Äîêóìåíò âçÿò èç êýøà ïîèñêîâîé ìàøèíû. Àäðåñ îðèãèíàëüíîãî äîêóìåíòà : http://acat02.sinp.msu.ru/presentations/tuura/userguide.ps
Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Wed Jun 26 23:34:18 2002
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Mon Oct 1 20:11:43 2012
Êîäèðîâêà: IBM-866
Available on CMS information server CMS NOTE : Draft
The Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment
Mailing address: CMS CERN, CHí1211 GENEVA 23, Switzerland
CMS Note
May 15, 2002
IGUANA User Guide
for IGUANA 3.0.0, 3.0.1
ORCA 5.4.4 and 6.1.0
OSCAR 1.3.2
G. Alverson a) , I. Osborne b) , L. Taylor c) , and L. Tuura d)
Northeastern University, Boston, USA
IGUANA, or ``Interactive Graphics for User Analysis'', is a generic C++ project which provides a
visualisation framework based on plugíins and a toolkit of 2D and 3D graphics and user interface
components. It includes extensions for HEP event displays and interactive GEANT3 and GEANT4
This guide is aimed at potential users of IGUANA, in particular CMS PRS physicists wishing to use
the ORCA or OSCAR/GEANT4 visualisation programs. No prior expertise in ORCA, OSCAR, nor
even C++ is assumed. If running on a system at CERN, no installation of software is required, you
can just start visualising.
a) George.Alverson@cern.ch (D0 scan)
b) Ianna.Osborne@cern.ch (CMS ORCA visualisation)
c) Lucas.Taylor@cern.ch (IGUANA coordination)
b) Lassi.Tuura@cern.ch (CMS OSCAR visualisation)

1 About This Document
This guide aims to get you started with the IGUANAí
based visualisation systems of ORCA and OSCAR
as quickly as possible, with essentially no knowlí
edge of the software, and without the need to iní
stall software (if running at CERN). More compreí
hensive design, reference, planning and other docuí
mentation may be found on the IGUANA web site
(http://iguana.cern.ch). IGUANA software is
used by the CMS, D0, and L3 experiments; this guide,
however, focuses on CMS.
This document is structured in largely selfícontained
sections, as follows:
. ORCA Visualisation: section 2.
. OSCAR Visualisation: section 3.
. Using IGUANA browsers: section 4.
. IGUANA and related software: section 5.
. Plans for 2002 for IGUANA, ORCA, and OSí
CAR visualisation: section 6.
Commands to be entered and the output they gení
erate are shown as: command. Magenta is used
to highlight crossíreferences, citations, and glossary
items. If you run into problems, have questions or
can o#er new ideas, please contact us at iguanaí
2 ORCA Visualisation
The visualisation executable OrcaVisMain is built
along with the ORCA release. You can run it directly
from the release area as follows:
> cd /afs/cern.ch/cms/Releases/ORCA
> cd ORCA_6_1_0/src
> eval `scram runtime ícsh`
> cd í
> source /afs/cern.ch/cms/Releases
> OrcaVisMain
You may also rebuild it in your own developer area as
described in section 5.2. Note that testfed.csh
sets the location of the Objectivity federation through
$OO FD BOOT. You should check that it points to a
valid federation; by default it points to one at CERN
(see section 5).
When OrcaVisMain starts you will see the usual COí
BRA framework printout. Once this completes, the
Figure 1: Viewer shown at OrcaVis startup.
GUI pops up (Fig. 1), consisting of three tiled winí
dows: a 3D view window on the left, a scene coní
troller window on the right, and an information winí
dow at the bottom right. Initially the 3D view is empty
(black), because no objects have been requested to
be shown. You can request an object to be shown
by making it visible in the scene controller tree. This
triggers a chain of COBRA actioníonídemand requests
until the object can be displayed. For example, if you
make reconstructed tracks visible, a request is made
to COBRA to create them if they do not already exist.
This might in turn initiate actioníonídemand requests
to create digitisations, loading of hits, mounting of
tapes and so on. In general most common objects are
present and do not need to be reícreated however.
Figures 2 and 3 show the ORCA visualisation system
with raw hits, reconstructed event data, and the CMS
detector. The 3D view has its own menu bar, a popíup
menu and various controls on both sides of the view.
The main menu bar contains only three
menus: File, Windows, and Help. The
File menu item New Scan creates aní
other set of windows: a 3D view, a scene
controller, and an information window.
Figure 4: File
Exit ends the session and closes the GUI.
The Windows menu shows the names of all the
windows in the workspace; selecting a window ací
tivates it. You can also arrange the windows eií
ther tiled or cascaded. The Help menu provides a
brief description about the program version (About)
and access to the context help (What's This).
When OrcaVisMain starts, the first event
is dispatched automatically. Subsequent
events can be triggered using the Events
menu item of the menu bar on the 3D
view window.
Figure 5: Events
See section 4 for more details on how to use the GUI,
including the scene controller.

Figure 2: Example of the ORCA Visualisation system.
Figure 3: Prototype 2D view of ORCA visualisation.

Figure 6: OSCAR visualisation.
3 OSCAR Visualisation
This section introduces the visualisation subsystem of
the OSCAR project. This is normally built as a part of
each release. Thus you should be able to simply use
it directly from an existing release area, as follows (to
reíbuild it yourself, see section 5.3):
> cd /afs/cern.ch/cms/Releases/OSCAR
> cd OSCAR_1_3_2/src
> eval `scram runtime ícsh`
> iguana
You will be greeted with an OSCAR session configuí
ration wizard (Fig. 7). Pick the detector construction,
physics list and the user actions you would like to use.
For a fastíloading overlap detection run, pick ``Overí
lap Detection'' physics list and no user actions. Once
you hit ``Finish'', OSCAR proper will begin to load and
will be configured as you requested.
As OSCAR proper starts, you will see the COBRA
and OSCAR startíup output in the terminal window
where you started iguana. Once the initialisation is
complete, the IGUANA main window, which has been
empty until then, fills up (Fig. 6). There are three
main windows: a 3D view on the left, a hierarchical
scene controller on top right (Fig. 6, †), and an inforí
mation window on bottom right (Fig. 6, €). The main
menu (Fig. 8) is in its usual place at the top of the
main window (Fig. 6, ‰) and has the following items:
File, 3D View, Overlap Detection, and Debug.
The Geant4 command line is in the terminal window.
When you begin,
the 3D view is
empty (black):
no objects are
shown by deí
fault. Use the
scene controller
(Fig. 6, †) to
make objects visí
ible as described
in section 4.3. Figure 7: OSCAR setup wizard.
The only currently availí
able item on the File menu
is Quit, which quits the
application. Other ways to Figure 8: Main menu.
leave are to press the Control and Q keys simultaneí
ously in the main window, and to type exit on the
Geant4 Idle> prompt.

3.1 Overlap Detection
The Overlaps menu (Fig. 6,
¯; Fig. 9; Fig. 10) proí
vides a graphical interface
to Martin Liendl's overlap
detection (OSCAR's Examí
ples/OverlapDetection). By
default overlap detection
is o#; to enable the mode,
select the ``Overlap Mode''
menu item. This causes
Geant4 to be reconfigured
for overlap detection and the
menu to be enabled.
Figure 9: Disabled overlap
To launch an overlap detecí
tion, use either of the two
``Trigger'' menu items. Trigí
ger Single Detection examí
ines the next volume while
Trigger Full Scan examines
the next n volumes. The
latter is normally applied to
100 (the default) or more volí
umes at a time. A winí
dow will show the overlaps
found when the scan is comí
plete (Fig. 11). The detecí
tion is stopped automatically
if more than 50 overlaps are
Figure 10: Enabled overlap
The overlap detection operates by changing the world
volume to each logical volume in turn and then doing
the overlap checks. A single check steps to the next
volume in the Geant4 logical volume store; you will
see the detector geometry change in the hierarchical
viewer (to restore the geometry back to the original full
detector, select Restore Geometry from the menu).
A full scan steps over the requested number of volumes
in one go and automatically restores the geometry at
the end. The overlap detection keeps track of a ``curí
rent'' volume: a cursor over the Geant4 logical volume
store. Every volume check continues from this current
position (that is, where the detection last left o#) and
then advances it to the next volume. You can show
the current volume with Show World and set it to a
specific volume with Select World.
