... Astronomy OnLine the World's Biggest Astronomy Event on the WorldWideWeb R. Albrecht 1 , R. West, C. Madsen European Southern Observatory, Garching, Germany M. Naumann Serco c/o European Southern Observatory, Garching, Germany Abstract. This educational programme was organised in a collaboration be tween ESO, the European Association for Astronomy Education (EAAE) and the European Union (EU) during the 4th European Week for Sci entific and Technological Culture. ...
Ссылки http://www.stecf.org/conferences/adass/adassVII/reprints/albrechtr.ps.gz -- 74.9 Кб -- 12.06.2006 Похожие документы
... Thursday, April 19th, 2012 . ... Posted in Uncategorized | No Comments ? Friday, April 13th, 2012 . Обновлен раздел Публикации за 2011 . ... Сделать это можно использую Map Tools проекта SOPAC (http://sopac NULL .ucsd NULL .edu/maps/) . ... 17-21 октября 2011 в ИФЗ РАН прошла Вторая молодежная тектонофизическая школа-семинар (http://tph_2011 NULL .ifz NULL .ru/) , на котором наша лаборатория приняла участие. ... Лаборатория лазерной интерферометрии is proudly powered by WordPress . ...
back to "Astrology" . ... Russia under the Sign of Jackass . I'll venture to outspeak a truism: there is nowhere such a country except our Russia, where people zig and zag from one extremity to another. ... Lummy, where are the brain-convolutions of millions of people, who have been educated in secondary school? ... No, it is quite sufficient to be an average man with average intellect and average (secondary school) education. ... Another analogous question. ... and an average education . ...
... 3-я ступень (длина 8,1 м, диаметр 2,66 м) имеет 4-камерный ЖРД однократного включения с одним ТНА (с 4 поворотными рулевыми соплами) с тягой в пустоте 298 кН. ... РН с дополнительной 4-й ступенью (тяга ЖРД 4-й ступени 67 кН), использовавшаяся с 4.2.1961 года для вывода в космос КА ?Луна-4? ... Протон ? ... На 1-й ступени ?Протона? установлено 6 однокамерных ЖРД РД-253 (с общей тягой примерно 9 МН). ... С помощью РН ?Протон? с дополнительной 4-й ступенью тягой 83 кН выводились в космос КА ?Зонд-4? ...
STEP INTO THE BLUE - MEADE INSTRUMENTS PRODUCT GUIDE . ... The LX850 combines innovative concepts like StarlockтДв fulltime automatic guiding and high-precision pointing, f/8 ACF OTAs with internal Crayford-style two-speed focuser and a portable precision German equatorial mount. ... Superb optical performance coupled with time proven computerized pointing and tracking has made the LX200 ACF series a best-seller in the high-performance telescope class. ... Meade 16" Permanent Equatorial Pier . ...
... Satellite data ] . SMIS ] . The program controls the data acquisition according to the specified schedule of the sessions. ... The calibration of AVHRR instrument data is performed during acquisition . The program can be started in parallel with the satellite pass visualization, that allows the user to monitor a session and store data only relevant to specific regions in manual selection mode. ... Back to SMIS Home Page . ...
... Space flight . Crew training . ... honing the skills of performing the tasks of operating the orbital (suborbital) spaceship in a normal autonomous flight and in case of occurrence of off-optimum situations; . ... preparing for conducting visual observations, photographing and video filming envisaged by the flight program; . ... preparing the astronaut's body to the effect of space flight factors, honing the skills of operating the spaceborne medical facilities, rendering self and mutual aid; . ...
Электронная библиотека астронома-любителя. ... библиотека . архив RSN . ... Январь 1998 . ... This monitoring will aid observation planners later in the Galileo Europa Mission, when the spacecraft approaches its close flyby of Io in late 1999. ... Дата: 27 января 1998 (1998-01-27) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: NEAR Completes Flawless Earth Swingby Привет всем! ... Дата: 27 января 1998 (1998-01-27) От: Alexander Bondugin Тема: NASA Comet and Jupiter Missions Offer Educator Fellowships Привет всем! ...
... part 2 | ... Part 1 . The new concept of formation and development of the Solar system. ... Thus, the initial pulse of the rotation of a protosolar cloud of the solar system was determined as a result of the diversion of a part of the moment of the rotational pulse of the Galaxy. ... Besides this new approach to the pre-solar system as a system of the destroyed vortex structure, we can understand now a number of other peculiarities of the Solar system's structure. ...
