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Proposal Identi cation No.: A1867 Date Received: 2004-Sep-29 13:09:45 Technical Page Proposal Type: Regular General Category: Astronomy Sub-Category: Spectroscopy Observation Category: Extragalactic Total Time Requested: 43 Hours Proposal Title: HI Observations of Gas Poor Galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey ABSTRACT: We propose to make HI observations of 131 optically selected, nearby (cz <3000 km/s) galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). ... Maybe Part of the observing run. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 98.2 Кб -- 23.01.2004
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... 2.3 Data acquisition Spectra generated by the Multibeam correlator contain the usual structure seen in spectra from other H i instruments: a bandpass spectrum which is the sum of the sky , ground and receiver temperatures multiplied by the product of the filters in the receiver chain; superimposed on this is a noise ... Note also that sources extended much beyond ,40 arcmin can be imaged poorly in HIPASS images because of the bandpass sidelobe effect described in Section 3.3. ...
[ Текст ]  Ссылки -- 370.1 Кб -- 14.03.2003
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