Andrei Vladimirovich Fursikov

Fursikov Andrei Vladimirovich
Fursikov Andrei Vladimirovich


Head of the Department




Navier-Stockes equations, statistical hydrodynamics, theory of control for systems with distributed parameters.

General information: 

  • student of Mark Iosifovich Vishik
  • author of over 150 scientific publications, including 4 books
  • 9 of his students successfully defended their theses under his supervision

A.V. Fursikov has made an important contribution to the solution of the highly challenging problem of one-valued solvability of the 3-dimentional system of Navier-Stockes equations for the arbitrary initial condition and for the right hand side belonging to an everywhere dense set of the corresponding functional space. His research has laid the foundation of the theory of optimal control for the systems with distributed parameters in cases when the system is specified either by an ill posed boundary problem, or by a problem, whose correctness is yet to be studied. A.V. Fursikov has devoted many of his studies to the problems of statistical hydromechanics. In particular, he solved a challenging closure problem for the chain of moment equations corresponding to 3-dimentional Navier-Stockes system for large Reynolds numbers, built (together with M.I. Vishik) the theory of spatially uniform statistical solutions, as well as theory of time-space statistical solutions. A.V. Fursikov has derived several fundamental results in the theory of fluid motion control. Among the results of his research are the proof of the non-local controllability from the boundary for systems of Navier-Stockes and Boussinesq equations as well as the stabilization for а systems of Navier-Stockes equations by feedback control from the boundary. He has built the theory of minimization of resistance forces, influencing the body that moves in the fluid, filling all of the 3-dimentional space, by controlling the motion of the fluid on the boundary of the body, as well as established approximate controllability of the Stokes system by external unidirectional forces.
In 1985 A.V. Fursikov defended his doctoral thesis ?Problems of control and non-local theorems of existence of smooth solutions for evolutionary systems?. He is a member of the editorial board of "Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems", "Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics", "Interdisciplinary Math. Sciences (Book series)", ?Mathematical hydrodynamics and oceanology? (Institute of Oceanology of RAS), "Evolution Equations and Control Theory". In 2004 he was awarded International Humboldt Prize (Germany). e-mail: