... Это статья о космической обсерватории. См. также ISO. ISO - орбитальный космический телескоп, работавший в инфракрасном диапазоне. Аппарат был запущен 17 ноября 1995 года с помощью ракеты-носителя Ариан-4 с космодрома Куру во Французской Гвиане на эллиптическую переходную орбиту. ... 1М (космический аппарат) . ... 2МВ (космический аппарат) . 3МВ (космический аппарат) . ... Deep Space 1 . ... Infrared Space Observatory . ... Прогресс М-01М . ... Союз (космический корабль) . ...
... University of Iowa Automated Telescope Facility - Действующий автоматизированный астрономический комплекс, который принимает заявки для наблюдений от пользователей Internet. ... Image Processing Resources for Astronomy Teachers - Отличный набор средств для преподавателей астрономии. Включает программное обеспечение, изображения астрономических объектов и обсерватории с удаленным доступом. ... Полезные ссылки - Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Университет Астрономический институт. ...
Кометы . ... При приближении к Солнцу на расстояние примерно миллиард километров корка прогревается (до нескольких сотен градусов) и лед начинает испаряться (отдельными струями). ... Ионный хвост направлен строго от Солнца, пылевой тянется за кометой по ее орбите, слегка сдуваемый солнечным ветром, газовый, состоящий в основном из водорода, занимает промежуточное положение. ... Долгопериодические кометы могут иметь периоды в сотни тысяч лет. ...
... Russian Academy of Sciences, . Sibirian Department, Yakutsk Scientific Center . Directors: Germogen F. Krymsky, Director, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences . Evgeny G. Berezhko, Deputy Director . ... The main scientific directions are physics and astrophysics of cosmic rays, physics of solar-terrestrial interactions, investigations of interplanetary and near-the-Earth space, physical processes in magnetosphere and ionosfhere of the Earth. ...
MSU-SK data examples. ... Fire in Moscow Rigion . June-Jule 1999 . A fire at Turkey's biggest oil refinery (Izmit city) . ... 19 August 1999 . Volgograd Region . 16 March 1999 . Moscow Region . Water vapour from Moscow heating stations, . 3 February 1999 . Arkhangelsk Region . Fire in August 1997 . Astrakhan Region . 23/04/1996 . Volgograd . example 1 . ... 1997-2002 SMIS IKI RAN and SRC "PLANETA" Moscow, Russia. ...
Statistics of sunspot activity . The sunspot indices . ... The solar regions . ... 2016 . ... February . ... February, 2016 . Visual indices of solar activity by author's observations . ... Average . ... 0.00 . ...
... A rough estimation is that in the United States there is one planetarium per 100,000 population, ranging in size from the Hayden Planetarium's 20-meter dome seating 430 people, to three-meter inflatable portable domes where children sit on the floor. ... Together dblo associates make a huge impact in the architecture, interior design and development arena in London. ... With the holidays around the corner what better way to spoil your family than with your very own private home cinema. ...
Moscow Astronomical Plate Archives: . Contents, Digitization, Current and Possible Applications . ... We describe the astronomical plate archives in Moscow and Zvenigorod and the existing digitization projects. ... 2 The Plate Archive of the Sternberg Institute . The contents of the most important Moscow astronomical plate archive, that of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute, was briefly presented in Shugarov et al. [1] in 1999. ... THE MOSCOW PLATE COLLECTION (STERNBERG INSTITUTE) . ...
... Год темной космологии . ... Темная материя и темная энергия становятся общепризнанными невидимыми составными частями нашей Вселенной, так же как кислород и азот стали общепризнанными невидимыми составными частями земного воздуха . ... Как понимание невидимого воздуха повлекло такие полезные изобретения, как самолет и кислородная маска , так, возможно, понимание темной материи и темной энергии принесет даже более удивительные и полезные изобретения. ...
. All images Copyright by Vasiliy V. Rumyantsev , 1998 . For personal viewing only. If you have any questions or suggetions or if you want to use these images contact me . Page created: 28 December 1998 . Last update: 23 Sept. 1999 .
This domain may be for sale - этот домен возможно продается . ... The gathered information about your visits to this and other websites are used by these third party companies in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. ... If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, click here . ...
... Structural Analysis of Disk Galaxies of the NGC 524 Group M. A. Il'ina and O. K. Sil'chenko * Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia Received February 24, 2012; in final form, March 2, 2012 Abstract--Members of the NGC 524 group of galaxies are studied using data obtained on the 6m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences, with the SCORPIO reducer in an imaging mode. ... NGC 502. ... NGC 524. ... Rev. Astron. ...
... Barbicane, craignant les questions indiscrРеtes pour Michel Ardan, aurait voulu rР?duire ses auditeurs Рњ un petit nombre d'adeptes, Рњ ses collРеgues, par exemple. ... Ce ne fut cependant pas le moins empressР? ... Le meeting. ... Et d'abord, ne l'oubliez pas, vous avez affaire Рњ un ignorant, mais son ignorance va si loin qu'il ignore mР?me les difficultР?s. Il lui a donc paru que c'Р?tait chose simple, naturelle, facile, de prendre passage dans un projectile et de partir pour la Lune. ...
... Р?С?С?С?Р?Р?Р?Р?РеС?Р?С?Р?РеР? ... Launched on February 17, 1996, the Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) mission is to be the first of NASA's Discovery missions, a series of small-scale spacecraft designed to proceed from development to flight in under three years for a cost of less than $150 million. ... The ultimate goal of the mission is to rendezvous with and achieve orbit around the near Earth asteroid 433 Eros in February, 1999, and study the asteroid for approximately one year. ...
INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION . Space technologies - to serve the society" Kyiv, Khreschatik street, 2 24-28 August 2001 . ... About exhibition . ... NAME: International Exhibition "Space Technologies to Serve the Society". ... REASONS: International Exhibition "Space Technologies to Serve the Society" is being carried out according to the President of Ukraine Decree ? ... strengthen of the space industry enterprises' positions and ptoducts' manufacturing for domestic market needs, . ...
Buran Father' died in Moscow . ... In mid-60s he was appointed head of the Mikoyan' Spiral program that would lead to the Soviet two-stage horizontal take-off and landing space vehicle as early as in early 1970s. In 1976, Lozino-Lozinsky led new Molniya Science and Production Association (NPO Molniya) that was founded to build winged space plane as part of the Buran space transportation system that would be Soviet answer to the Space Shuttle challenge. ... E-mail: buran@buran.ru ...