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Installation Instructions for XmCCD with the SBIG Library ========================================================= This is a recipe for installing XmCCD and auxiliary software especially for those who may not have experience with Linux system management. ... You will need these programs or files before you can take the software for a test run: 1. xmccd-x.x.x.tar.gz This is the gzipped tarfile for the software. ... XmCCD uses it to display the images and to provide image analysis and file handling. ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 13.0 Кб -- 24.10.2004
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2. XPA/Tcl Interface
Tcl /Tk programs can act as XPA clients and/or servers using the Tcl interface to XPA that is contained in the shared object. set xpa [xpanew class name help sproc sdata smode rproc rdata rmode] xpafree xpa set xpa [xpanew class name help iproc idata imode] set xpa [xpacmdnew class name ] xpacmdadd xpa name help sproc sdata smode rproc rdata rmode xpacmddel xpa cmd ... When this routine is called, a copy of buf is saved for transmission to the client. ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 9.0 Кб -- 03.01.2008
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