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61. Free Virtual Galaxy 1.0b
... Созвездия . ... DOS, 629 Кб (программа), 7.7 Мб (база данных), бесплатная . ... Но с появлением проекта Free Virtual Galaxy Джима Смита владельцы даже старенького 486-го компьютера смогут осуществить виртуальное путешествие по Млечному Пути. Программа Free Virtual Galaxy (FVG) воссоздает трехмерную модель звездного рукава Галактики в радиусе 1000 парсек от Земли, используя данные каталога ?Гиппарх?. ... Более подробная инструкция на английском языке по работе с FVG находится в архиве программы. ...
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Ссылки http://astro.uni-altai.ru/pub/article.html?id=355 -- 18.9 Кб -- 10.04.2016
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62. Galaxy Superstore тоже хочет заработать на Радиопосланиях - Вселенная, жизнь,
Добро пожаловать, Гость . ... В теме В разделе По форуму . ... Темы, интересные всем ? Вселенная, жизнь, разум (Модераторы: ivanij , AlexAV , Nucleosome ) ? Galaxy Superstore тоже хочет заработать на Радиопосланиях . предыдущая тема следующая тема . ... 0 Пользователей и 1 Гость просматривают эту тему. Гость . ... Galaxy Superstore . ... тоже решила зарабатывать на передаче Радиопосланий ! ... Galaxy Superstore LLC . ...
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Ссылки http://www.astronomy.ru/forum/index.php/topic,5708.0.html -- 30.7 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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63. Meade Instruments Corporation - #497 Autostar Computer Controller for ETX-90EC,
... Meade Instruments Corporation . ... Autostar Computer Controllers . 497 Autostar . ... One of the most important advances in telescope control in the past 25 years, the Meade #497 Autostar Computer Controller turns the ETX into an automatic celestial object locating system. ... The #497 Autostar Computer Controller plugs into the control panel of ETX-90EC, ETX-105EC, and ETX-125EC telescopes and enables automatic location of more than 30,000 celestial objects. ... about meade | ... Meade 4M | ...
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Ссылки http://www.meade.com/catalog/autostar/497_autostar.html -- 19.6 Кб -- 19.03.2008
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64. K-corrections calculator
Welcome to K -corrections calculator, simple service allowing one to determine K -corrections of a galaxy, given its redshift and one or more colours. ... K -correction in choose filter.. ... Redshift . Colour choose colour.. Colour value . Calculator . ... calculate spectral energy distributions , K-corrections calculator , GALEX FUV NUV , UKIDSS YJHK , K-corrections of galaxies , spectral based k-corrections , SDSS filter set K-corrections , K correction code IDL , kcorrect IDL C , . ...
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(Показать все результаты (>10) - kcor.sai.msu.ru/ )
65. Astronaut Candidates Biographies
... BIRTHDATE/PLACE: . ... EDUCATION: . ... B.S., Geology, University of California-Santa Barbara, 1990 . M.S., Geology, University of Arizona, 1992 . ... Full Biographical Data . ... M.S., Ocean Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000 . ... B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of the Pacific, 1984 . ... JAXA Astronaut . ... M.S., Aerospace Engineering, University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering, 1997 . ... Astronaut Candidates | ... Biography Page Curator: Kim Dismukes . ...
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Ссылки http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/Bios/04class.html -- 24.5 Кб -- 20.08.2013
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66. The Probook Project
AAL Guestbook . Please Sign Our Guestbook . Guestbook Entries: 147 . Add Entry | ... Previous Page | Next Page . ... Wiltz/Luxembourg, . ... Great site !!! i like the design, the pages are very well structured. ... For example for the gallery page it took more than 4 minutes to load. ... Signed on at . ... nice site, well structured. it's worth a bookmark. keep on like this. greetings to lea lucien. r. Signed on at . ... Luxembourg, . ... Current time around the World . ...
