Our paper has been published in The Journal of Biomedical Optics

The paperšOptical tweezers study of red blood cell aggregation andšdisaggregationšin plasma and protein solutionsšwritten by Maria D.šKhokhlova,šEvgenyšV.šLyubin,šAndreyšA.šFedyaninšin collaboration withšKisungšLee,šMattišKinnunen, Alexander V.šPriezzhevšand IgoršMeglinskišhas just been published onlinešinšThe Journal of Biomedical Optics.

A. Fedyanin has become Professor of the RAS

Russian Academy of Sciences' Presidium has decided to give honorary title Professor of the RAS to our lab's head Andrey Fedyanin. This title is given to Russian scientists who are not members of the RAS, but have undeniable scientific merits, received international recognition, mainly - not elder than 50 years.

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