You can list volumes whose names match a regular
expression by selecting List Volumes. At the moment
the list is generated to the standard output on the
terminal, not graphically.
The Set Delta, Set Grid and Set Result Threshí
old items allow you to set the overlap detection delta,
the grid density and the maximum number of overlaps
to receive before the detection is interrupted, respecí
tively. Logging is intended to configure the overlap
detection log file but is currently not implemented.
Figure 11: Overlap results.
The overlaps are shown as a list (Fig. 11). The hií
erarchical list allows you to study the details of each
overlap: expand the list items for progressively more
As overlaps are selected in the results list, they are also
shown in 3D view and in the scene controller. The deí
tector tree is automatically rooted at the appropriate
mother volume, and the volumes involved in the overí
lap are made visible. The overlap span is drawn as a
bright green line and appears as a separate 3D object
in the scene controller under ``Annotations.'' Often
the best way to visualise the overlap is to show all the
involved volumes as wireíframe, or one in wireíframe
and the other as a solid. If the overlap is still difí
ficult to see, right click on it in the scene controller
and select Seek To (see section 4.2.1 for more details
on these options). If the overlap is very small, e.g.
microns in length, it will be di#cult to view it in 3D
as moving the camera close enough to distinguish the
object will lose most of the surrounding context.
The reported overlaps do not always match the detecí
tor hierarchy. The symptom is that only one of the
relevant volumes is made visible. If this happens, loí
cate the other volume by hand, it will be either the
mother or one of the siblings. The problem seems to
be related to reflected volumes or volume copy numí
bers. We are investigating the source of this problem.

4 Using the IGUANA Viewers
this section describes the main features of the interí
active IGUANA viewers used by both the ORCA and
OSCAR visualisation systems.
4.1 3D Viewer Buttons
The 3D viewer is associated with a scene graph coní
troller described in section 4.3. The buttons on the
left (Fig. 6, „) and on the right (Fig. 6, ˆ) sides of
the viewer help to navigate in the 3D space. (If the
3D window is too small, not all of these buttons will
be visible.)
Select/Pick---Switch to object manipulaí
tion or pick mode and leave the camera or
viewer mode. The mouse cursor changes to
an arrow. In this mode, you can pick and
manipulate objects in the scene.
View---Switch to the camera or viewer mode
and leave the object manipulation mode.
The mouse cursor changes to a hand icon.
In this mode, you can move and reorient the
camera in 3D space. This is the default mode
when you start the application.
Help---Provide help about the application.
Home---Return the camera to its home poí
sition, or the initial one if no home position
is set.
Set Home---Mark current camera position
as home.
View All---Adjust the view to include the
entire scene.
Seek To---Seek towards an object (only ací
tive in the viewer mode). The mouse curí
sor turns into a crossíhair when the button
is clicked. The next left mouse button click
in the 3D view causes the object underneath
the cursor to be selected as the new centre
of rotation and view. The camera will either
jump or animate to this new position, deí
pending on the current setting of seek time
in the view preferences dialog (see the next
Projection---Set the camera projection by
toggling between the perspective and orthoí
graphic modes.
Camera Alignment---Align the camera axis
with the X, Y, or Z axis, respectively. Does
not move the camera otherwise, nor change
its focal length. To see how the axes relate
to the current camera position, right click
on the scene in view mode, select ``Preferí
ences...'', and then check the ``Show point
of rotation axes'' box (see next section for
more details).
Camera Inversion---Invert the camera orií
entation and position through origin.
Rotation Thumb Wheels---(Fig. 6, Š)
Drag the wheels to rotate the scene graph
in the respective direction.
Dolly Thumb Wheel---(Fig. 6, Š) In perí
spective mode drag the wheel to move the
camera closer to (downwards) or further
away from (upwards) from the scene. In orí
thographic mode drag the wheel to zoom in
(downwards) or out (upwards).
4.2 3D Menus
The 3D viewer menu pops up
when right mouse button is
clicked in a 3D view in viewer
mode (the menu does not appear
in pick mode!). The menu
provides options for changing
viewing settings, such as rení
dering preferences and camera
parameters. Changing rendering
parameters through the view
Figure 12: 3D viewer
alters how the whole scene is rendered; changing
rendering parameters in the object menus (see
section 4.3) changes the appearance of individual
The 3D View menu (Fig. 6, †)
applies operations to the current
3D window and has the followí
ing items: Save as..., Print as...,
Background..., Z Slice..., and a
number of submenus. Save as...
prompts you with a dialog for saving
the displayed scene as an OpenIní
ventor file; you can choose between
plain text or binary format.
Figure 13: 3D
Print as... prompts you with a dialog for printing and
saving the displayed scene as a GIF, TIFF, JPEG or

a PostScript image file. Background... prompts you
with a dialog to select a new background colour for
the 3D view. Z Slice... prompts you with a dialog
controlling a Z slicer (a pair of clip planes, normally
along the Z axis) in the scene. It is quite useful for
scanning the detector or the event along the Z axis.
The Clips submenu provides ací
cess to clip planes and their maí
nipulators. To create new clip
plane, select New... and proí
vide a name for the new clip
plane. Existing clip planes can
be activated and deactivated by Figure 14: Clip Planes.
selecting the corresponding menu items; a tick mark
by an item indicates the plane is active. To delete a
click plane, select it under the Delete submenu.
The Lights submenu provides
acces to scene lights and their
manipulators similarly to clip
planes. To move and reorient
the lights, select Show Maí
nipulators; reselect the item
to hide the manipulators (the
name of the menu item reflects
the current state). Create a
new light through items in the Figure 15: Lights.
New submenu. Remove an existing light by selecting
it under the Delete submenu. Activate and deactive
lights by selecting the corresponding menu item.
The Animations submenu allows you
to manage predefined camera paths
across the 3D scene and Viewpoints
allows you to manage predefined camí
era locations and orientations. Figure 16: Anií
4.2.1 3D Object Menu
Rightíclicking on an object in the scene controller pops
up an objectíspecific context menu (Fig. 19 in secí
tion 4.3). If the object is shown in 3D window, you
will see at least the Seek To menu item. Clicking on
it moves the camera such that the object is in view.
This is a convenient way to seek to an object if you
have lost it from sight.
Geant4 volumes also provide two rendering options:
Render and Render All. The first changes how a
particular volume is to drawn, either As Is (to inherit
the current 3D viewer setting), Solid or Wireframe.
The second applies the preferences recursively for the
whole subtree. Note that the whole scene can be rení
dered in various ways independent of individual object
settings (section 4.2).
4.3 Scene Controller
The scene coní
troller shows the
tree of objects
currently availí
able for display
in the 3D view.
In ORCA this is
determined by
what was built
into OrcaVisí
Main and can
be changed by
modifying the
BuildFile in
Vis/test and
rebuilding the
executable. For
example, to
remove tracker Figure 17: Scene controller.
visualisation, remove all trackerírelated libraries and
rebuild the executable. Next time you run, the
``Tracker'' subtree will not appear and the application
will be ``slimmer''. In OSCAR the tree contents are
more dynamic; no rebuild is necessary.
The check boxes by the objects control their visibilí
ity. When an object is requested to be visible, it is
first constructed if it doesn't exist yet (action on deí
mand). The tree groups objects into categories, in
ORCA fairly coarsely, in OSCAR in more detail down
to every Geant4 volume.
By default all objects are invisible. In ORCA, a parí
ent's children are by default enabled, while they are
disabled. In ORCA, a parent node has no represení
tation itself; in OSCAR, it is the mother volume's
envelope. In ORCA, the parent's visibility also coní
trols the children's visibility: subtrees can be turned
o# by toggling the parent's visibility. In OSCAR the
visibility check box applies to that tree node only; the
children are enabled and disabled separately via the
object context menu (see below).
The scene
above disí
plays the
hierarchy Figure 18: OSCAR scene controller.
(Fig. 17). In it, ``HCAL Barrel'' is visible when all the
groups ``CMS Detector and Event'', ``Detector'', and
``HCAL'' and the barrel itself are set visible.
In the OSCAR controller (Fig. 18) ``BarrelPixelDeí

tector'' is visible; the visibility of its children is coní
trolled from the popíup menu's ``Disable Children''
item (``Enable Children'' if the children are currently
disabled); if a parent's children are disabled, they are
grayed out to indicate this status.
