... escape of atomic and molecular hydrogen into space occurs due to its low masses and high velocities, it leads to depletion of hydrogen content in species captured by lunar cold traps in comparison with that in the impact-produced cloud at the time of ...
Ссылки http://selena.sai.msu.ru/Kozl/Publications/ASR%20Origin%20and%20Stability.pdf -- 395.1 Кб -- 22.04.2013 Похожие документы
... of the EKB could begin several 105 yr after the collapse of the protosolar cloud ... for d 0.8 R and the molecular thermal diffusivity is substituted for the effective ...
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... Key words: Moon, astrochemistry, molecular processes, comets: general, gamma rays ... r/R max , is the velocity of the outer cloud edge, R max max is the radius of edge ...
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