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1. may_iss
... Theoretical and experimental investigations electrodynamical characteristics of RATAN-600. Calculation of the two- and thee-mirror periscopic systems of RATAN-600 and optimization their characteristics. Measurements and calculation of the antenna noise temperature of the RATAN-600 radio telescope. ... Calculation and experimental investigation of the characteristics of the radio telescope RATAN-600 when the primary feed is shifted from the focus. ... The "radio-Schmidt telescope" mode. ...
Сохраненная копия
Ссылки http://mavr.sao.ru/hq/len/may_iss_e.htm -- 6.5 Кб -- 24.02.2010
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2. RCJ0311+0507
... A radio galaxy is a galaxy that emits an unusually big amount of energy at radio wavelengths. ... Inside of each galaxy with an active nucleus (radio galaxies are among them) there must be a system of a "central machine" responsible for the colossal amount of the emitted energy from radio to gamma ranges. ... Sometimes a radio source in an active galaxy may flare again if the needed conditions appear (a new portion of matter would fall into the furnace of the "central machine"). ...
Сохраненная копия
Ссылки http://mavr.sao.ru/Doc-en/SciNews/RC0311/ -- 7.8 Кб -- 02.10.2012
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