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    ... Region We propose to carry out a high spectral resolution survey of a 60 square degree region of the Taurus Molecular Cloud ...
    [ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 46.8 Кб -- 15.08.2006
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    32. Galactic Spiral Structure in H I Emission and Self-Absorption
    ... Molecular clouds are enmeshed in webs of diffuse atomic gas that contain important ... The nearby molecular cloud complex MBM 53-55 ( Magnani et al. ... the origins of the shell-like structure and the formation of the molecular clouds ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 4.1 Кб -- 21.12.2007
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    ... HI column density image of the Taurus molecular cloud obtained recently with ALFA ... 6 How do molecular clouds form? All stars are formed deep inside molecular clouds. ...
    [ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 399.9 Кб -- 05.05.2006
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    ... The determination of the CO-H2 conversion factor for molecular clouds is one of the most important steps in deriving the ... The class of translucent molecular clouds has a variation in the CO-H2 conversion factor of about an order of magnitude from ...
    [ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 96.0 Кб -- 19.04.2004
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    ... one of the most important parameters affecting molecular clouds and star formation ... however, its measurement in molecular clouds remains an exceedingly difficult task ...
    [ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 58.4 Кб -- 11.09.2012
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    ... ABSTRACT: We propose to carry out a high spectral resolution survey of a 60 square degree region of the Taurus Molecular Cloud ...
    [ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 85.5 Кб -- 15.08.2006
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    ... Minimum Useful Time: Prop osal Title: Regular Astronomy Spectroscopy Galactic 2 Hours 30 min Testing for stimulated absorption in a molecular cloud by maser emission from an OH/IR star ABSTRACT: Weisberg et al (2005) searched 20 pulsars for OH absorption ...
    [ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 48.8 Кб -- 10.02.2011
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    38. ISM Small-Scale Structure and Power Spectrum References
    ... of a Large Number of Very Small Molecular Clouds Possibly Formed via Shocks ... Observational Probes of the Small-Scale Structure of Molecular Clouds '' . ... Detection of AU-Scale Structure in Molecular Clouds '' . ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 43.7 Кб -- 14.02.2009
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    ... We prop ose to observe DI at 327 MHz most deuterated known molecular cloud (NGC 1333) in which ND3, D2S, ND2H, D2CO,CHD2OH, and ...
    [ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 40.1 Кб -- 21.05.2005
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    ... Spectroscopy Observation Category: Galactic Total Time Requested: 40 Hours Proposal Title: DI in the Most Deuterated Known Molecular Cloud: A Key to Understanding Deuterium Astrochemistry ABSTRACT: We propose to observe DI at 327 MHz most deuterated known ...
    [ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 88.9 Кб -- 12.05.2005
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