... a technique that splits the light from an object into its component colors - as a prism spreads sunlight into a rainbow ... view; an imaging spectrograph that records 30 images in a rainbow of colors simultaneously; and a specialized wave front sensor ...
Ссылки http://www.aaa.org/EyepieceFiles/aaa/2013_04_April_Eyepiece.pdf -- 2920.6 Кб -- 14.10.2015 Похожие документы
... The craft will take a close look at the Moon's Bay of Rainbows, or Sinus Iridium, which has been proposed as a potential la nding site for China's next Moon mission. ...
Ссылки http://www.aaa.org/EyepieceFiles/aaa/2010_11_November_Eyepiece.pdf -- 681.8 Кб -- 22.02.2015 Похожие документы
... ny aspects of solar physics including stellar life cycles, sun spots, fusion, neutrinos, climate changes, ice ages, the aurora, and rainbows, and then adding the mystical effects of astrology, we gain a unique perspective of ancient cultures and how they ...
Ссылки http://www.aaa.org/EyepieceFiles/aaa/2011_10_October_Eyepiece.pdf -- 617.8 Кб -- 22.02.2015 Похожие документы
... The collabosolar systems in a rainbow of col ors simultaneously; and a rative set of high -tech instrumentation and soft ware, called specialized wavefront sensor built at JPL that is imbedded in Project 1640, is now operating on the Hale telescope at the ...
Ссылки http://www.aaa.org/EyepieceFiles/aaa/2012_08_August_Eyepiece.pdf -- 2709.9 Кб -- 14.10.2015 Похожие документы