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1. ESO - Science Users Information
... Observatory . ... Science . User Portal . ... Science Users Information . ... Science Archive Facility . ... Science Announcements . ... These pages are aimed at ESO community astronomers and contain all the information required in order to prepare, execute, process and exploit observations with ESO facilities. ... The Archive Science Group apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to Phase 3 users! ... The Growth of the User Community of the La Silla Paranal Observatory Science Archive . ...
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2. The Observatory Monitoring System: Analysis of Spacecraft Jitter
... The Observatory Monitoring System (OMS) is part of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) ground system at the Space Telescope Science Institute. OMS receives as inputs a file of commands for the HST and files of engineering telemetry data generated by the HST in response to those commands. This paper will discuss how, from its inputs, OMS software provides spacecraft jitter files during observations commanded in the input. ... The jitter image file will be archived for the user. ...
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Ссылки http://www.adass.org/adass/proceedings/adass96/hydep.html -- 12.1 Кб -- 23.06.1998
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3. APO Home Page
... Current APO Weather . ... Search Site . ... Information for New Users . ... Technical Staff pages . Night Logs and Mailing Lists (maintained by APO) . ... Technical Documents and Database Search . ... Observer's Documentation and Procedures . ... Problem Reporting and APO Technical Documents Database Search . ... APO Drawing/Document Management Procedures . ... APO Technical Documents Database Search . Home Astrophysical Research Consortium . ... Mail Lists (maintained by APO) . ...
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4. Archives on Display in Armagh
The Armagh Observatory and the Armagh Public Library are joining forces as part of Archive Awareness Month to provide guided tours and an exhibition of some of the fascinating archival material held in the libraries of the two institutions. ... The Armagh Public Library and the Armagh Observatory were founded by Archbishop Richard Robinson , in 1771 and 1790 respectively, and played a key role in his plans to establish a University of Armagh and so improve the City. ... Armagh Observatory Archives . ...
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Ссылки http://star.arm.ac.uk/press/archives-Aug-2003.html -- 5.6 Кб -- 29.08.2003
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5. Harvard College Observatory History in Images
... This is a personal project collecting and documenting early images of Harvard College Observatory, focusing on the site at Observatory Hill (previously Summer House Hill). ... This page shows a list of all images related pictures in the same group. [link] 1636 Portrait of Galileo Galilei . ... The image is a copy of a famous portrait by Justus Sustermans, which is on display at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence Italy (where Galileo was under house arrest while sitting for the portrait in 1636). ...
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Ссылки http://hea-www.harvard.edu/~fine/Observatory/_related_GalileoSustermansCarlton.html -- 6.7 Кб -- 10.04.2016
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6. Pulkovo Observatory
. Pulkovo Observatory of Russian Academy of Sciences is situated . near Saint-Petersburg. It was founded in 1839. 196140, Saint-Petersburg, Pulkovskoye chaussee 65/1 . English version . Russian version . This page has been accessed times since May 1, 1999.
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7. SAO RAS home page
... Дни открытых дверей к юбилею САО РАН (12-14 апреля 2016 г.) . Международная конференция "Dark Ages and White Nights (Spectroscopy of the CMB)" (20-24 июня 2016 г.) . ... Международная конференция MULTI-SPIN GALAXIES - 2016 (26-30 сентября 2016 г.) . Международная астрономическая конференция "Физика звезд: от коллапса до коллапса" (3-7 октября 2016 г.) Архив . ... Подробнее.. ... 10.02.16 . ... БТА в реальном времени . ... Цейсс-1000 в реальном времени . ... Последнее обновление: 22/03/2016 ...
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Ссылки http://www.sao.ru/ -- 11.4 Кб -- 09.04.2016
[ Сохраненная копия ] Ссылки http://mavr.sao.ru/ -- 11.4 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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[ Сохраненная копия ] Ссылки http://mavr.sao.ru/ -- 11.4 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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8. Iowa Robotic Telescope Facilities
... Iowa Robotic Telescope | ... Talon is based on OCAAS, a software suite developed by software engineer Elwood Downey ( Clear Sky Institute ) for use at the University of Iowa ?s first remote facility (the ATF, or Automated Telescope Facility). ... XObservatory : Telescope Control Interface . ... This program calls upon and coordinates much of the interrelated portions of the Talon architecture, and forms the primary control panel for the telescope, dome, and peripheral systems when used locally. ...
