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1. *imcalc* - Obtain a background subtracted image for ROSAT PSPC Data
... Use the ROSAT broad band background which is a array file at 1/30 the *.qp file resolution, and contains data from PI bins 7-240. input files: xdata$rp110590.qp; xdata$rp110590_bk1.imh . ... xr> ximages xi> imcalc input file ('-' for STDIN) or imcalc commands: - # Interactive mode IMC) IMC) rp90_a.imh = xdata$rp110590.qp[bl=30,pi=7:240] - xdata$rp110590_bkl.imh # Select same size and channels as the background map # and subtract the background IMC) quit # To exit the interactive mode and imcalc . ...
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Ссылки http://hea-www.harvard.edu/PROS/PUG/node117.html -- 4.5 Кб -- 01.10.2012
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2. Obtaining a username and password
. Information for your local site should be placed here.
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Ссылки http://comet.sai.msu.ru/UNIXhelp/local/getaccount.html -- 1.7 Кб -- 17.01.1997
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3. Examples of the raw magnetic field information, obtained with the MIF-M
... Tpram - time of the PRAM instrument (aquisition computer) . ... Bx - DC magnetic field with a fixed amplitude calibration; X component . ... The color lines present FFT from the AC magnetic field (Waveform); Bwx, Bwy, Bwz - from the bottom. ...
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Ссылки http://www.iki.rssi.ru/tail/data/aspi/index.html -- 2.8 Кб -- 21.01.1997
[ Сохраненная копия ] Ссылки http://www.cosmos.ru/tail/data/aspi/index.html -- 2.8 Кб -- 21.01.1997
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[ Сохраненная копия ] Ссылки http://www.cosmos.ru/tail/data/aspi/index.html -- 2.8 Кб -- 21.01.1997
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4. Examples of the raw magnetic field information, obtained with the MIF-M
... Tpram - time of the PRAM instrument (aquisition computer) . ... Bx - DC magnetic field with a fixed amplitude calibration; X component . ... The color lines present FFT from the AC magnetic field (Waveform); Bwx, Bwy, Bwz - from the bottom. ...
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Ссылки http://www.iki.rssi.ru/interball/aspi/pramv.html -- 2.9 Кб -- 17.10.1996
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5. A raw image obtained with SINFONI
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Ссылки http://www.eso.org/public/images/sinfo_cc/zoomable/ -- 1.8 Кб -- 12.04.2016
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6. Method of search of flare current sheets in the magnetic field obtained by MHD
. Секция «Солнце» . Предварительная повестка дня . Пятница, 29 мая . 14:00–14:15 А. И. Подгорный, И.М. Подгорный. Солнечная вспышки – модель и сравнение с наблюдениями. 14:15–14:30 Ю .В. Думин , Б.В. Сомов. Топологическое инициирование быстрого магнитного пересоединения . 14:30–14:45 П.А. Грицык , Б.В. Сомов. Модель толстой мишени с обратным током и современные наблюдения солнечных вспышек. 14:45–15:00 Н.П. Колесников, С.И. Безродных, Б.В. Сомов. Расчет течений плазмы в приближении сильного
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Ссылки http://www.sai.msu.su/EAAS/rus/confs/sun.htm -- 31.9 Кб -- 22.05.2015
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7. The 6th INTEGRAL Workshop "The Obscured Universe"
The 6th INTEGRAL Workshop . The Obscured Universe . ... Travel support . Past workshops . ... Visa support . ... All foreigners are required to obtain visas to enter Russia. If you travel alone, the cheapest option (saves you $30) is to obtain a "business visa" using an official invitation from IKI. ... The ESA representatives can obtain an official invitation for a "business visa" from the ESA Office in Moscow. ... If you travel alone, IKI can generate an invitation for "business visa". ...
Сохраненная копия
Ссылки http://hea.iki.rssi.ru/integral06/index.php?page=visa -- 8.2 Кб -- 10.04.2016
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8. Pulsar Group PmWiki/Version
... Data archive . ... Summary: PmWiki group header. ... PmWiki .Version$:Audience} . Summary: Determining and displaying the current version of PmWiki (pmwiki-2.1.27):) . This wiki installation is running version pmwiki-2.1.27 , version number 2001027 . Use the {$Version} page variable to display the current version of PmWiki . See the SiteAdmin.Status page for the current version and version number. ... The default group is {$DefaultGroup}. ... The site group is {$SiteGroup} . ...
