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1. Me and my Shadow - Links
Internet Sites | ... K-3 Lessons on shadows - Some science exercises related to the Sun, shadows, and time. 4-6 Lessons on Shadows - - Some more advanced science exercises related to the Sun, shadows, and time. ... Exploratorium: Colored Shadows - A fun activity about making colored shadows. ... Bear Shadow by Frank Asch. ... Word Lore - Carl's lessons on exploring words we use in this curriculum, such as where did the word "Sun" come from, or what is the difference between "daylight" and "day"? ...
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Ссылки http://hea-www.harvard.edu/ECT/Shadow/resources.html -- 6.4 Кб -- 01.10.2012
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(Показать все результаты (>3910) - hea-www.harvard.edu/ )
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