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Äàòà èçìåíåíèÿ: Unknown
Äàòà èíäåêñèðîâàíèÿ: Sun Apr 10 23:57:40 2016
Êîäèðîâêà: IBM-866
Publication list, Olga Shamardina

Olga Shamardina

Google Scholar

Papers in peer-reviewed journals

  1. A. Kulikovsky, O. Shamardina, A model for PEM fuel cell impedance: oxygen flow in the channel triggers spatial and frequency oscillations of the local impedance
    Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 162(9): F1068òÀÓF1077, 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1149/2.0911509jes
  2. O. Shamardina, M.S. Kondratenko, A.V. Chertovich, A.A. Kulikovsky, A simple transient model for a high temperature PEM fuel cell impedance
    International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39(5): 2224òÀÓ2235, 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2013.11.058
  3. O. Shamardina, A.A. Kulikovsky, A.V. Chertovich, A.R. Khokhlov, A model for high-temperature PEM fuel cell: The role of transport in the cathode catalyst layer
    Fuel Cells, 12(4):577òÀÓ582, 2012, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/fuce.201100144
  4. O. Shamardina, A. Chertovich, A.A. Kulikovsky, A.R. Khokhlov, A simple model of a high temperature PEM fuel cell
    International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35(18): 9954òÀÓ9962, 2010, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2009.11.012


  1. PhD in Macromolecules and Condensed Matter Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, September 2012
    Dissertation subject: òÀÜAnalytical models for high-temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cellsòÀÝ
  2. Specialist degree (MSc equivalent) in Condensed Matter Physics, Physics Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, January 2006
    Thesis subject: òÀÜA matrix model for characterization of heteropolymers with saturating bonds: computer simulationòÀÝ

Conference abstracts, proceedings and participation

  1. O.M. Shamardina, M.S. Kondratenko, Characterization of a high-temperature PEM fuel cell by means of a transient physical model (in Russian)
    The Sixth All-Russian Kargin conference òÀÜPolymers 2014òÀÝ, Moscow, Russia, 27òÀÓ31 January 2014
    Book of abstracts, vol. 2, part 1, p. 600
  2. O.M. Shamardina, M.S. Kondratenko, A simple transient model of a high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell (in Russian)
    The Sixteenth Russian and international conference on physical chemistry and electrochemistry of molten and solid electrolytes, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 16òÀÓ20 September 2013
    Book of abstracts, vol. 2, pp. 246òÀÓ248
  3. O. Shamardina, A.V. Chertovich, A.A. Kulikovsky, A.R. Khokhlov, A Simple Dynamic Model of a High-Temperature PEM Fuel Cell
    The 9th Symposium on Fuel Cell and Battery Modeling and Experimental Validation (ModVal 9), Sursee, Switzerland, 2òÀÓ4 April 2012
    Book of abstracts, pp. 48òÀÓ49
  4. O. Shamardina, A. Chertovich, A. Kulikovsky and A. Khokhlov, A simple model of an intermediate temperature hydrogen fuel cell
    HYPOTHESIS VIII òÀÓ Hydrogen Systems and Materials Sustainability, Hydrogen Power Theoretical and Engineering Solutions International Symposium, Lisbon, Portugal, 1òÀÓ3 April 2009
    CD Proceedings, pp. 1òÀÓ8 and Book of abstracts, p. 76
  5. A. Chertovich, A. Khokhlov, A.A. Kulikovsky, and O. Shamardina, Analytical model for a high temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cell
    The First CARISMA International Conference òÀÜProgress in MEA Components for Medium and High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Fuel CellsòÀÝ, La Grande Motte, France, 21òÀÓ24 September 2008
    Book of abstracts, p. 140
  6. Ermak O.M., Computer simulation of proton exchange membrane fuel cell (in Russian)
    The Fourth All-Russian Kargin conference òÀÜPolymer Science for 21st CenturyòÀÝ, Moscow, Russia, 29 January òÀÓ 2 February 2007
    Book of abstracts, p. 322
  7. Ermak O., Computer simulation of fuel cell with proton exchange membrane (in Russian)
    Workshop òÀÜAll-Russian school on mathematical methods for research of polymers and biopolymersòÀÝ, Petrozavodsk, Russia, 13òÀÓ17 June 2006
  8. Ermak O.M., Statistical properties of RNA-like copolymers
    The International Workshop òÀÜStatistical Mechanics of Polymers: New DevelopmentsòÀÝ, Moscow, Russia, 6òÀÓ11 June 2006
  9. Ermak O.M., A simple matrix model for description of heteropolymers with saturating bonds: computer simulation (in Russian)
    The Small Polymer Congress, Moscow, Russia, 29 November òÀÓ 1 December 2005
    Book of abstracts, p. 85
  10. Olga Ermak, Alexander Chertovich, Alexei Khokhlov, Anna Bodrova, Heteropolymers with saturating bonds: computer simulation of a simple matrix model
    The European Polymer Congress 2005, Moscow, Russia, 27 June òÀÓ 1 July 2005
    CD Proceedings, pp. 1òÀÓ2 and Book of abstracts, p. 208
  11. Ermak O.M., Heteropolymers with saturating bonds: computer simulation (in Russian)
    The International Conference for Students and PhD Students in fundamental research òÀÜLomonosovòÀÓ2005òÀÝ, section òÀÜPhysicsòÀÝ, Moscow, Russia, 12òÀÓ16 April 2005
  12. Ermak O.M., The sequence design of heteropolymers with saturating bonds (in Russian)
    The 8th Conference for Students and PhD Students of scientific center for chemistry and physics of polymers and thin organic films, Solnechnogorsk, Russia, 16òÀÓ17 September 2004
    Book of abstracts, p. 26
  13. The workshop òÀÜSoft Condensed Matter Physics in Molecular and Cell BiologyòÀÝ, Edinburgh, UK, 29 March òÀÓ 8 April 2004 (no report)
  14. Olga M. Ermak, Alexander V. Chertovich, V.A. Ivanov and A.R. Khokhlov, The sequence design of heteropolymers with saturating bonds
    The winter school òÀÜComputational Soft Matter: From Synthetic Polymers to ProteinsòÀÝ, Bonn, Germany, 29 February òÀÓ 6 March 2004
    Book of abstracts, p. 27
  15. Ermak O.M., Chertovich A.V., The sequence design of heteropolymers with saturating bonds (in Russian)
    The Third All-Russian Kargin conference òÀÜPolymersòÀÓ2004òÀÝ, Moscow, Russia, 27 January òÀÓ 1 February 2004
  16. Ermak O.M., Evolution of RNA-like copolymers and statistical analysis of RNA sequences (in Russian)
    The Conference for Students and PhD Students of scientific center for chemistry and physics of polymers and thin organic films, Tver, Russia, 28òÀÓ30 May 2003
    Book of abstracts, p. 23
  17. Borisov S.S., Ermak O.M., Cheremukhin E.A., Simulation of a signal formation process in electron emission sensor of raster electron microscope (in Russian)
    The International Conference for Students and PhD Students in fundamental research òÀÜLomonosovòÀÓ2002òÀÝ, section òÀÜPhysicsòÀÝ, Moscow, Russia, 10 April 2002
    Book of abstracts, p. 63