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Ссылки http://www.aal.lu/guestbook/?record=140 -- 6.0 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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67. source comment
. Comment on J1724-0241 . No detection: the source is probably extended. It was not detected at 2.3 GHz by Preston et al. (1985). There is a redshift in SIMBAD (z=0.033) based on a wrong optical identification with a galaxy (Stickel, K hr & Fried 1993). VLBApls home page . Last modified: 16 Oct 2000
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Ссылки http://www.vsop.isas.ac.jp/VLBApls/J1724-0241.comment.htm -- 1.5 Кб -- 16.10.2000
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68. The Amateur Astronomer's Page
. Telescope Making . Web Ring . Next | Previous | Random | List Sites . Next 5 | Previous 5 | Join . Page up-dated 08/31/2003
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Ссылки http://southsky.chat.ru/English/English2.html -- 5.0 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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69. Evgeny Smirnov's homepage: teaching
Teaching . ... Algebra, 1st year, lectures. Exercise sessions by Chris Brav, Alex Esterov, Alexei Gorodentsev and Karina Kuyumzhiyan. Algebra, 2nd year, exercise sessions. ... Algebra, 2nd year, lectures and exercise sessions, IUM, Tue 5:30pm 9pm . Course materials . ... Algebra, 1st year, exercise sessions. ... Discrete Mathematics, 1st year, exercise sessions. Lecturer: Evgeny Feigin . ... Lie Groups and Lie Algebras, lectures and exercise sessions, IUM, Tue 5:30pm 9pm . ...
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Ссылки http://www.mccme.ru/~smirnoff/teaching.html -- 5.8 Кб -- 23.08.2015
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70. Parallax
... The greater the distance, the smaller the parallax. ... That triangle has the same proportions as the much larger triangle ABC, and therefore, if the distance B'C to the thumb is 10 times the distance A'B' between the eyes, the distance AC to the far landmark is also 10 times the distance AB. ... The most distant objects our eyes can see are the stars, and they are very far indeed: light which moves at 300,000 kilometers (186,000 miles) per second, would take years, often many years, to reach them. ...
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Ссылки http://www.iki.rssi.ru/magbase/REFMAN/STARGAZE/Sparalax.htm -- 7.1 Кб -- 21.12.2007
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71. VISTA - Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy
... Exposure Time Calculator (ETC) . Survey processing . ... VISTA is a 4-m class wide field survey telescope for the southern hemisphere, equipped with a near infrared camera (1.65 degree diameter field of view at VISTA's nominal pixel size) containing 67 million pixels of mean size 0.34 arcsec and available broad band filters at Z,Y,J,H,K s and a narrow band filter at 1.18 micron. A wide field visible camera, if constructed, could also be used on VISTA. ... Tile . ... ESO VISTA Public Surveys . ...
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(Показать все результаты (>15) - www.vista.ac.uk/ )
72. Images Taken by Mike Shade of the Sonoita Hills Observatory
... These images were provided to Winer Observatory by Mike Shade of Sonoita Hills Observatory as an example of the outstanding work done by local Sonoita amateur astronomers. ... All images on this page were taken with a 6-inch Astro-Physics aprochromatic refractor at Sonoita Hills Observatory using an SBIG ST-7 camera. ... Object: Galaxy Messier 100 . ... Date: March 2001 . ... All images on this page were taken with an f/5 Newtonian reflector at Sonoita Hills Observatory using an SBIG ST-7 camera. ...
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Ссылки http://www.winer.org/About/Mike_Shade.php -- 14.0 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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73. RSC "Energia" - Launchers
... S.P. KOROLEV ROCKET AND SPACE CORPORATION ENERGIA . ... OAO RSC "Energia" . ... Company's History . ... Brief History of Rocket and Space Technology . ... Flights Chronology . ... ISS Russian Segment . ... Sea Launch . ... Launches Chronology . ... Land Launch . ... 29L were used to launch the Galaxy 19 SC. ... Making the Rocket Segment systems ready for the launch site activities; . ... SL29 with the Galaxy 19 SC was launched. ... Contribution of RSC Energia to the Russian Rocket-Space Technology ....
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Ссылки http://www.energia.ru/en/launchers/sea-launch/chron-31.html -- 32.7 Кб -- 10.04.2016
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74. Photos
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Ссылки http://astrometric.sai.msu.ru/~sasha/photo.html -- 1.6 Кб -- 08.09.2006
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75. Новости науки
... http://xray.sai.msu.ru/~polar/sci_rev/05_02_15-28.html#astro-ph/0502329 . ... Authors: S. D. Hyman et al. http://xray.sai.msu.ru/~polar/sci_rev/05_03_01-10.html#astro-ph/0503052 . ... Authors: David Charbonneau et al. http://xray.sai.msu.ru/~polar/sci_rev/05_03_21-31.html#astro-ph/0503457 . ... Authors: K. Y. L. Su et al. http://xray.sai.msu.ru/~polar/sci_rev/05_04_01-10.html#astro-ph/0504086 . ... Authors: O. Le Fevre et al. http://xray.sai.msu.ru/~polar/sci_rev/05_09_11-30.html#astro-ph/0509628 . ...
