... Observatory . ... THE HISTORY OF AAAP . ... After introductory remarks by Robert Sanders, founder of the Association, it was moved that the name of the organization be Amateur Astronomers Association of Princeton. ... 2/72 First issue of Sidereal Times, so named by Editor Roxanne Tobin. ... 5/72 Election of officers: Norman Sperling, Director; John Church, Assist. ... Sidereal Times, John gives the following report: . ... Sidereal Times.) ... Amateur Astronomers Association of Princeton Т? 2015. ...
... Synchronous Evolution of Galaxies in Groups: NGC 524 Group O. K. Sil'chenko and V. L. Afanasiev 245 ISSN 1990-3413, Astrophysical Bulletin, 2012, Vol. ... Four of the five galaxies revealed synchronized bursts of star formation in the nuclei 12 Gyr ago. The only galaxy, in which the ages of stellar population in the nucleus and in the bulge coincide (i.e. the nuclear burst of star formation did not take place) is NGC 502, the farthest from the center of the group of all the galaxies studied. ...
... 000, 113 (2010) Printed 21 September 2011 A (MN L TEX style file v2.2) A universal ultraviolet-optical colourcolourmagnitude relation of galaxies I1gor V. Chilingarian1,2, and Ivan Yu. ... Received 2011 Sep 15; in original form 2011 Feb 6 ABSTRACT The bimodal galaxy distribution in the optical colourmagnitude diagram (CMD) comprises a narrow "red sequence" populated mostly by early-type galaxies and a broad "blue cloud" dominated by star-forming systems. ...