To open or close the branches of the tree either doubleí
click on the tree node name or click on the small box
on the left of the name.
on an object
in the scene
pops up an
context menu
(Fig. 19). Deí
pending on the
object di#erent
actions will
be available.
Typical actions
are shown on
the right. Figure 19: Object menu.
5 IGUANA Software
5.1 Overview
The IGUANA project aims to provide a generic softí
ware framework and toolkit for interactive 2D and 3D
graphics, with emphasis on event display and interací
tive Geant3 and Geant4 visualisation. The philosophy
is to provide a modular toolkit from which the applicaí
tion developer or endíuser can select only those parts
which are relevant for a particular application.
The code is written in C++ and is supported on Linux
and Solaris. Porting to other varieties of Unix is reaí
sonably straightforward. There are no fundamental
impediments nor choices of external packages that
precludes the use of IGUANA on Windows NT/2000.
IGUANA is exported to a number of di#erent sites usí
ing scram. IGUANA uses four main graphics packí
. X11 the basic Unix windowing system (notably
XFree version 4 on Linux for hardware accelerí
. Qt A highíperformance objectíoriented frameí
work/toolkit for developing graphical user interí
face (GUI) applications [1].
. OpenGL A crossíplatform standard for 3D rení
dering and 3D hardware acceleration [2].
. OpenInventor An objectíoriented 3D toolkit
presenting a programming model based on a
storedímode 3D scene database [3]. Built on
top of OpenGL.
Graphics performance issues are addressed elseí
where [4].
While IGUANA is mainly driven by the needs of the
CMS experiement at the LHC most of IGUANA is
independent of CMS and may be freely used by others.
IGUANA is currently used by the CMS, D0, and L3
5.2 IGUANA with ORCA
To optimise or customise visualisation it is recomí
mended that you create your own copy of it as deí
scribed here. First create a SCRAM developer area
for the ORCA project; you would normally do this
against an already released ORCA. To list all reí
leased ORCA versions at your site use the command
scram list ORCA.
> project ORCA
> scram project ORCA ORCA_6_1_0
> cd ORCA_6_1_0/src
Next check out Visualisation from CVS:
> cvs co ír ORCA_6_1_0 Visualisation
You may now want to change the source or the Buildí
Files, or simply rebuild the libraries and then the exeí
> cd Visualisation
> scram build
> cd Visualisation/OrcaVis/test
> scram build bin
You are now almost ready to execute the program.
You must however first set up the SCRAM runítime
> eval `scram runtime ícsh`
You must set the $OO FD BOOT environment variable
to point to the federated database you will be workí
ing with. You also need a .orcarc configuration
file. We provide a simple testfed.csh script in
Visualisation/OrcaVis/test to do these in
one step:
> cd Visualisation/OrcaVis/test
> source testfed.csh
Now start the executable:
> OrcaVisMain

The testfed.csh script defines several Obí
jectivityírelated environment variables, including
$OO FD BOOT, sets up SCRAM runítime environí
ment, and writes out an .orcarc. To switch
federated databases you need to exit OrcaVisMain
and point $OO FD BOOT to another valid federated
database, like this (all in one line):
> setenv OO_FD_BOOT cmsc01.cern.ch::
Then modify .orcarc (again all on one line):
InputCollections = /System/RecHits/
Finally restart the program:
> OrcaVisMain
Check out visualisation and build it:
> project OSCAR
> scram project OSCAR OSCAR_1_3_2
> cd OSCAR_1_3_2/src
> cvs co ír OSCAR_1_3_2 Visualisation
> (cd OscarVisPreload; scram b)
> (cd OscarVisSetup; scram b)
> (cd OscarVis; scram b)
> (cd OverlapVis; scram b)
Now prepare the IGUANA plugíin database. The outí
put should include a number of OSCARírelated plugí
ins, including Runtime/OSCAR/Main. 1)
> eval `scram runtime ícsh`
> iguana íílist
Finally, run the visualisation as in the previous section:
> iguana
The OSCAR environment is set up with
eval `scram runtime ícsh`. To change
preferences the setup wizard does not allow you to
change, define a new runtime environment and source
it with scram---and please let us know which new
settings should be added to the wizard. Once the
1) On Linux systems the last command may crash producí
ing a stack trace from libc start, but it will have
done its job; this is a known problem with dynamic
loading of Geant4 libraries for which we are waiting a
visualisation program begins, you can also use the
Geant4 command line interface as usual. All the
OSCARíspecific Geant4 commands are also available.
