... A.A. Berezhnoi, Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow, Russia . Resume. ... S.G.Pugacheva, V.V.Shevchenko, Sternberg State Astronomical Institute, Moscow University, Moscow, Russia . ... J.F.Rodionova, Sternberg State Astronomical Institute Moscow University, Moscow, Russia . ... V.V.Shevchenko, Sternberg State Astronomical Institute, Moscow University, Moscow, Russia . ... 2 Sternberg State Astronomical Institute, Moscow University, Moscow, Russia, . ... Sternberg State Astronomical Institute. ...
European Astronomical Society(EAS): NEWS Dear Colleagues, Please find enclosed some information of interest. ... We would also like to remind you that the time is appropriate to renew your membership for 2006 (see our Web page for procedures). ... And do'nt forget that, in between messages, the latest news can always be found on our Web page: http://www.iap.fr/eas/index.html With kind regards, Michel Dennefeld ************************************************************ Content 1. ...
... Chilingarian, I., Melchior, A.-L., Zolotukhin, I. 2010: Analytical approximations of K -corrections in optical and near-infrared bands , MNRAS, v. 405, p. 1409 (also arXiv:1002.2360) . ... Calculator . ... calculate spectral energy distributions , K-corrections calculator , UKIDSS YJHK , K-corrections of galaxies , spectral based k-corrections , SDSS filter set K-corrections , K correction code IDL , kcorrect IDL C , . ...
Russian SHAREABLE DATA CENTER Institute of Solar-Terrestial Physics SB RAS . ... The on-line diagnostics of the SW channel characteristics operative through back-scattering ionospheric sounding (BSS) is based on adiabatic relations of diagnostic signal characteristics and channel in operation under ionospheric parameter variations (Kurkin V.I , Nosov V.E., Ponomartchuk S.N.et. al. SW radiochannel operative dignostics. ...
NEWS FEDERATION rus ENCYCLOPEDIA rus HISTORY rus MIR STATION RUSSIAN . ... History of Russian Soviet Cosmonautics by A.Krasnikov [rus] . ... Cosmoworld is an encyclopedic information about cosmonauts, constructors/designers, events and technologies. The best authoring of Alexander Zheleznyakov - "Encyclopedia of cosmonautics", Alexander Krasnikov - "The history of Russian Soviet cosmonautics" and the site of the information center of the orbital complex "Mir" are placed in CosmoWorld. ...
Электронная библиотека астронома-любителя. ... библиотека . архив RSN . ... Ru.Space.News: . Февраль 1998 . ... Дата: 10 февраля 1998 (1998-02-10) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: NASA Says Lunar Ice Rumors Wrong Привет всем! ... Дата: 10 февраля 1998 (1998-02-10) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Lectures at JPL on Near-Earth Asteroids Привет всем! ... Дата: 10 февраля 1998 (1998-02-10) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: Images Of Mars '98 Landing Zone Reveal Strange New Terrain Привет всем! ...
... VaST is a software tool for finding variable objects on a series of astronomical images. ... VaST performs object detection and aperture photometry using SExtractor on each image, cross-matches lists of detected stars, performs magnitude calibration with respect to the first (reference) image and constructs a lightcurve for each object. ... VaST FITS image viewer ./pgfv . ... Part I" PZP, vol. ... K. V. Sokolovsky, S. A. Korotkiy; "New Variable Stars Discovered by the NMW Survey" PZP, vol. ...
... License agreement. All copyrights to Izmccd are exclusively owned by the author- Igor Izmailov. ... THE AUTHOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program, or any subset of the licensed program, except as provided for in this agreement. ... Igor Izmailov. ...
... The circumnuclear GASEOUS disks are often decoupled from the circumnuclear stellar disks and are even stronger inclined to the outer disk planes; in fact, we have found a considerable `population' of inner polar rings. Inner gas polar rings are found as in spiral galaxies with the massive outer gas disks co-planar to the main symmetry planes (e.g. NGC 2841, Sil'chenko et al. 1997, and NGC 7217, Sil'chenko & Afanasiev 2000) as well in many lenticular galaxies (Fig. ...
... ИСТОРИЯ ГАИШ - хроника, музей, персоналии, мемуары, периодика . Сайт "HERITAGE - астрономия, астрономическое образование с сохранением традиций" ориентирован на студентов 1 и 2-го курсов астрономического отделения физического факультета МГУ и отражает ранением традиций" ориентирован на студентов 1 и 2-го курсов астрономического отделения физического факультета МГУ и отражает работу, проводимую сотрудниками ГАИШ МГУ и физического факультета МГУ по расширению астрономического образования студентов. ...
- the current position of the "Universitetskiy" satellite'> . Your browser does not support inline frames :( It must be a very old one. Upgrade to Microsoft Inrernet Expolorer 4 or later, Netscape 6 or later etc. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics.
Malkov O.Yu., Kovaleva D.A., Pozanenko A.S. "Astronomical big data: surveys, archives, databases" 2016, in Forty fifth international student scientific conference "Physics of Space", eds. P.E. Zakharova et al., ... Kovaleva D.A., Malkov O.Yu. ... Malkov O.Yu., ... (altogether 12 co-authors) "Conceptualization of branches of astronomy as a data intensive science" 2013, in Abstracts All-Russian Conference 2013, St-Petersbourg, Sep 2013, ISBN 978-5-85263-111-4 (in Russian), 231-232. ...
Добро пожаловать, Гость . ... Горизонты науки о Вселенной (Модераторы: Дмитрий Вибе , AlAn ) ? Теория сжатия Вселенной! . ... 0 Пользователей и 1 Гость просматривают эту тему. Гость . 19.12.2005 [11:22:47] ? ... Теория сжатия Вселенной, как пример построения негеометрической теории гравитации. } . ... item Eddington~A.~S. Nature. ... Записан . ... Ответ #1 : 19.12.2005 [12:37:19] ? ... Цитата: bob от 19.12.2005 [16:36:48] Да, вселенная испытает взрывную компрессию. ...
Cairo, Egypt . Cairo is the capital of Egypt and the largest city in the Middle East. Although Cairo itself is only about 1,000 years old, parts of the metropolis date back to the time of the Pharaohs. ... In the 19th century, one of the city's rulers, Khedive Ismail (1863-1879), sought to transform Cairo into a European- style city. ... Although a housing crisis has been broadcast by the international news media, it is estimated that Cairo may have a surplus of some 1 million housing units. ...
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... Corvus Capital, along with its own capital, has the backing of a number of international funding partners. ... MyCloudtag App has launched in the Apple App Store Google Play store! App Fitness & Health . Andrew Regan lead a 10 man team on the first ever there-and-back crossing of the Antarctica. ... CloudTag is a London Listed Company focused on the Fitness and Wellbeing Market. AIM Fitness & Health . Sirius Petroleum is an Oil Gas Company listed on London's AIM. AIM Oil & Gas . ...
... La dГїmocratie est la pire forme de gouvernement, Г l'exception de toutes les autres, affirmait Winston Churchill. ... Force est de constater que le mois d'aoГ't est la pГїriode idГїale pour jouer Г croire que les affaires du ciel sont aussi importantes que celles de la Terre. Et comme en astronomie, un secret est par dГїfinition une information qui ne se communique qu'Г un seul journaliste Г la fois, l'affaire fit dГЕs l'ouverture du congrГЕs la une des mГїdias du monde entier. ...