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    101. Beneath the Nebula
    ... into a region of lower extinction, i.e., out of the molecular cloud and into the PDR ... of the nebula, and the YSO outflow embedded in the molecular cloud beneath it ... that they are moving out of the molecular cloud and into the PDR, much like the ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 56.1 Кб -- 08.04.2016
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    102. Disruption of the cloud
    ... Schultz etб al (1999) speculate that the ``V'' and ``jet'' are the result of the confinement of the flow by the molecular cloud (note the absence of emission in the northwest quadrant of Figureб 3b). ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 51.9 Кб -- 08.04.2016
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    103. CASS News and Events
    ... The Mopra Southern Galactic Plane CO Survey - the formation of molecular clouds ... The PAWS View of Giant Molecular Clouds, Gas Flows and Star Formation in M51-- Annie ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 491.1 Кб -- 12.04.2016
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    ... It is also very abundant, so n « ncr optical depths in molecular clouds are often »1 ... lecture Most often, mm telescopes spend time on PMS stars & molecular clouds ...
    [ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 1186.8 Кб -- 19.05.2003
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    105. ATNF Colloquium
    ... Infrared Dark Clouds (IRDCs) are cold, dense molecular clouds identified as extinction features against the bright mid-IR Galactic background. ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 27.2 Кб -- 01.03.2014
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    106. ATNF Colloquium
    ... Silvia Leurini . Galaxy Lunch - Silvia Leurini on Sequential star formation in the G351.77-0.54 molecular cloud complex. ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 27.1 Кб -- 01.03.2014
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    107. ATNF Colloquium
    ... Michael Burton . Michael Burton Colloquium -- The Mopra Southern Galactic Plane CO Survey - the formation of molecular clouds. ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 26.2 Кб -- 12.04.2016
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    108. IAU Symposium 242
    ... A search for water masers within the G333.2-0.6 giant molecular cloud . Yes . Yes . ... Astrometry of H$_{2}$O maser sources in nearby molecular clouds with VERA . Yes . ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 91.3 Кб -- 28.02.2014
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    ... Methanol megamasers are associated with star-forming regions and molecular clouds. ... Methanol megamasers are associated with giant molecular clouds and HII regions. ...
    [ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 328.8 Кб -- 19.03.2002
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    ... Methanol megamasers are associated with star­forming regions and molecular clouds. ... Methanol megamasers are associated with giant molecular clouds and HII regions. ...
    [ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 1072.1 Кб -- 19.03.2002
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