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Ссылки http://vega.inp.nsk.su/~inest/Talon(OCAAS)/Iowa%20Robotic%20Telescope%20Facilities.htm -- 37.9 Кб -- 25.01.2006
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9. Pulsar Group Observing/Psrcorr
... Psrcat . Data archive . ... PSRCORR receives data from PKCCC1 , and displays, processes and archives them. ... Click on Setup and select WBA and old tape or new tape as appropriate. ... At the end of each observation the raw data files are written to the archive tape and the file details recorded in the tape log which is located in /psr1/runtime/psrcorr/db/tape.log . ... This allows you to select an archive tape and the file(s) to be archived (from PKCCC1 _1) and to write these files to the tape. ...
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Ссылки http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/pulsar/index.html?n=Observing.Psrcorr -- 12.5 Кб -- 01.03.2014
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10. Journal "Peremennye Zvezdy"
Peremennye Zvezdy ( Variable Stars ) 35 , No. ... We present the results of our new observations of QS Draconis, a recently discovered double-mode high-amplitude Scuti variable, HADS(B) type. ... Our CCD observations in the Johnson bands were performed at the Tien Shan Astronomical Observatory of the V.G. Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute, at the altitude of 2750 m above the sea level. ... The finding chart (Fig. 1) identifies the variable star, comparison star, and check star. ... Fig. ...
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Ссылки http://www.astronet.ru/db/varstars/msg/1333529 -- 29.0 Кб -- 17.12.1972
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11. Moore Observatory's XmCCD
In the current version .. ... Apogee Alta . Many SBIG cameras and filter wheels . ... FITS file format with exposure, camera, telescope, object and filter header information . Interactive image display and analysis with latest SAOimage ds9 . Interactive data processing in real time with AstroImageJ . ... XmCCD creates FITS image files with comprehensive header information and displays the images using ds9. ... Latest version 5.1 for Apogee and SBIG cameras updated June 17, 2015 . ...
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Ссылки http://www.astro.louisville.edu/software/sbig/ -- 3.3 Кб -- 18.06.2015
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12. IKI IPL home page
You can also see this page in Russian with using KOI8 (X Windows) or CP1251 (MS Windows) Cyrillic coding. The Laboratory supports the space TV experiments, mainly in the planetary exploration missions. ... Image Co-registration . ... PHOBOS mission - Martian satellites investigations. Phobos on the Martian limb, the image from Phobos-2 probe from 02/28/89. ... Russian Space Bulletin. ... Last modified at June,26 1997 Alexey Kuzmin: akuzmin@mx.iki.rssi.ru . Back to IKI home page ...
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13. Displaying information about other user's processes
. To display information about processes associated with another user use one of the following commands: System V BSD ps -u user_name ps -aux | grep user_name . System V Example .
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Ссылки http://comet.sai.msu.ru/UNIXhelp/shell/jobz4.3.html -- 1.9 Кб -- 17.01.1997
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14. z90-program
... Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) . ... Searching for SZ clusters . ... Baryon content of galaxy clusters and cosmology . ... 3 sigma peaks: Observational Signatures of High Redshift Galaxies and Low Redshift Clusters . CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES . ... Clusters of galaxies seen in X-rays: war and peace . ... Chandra X-ray Observations of Clusters/Groups/Galaxies . ... Common timing features in neutron stars and black holes . ... X-ray luminosity function of low-mass X-ray binaries in galaxies . ...
Сохраненная копия
Ссылки http://hea.iki.rssi.ru/Z-90/program.html -- 86.0 Кб -- 18.12.2004
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15. Results of recent and ongoing site programs
... Liyong Liu (NAOC) . Site testing on seeing conditions of the astronomical observatories over China are briefly reviewed, including Xionglong station of NAOC, Gaomeigu station of Yunnan Observatory, Delingha station of Purple Mountain Observatory. ... PDF [3.0€аMB] October 8, 09:55 10:20 . ... In this paper, we will review the site survey activities in the past years, and present the site-testing results on the Oma site, including cloud cover, seeing, water vapor, transparency and sky brightness. ...
