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    51. APEX Turns its Eye to Dark Clouds in Taurus | ESO United States
    ... The Taurus Molecular Cloud, in the constellation of Taurus (The Bull), lies about ... The Taurus Molecular Cloud is particularly dark at visible wavelengths, as it lacks ... Digitized Sky Survey Image of part of the Taurus Molecular Cloud . ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 97.3 Кб -- 11.04.2016
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    52. Curtain-Lifting Winds Allow Rare Glimpse into Massive Star Factory | ESO
    ... several objects located near a giant molecular cloud were found to be bona-fide ... of the dense gas in the giant molecular cloud, from which the young stars in NGC ... carved a cavity" in the molecular cloud; this comparatively empty and transparent ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 103.8 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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    53. The Cool Clouds of Carina | ESO
    ... study the interactions between these young stars and their parent molecular clouds ... The image therefore reveals the clouds of dust and molecular gas т?? mostly hydrogen ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 96.5 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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    54. Where Did All the Stars Go? | ESO
    ... Particularly dense molecular clouds , like LDN 483, qualify as dark nebulae because ... dust contracting under the force of gravity within the surrounding molecular cloud ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 94.6 Кб -- 10.04.2016
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    55. Dr. Ke Wang - ESO fellow - Astronomer
    ... stars by observing their parent molecular clouds at high angular resolution, using ... Infrared dark clouds, molecular filaments . ... J = 2-1 line width in molecular clouds and bolometric luminosity of associated IRAS ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 24.8 Кб -- 16.10.2015
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    56. No "Missing Mass" in Opaque Spiral Galaxies? | ESO Australia
    ... known that much of the mass of molecular clouds is made up of molecular hydrogen gas ... galaxies contain many more interstellar, molecular clouds than detected before, then ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 96.2 Кб -- 12.04.2016
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    57. No "Missing Mass" in Opaque Spiral Galaxies? | ESO Ireland
    ... known that much of the mass of molecular clouds is made up of molecular hydrogen gas ... galaxies contain many more interstellar, molecular clouds than detected before, then ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 96.2 Кб -- 11.04.2016
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    ... High mass star and cluster formation . Turbulence in molecular clouds . ... High-mass star formation . Chemistry of molecular clouds . ... ISM/ molecular cloud chemistry . б  . Personal Homepage . Wang, Ke . ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 120.1 Кб -- 10.04.2016
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    59. No "Missing Mass" in Opaque Spiral Galaxies? | ESO United States
    ... known that much of the mass of molecular clouds is made up of molecular hydrogen gas ... galaxies contain many more interstellar, molecular clouds than detected before, then ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 96.2 Кб -- 11.04.2016
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    60. No "Missing Mass" in Opaque Spiral Galaxies? | ESO United Kingdom
    ... known that much of the mass of molecular clouds is made up of molecular hydrogen gas ... galaxies contain many more interstellar, molecular clouds than detected before, then ...
    [ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 96.2 Кб -- 13.04.2016
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