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На этой странице приведены все страницы, которые ссылаются на http://www.kosmotras.ru/en/gallery/. Показаны документы 1 - 1 из 1.
1. Latest
... ISC Kosmotras News Dnepr Program Dnepr LV Launch Sites Downloads Contact information . ... Cluster Launch of Dnepr LV 22 August 2013 KOMPSAT-5 Launch 21 November 2013. Dnepr Cluster Mission 2013 19 June 2014. ... Dnepr Launch of ASNARO and 4 piggyback microsatellites 26 March 2015 KOMPSAT-3A Launch . ... of the Dnepr Space Launch System based on SS-18 ICBM technology . ... International Space Company (ISC) Kosmotras (a Joint Stock Company) was established in 1997 under the Russian law. ...
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