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1. Printer (ImageJ API)
... Class . ... METHOD . ... PlugInFilter , java.awt.print.Printable . public class Printer . ... This method is called once when the filter is loaded. ... This method is called once when the filter is loaded. 'arg', which may be blank, is the argument specified for this plugin in IJ_Props.txt or in the plugins.config file of a jar archive containing the plugin. 'imp' is the currently active image. ... ImageJ will lock the image before calling this method and unlock it when the filter is finished. ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 16.5 Кб -- 02.12.2010
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2. XPA Programs
Use the XPA programs to send/receive data to/from XPA servers from the command line or from scripts. <data> | xpaset [-h] [-i nsinet] [-m method] [-n] [-p] [-s] [-t sval,lval] [-u users] [-v] <template> [paramlist] xpaget [-h] [-i nsinet] [-m method] [-s] [-t sval,lval] [-u users] <template> [paramlist] xpainfo [-h] [-i nsinet] [-m method] [-n] [-s] [-t sval,lval] [-u users] <template> [paramlist] xpaaccess [-c] [-h] [-i nsinet] [-m method] [-n] [-u users] [-v|-V] <template> [type] <data> | ...
[ Сохраненная копия ]  Ссылки -- 10.1 Кб -- 03.11.2006
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