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Ссылки http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/pulsar/index.html?n=PmWiki.Version -- 12.7 Кб -- 01.03.2014
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9. OptInt PmWiki : Version
OptInt PmWiki . Pm Wiki / . Edit Page | ... MROI Delay Line Design Contract . ... Document Management . ... MROI . ... Version . Use the {$Version} page variable to display the current version of PmWiki. ... This wiki installation is running PmWiki {$Version}, version number {$VersionNum}. ... This wiki installation is running PmWiki pmwiki-2.2.8, version number 2002008. ... This page may have a more recent version on pmwiki.org : PmWiki:Version , and a talk page: PmWiki:Version-Talk . ...
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Ссылки http://www.mrao.cam.ac.uk/projects/OAS/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/PmWiki/Version -- 21.4 Кб -- 28.02.2014
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10. An Archival System for the Observational Data Obtained at the Okayama and Kiso
... Okayama Astrophysical Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Kamogata, Okayama 719-02, Japan, E-mail: yoshida@oao.nao.ac.jp . The Mitaka-Okayama-Kiso data Archival system second version (MOKA2) has been released. ... Is was developed for the observational data taken with the Spectro-Nebulagraph (SNG; Kosugi et al. 1995) attached to the 188cm telescope at Okayama Astrophysical Observatory and with the prime focus CCD camera of the 105cm Schmidt telescope at Kiso Observatory. ...
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Ссылки http://www.adass.org/adass/proceedings/adass96/yoshidam.html -- 11.1 Кб -- 23.06.1998
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11. New spectra of Egg Nebula
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Ссылки http://mavr.sao.ru/hq/ssl/Egg_sp.html -- 2.6 Кб -- 01.10.2012
[ Сохраненная копия ] Ссылки http://www.sao.ru/hq/ssl/Egg_sp.html -- 2.6 Кб -- 01.10.2012
[ Сохраненная копия ] Ссылки http://jet.sao.ru/hq/ssl/Egg_sp.html -- 2.6 Кб -- 01.10.2012
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[ Сохраненная копия ] Ссылки http://www.sao.ru/hq/ssl/Egg_sp.html -- 2.6 Кб -- 01.10.2012
[ Сохраненная копия ] Ссылки http://jet.sao.ru/hq/ssl/Egg_sp.html -- 2.6 Кб -- 01.10.2012
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12. Database of Optical Constants -- Level: welcome
The database contains references to the papers, data files and links to the Internet resources related to measurements and calculations of the optical constants in the wavelength interval from X-rays to radio domain. ... References to some useful books and reviews on the subject (e.g. the classical handbooks edited by E.D.Palik) and links to Internet collections of optical constants and personal WWW pages with related software were also placed in the database. You have arrived at our welcome page. ...
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Ссылки http://www.astro.spbu.ru/JPDOC/ -- 10.8 Кб -- 19.11.2010
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13. Information
General Information . ... Local Information . ... The city represents great cultural value because in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Kislovodsk as a fashionable spa attracted many musicians, artists, and members of the Russian aristocracy. ... Double room with full pension (breakfast, lunch, dinner) - 2620 rubles per person per night. solnechniy . ... Citizens of most countries need visa to enter the Russian Federation. ... Victor Kornilov, Sternberg Astronomical Institute (chair) . ...
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Ссылки http://site2010.sai.msu.ru/information -- 9.4 Кб -- 01.10.2012
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14. First VLT Colour Photo of a Strange Galaxy (ESO PR Photo 19/98)
... ESO Press Photo 19/98 . ... This is a colour photo from the VLT that shows NGC 4650A , a member of the so-called Centaurus chain of galaxies in the southern constellation of that name. ... As it is clear from this high-resolution picture, there are two main components, a lenticular-shaped galaxy (of type S0), surrounded by a knotty extended ring-like distribution of stars, dust and gas , nearly perpendicular to each other. ... This is the caption to ESO PR Photo 19/98 [JPG, 112k] . ...
