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41. Meeting of 2 school in February, 2001
. 1. 2. 3.* . 4. 5. 6.* . 7. 8. 9. 10.* . 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.* . 17. 18. Return to main page . email: shugarov@sai.msu.ru
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Ссылки http://lnfm1.sai.msu.ru/~shugarov/meeting/2001/index.html -- 2.0 Кб -- 31.05.2001
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42. http://xmm.vilspa.esa.es/calibration/documentation/epic_cal_meetings/200502/db_cticolumns.pdf
MOS monitoring Fading Cal sources MOS CTI Column Correction Mallorca EPIC Cal Meeting - February 2005 Darren Baskill: http://www.star.le.ac.uk/~dbl XMM project: http://www.src.le.ac.uk/projects/xmm/ MOS CTI Column Correction Problem spotted in 1E0102.. Mallorca EPIC Cal Meeting - February 2005 Darren Baskill: http://www.star.le.ac.uk/~dbl XMM project: http://www.src.le.ac.uk/projects/xmm/ Problem spotted in 1E0102.. ...
Ссылки http://xmm.vilspa.esa.es/calibration/documentation/epic_cal_meetings/200502/db_cticolumns.pdf -- 1827.9 Кб -- 16.05.2014
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43. European Astronomical Society(EAS): NEWS
European Astronomical Society(EAS): NEWS Dear Colleagues, Please find enclosed some information of interest. ... We would also like to remind you that the time is appropriate to renew your membership for 2006 (see our Web page for procedures). ... And do'nt forget that, in between messages, the latest news can always be found on our Web page: http://www.iap.fr/eas/index.html With kind regards, Michel Dennefeld ************************************************************ Content 1. ...
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Ссылки http://www.sai.msu.su/EAAS/rus/doc/eao_news.html -- 6.6 Кб -- 05.02.2013
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44. S.P.Korolev RSC Energia - News
... S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION ENERGIA . ... OAO RSC "Energia" . ... S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia takes an active part in the proceedings of the 33rd Academic Lectures on Cosmonautics, which began at Bauman Moscow State Technical University (MSTU). ... The Chairman of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Russia V.Y. Churov made a visit to S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia. ... Contribution of RSC Energia to the Russian Rocket-Space Technology . ...
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Ссылки http://www.energia.ru/en/news/news-2013/01-13.html -- 32.2 Кб -- 10.04.2016
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45. Links
... Astronomy and Astronomy Education). http://www.m31.spb.ru/ - "M31" (Astronomy and Astronautics). http://shuserg.chat.ru/ - "Deep Sky and Comets", Amateur Astronomy Web Site. http://www.starlab.ru/ - "StarLab" , Amateur Astronomy Web Site. http://www.astronet.ru:8101/ - "Russian Astronomy Web". http://s985.chat.ru/Index.html - "Астроклуб"- Astro Site for Beginners. http://pages.yahoo.com/nhp?h=science/astronomy/ - Yahoo! GeoCities Astronomy. TELESCOPE MAKING . ... The ATM Web Site. ...
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Ссылки http://southsky.chat.ru/English/Links_Eng.html -- 15.3 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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46. University Satellites and Space Science Education '2006
University Satellites and . Space Science Education . ... Best Tube Porno Videos Porn Sex http ://pittsburghmom.com/ members /INCESTSEXTUBE/default.aspx INCEST PORN , http ://forums.quark.com/ members /INCESTSEX.aspx INCEST SEX , http ://pittsburghmom.com/ members /SEXINCEST/default.aspx SEX INCEST , http ://pittsburghmom.com/ members /SEXINCEST/default.aspx SEX INCEST , http ://pittsburghmom.com/ members /llANALlSEXlTUBEll/default.aspx PORNO ANAL SEX TUBE , ...
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Ссылки http://cosmos.msu.ru/universat2006/main.php?sec=reg&step=view&pid=23090 -- 9.3 Кб -- 24.11.2009
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47. http://solarwind.cosmos.ru/appendix.doc
... Regional planning meeting for the Balkan and Black Sea | ... Proposals for a web site of the Regional Network - Information on regional and global activities - Proceedings of this Meeting - Space Weather Alerts for the public - Form for submitting research and observational proposals - Database of scientific data publicly available - Greece provides solar telescope data - Romania provides data on active regions studied with helioseismis holography - Armenia provides access to...
