Найдено документов: 309 ---- Время поиска: 2.55сек. |
Каталог астрономических ресурсов
51. APOD: September 25, 1999 - Twistin By The Lagoon
... Explanation: The awesome spectacle of starbirth produces extreme stellar winds and intense energetic starlight -- bombarding dusty molecular clouds inside the Lagoon Nebula ( M8 ). ...
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Ссылки http://www.sai.msu.su/apod/ap990925.html -- 4.5 Кб -- 02.10.2012
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52. APOD: January 23, 1997 - Twistin' by the Lagoon
... Explanation : The awesome spectacle of starbirth produces extreme stellar winds and intense energetic starlight -- bombarding dusty molecular clouds inside the Lagoon Nebula ( M8 ). ...
Сохраненная копия
Ссылки http://www.sai.msu.su/apod/ap970123.html -- 4.9 Кб -- 02.10.2012
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53. APOD: 2011 July 28 - NGC 6188 and NGC 6164
... The emission nebula is found near the edge of a large molecular cloud, unseen at visible wavelengths, in the southern constellation Ara , about 4,000 light-years away. ...
Сохраненная копия
Ссылки http://www.sai.msu.su/apod/ap110728.html -- 5.2 Кб -- 03.02.2013
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54. APOD: 2014 February 1 - NGC 6188 and NGC 6164
... The emission nebula is found near the edge of a large molecular cloud unseen at visible wavelengths, in the southern constellation Ara . ...
Сохраненная копия
Ссылки http://www.sai.msu.su/apod/ap140201.html -- 5.5 Кб -- 28.02.2014
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55. APOD: 2012 December 28 - NGC 6188 and NGC 6164
... The emission nebula is found near the edge of a large molecular cloud unseen at visible wavelengths, in the southern constellation Ara . ...
Сохраненная копия
Ссылки http://www.sai.msu.su/apod/ap121228.html -- 5.8 Кб -- 03.02.2013
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56. APOD: March 2, 1999 - The Kleinmann Low Nebula
... There, a cluster of young and forming stars is embedded in a molecular cloud filled with dust . ...
Сохраненная копия
Ссылки http://www.sai.msu.su/apod/ap990302.html -- 4.8 Кб -- 02.10.2012
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57. APOD: 2012 February 14 - The Rosette Nebula
... At the edge of a large molecular cloud in Monoceros, some 5,000 light years away, the petals of this rose are actually a stellar nursery whose lovely, symmetric shape is sculpted by the winds and radiation from its central cluster of hot young stars . ...
Сохраненная копия
Ссылки http://www.sai.msu.su/apod/ap120214.html -- 4.8 Кб -- 03.02.2013
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58. APOD: 2015 February 25 - The Rosette Nebula in Hydrogen and Oxygen
... At the edge of a large molecular cloud in Monoceros, some 5,000 light years away, the petals of this rose are actually a stellar nursery whose lovely, symmetric shape is sculpted by the winds and radiation from its central cluster of hot young stars . ...
Сохраненная копия
Ссылки http://www.sai.msu.su/apod/ap150225.html -- 5.7 Кб -- 10.04.2016
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59. APOD: 2006 October 10 - Reflection Nebulas in Orion
Астронет | Научная сеть | ГАИШ МГУ | Поиск по МГУ | О проекте | Авторам
... Explanation: In the vast Orion Molecular Cloud complex, several bright blue nebulas are particularly apparent. ...
Сохраненная копия
Ссылки http://www.sai.msu.su/apod/ap061010.html -- 5.5 Кб -- 02.10.2012
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60. APOD: May 2, 1997 - X-Rays From IC 443
... Known to be interacting with galactic molecular clouds , the expanding supernova remnant was also recently discovered to have regions of intense higher energy X-ray emission (coded blue in this map) near the molecular cloud boundaries. ...
Сохраненная копия
Ссылки http://www.sai.msu.su/apod/ap970502.html -- 4.7 Кб -- 02.10.2012
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