... Molecular Gas in the PegasusPisces Region ABSTRACT: In the last decade, the importance of a largely ignored component of molecularclouds (dubbed somewhat misleadingly as dark molecular gas) has become a source of study and debate over its abundance and ...
Ссылки http://www.naic.edu/vscience/schedule/tpfiles/MagnanitagA3021tp.ps -- 84.1 Кб -- 03.10.2015 Похожие документы
... Proposal Title: Probing Low Temperature and High Density Clouds via 6 cm Formaldehyde Absorption of the CBR ABSTRACT: The lowest transition of ortho-formaldehyde (H2CO) is seen in absorption against the cosmic background radiation in molecularclouds ...
Ссылки http://www.naic.edu/vscience/schedule/tpfiles/EvanstagA1619tp.ps -- 92.7 Кб -- 19.04.2004 Похожие документы
... HISA gas traces the small fraction of molecularcloud gas that is atomic, unless the ... of the shock, where it forms molecularclouds and then the massive stars that de ne ...
Ссылки http://www.naic.edu/~gibson/research/cv_2004jan_resonly_gray.ps.gz -- 450.9 Кб -- 05.01.2004 Похожие документы
... in where the atomic and molecular gas appear in the outer parts of the cloud ... to highlight the more advance chemistry that occurs in the cores of molecularclouds ... of star formation within giant molecularclouds can produce hugely increased IR ...
... of gasнphase oxygen in the dense molecularclouds would explain the high HCNнtoнCO ... an increased Xнray ionization of molecularclouds near the AGN could enhance the ...
Ссылки http://www.naic.edu/~tghosh/a2234/references/molecule_survey.ps -- 2253.2 Кб -- 02.04.2007 Похожие документы
... HISA has traditionally been thought to trace the small fraction of atomic gas in molecularclouds. ... of molecular hydrogen than is usually assumed, or perhaps we are seeing different mixtures of H I and H 2 in different clouds ...