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1. Astronaut Bio: Stephen K. Robinson (07/2012)
... NASA Astronaut (FORMER) . ... As an MVL team member, he conducted neurovestibular research on astronauts on the Spacelab Life Sciences 2 shuttle mission (STS-58). ... Beginning in January 2012, Robinson served as Director of the NASA Johnson Space Center Virtual Reality Laboratory as well as Chief of Aviation Safety for the Astronaut Office. ... Dr. Stephen Robinson has flown on four space shuttle missions and has served as a backup crew member for the fourth crew of the International Space Station:...
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Ссылки http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/Bios/htmlbios/robinson.html -- 11.2 Кб -- 07.07.2015
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(Показать все результаты (>3652) - www.jsc.nasa.gov/ )
2. http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/Bios/htmlbios/doi.html
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Ссылки http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/Bios/htmlbios/doi.html -- 1.5 Кб -- 07.07.2015
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