6 IGUANA Plan for 2002
In 2001 the IGUANA development concentrated on
creating a solid foundation upon which a wide varií
ety of interactive visualisation applications could be
built. This included development of the architecture,
the visualisation subíframework, integration of generic
graphics toolkits, and development of browser compoí
nents. A functional application was deployed in the
context of ORCA to provide 3D detector and event
display for the PRS groups.
In 2002, the main focus will be very much on functioní
ality. The solid IGUANA foundations will be exploited
to broaden the applications provided by IGUANA to
the PRS groups, particularly:
. many incremental improvements to the ORCA
. provision of a new interactive GEANT4 visualií
sation program for OSCAR;
. visualisation for the ``Detector Description
Database'' (DDD); and
. some support for specialised applications such
as test beam monitoring and control.
Figure 20 shows the main milestones (M1 to M7) for
IGUANA development in 2002. The deliverables assoí
ciated to these milestones are described in detail elseí
where [5] and summarised below. There are two major
releases foreseen, with many intermediate releases as
IGUANA 3, foreseen for April 2002, will include the
first major release of the generic GEANT4 visualisaí
tion system with at least the basic core functionality
of interactive GEANT3. This will be based on the
new IGUANA plugíin architecture (M2: March 2002
(IGUANA 3.0)). This must include the display of the
full CMS detector (from OSCAR) with the ability to
control visibility of the detector tree, zooms, rotations,
cut planes, and picking to query volumes or the tree.
It should be integrated with the preíexisting overlap
detection software of OSCAR and generally facilitate
the user interaction with OSCAR.
IGUANA 4, foreseen for October 2002, should iní
clude: coherent fully functional ORCA and OSCAR
visualisation systems, based on the new IGUANA plugí
in architecture (M3: May 2002 (IGUANA 3.1)); an
interactive DDD visualisation system (M4: July 2002
(IGUANA 3.2)); integrated 3D and 2D browsers (M5:

Figure 20: IGUANA tasks and milestones for 2002 (CMS v31 planning).
Aug 2002 (IGUANA 3.3)); complete range of the assoí
ciated IGUANA infrastructure including items such as
software configuration, build, release and documentaí
tions systems; and design, user, developer, and mainí
tainer documentation (M6: Oct 2002 (IGUANA 4.0)).
The final task for 2002 focuses on polishing the ORCA,
OSCAR, and DDD applications based on IGUANA 4
(M7: Dec 2002 (IGUANA 4.1)).
COBRA: Coherent ObjectíOriented Base for Reconí
struction and Analysis (CMS Framework superseding
CVS: Concurrent Versions System
GEANT3: Fortran based detector simulation program
GEANT4: C++ based detector simulation toolkit
GUI: Graphical User Interface
IGUANA: Interactive Graphical User ANAlysis (CMS
software project)
Objectivity: Object Database System from Objectiví
ity Corporation
OpenGL: A lowílevel, vendoríneutral software interí
face for interactive 3D graphics applications, originally
designed by Silicon Graphics, Inc.
OpenInventor: Highílevel C++ 3D visualisation lií
brary designed for OpenGL
ORCA: Objectíoriented Reconstruction for CMS
Analysis (CMS software project)
OSCAR: Objectíoriented Simulation for CMS Analí
ysis and Reconstruction (CMS software project)
Qt: C++ User Interface Library from TrollíTech
SCRAM: Software Configuration, Release And Maní
agement (CMS software product)
[1] M. Kalle Dalheimer. Programming with Qt.
O'Reilly Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, KØoln, 1999. See
also: http://www.trolltech.com/.
[2] http://www.sgi.com/software/. T.
Davis, Jackie, Neider, M. Woo, OpenGL Proí
gramming Guide: The O#cial Guide to Learning
OpenGL, AddisoníWesley, Massachusetts, (1993).
[3] http://www.sgi.com/Technology/
[4] I. Osborne and G. Raymond. 3D Graphics Under
Linux. CMS IN/2002íxxx, in preparation.
[5] I. Osborne, L. Taylor, and L. Tuura. IGUANA Plan
for 2002. CMS IN/2002í018.