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    1. Positive Ions
    ... sunrise, so that while the canisters explode in full sunlight, observers on the ground can watch the cloud against the dark sky: soon a bluish ion cloud separates from the green one, usually elongated or striped in the direction of the magnetic field ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 8.4 Кб -- 21.12.2007
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    2. Positive Ions
    ... sunrise, so that while the canisters explode in full sunlight, observers on the ground can watch the cloud against the dark sky: soon a bluish ion cloud separates from the green one, usually elongated or striped in the direction of the magnetic field ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 14.4 Кб -- 21.12.2007
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    3. The Planet Jupiter
    ... The visible surface of Jupiter is a deck of clouds of ammonia crystals, the tops of which occur at a level where the pressure ... The bulk of the atmosphere is made up of 89% molecular hydrogen (H2) and 11% helium (He). ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 9.5 Кб -- 15.10.1997
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    4. The Fragmentation of Comets
    ... two forces, its self-gravitation and its internal strength due to molecular bonding ... just from self-gravitation (and from very weak molecular forces -- surface tension ... Solid bodies have intrinsic strength due to their molecular bonds. ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 5.3 Кб -- 15.10.1997
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    5. Titan
    ... It is composed primarily of molecular nitrogen (as is Earth's) with no more than 6 ... T here are probably two layers of clouds at about 200 and 300 km above the surface. ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 10.2 Кб -- 21.04.1999
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    ... cloud morphology at the upper cloud level of Venus from VMC/Venus Express» M.V. Patsaeva, I.V. Khatuntsev, D.V. Patsaev, D.V. Titov, N.I. Ignatiev, W.J. Markiewicz, A.V. Rodin; The relationship between mesoscale circulation and cloud morphology at the ...
    [ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 490.5 Кб -- 24.12.2015
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    7. Jupiter
    ... at these planets is the tops of clouds high in their atmospheres (slightly above the ... from Galileo 's atmospheric probe goes down only about 150 km below the cloud tops ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 24.5 Кб -- 28.04.1999
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    8. Тема ДИАГНОСТИКА Диагностика поверхностей объектов Солнечной системы по
    ... Managadze G.G., Brinckerhoff W.B., Chumikov A.E. Molecular synthesis in hypervelocity impact plasmas on the primitive Earth and in interstellar clouds// Geophys. ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 12.0 Кб -- 21.12.2006
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    9. Space Research Institute (IKI) Seminar
    ... Molecular synthesis in recombinating impact plasma " . G.G. Managadze (SRI RAS) . ... It is shown, that synthesis of molecular lons takes place predominantly in high ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 6.3 Кб -- 14.02.2002
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    10. Microwave Remote Sensing
    ... 11.6.3 Molecular oxygen .470 . 11.6.4 Atmospheric water vapour . 474 . ... 12.2 Microwave remote sensing of cloud fields.488 . ... 12.2.1 Cloud classification schemes - the contribution of . ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 25.5 Кб -- 26.10.2005
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