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Ссылки http://site2010.sai.msu.ru/section/5 -- 6.7 Кб -- 09.04.2016
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16. Radioastrophysical Observatory ISTP RAS SB
RADIOASTROPHYSICAL DEPARTMENT • INSTITUTE OF SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL PHYSICS RAS SB . ... SSRT - Receiving systems . The SSRT has two independent receiving systems for recording solar observational data, and several ancillary receivers for checking, setting up and adjusting the instrument. The base receiving systen is a multichannel filter receiver for a simultaneous recording in 180 channels with the 500 kHz band each, adjusted at steps of about 600 kHz. ... Channel's band . ...
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Ссылки http://ssrt.iszf.irk.ru/rad21en.shtml -- 19.9 Кб -- 27.02.2014
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17. Laboratory for the Stellar Magnetism Study of SAO of the RAS - History of
The Special Astrophysical Observatory of Russian Academy of Sciences is one of the leading center of stellar magnetism study. ... Our observatory every 3-5 years holds an International Conference "Magnetic Stars" during past 30 years. ... The conference proceedings were published in book "Stellar Magnetism", Editors-in-chief Yu.V. Glagolevskij and I.I. Romanyuk (Saint Petersburg, Nauka, 1992), 270 pages. ... Conferences . History . ... Laboratory for the Stellar Magnetism Study of SAO of the RAS . ...
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Ссылки http://mavr.sao.ru/hq/lizm/conferences/en/history.html -- 9.4 Кб -- 10.04.2016
[ Сохраненная копия ] Ссылки http://www.sao.ru/hq/lizm/conferences/en/history.html -- 9.4 Кб -- 28.02.2014
[ Сохраненная копия ] Ссылки http://jet.sao.ru/hq/lizm/conferences/en/history.html -- 9.4 Кб -- 27.02.2014
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[ Сохраненная копия ] Ссылки http://www.sao.ru/hq/lizm/conferences/en/history.html -- 9.4 Кб -- 28.02.2014
[ Сохраненная копия ] Ссылки http://jet.sao.ru/hq/lizm/conferences/en/history.html -- 9.4 Кб -- 27.02.2014
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18. http://vo.astronet.ru/~karpov/pdf/2015_Malaga_mmt_satellites.pdf
To appear in "Fourth Workshop on Robotic Autonomous Observatories (2015)"RevMexAA(SC) MASSIVE PHOTOMETRY OF LOW-ALTITUDE ARTIFICIAL SATELLITES ON MINI-MEGATORTORA S. Karpov, 1, 3 E. Katkova,2 G. Beskin, 1, 3 A. Biryukov3,4 S. Bondar,2 E. Davydov5 E. Ivanov,2 A. Perkov,2 V. Sasyuk3 RESUMEN Favor de prop orcionar un resumen en espanol. ... The nine-channel Mini-MegaTORTORA (MMT-9) optical widefield monitoring system with high temporal resolution system is in operation since June 2014. ...
Ссылки http://vo.astronet.ru/~karpov/pdf/2015_Malaga_mmt_satellites.pdf -- 185.1 Кб -- 15.12.2015
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19. http://www.arcetri.astro.it/science/irlab/doc/adass_94.ps
Distributed Software for Observations in Near Infrared V. Gavryusev 1 and C. Baffa Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri E. Giani Dipartamento di Astronomia, Universit`a di Firenze Abstract. ... The processes denoted for control of hardware (telescope and other instruments) should be executed currently on PC dedicated for this task under DESQview/X, while all other components (user interface, tools for the data analysis, etc.) can work also under Unix. ... 1993, Di Giacomo et al. 1993). ...
Ссылки http://www.arcetri.astro.it/science/irlab/doc/adass_94.ps -- 1609.9 Кб -- 28.07.2005
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20. ASP's 2009 Annual Meeting
... Annual Meeting . ... Exhibitors . ... This year's ASP Annual Meeting, "Science Education and Outreach: Forging a Path to the Future" is once again expected to be 2009's largest gathering of astronomy/space science education and outreach professionals, with an expected attendance of 250 or more. ... Exhibit Information . ... Exhibitors will be responsible for shipping their display materials to and from the hotel (instructions below) and for setting up and tearing down their own exhibits. ... 5:00pm ...
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Ссылки http://www.astrosociety.org/events/2009mtg/exhibitors.html -- 22.9 Кб -- 05.08.2010
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