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1. High Energy Astrophysics Department at IKI RAN
... Projects . ... High Energy Astrophysics department at IKI, Moscow, is carrying out research in various fields of X-ray astronomy: physical processes in the vicinity of compact sources of x-ray emission, x-ray observations using Russian space observatories MIR/KVANT and GRANAT, development of scientific instrumentation for the SPECTRUM-X-GAMMA mission and International Space Station (ISS), participation in the INTEGRAL project and observations on the RTT-150 optical telescope. 2016 IKI RAN ...
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[ Сохраненная копия ] Ссылки http://hea.iki.rssi.ru/en/index.php?page= -- 3.7 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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[ Сохраненная копия ] Ссылки http://hea.iki.rssi.ru/en/index.php -- 3.7 Кб -- 09.04.2016
[ Сохраненная копия ] Ссылки http://hea.iki.rssi.ru/en/index.php?page= -- 3.7 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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