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48. http://astro.uni-altai.ru/AFgalleries.html
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Ссылки http://astro.uni-altai.ru/AFgalleries.html -- 1.1 Кб -- 01.10.2012
[ Сохраненная копия ] Ссылки http://astroclub.ru/ -- 1.2 Кб -- 09.04.2016
[ Сохраненная копия ] Ссылки http://astronomy.tomsk.ru/google.php -- 1.3 Кб -- 01.10.2012
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[ Сохраненная копия ] Ссылки http://astroclub.ru/ -- 1.2 Кб -- 09.04.2016
[ Сохраненная копия ] Ссылки http://astronomy.tomsk.ru/google.php -- 1.3 Кб -- 01.10.2012
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49. Stellarium: StelLocation Class Reference
Stellarium 0.12.3 . ... Classes . ... FileљStructure . ... StelLocation Class Reference . Store the informations for a location on a planet. More... #include < StelLocation.hpp > . QStringљ . ... Output the location as a string ready to be stored in the user_location file. ... createFromLine (const QString &line) . ... Definition at line 26 of file StelLocation.hpp . ... line . ... Output the location as a string ready to be stored in the user_location file. int StelLocation::altitude . ...
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Ссылки http://astro.uni-altai.ru/~aw/stellarium/api/classStelLocation.html -- 22.3 Кб -- 28.02.2014
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ASTRONOMY IN UKRAINE - 2000 AND BEYOND . ... Kyiv, Ukraine, 5-8 June 2000 . ... The primary objective of the conference is to consider the integration of astronomical research in Ukraine into the international astronomy. ... VLBI for Astronomy and Geodynamics Convenors: Kees van't Klooster (The Netherlands), Leonid M. Litvinenko (Ukraine), Chopo Ma (USA). ... Planetary Astronomy Convenors: Teodor Kostiuk (USA), Robert Nelson (USA), Yuri Shkuratov (Ukraine). ... The "general" registration fee: 100 USD. ...
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Ссылки http://astrocourier.chat.ru/2000/20mar/20mar2/20mar32.htm -- 9.6 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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51. http://www.iki.rssi.ru/oct4/2007/astro_e.pdf
High Energy Astrophysics Session IKI , Meeting Room, 2nd floor 3 October Chair: Rashid Sunyaev ( member of RAS ) 09:30-09:45 Dr. Mikhail Pavlinsky ( IKI ) Spectr-RG project 09:45-10:00 Dr. Mikhail Revnivtsev ( IKI ) Nature of the Milky Way X-ray background 10:00-10:30 Prof . Joachim Truemper ( member of the Max Planck Society, German Academy of Natural Sciences Leopoldina, foreign member of ... With participation of RAS members S.Gershtein and V.Zheleznyakov. ...
Ссылки http://www.iki.rssi.ru/oct4/2007/astro_e.pdf -- 81.1 Кб -- 25.09.2007
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52. MAO
... Sciences) - (01.03.02 - Astrophysics and Radioastronomy), Main Astronomical Observatory of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine. ... Sciences) (01.03.03 - Geliophysics and Solar System Physics), Main Astronomical Observatory of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine. ... 1977 - 1981 - Engineer, Main Astronomical Observatory, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine . ... Institute: Main Astronomical Observatory of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences . ...
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Ссылки http://www.mao.kiev.ua/index.php/en/?option=com_content&view=article&id=48 -- 20.5 Кб -- 10.04.2016
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53. Vladislav V. Shevchenko
... Shevchenko Vladislav Vladimirovich . ... Position: Head of Department of Lunar and Planetary Research, Sternberg State Astronomical Institute, Moscow University, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. ... L. Johnson Space Center - Lunar and Planetary Institute. ... Sternberg State Astronomical Institute, Moscow University, Universitetsky 13, Moscow, 119899 , Russia, . ... V.I.Chikmachev, S.G.Pugacheva and V.V.Shevchenko, Sternberg State Astronomical Institute, Moscow University, Moscow, chik@sai.msu.ru ...
