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  • 1.
    ... The dense molecular cloud cores are probably immediate parents of stars. ... However, the molecular clouds themselves arise obviously from some structures of ... that is well de ned for molecular clouds, is completely absent in the case of HI ...
    [ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 102.5 Кб -- 21.05.2007
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    ... the J = 1 , 0 HCN hyper ne structure and clumpiness of dense molecular cloud cores ... 0 HCN observations toward dense molecular cloud cores associated with Galactic high ...
    [ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 120.3 Кб -- 21.05.2007
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    3. VIII Russian-Finnish Symposium on Radioastronomy
    ... Anomalies of the J = 1 - 0 HCN hyperfine structure and clumpiness of dense molecular cloud cores. Implications for S140 IRS1 . ... 111k) . p102.pdf . (233k) . S 76 E: a case of violent massive star formation in a very cold giant molecular cloud . ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 29.3 Кб -- 21.05.2007
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    ... 3 64.9 ± 35.6 70.7 ± 3.6 36.3 ± 3.5 68.7 ± 1.3 133.6 ± 33.0 68.4 ± 4.9 67.5 ± 1.0 1.06 3.58 3.74 in molecular clouds 6 [17] Ellipticity of galaxy clusters 0.37 ± 0.05 0.27 ± 0.07 0.24 ± 0.08 0.26 ± 0.06 0.09 ± 0.07 0.27 ± 0.03 0.028 0.047 0.055 In Case C ...
    [ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 490.9 Кб -- 02.09.2014
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    ... On the other hand due to extremely low Tk only several K and nH2 = 103:::106 cm,3 dark clouds can be considered as unique physical laboratories" to study intermolecular collisions and spectroscopic molecular constants. ...
    [ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 558.0 Кб -- 21.05.2007
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    6. Z. Malkin's Acronym Collection
    ... Cloud Satellite Climatology Project ISCEA Institute of Seismology, China Earthquake Administration ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network (Integrated Synchronous Digital Network) ISEE International Sun-Earth Explorer ISES International Space Environment ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 328.3 Кб -- 03.04.2016
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