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Ссылки http://www.arcetri.astro.it/~palla/ANDREAIMMAGINI/Galassie/phot-19-98-hires.html -- 8.2 Кб -- 21.01.2002
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15. Software Store - Installation Guide
... Obtaining the software . ... a. Decide on the root directory where your software is going to go.... /home/friday , for example. b. In your .cshrc file, define . ... home/friday/]lib . ... after make ) an object code library ../pack/qub/libqub.a . ... Then a common section of code, found in ../pack/make_library supplies all the necessary targets: . ... remove The conservative way to build this library is to cd /home/friday/pack/qub; make; make install; make clean . ... cd /home/friday/pack; make . ...
Сохраненная копия
Ссылки http://star.arm.ac.uk/~csj/software_store/Howto_install1.html -- 6.9 Кб -- 02.06.2003
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16. Scientific Directions Achievements
... the radiative transfer equation (RTE) for the randomly-irregular magnetized plasma has been derived on the base of general grounds of the multiple scattering theory . ... Solutions of several absolute tasks of the scattering theory have been obtained (on the optical depth of the ionospheric plasma layer, on the value of radio wave anomalous attenuation, on anomalous refraction, on the backscattered signal intensity for the source being placed within a plasma layer). ...
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Ссылки http://ip.rsu.ru/~zabotin/achiev_e.htm -- 9.3 Кб -- 02.02.2007
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17. GRIM II Spectroscopy
On 19/20 October 1995 we used GRIM II to attempt spectroscopy of the 2.3 micron CO absorption band in stellar clusters. ... Read Noise Our typical backgrounds in 60s were about 100 DN (about 500 e), and so for faint objects our noise is utterly dominated by the read noise of about 110 e. We can think of three ways to improve this situation: integrate longer; reduce the read noise; or implement multiple reads. ... Flats The quartz lamps were too dim for flats. ...
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Ссылки http://www.apo.nmsu.edu/35m_operations/35m_manual/Instruments/Grim/OLD/grim/msg.2.html -- 5.3 Кб -- 21.08.2003
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18. Index of /~bessell/FTP/Andreas
... Parent Directory - 300bred23.fits 02-Feb-2009 08:44 17K 600bred23.fits 02-Feb-2009 08:44 17K he1327_600b_300b_618.. 02-Feb-2009 09:25 1.4M temp6180g35m500.fits 02-Feb-2009 08:44 37K temp6180g40m500.fits 02-Feb-2009 08:44 37K temp6180g375m500.fits 02-Feb-2009 08:44 37K . Andreas Three spectra were obtained with the 2.3m Double Beam Spectrograph (DBS). ... The spectra had wavelengths fitted from a NeAr arc and corrected for continuous atmospheric distinction. ...
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Ссылки http://www.mso.anu.edu.au/~bessell/FTP/Andreas/ -- 4.4 Кб -- 02.10.2012
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19. Dawn obtains first low-altitude images of Vesta | Astronomy.com
... Tonight's Sky . ... Observing . ... Astronomy for Kids . ... Imaging Basics . ... Dawn obtains first low-altitude images of Vesta . ... NASAт??s Dawn spacecraft has sent back the first images of the giant asteroid Vesta from its low-altitude mapping orbit. ... Dawn returned the images to Earth December 13. ... Only registered members of Astronomy.com are allowed to comment on this article. ... Receive news, sky-event information, observing tips, and more from Astronomy's weekly email newsletter. ...
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Ссылки http://www.astronomy.com/news/2011/12/dawn-obtains-first-low-altitude-images-of-vesta -- 68.7 Кб -- 10.04.2016
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20. Internal crystallization method
... Single-crystalline eutectic oxide fibres are needed to reinforce metal, intermetallic and ceramic matrices to obtain high temperature composites. ... The method of internal crystallization was developed in Laboratory of Reinforced Systems of Solid State Physics Institute initially to produce oxide-matrix/molybdenum-matrix composites, which were considered mainly as model ones. ... Figure 1 . ... The oxide/molybdenum block is then moved to a cold zone of the furnace to crystallize the fibres. ...
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Ссылки http://www.issp.ac.ru/lrfs/technology/icm_en.htm -- 20.6 Кб -- 14.02.2006
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