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Ссылки http://selena.sai.msu.ru/Shev/ShevE.htm -- 13.4 Кб -- 20.04.2015
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... Events INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PROBLEMS AND PROSPECT OF THE PROPULSION ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT . ... INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PROBLEMS AND PROSPECT OF THE PROPULSION ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT . ... Development prospects and use of engines for aviation, space - rocket systems, motor transport mechanical engineering and stationary power supply installations . ... Propulsion engineering, power engineering and space vehicle ecology problems . ...
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Ссылки http://www.ssau.ru/engevents/show/?id=613 -- 27.2 Кб -- 19.02.2016
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... 13th European VLBI Network Symposium . and Users Meeting . on September 20-23, 2016. ... 13th European VLBI Network Symposium and Users Meeting on September 20-23, 2016. ... Year book "Ephemerides of Minor Planets for 2016" on-line . ...
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56. Labo J.-V.Poncelet: associated institutes
... Address: 3, rue Michel-Ange, 75794, Paris, France . Tel.: ... Web site: http://www.cnrs.fr/ . ... Address: 14, Leninsky ave., 119991, Moscow, Russia . ... 7 495 954 3506 . ... Web site: http://www.ras.ru/ . ... Web site: http://www.rfbr.ru/ . ... Web site: http://www.mccme.ru/ium/ . International Research Institute for Advanced Systems , Founding Member . ... Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA), Associate Member . ... Web site: http://www.inria.fr/ . ...
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Ссылки http://www.mccme.ru/lifr/assinsts.htm -- 4.2 Кб -- 05.10.2009
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57. SAI Virtual Observatory Project
... SAI CAS . ... Catalog Access Services . ... This site is about the Virtual Observatory project at the Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University ( SAI MSU ). We provide a public access to the growing set of astronomical services developed by the SAI RVO development team in accordance with the Virtual Observatory standards. ... We provide access (programmatic and interactive) to the all major and biggest astronomical catalogs (about 4 billions objects total) as well as other web-services. ...
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58. Eugene Trunkovsky
To see a Russian version of this page, click here . ... Graduated from Moscow State University (MSU), Faculty of Physics in 1976. Ph.D. degree - 1988, MSU. Main field of scientific activities: photometric investigations of various stars, close binary stellar systems and other astronomical objects, including research with use of fast photoelectric photometry with a high time resolution till 1 millisecond. ... New portable photometer . ... Send your mail to: tem@sai.msu.ru ...
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Ссылки http://uranus.sai.msu.ru/~tem/ -- 3.2 Кб -- 19.01.2015
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59. Interball Workshop in Finland
On February 11-13 1998 at Kiljavanranta near Helsinki an Interball project meeting was organized by the Finnish Meteorological Institute and Russian Space Research Institute (IKI) . ... Main attention was devoted to mechanisms and manifestations of magnetospheric substorms, as observed from space and from ground observations. Four time intervals were selected for a coordinated data analysis. ... Magnetospheric storm on October 22, 1996 ( The LLBL-Driven Substorm? ... Programme of the Workshop. ...
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Ссылки http://www.iki.rssi.ru/interball/workshop.html -- 5.0 Кб -- 01.04.1998
[ Сохраненная копия ] Ссылки http://www.cosmos.ru/interball/workshop.html -- 5.0 Кб -- 01.04.1998
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[ Сохраненная копия ] Ссылки http://www.cosmos.ru/interball/workshop.html -- 5.0 Кб -- 01.04.1998
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60. University of Oregon Center for High Energy Physics - Recent Experimental Talks
BaBar Collaboration Meeting , December 6-10, 2004 . ... APS April Meeting 2004 , May 1-4, 2004 . ... Workshops in Particle Physics , February 29 - March 6, 2004 . ... Aspen 2004 Winter Conference on Particle Physics , February 1-7, 2004 . ... Exp Talks - Prior Years . ... Energy Spectrometer Designs and Beam Tests , Eric Torrence . ... Recent Results from the LIGO Experiment, Isabel Leonor . ... Experimental Introduction , Ray Frey . ... CCD R at Oregon University , Nick Sinev, Olya Igonkina . ...
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Ссылки http://zebu.uoregon.edu/~uochep/talks/talks04.html -- 15.9 Кб -- 01.09.2005
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