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121. Коллекция метеоритов ГЕОХИ РАН
Поиск по имени метеорита . ... Поиск по дате находки или падения (укажите число, месяц и год) . ... Поиск по типу метеорита . Хондриты Ахондриты Энстатитовые Углистые Железные Железокаменные Аномальные . Поиск по месту падения . ... Коллекция поддерживается Лабораторией Метеоритики ГЕОХИ РАН . Техническая поддержка: "Все о геологии" , "Энциклопедия ГеоВики" , Форумы "Все о геологии" ( ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 9.1 Кб -- 02.10.2012
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122. Home Page
... A rough estimation is that in the United States there is one planetarium per 100,000 population, ranging in size from the Hayden Planetarium's 20-meter dome seating 430 people, to three-meter inflatable portable domes where children sit on the floor. ... Together dblo associates make a huge impact in the architecture, interior design and development arena in London. ... With the holidays around the corner what better way to spoil your family than with your very own private home cinema. ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 13.2 Кб -- 14.03.2013
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123. Астрономические организации России
... Источники информации для данного каталога линков - поисковые системы и каталоги страниц русского интернета, каталог астроресурсов журнала "Звездочет", персональные страницы астрономов-профессионалов и любителей астрономии. ... Laboratory of Astrometry - 8 человек, персональных страниц - 2. ... Extragalactic radioastronomy: 11 сотрудников, Лаборатория РСДБ : Штат сотрудников - 6 человек, персональных страниц найдено - 2 . ... Stellar astrophysics department: Staff: 14 человек, персональных страниц -...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 26.2 Кб -- 16.02.2005
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124. Press release
... The "Mir" and cargo ship "Progress M1-5" operations scheduled for Feb.5-6 completed. The Station and the cargo ship onboard systems cheched out, the orbit radiomonitoring performed. The Station spinning rate is updated to provide enough power generation. The Station is kept spinning about longitudinal axis with the angle rate 0,15 degrees per second its MCS (motion control system) in free drift. The station is pressurized, the onboard systems perform nominal. ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 3.1 Кб -- 28.05.2014
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125. Астрономия и телескопостроение
. От авторов сайта . Дорогие друзья! . Наш сайт переехал на новый сервер! . Добро пожаловать! . Новый сервер - . Старая страница - . Желаем вам успехов и ясной погоды! . Астрономия и телескопостроение - Copyright 1999-2002, Коллектив авторов . Используются технологии uCoz .
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 5.0 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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126. Англ. некролог Г.Е.Лозино-Лозинского
Buran Father' died in Moscow . ... In mid-60s he was appointed head of the Mikoyan' Spiral program that would lead to the Soviet two-stage horizontal take-off and landing space vehicle as early as in early 1970s. In 1976, Lozino-Lozinsky led new Molniya Science and Production Association (NPO Molniya) that was founded to build winged space plane as part of the Buran space transportation system that would be Soviet answer to the Space Shuttle challenge. ... E-mail: ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 5.5 Кб -- 01.10.2012
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127. Accuracy of World positional CCD observations of the numbered minor planets
... During all period of our investigations Dr. N.Sumzina from the Institute of Applied Astronomy of RAS had prepared the Numbered Minor Planet positions from MPC Database for our processing with kind permission of the Director of Minor Planet Center Prof. Braian Marsden. ... Our extensive processing of the MPC data allows us to conclude that CCD observations of the Numbered and Unnumbered Minor Planets have the errors, sometimes very crude. ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 3.3 Кб -- 05.12.2007
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128. VaST homepage
... VaST is a software tool for finding variable objects on a series of astronomical images. ... VaST performs object detection and aperture photometry using SExtractor on each image, cross-matches lists of detected stars, performs magnitude calibration with respect to the first (reference) image and constructs a lightcurve for each object. ... VaST FITS image viewer ./pgfv . ... Part I" PZP, vol. ... K. V. Sokolovsky, S. A. Korotkiy; "New Variable Stars Discovered by the NMW Survey" PZP, vol. ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 122.2 Кб -- 21.02.2016
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 122.2 Кб -- 21.02.2016
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The Second U.S. Naval Observatory CCD Astrograph Catalog ( UCAC2 ) Table of Contents 1) Introduction 2) Summary of the Project a) Observations and Instrumentation b) Reductions of UCAC Observations c) Computation of Proper Motions 3) Properties of the Catalog and Important Notes For the User a) Sky Coverage b) Completeness c) Positions, Proper Motions and Error Calculations d) UCAC2 Magnitudes e) 2MASS Photometry f) Non-stellar ... All stars in the UCAC2 have proper motions. ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 55.7 Кб -- 15.06.2006
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130. †Йros plus vrai que nature | Ciel et Espace
... Ciel Espace, le magazine qui vous guide toujours plus loin . ... des actualit†йs . ... des interviews, des portraits . ... des pages consacr†йes †а la publication de vos photos Mais c'est aussi une vraie communaut†й avec laquelle partager votre passion et nourrir votre curiosit†й. Accueil †Йros plus vrai que nature . ... LтАЩast†йro†пde †Йros, visit†й par la sonde Near-Shoemaker en 2001, appara†оt ici plus vrai que nature. ... 31/03/2016 - La plus r†йcente supernova de la galaxie nтАЩa que 110 ans !...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 27.4 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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131. The Database of Close Binary Systems