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Ссылки http://www.scientific.ru/polar/popov35.html -- 16.6 Кб -- 22.08.2011
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76. http://www.asc.rssi.ru/RadioAstron/meetings/telecon/mar18_2010.pdf
MINUTES of the RadioAstron Teleconference on March 18, 2010 N. Kardashev chaired the teleconference. ... Agenda of the RadioAstron teleconference March 18, 2010 Corrections to the Agenda 1 2 3 N. Kardashev N. Kardashev V. Andreyanov Project status Technical tests of the SC and science payload in LA Tests of Pushchino TS by Venus Express satellite and VLBI Kanevski/Smirnov/Gurvits and VLBI 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TS outside Russia Correlation of Ground VLBI tests in RA mode Corelators outside ...
Ссылки http://www.asc.rssi.ru/RadioAstron/meetings/telecon/mar18_2010.pdf -- 45.0 Кб -- 10.08.2010
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77. EQ-6 Pro разъем автогида - Оборудование
... Оборудование (Модераторы: LifeIsGood , Hornet ) > . EQ-6 Pro разъем автогида . ... Оффлайн . ... Благодарностей: 0 . 03 Август 2007, 22:44:52 ? ... Как я предполагаю полистав интернет надо соответствующую ножку разъема замыкать с земляной ногой разъема, например через релейный блок. ... Цитата: Galaxy Master от 03 Август 2007, 22:44:52 Как я предполагаю полистав интернет надо соответствующую ножку разъема замыкать с земляной ногой разъема, например через релейный блок. ...
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Ссылки http://www.astroclub.kiev.ua/forum/index.php?topic=4173.0 -- 62.4 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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78. http://sn.sai.msu.ru/~sil/preprints/postbr1.pdf
... The circumnuclear GASEOUS disks are often decoupled from the circumnuclear stellar disks and are even stronger inclined to the outer disk planes; in fact, we have found a considerable `population' of inner polar rings. Inner gas polar rings are found as in spiral galaxies with the massive outer gas disks co-planar to the main symmetry planes (e.g. NGC 2841, Sil'chenko et al. 1997, and NGC 7217, Sil'chenko & Afanasiev 2000) as well in many lenticular galaxies (Fig. ...
Ссылки http://sn.sai.msu.ru/~sil/preprints/postbr1.pdf -- 76.8 Кб -- 01.12.2004
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79. Dunk Proceedings - 2dF QSO Redshift Survey (Creation and Objectives)
. Other Relevant Plots . Map of survey sky coverage also showing locations of all previously known QSOs. Plot showing our QSO candidate selection . The final photometric catalogue of UBR selected QSO candidates. | Front page | . | << - Talk Overview | Survey status - >> | . Robert J. Smith, ">rsmith@mso.anu.edu.au Last modified: Fri Sep 24 11:39:02 EST 1999 .
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Ссылки http://www.2dfquasar.org/Papers/Dunk/objectives.html -- 3.0 Кб -- 24.09.1999
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80. http://www.sai.msu.su/gcvs/gcvs/v/sn.txt
... We have compiled the Catalogue of extragalactic supernovae using the GCVS card catalogue. ... Doubtful (?), or rejected (-) SN 8 A1 --- RemFlag [*] The '*' indicates a remark in sn_rem.dat 10- 19 A10 --- Gal Parent galaxy designation 21- 22 I2 h RAh Right Ascension 1950 of Parent galaxy 23- 24 I2 min RAm Right Ascension 1950 (minutes) 25- 28 F4.1 s RAs Right Ascension 1950 (seconds) 29 A1 --- DE- Declination 1950 (sign) 30- 31 I2 deg DEd Declination 1950 of Parent ...
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Ссылки http://www.sai.msu.su/gcvs/gcvs/v/sn.txt -- 10.0 Кб -- 25.07.2002
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