holotype #; 9 -- paratype $; 1, 3-4 -- dorsal view; 2, 5-7, 9 -- ventral view; 8 -- lateral view. Рис. 1-9. Детали строения Mimomalthinus spp.: 1 -- M. niger Pic, переднеспинка [по Brancucci, 1980]; 2-9 -- M. shokhrini sp.n.: 2 -- голова; 3 -- антенномеры 1-4; 4 -- переднеспинка; 5 -- средне- и заднегрудь; 6 -- вершинные сегменты брюшка; 7-8 -- эдеагус; 9 -- внешние женские гениталии; 1-8 -- голотип #; 9 -- паратип $; 1, 3-4 -- сверху; 2, 5-7, 9 -- снизу; 8 -- сбоку.

Discovery of the monotypic oriental genus Mimomalthinus in the Russian Far East


Fig. 10. Disjunctive distribution area of Mimomalthinus Pic, 1931. Рис. 10. Дизъюнктивный ареал Mimomalthinus Pic, 1931.

DIAGNOSIS. Mimomalthinus may be differentiated from Malthinus by the non-fused gular sutures (Fig. 2), rectangular pronotum (Figs 1, 4) and short metacoxae (Fig. 5). DISTRIBUTION. The disjunctive distribution area of Mimomalthinus comprises two isolated and distant localities, in Northern Vietnam and in the Russian Far East (South Maritime Territory) (Fig. 10).

Mimomalthinus shokhrini sp.n. Figs 2-9
MATERIAL: Holotype, # -- FE Russia, Primorskij Kr., Lazovskij Reserve, Korpad', 43њ15?17??N 134њ08?E, 1.VII.2005, V. Shokhrin & Yu. Sundukov leg. (ICM); paratypes: $ -- FE Russia, Primorskij Kr., Lazovskij Reserve, Proselochnaya, 43њ00?34??N 134њ0743??E, 11-12.VII.2005, K. Makarov leg.; $ -- FE Russia, Primorskij Kr., env. Lazo, 43њ22?43??N 133њ54?E, 12-13.VII.2005, V. Shokhrin leg. (ICM).

DESCRIPTION. Slender and elongate. Black; coxa ces and trochanters yellowish. Male. Eyes relatively small (interocular distance times greater than eye radius) (Fig. 2). Antennae long, two ultimate antennomeres surpassing elytral length,

l apica. 4 with with

antennomere 3 slightly longer than antennomere 2 and ca. 1.4 times shorter than antennomere 4. P ronotum transverse, 1.3 times wider than long, roughly and densely punctuate, with noticeable anterior and prominent acute posterior angles (Fig. 4). Scutellum triangular, narrowly emarginate at apex. Elytra long, 3.5 times as long as wide at humeri, parallelsided, with noticeable traces of longitudinal costae. Aedeagus with long narrow laterophyses and deeply incised dorsal blade (Figs 7-8). Female. Similar to male, but antennae shorter, attaining to ca. four fifths of elytra. Length: 4.7-4.8 mm. Width (humerally): 1.0-1.2 mm. ETYMOLOGY. M. shokhrini sp.n. is named after Valeryi Shokhrin who collected one of the specimens of the type series. DIAGNOSIS. M. shokhrini sp.n. is easily distinguished from M. niger, the second known species of the genus described from "Tonkin" (Northern Vietnam), by the uniformly black coloration and more conspicuous posterior pronotal angles [Fig. 4].


Sergey V. Kazantsev
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. It is my pleasant duty to express gratitude to K.V. Makarov (Moscow P edagogical University) and Yu. Sundukov (Lazovskij Reserve, Lazo), through whose courtesy I was able to study the Cantharidae collections in their care.

Brancucci [19 80] no tes that Mimomalthinus is separated from Ma lth inus, in add ition to the characters defin ed ab ove, b y the ro ugh ly pu nctuate h ead and the lo ng elytra, co mpletely covering th e abdo men an d b earin g traces of lo ngitud in al costae. However, the latter characters may also be fo und in some Ma lth inus p rop er sp ecies, e. g., in the widespread an d common Eu rop ean M. b igu tta tus (Linnй, 1758). Therefore, they are omitted fro m the diagn osis. On th e o ther h and , the structure o f the male and female genitalia of Mimomalthinus th at remained un kno wn until no w, is ap parently close to th at of Ma lth inus (Figs 7-9 ) and, adding little to segregate th e two gen era, seems to con firm its po sitio n with in th e M althinin i. Biogeographically, Mimomalthinus is one of the several cantharid genera whose distribution area lies within the Subregio Palaearchaearctica [Semenov-Tian-Shanskij, 1936]. However, with the discovery of a representative in the Russian Far East, it becomes the first one to be distributed only in the northern and southern extremities of the subregio, being absent in all of China, Korea and Japan (Fig. 10).

S emenov -Tian-S hanskij A.P . 19 36 (Семено в-Тян-Шански й А.П.). Les limites et les subdivisions zoogйographiques de la rйgion palйarctique pour les animaux terrestres, basйes sur la distribution gйographique des insectes Colйoptиres (avec une carte gйographique) [Пределы и зоогеографически е по д разд елени я Палеар кти ческой о б ласти для наземных сухопутных животных на основании географического распред еления жестко крылых насек омых (С картой)] // Труды Академии наук СССР. С.1-15. B rancucci M. 1 9 80. Mo rp hol o gi e co mp arйe, йv o lutio n et systйmatique des Cantharidae. (Insecta: Coleoptera) // Entomologica Basiliensia. Vol.5. P.215-388. Pi c M. 1 93 1. In: Pi c M. 1 924 - 1 939 . Mal acod ermes exo ti ques // L 'E change , ho rs tex te. V o l .4 0-55 (418-477 ). P.1- 4 7 2.