The Database of Close Binary Systems . ... Team . ... This web-based interactive database is being developed and maintained by a team at the Sternberg Astronomical Institute of the Moscow State University . The project is an on-line extension of our catalogue on "Highly Evolved Close Binary Stars" (volumes I, II) published by Gordon and Breach in 1996. As of September 2009, the database (both the software and the content) is in its development/testing phase. ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 6.5 Кб -- 01.10.2012
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132. sp31-1
... Even though the DoD would ultimately select senior Air Force officials, US Navy oceanographers and Air Weather Service officers as shuttle payload specialists, MSEs would be the first personnel from an American military programme to go into space. ... One Air Force officer, Maj. ... Jacobson was concerned about shuttle launch delays and wanted the MSEs to understand that his mission, i.e., the launch of national security payloads, dwarfed their mission, flights in space by Air Force personnel. ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 41.8 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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133. The Laboratory of Meteoritics, Vernadsky Institute, RAS
Main . ... About meteorites . ... Kutais . Meteorite descriptions . ... Main menu . ... About laboratory . ... One stone weighing 23 g . ... At eight in the morning, L. Kornienko, a resident of Kutais, was preparing to head home after working the night shift. ... Obraztsov supposed that the stone was a meteorite, showed it to senior students and gave it to the astronomy teacher, A. Ivanova:.Knowing the importance of such finds, the teacher reported about the stone to the Meteorite Committee. ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 16.4 Кб -- 04.10.2005
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... Space activity at the beginning of XXI-st Century view from inside G.M.Chernyavskiy STC for Earth Space monitoring of FSUE , Russia 1. The systemic approach in astronautics Everyone who has linked his life with astronautics and those who are interested in the future of the inhabitancy medium and its expansion up to cosmic scales, are troubled about the current state and development of space activity in the World and in the Native Land of the first artificial Earth satellite (AES). ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 160.5 Кб -- 16.08.2012
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135. Langley School Music Project - Part 3
... F-22 Raptor Airshow Demo at Langley Air Force Base . Langley School Music Project - Part 1 . ... Ливерпульская версия Памелы Андерсон . ... Биография . ... Самый богатый менеджер России' / Юрий Соловьев [88] . ... Юлия Волкова 08.04.2016 10:04:10] Юлия Волкова рассказала о своей борьбе с раком Подробнее .. ... Меган Трейнор 07.04.2016 07:04:10] Меган Трейнор выступила на iHeart Radio Awards с хитом NO Подробнее .. ZAYN 07.04.2016 05:04:47] Зейн Малик произвел фурор Подробнее .. ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 83.6 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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136. Ссылки
... University of Iowa Automated Telescope Facility - Действующий автоматизированный астрономический комплекс, который принимает заявки для наблюдений от пользователей Internet. ... Image Processing Resources for Astronomy Teachers - Отличный набор средств для преподавателей астрономии. Включает программное обеспечение, изображения астрономических объектов и обсерватории с удаленным доступом. ... Полезные ссылки - Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Университет Астрономический институт. ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 19.0 Кб -- 18.09.2003
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Please enter the lightcurve file name and period search parameters: . Lightcurve file: . ... Apply the Heliocentric correction and convert all dates to Terrestrial Time (TT)? ... Phase range for plots: -0.5 to 1.0 0.0 to 2.0 0.0 to 1.0 . ... Also, the Heliocentric correction cannot be applied to such lightcurves. ... Two period search methods are currently implemented. ... This period search service is also available at the mirror sites: Mirror 1 , Mirror 2 , Mirror 3 , Mirror 4 . ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 6.4 Кб -- 18.08.2015
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138. Super Ratio
... SUPER RATIO . ... On this page I will present the most important (on my opinion) idea on Intellegence Life in the Universe . ... On the problem of the Super Ratio in astrophysics" . ... As a matter of fact, this is the main problem of the modern natural science. ... Here I shall try to speak about the most important problem of the modern natural science, the problem which is undoubtedly, of more importance than discovery of Blacks Holes, creation of Grand Unification Theory or Artificial...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 59.0 Кб -- 11.04.2016
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139. The VSM: L1 (Zond)
. home - main - author - help english - russian . The 7K-L1 spacecraft was a modified Soyuz without orbital module. It was launched with 4-stage Proton + Block-D rocket. L-1 (Zond) . Proton with L-1 . L-1 with Block D . There were several successful flights of unmanned 7K-L1 called Zond, but a manned flight was canceled. I suppose this to be L1 trainer. If I'm wrong, please mail me.
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 2.5 Кб -- 04.06.1999
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140. Russian space program Romanenko Yuri Viktorovich
... history, facts, technology, space ships . Posted by Askar under Russian Astronauts . ... Родился в 1944 году. ... 16 марта 1978 года совместно с Г.М. Гречко љсовершил полет на КК ?Союз-26? љи ОС ?Салют-6? љ(в качестве командира). ... 26 сентября 1980 года совместно с А. Тамайо Менедесом совершил полет на КК ?Союз-38? љ(в качестве командира) и ОС ?Салют-6? љ(основной экипаж Л.И. Попов , В.В. Рюмин ) с пристыкованными к ней КК ?Союз-37? ... Russian Astronauts . ... Russian Space Ships . ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 9.8 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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