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    1. SAO Summer Intern Program Projects, 2011
    ... PROJECT TITLE: Dynamics of Dense Cores in Simulated and Observed Molecular Clouds . ... hundred parsecs or lightyears), many molecular clouds have been detected where star ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 20.8 Кб -- 01.10.2012
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    2. SAO Summer Intern Program Projects, 2011
    ... PROJECT TITLE: Dynamics of Dense Cores in Simulated and Observed Molecular Clouds . ... hundred parsecs or lightyears), many molecular clouds have been detected where star ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 21.1 Кб -- 01.10.2012
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    3. SAO Summer Intern Program Projects, 2012
    ... TITLE: Mass Segregation in Dense Cores of Simulated and Observed Molecular Clouds ... hundred parsecs or lightyears), many molecular clouds have been detected where star ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 20.9 Кб -- 27.02.2014
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    4. Intern Directory
    ... Analyzing Molecular Clouds Using the Spectral Correlation Function . ... An Infrared Survey of Protostars in the Perseus Molecular Cloud . Becca McMullen . ... Association of Supernova Remnants and Molecular Clouds in the Large Magellanic Cloud ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 28.0 Кб -- 01.10.2012
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    5. The AstroStat Slog Blog Archive [ArXiv] 3rd week, Feb. 2008
    ... astro-ph:0802.2944] E. W. Rosolowsky Structural Analysis of Molecular Clouds: Dendrograms . [astro-ph:0802.3185] G. Efstathiou . ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 24.6 Кб -- 01.03.2014
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    6. SAO Summer Intern Program Projects, 2003
    ... of turbulence in star-forming molecular clouds, and they inject significant amounts ... An Examination of Starless Molecular Cloud Cores in SIRTF Core-to-Disks Sample . ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 36.6 Кб -- 01.10.2012
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    7. SAO Summer Intern Program Projects, 2004
    ... learned that 1.) stars form in cold molecular clouds, 2.) that stars form not in ... regions, including a survey of young stellar clusters and the Orion Molecular clouds ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 25.0 Кб -- 01.10.2012
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    ... The local giant molecular cloud in Orion has only 104 M of gas producing a few ... e-on spiral galaxies show that dozens of molecular clouds with 105 - 106 M producing ...
    [ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 434.2 Кб -- 08.10.2009
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    9. Reading Quiz
    ... a) the Big Bang. b) another star. c) a molecular cloud. d) a protostar. e) all of the above. Giant stars are rare because . ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 3.8 Кб -- 01.10.2012
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    10. Reading Quiz PAUL J. GREEN - ConcepTests
    ... a) the Big Bang. b) another star. c) a molecular cloud. d) a protostar. e) all of the above. Giant stars are rare because . ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 3.8 Кб -- 01.10.2012
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