... Heracles Triplane and Aerospace Systems . The key characteristics of two-stage aerospace systems are determined according to speed and carrying capacity of the aircraft-carrier used . ... So the SPIRAL system hypersonic carrier was expected to launch the second stage by weight 63 tons at a speed corresponding to 6M; whereas launching weight of the MAKS system orbital stage with the use of the An-225 MRIYA heavy subsonic aircraft reaches 275 tons, and the HERACLES aircraft - 450 tons. ...
... VaST is a software tool for finding variable objects on a series of astronomical images. ... VaST performs object detection and aperture photometry using SExtractor on each image, cross-matches lists of detected stars, performs magnitude calibration with respect to the first (reference) image and constructs a lightcurve for each object. ... VaST FITS image viewer ./pgfv . ... Part I" PZP, vol. ... K. V. Sokolovsky, S. A. Korotkiy; "New Variable Stars Discovered by the NMW Survey" PZP, vol. ...
... Equinox of object coordinates BJ = 18.87 / bJ magnitude UMBJ = -0.69 / u - bJ colour BJMR = 0.22 / bJ - r colour NOBS = 1 / Number of 2dF observations available IS_ BEST = 'TRUE ' / TRUE if this file contains the best 2dF observa DATEBEST= '24/09/00' / Date of best 2dF observation (DD/MM/YY) ID_ BEST = 'QSO ' / ID from best 2dF observation QUALBEST= 11 / Data quality flag from best 2dF observation Z_ ...
НОВОСТИ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ ЭНЦИКЛОПЕДИЯ ИСТОРИЯ СТАНЦИЯ МИР ENGLISH . ... Мои публикации . ... Perelman's activity in popularising science began at school when in September 1899 he published an essay entitled 'Concerning the fiery rain being expected' in the newspaper Grodneriskiye guberniskiye vedomosty under the pseudonym 'Y.P.' The widely spread rumours about the advent of Doomsday - with the exact date even fixed as 1st November - were the reasons for his publication. ... А.Железняков , 1997-2002. ...
... Configuration The dictionary accepts one obligatory parameter - RULES, which has to be set to the file describing parsing rules and output recipes. ... Each non-empty line is either a comment (when started with '#' symbol), or a conversion rule, and in the latter case has to contain whitespace-separated pattern and output recipe. Currently, pattern has to match the _integer_ (one, two or more) number of input tokens; they will be replaced with a single one. ...
... They are an indicator of accuracy of the CCD positional observations for a given observatory. ... Planetary and Space Science 56 (2008) 1847 1850 Table 4 The best results of CCD asteroid observations from MPC database for some professional observatories MPC Observatory Code Professionals 673 Telescope 000 :07 0.07 0.08 0.06 000 :06 0.06 0.04 0.05 Year Total asteroids Total positions s a 1849 sd Type USA, table Mountain, D ј 0:61 m, FL ј 9:0 m, FOV ј 22 б ...
... Regional planning meeting for the Balkan and Black Sea | ... Proposals for a web site of the Regional Network - Information on regional and global activities - Proceedings of this Meeting - Space Weather Alerts for the public - Form for submitting research and observational proposals - Database of scientific data publicly available - Greece provides solar telescope data - Romania provides data on active regions studied with helioseismis holography - Armenia provides access to...
... Научная панорама ? arxiv:0708.1060 Наблюдение первого события микролинзирования в бедном звездном . ... arxiv:0708.1060 Наблюдение первого события микролинзирования в бедном звездном поле: Таго (Observation of the first gravitational microlensing event in a sparse stellar field : the Tago event) . ... Обычно события микролинзирования ищут в богатых звездных полях. Здесь же все происходит не в направлении на близкую галактику или балдж нашей Галактики, а в обычном (бедном) звездном поле. ...
MINUTES of the RadioAstron Teleconference on December 13, 2011 Yu.Yu. ... IOC status update M. Popov informed the participants on the current IOC results. ... Kovalev added: we continue to observe pulsars and spectral line sources in radiointerferometer mode but only with spacecraft and we are also going to observing pulsars soon with space-ground baselines. ... Kovalev: It is fringe-fitting result. ... In RAFS05 we replace it with K-band observing (maser source Ori KL spectral lines ~100000Jy). ...
Ссылки http://www.asc.rssi.ru/RadioAstron/meetings/telecon/dec13_2011.pdf -- 30.9 Кб -- 13.01.2012 Похожие документы